View Full Version : Update on KY laws

03-06-2008, 11:17 PM
Did anyone notice that Kentucky was the only state with double digit increase in the number of inmates that are in prison? Oh yeah, the last Governor spent almost the entire budget during his re-election campaign (he lost) so we are facing a short fall. With that in mind, here's what our politicians are doing;
A bill that will be signed this year will make it a felony for lying on your resume' about your college degree. Not talking about practicing law or being a Doctor, there is already laws about that, but did you finish your degree. This bill is backed by at least one college, imagine that.
A bill was introduced this week to charge $500.00 for anyone submitting and using a false name on a web forum. Each additional day and the fine will be raised to $1000. At least it is not expected to pass. Sounds as if some one is Pizzed off on some forum.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-06-2008, 11:25 PM
This is why i want to leave Amerika and move to some little island nation in the Carribbean...where the population is too small to manifest politicians bent on total domination and subservience of it's people.

03-07-2008, 03:46 AM
It's quite true how those small islands nations are pretty well not corrupt. Considering the bigger Caribbean nations like Haiti and Cuba are sh!tholes ran by dictators (The Duvaliers and Castro for example) and the people live in squalor.

About the only thing bad about those small islands is that they are really not equipped to handle major crimes very well, namely the murders of tourists that sometimes occur on them.

03-07-2008, 05:45 AM
so you can still marry your cousin in KY, right?

03-07-2008, 06:34 AM
This is why i want to leave Amerika and move to some little island nation in the Carribbean...where the population is too small to manifest politicians bent on total domination and subservience of it's people.

thats probably the dumbest thing I've ever read on the internet. Why would anyone ever want to leave the USA in exchange for a 3rd world country?

03-07-2008, 07:29 AM
thats probably the dumbest thing I've ever read on the internet. Why would anyone ever want to leave the USA in exchange for a 3rd world country?

While royaldragon has said many of the dumbest things ever said on the internet, many carribean countries are quite developed, so this doesn't qualify. Don't be disappointed though, he'll come up with some more stupid stuff soon, I'm sure of it;)

Black Jack II
03-07-2008, 07:57 AM
This is why i want to leave Amerika and move to some little island nation in the Carribbean...where the population is too small to manifest politicians bent on total domination and subservience of it's people.


Black Jack II
03-07-2008, 08:00 AM

Guess which party the gov of KY is....Dem:rolleyes:

More gubmint...more gubmit:cool:

03-07-2008, 08:15 AM
Guess which party the gov of KY is....Dem:rolleyes:

I knew that the moment the word 'shortfall' was used.

Keep electing Democrats there and see what happens with crime. ;) Detroit and D.C. have been ran by liberals for years and I would feel safer in Iraq than those cities.

03-07-2008, 08:31 AM
It's quite true how those small islands nations are pretty well not corrupt. Considering the bigger Caribbean nations like Haiti and Cuba are sh!tholes ran by dictators (The Duvaliers and Castro for example) and the people live in squalor.

About the only thing bad about those small islands is that they are really not equipped to handle major crimes very well, namely the murders of tourists that sometimes occur on them.

You ever been to Cuba?

03-07-2008, 08:34 AM
You ever been to Cuba?

No. I don't vacation in Communist dictatorships.

If Cuba is so great, why do people risk their lives to leave there and come here?

03-07-2008, 09:06 AM
No. I don't vacation in Communist dictatorships.

If Cuba is so great, why do people risk their lives to leave there and come here?

I love you guys !
In a totally hetro way of course, not that there is anything wrong with that.

03-07-2008, 09:14 AM
Good thing you find it so funny.

I bet the Cubans risking their lives fleeing tyranny by crossing the Florida Channel in worn-out inner tubes don't find it so humorous.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-07-2008, 09:16 AM
thats probably the dumbest thing I've ever read on the internet. Why would anyone ever want to leave the USA in exchange for a 3rd world country

I never said leave for a third world country, I said Leave the ever more socialist headed for Faciest), over taxed, excessively expensive crime ridden, drug saturated, corrupt government run Amerika for a tropical Island paradise where there are a fraction of the rules, laws and over lording government intrusion into ones life...*and* hotties in thongs year round.

Look around, Amerika is not as free as it once was, and it is heading down the road to facisum quite steadily. Why stay here when there are so many developed Island nations in the Carribbean that are as free and unincumbered as the US used to be?

03-07-2008, 09:18 AM
Good thing you find it so funny.

I bet the Cubans risking their lives fleeing tyranny by crossing the Florida Channel in worn-out inner tubes don't find it so humorous.

Cubans have never been know for their sense of humour.

03-07-2008, 09:19 AM
so you can still marry your cousin in KY, right?

