View Full Version : Silly paranormal question

RD'S Alias - 1A
02-27-2008, 09:05 AM
Ok, I had a wacky question or 2 pop into my head as I woke this morning (gotta stop the late nite snacks!!).

If you go to Church and get holy water, can you make soup out of that and be blessed by eating the soup?

What if you are Italian and have a lot of garlic in your diet? Does that mean Vampires will avoid you?

If your Kung Fu is good, and you die, will you come back as a spirit guard or some sort of guardian angle? Or will they not let you because your Kung Fu actually sucked and that is why you died?

If McCain gets elected Pres, does that mean the 9/11 conspiracies are true? If so, is it actually orchestrated by Aliens from Beta Riticuli?

02-27-2008, 09:06 AM
I think you need more fibre in your diet.

RD'S Alias - 1A
02-27-2008, 09:10 AM
I was thinking less spicy food at 3:30 am.

That and a career that is not quite so boring. :p

02-27-2008, 09:18 AM
I was thinking less spicy food at 3:30 am.

That and a career that is not quite so boring. :p

Try day trading. Good use of free time. All you need is a good internet connection and b@lls. Big b@lls. Heck of a lot more fun than online casinos.

RD'S Alias - 1A
02-27-2008, 09:21 AM
I actually do trade futures, but my account is not big enough to do day trades. I swing trade though. That is when you buy and hold 1-3 day, or sometimes as much as 4-6 weeks or so. I Generally do well and have small, but consistent gains.

Mas Judt
02-27-2008, 10:05 AM
There are no silly paranormal questions. They are all stupid.

David Jamieson
02-27-2008, 10:07 AM
There are no silly paranormal questions. They are all stupid.


02-27-2008, 10:39 AM
If so, is it actually orchestrated by Aliens from Beta Riticuli?

Its more like they come from maxum diverticuli (http://www.ghi.com/yourhealth/encyclopedia/articles/diverticulitis.jpg).

02-27-2008, 03:16 PM
If your Kung Fu is good, and you die, will you come back as a spirit guard or some sort of guardian angle?

Acute or Obtuse?

02-27-2008, 03:27 PM
Ok, I had a wacky question or 2 pop into my head as I woke this morning (gotta stop the late nite snacks!!).
do drugs instead, er... no that didn't come out right.

If you go to Church and get holy water, can you make soup out of that and be blessed by eating the soup?No, because you stole it. Therefore you go to hell for eating holy water soup.

What if you are Italian and have a lot of garlic in your diet? Does that mean Vampires will avoid you?Everyone will avoid you, including vampires. So yes.

If your Kung Fu is good, and you die, will you come back as a spirit guard or some sort of guardian angle? Or will they not let you because your Kung Fu actually sucked and that is why you died?Everybody learns the real kung fu after they die.

If McCain gets elected Pres, does that mean the 9/11 conspiracies are true? No, it just means people are stupid and easily frightened.

02-28-2008, 03:21 AM
Ok, I had a wacky question or 2 pop into my head as I woke this morning (gotta stop the late nite snacks!!).

Based on what a Chicagoland "late-night snack" might be... anything is possible.

If McCain gets elected Pres, does that mean the 9/11 conspiracies are true?

Not necessarily.... but why aren't you obsessing over the possibility that he's actually a "Manchurian Candidate"?

If so, is it actually orchestrated by Aliens from Beta Riticuli?

... and PLEASE try to make your whacko theory quotes more "accurate"....
that'd be "ZETA Riticuli"!!!

02-28-2008, 03:23 AM
Acute or Obtuse?

WHY does that remind me of the old "joke" about an old woman getting mugged who tried to beg for mercy because she "Acute Angina"? :confused:

02-28-2008, 05:45 PM
Not necessarily.... but why aren't you obsessing over the possibility that he's actually a "Manchurian Candidate"?

For McCain to be the Manchurian Candidate he would have to be a lot more like-able. Who's the most like-able candidate? Osama.

Black Jack II
02-28-2008, 06:40 PM
For McCain to be the Manchurian Candidate he would have to be a lot more like-able. Who's the most like-able candidate? Osama.

Osama-Empty suit with no experience. A straw god to some
Hilary- Wife of a disgusting criminal ex-president
McCain-American hero, ex-pow, patriot, real experience to back up his ideas.

McCain is a tad to moderate for my tastes, well a lot more moderate for my tastes, but maybe that will work out well for him.

Either way he gets my vote.

02-28-2008, 06:45 PM
For McCain to be the Manchurian Candidate he would have to be a lot more like-able. Who's the most like-able candidate? Osama.

Sez you.
(OTOH, compared to Shrillary/Pillory/Biliary/what's-'er-name.....)

Of course, we can try to compare childhood time in Indonesia(?) vs POW time.....

02-28-2008, 06:52 PM
Osama-Empty suit with no experience. A straw god to some
Hilary- Wife of a disgusting criminal ex-president
McCain-American hero, ex-pow, patriot, real experience to back up his ideas.

McCain is a tad to moderate for my tastes, well a lot more moderate for my tastes, but maybe that will work out well for him.

Either way he gets my vote.

General agreement, although I cannot figure out why in the blue-blazes the parties cannot come up with someone we'd all LIKE to vote for....

Oh.... Okey-dokey, that IS "asking a bit much"!
How about coming up with a candidate that at least 51% of the (legally) voting public WANTS to elect?

(just being able to say "at least they're not so'n'so!" does NOT make them a "desirable" candidate)

RD'S Alias - 1A
02-28-2008, 07:16 PM
Think about it, how often do we agree here?

Now magnify that by the whole US population. If you can ever get 8-9% of the US population to agree on one thing at one time it would be a miracle.

At the most, we can get the majority to vote for their least *un*desirable candidate...at best....

The majority of people voting will be voting for the person they are stuck with, rather than the person they want. This is due to their "Guy" not making it through the primary, so they are forced to vote for the guy that beat him.

02-29-2008, 08:21 AM
Think about it, how often do we agree here?

Now magnify that by the whole US population. If you can ever get 8-9% of the US population to agree on one thing at one time it would be a miracle.

At least in theory, a more-sizable percentage of the US population IS voting in Presidential elections..... something like 120 million total popular votes were cast in 2004.
OTOH, there is some question as to just how many of them were "qualified" in the sense of actually being citizens.... or even "alive" (a rather persistent "problem" in some areas.... such as "Chicagoland")

At the most, we can get the majority to vote for their least *un*desirable candidate...at best....

That seems to be what has been going on for quite a while now....

The majority of people voting will be voting for the person they are stuck with, rather than the person they want. This is due to their "Guy" not making it through the primary, so they are forced to vote for the guy that beat him.

Somehow that does not strike me as being the "ideal solution"....

Oso and I were discussing SF themes in another thread,,,
I once read a short story in an anthology that posited elected officials being required to wear an exploding collar... when their approval rating went below the legislated minimum they were summarily/"automagically" "removed from office".
(facilitated by something approximating "the web")
This particular "solution" proved to be eminently "workable" and tended to encourage contenders to actually be capable of performing the duties of their office. It also drastically reduced the number of folks who wanted to run for office and resulted in actualizing Thomas Paine's dictum (sometimes attributed to Thomas Jefferson) "that government is best which governs least".

03-01-2008, 03:18 AM
At the most, we can get the majority to vote for their least *un*desirable candidate...at best....

The majority of people voting will be voting for the person they are stuck with, rather than the person they want. This is due to their "Guy" not making it through the primary, so they are forced to vote for the guy that beat him.

"As luck would have it", tonight's Lou Dobbs show ran a call-in poll asking which of the current front-runners folks would most like to vote for in the Election.
The result?????: 81% favored "None of the above". :eek: {snicker!} :D

03-02-2008, 06:39 AM
Acute or Obtuse?