Actually that is against the law, really. The only way around it the law is you have get married in a state where the majority of its residents are Steelers fans:confused:

03-07-2008, 09:31 AM
thats probably the dumbest thing I've ever read on the internet. Why would anyone ever want to leave the USA in exchange for a 3rd world country

I never said leave for a third world country, I said Leave the ever more socialist headed for Faciest), over taxed, excessively expensive crime ridden, drug saturated, corrupt government run Amerika for a tropical Island paradise where there are a fraction of the rules, laws and over lording government intrusion into ones life...*and* hotties in thongs year round.

Look around, Amerika is not as free as it once was, and it is heading down the road to facisum quite steadily. Why stay here when there are so many developed Island nations in the Carribbean that are as free and unincumbered as the US used to be?

somebody has been influanced/brainwashed by michael savage. i bet you call his show and tell him how right he is, don't you now, don't you.

Oh, and if you think America is crime ridden, corrupt, and drug saturated, have fun abroad you're in for a rude awakening! It would be like getting kicked by a muay thai guy after you said they don't kick right, remember saying that?

Does it hurt, your condition that is?

03-07-2008, 09:33 AM
Actually that is against the law, really. The only way around it the law is you have get married in a state where the majority of its residents are Steelers fans:confused:

Well, unfortunately for PA I don't think the majority are (Steelers fans). Certainly the majority of westernern Pennsylvanians are, but the other side of the state, Eagles fans, darn em. So, that state is not PA.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-07-2008, 09:38 AM
It would be like getting kicked by a muay thai guy after you said they don't kick right, remember saying that?

Actually, I don't remember ever saying that...are you talking about a post I might have made in 1995 by chance?

Black Jack II
03-07-2008, 09:47 AM
Look around, Amerika is not as free as it once was

Actually, no.

Not one thing, not one, has changed at all to back up this statement for me.

03-07-2008, 09:53 AM
Actually, no.

Not one thing, not one, has changed at all to back up this statement for me.

Bingo, last I checked our system is still one of the best (if not the best) systems of democracy in the world. A lot of groups lobby and have private interests, but that's part of our democracy. Lobbyists do (help) push through a lot of private interest legislation, but other lobbyists push through anti-crime legislation, medical research legislation, and other positive legislation. America certainly has it's problems (and always will), but we are free and will remain free, and can vote for leaders who most closely reflect our views. I personally don't like any of our presidential candidates and I would have picked differently in the primaries, but I'll weigh my options and see who I think will have the most positive impact. I am happy to be an American and live here!

03-07-2008, 09:55 AM
and I'm not trying to sound Americentric, because there are other great places in the world, and actually my wife and I are contemplating moving to one of them (her native country) if her job situation is lost (due to mortgage crisis).

Black Jack II
03-07-2008, 10:03 AM
The USA is a Federal Constitutional Republic.

Research John Adams for understanding.

"We are a government of laws, not men."

03-07-2008, 10:07 AM
Speaking of the mortgage crisis, it makes you wonder if it really should be a crime to be that stupid. Now those idiots are causing people alot smarter than them problems.

Here is a hilarious take on the subprime mess:


03-07-2008, 10:07 AM
The USA is a Federal Constitutional Republic.

Research John Adams for understanding.

"We are a government of laws, not men."

Good point!

03-07-2008, 10:33 AM
You ever been to Cuba?

Silly Canadian! Americans aren't allowed to go to Cuba.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-07-2008, 10:37 AM
Silly Canadian! Americans aren't allowed to go to Cuba.

Everyone else is though. If I lived on an Island off the Belize coast, I'd be free to go wherever i please..

03-07-2008, 10:39 AM
Silly Canadian! Americans aren't allowed to go to Cuba.

I am aware that Americans aren't allowed, though it hasn't stopped some.

03-07-2008, 10:41 AM
Silly Canadian! Americans aren't allowed to go to Cuba.

Everyone else is though. If I lived on an Island off the Belize coast, I'd be free to go wherever i please..

Canadians can go anywhere, except Mexico where they like to kill is for some reason.
Maybe its beer envy.

David Jamieson
03-07-2008, 10:41 AM

I was in New York recently and there are a lot of american citizens living in squalor there. It is likely moreso than what is in Cuba. Seeing as Cubans don't have homelessness to speak of.

I think if you haven't been somewhere, then you really don't have anything to say about it simply because you are posturing from a point of total ignorance.

having said that, Cuba is beautiful, has a better medical system than the USA and has a higher Literacy standing in the world than the USA. Go figure eh? Not exactly what I would call squalor, but then I also understand the tendency for narrow thinking and views coming from developed countries where knowledge is short and prejudice is high. lol

now, I'm not a fan of communism, but I'm even less of a fan of narrow views based on hearsay and nonsense.

03-07-2008, 10:46 AM
I have to agree with DJ on this one. The fact that people are trying desporately to leave one country for another is no spacific to Cuba-U.S. And I found it hilarious when George Dubya was giving his speach about showing the cubins the joy of Democacy and "honest elections." I'm sure he knows all about honest elections.;)

Black Jack II
03-07-2008, 10:50 AM
Actually, again no it is not.

Cuba is one percent less literacy rate than the US if we are being specific, and the US is vastly larger.

All those literate people are free to read fidel's speeches and their ration cards.:rolleyes:

It's a prison island, where very little books and media are avaliable that are not part of the govenrment's you can only read list. That literacy rate does not really go a long way when books are confiscated and burned for being subversive to the regime.....:rolleyes:

Where independent library owners get 20 year prison terms

03-07-2008, 11:33 AM
Speaking of the mortgage crisis, it makes you wonder if it really should be a crime to be that stupid. Now those idiots are causing people alot smarter than them problems.

Here is a hilarious take on the subprime mess:


That is the funnies stuff I've ever seen!:D

03-07-2008, 12:02 PM

I was in New York recently and there are a lot of american citizens living in squalor there. It is likely moreso than what is in Cuba. Seeing as Cubans don't have homelessness to speak of.

I think if you haven't been somewhere, then you really don't have anything to say about it simply because you are posturing from a point of total ignorance.

having said that, Cuba is beautiful, has a better medical system than the USA and has a higher Literacy standing in the world than the USA. Go figure eh? Not exactly what I would call squalor, but then I also understand the tendency for narrow thinking and views coming from developed countries where knowledge is short and prejudice is high. lol

now, I'm not a fan of communism, but I'm even less of a fan of narrow views based on hearsay and nonsense.

One of my major customers does business with Cuba so I have been there quite a bit, even with their US rep *gasp*, seen the good and the bad, seen the very good and the very bad.
Just like everywhere else really.

Seen more crap in Florida than I have in Cuba though.


David Jamieson
03-07-2008, 12:04 PM
Actually, again no it is not.

Cuba is one percent less literacy rate than the US if we are being specific, and the US is vastly larger.

All those literate people are free to read fidel's speeches and their ration cards.:rolleyes:

It's a prison island, where very little books and media are avaliable that are not part of the govenrment's you can only read list. That literacy rate does not really go a long way when books are confiscated and burned for being subversive to the regime.....:rolleyes:

Where independent library owners get 20 year prison terms
Where on earth are you getting this information from? a time machine?

If you went state by state, school for school, the USA has a dismal literacy rating relative to the GDP, GNP and Monies allocated. Even on a per capita basis, the USA doesn't have the same literacy rating as Cuba.

the UN has stats on this. Look em up. I ain't doing your google work for ya! lol

03-07-2008, 12:11 PM
Cuba is a beautiful country that has plenty of potential, and in recent years it's bad leadership has been saved by subsidies from Venezuela. Cuba is not as bad as some on this forum are making it out to be, but it certainly has it's considerable flaws. Given the right leadership Cuba could certainly flourish.

Judge Pen
03-07-2008, 12:13 PM
so you can still marry your cousin in KY, right?

It's been a while since I took family law in law school, but I think Alabama has the most relaxed standards when it comes to marrying relatives. I believe its legal to marry your 3rd cousin in Alabama.

03-07-2008, 12:16 PM
Cuba is a beautiful country that has plenty of potential, and in recent years it's bad leadership has been saved by subsidies from Venezuela. Cuba is not as bad as some on this forum are making it out to be, but it certainly has it's considerable flaws. Given the right leadership Cuba could certainly flourish.

The Trade embargo hasn't helped, but they have survived.
Funny thing is if the US had learned a lesson form the fall of the USSR, the Cuba situation woudl have been a non-issue by now.

03-07-2008, 12:18 PM
It's been a while since I took family law in law school, but I think Alabama has the most relaxed standards when it comes to marrying relatives. I believe its legal to marry your 3rd cousin in Alabama.

Thank you for the expert advice!!!

03-07-2008, 12:21 PM
The Trade embargo hasn't helped, but they have survived.
Funny thing is if the US had learned a lesson form the fall of the USSR, the Cuba situation woudl have been a non-issue by now.

Yeah, the embargo is old, outdated, and just plain stupid at this point. You can't use human rights to justify it, we do business with much worse regimes. It's just left over cold war hard feelings and garbage.

03-07-2008, 01:50 PM
Yeah, the embargo is old, outdated, and just plain stupid at this point. You can't use human rights to justify it, we do business with much worse regimes. It's just left over cold war hard feelings and garbage.

The US would have probably manage to get rid of Castro quicker by maintaining relations, as it was Cuba become a symbol of American strong arm tactics.
To no avail.

Still, one has hopes for the future.

Black Jack II
03-07-2008, 01:58 PM
Basic Education Statistics



General literacy rate
School life expectancy (years)
Secondary school enrollment
College-level enrollment
Primary school student-teacher ratio
Secondary school student-teacher ratio
Public expenditures (% GDP)
Public expenditures (% gov. budget)
Concept by The Globalist. Copyright © 2002 by The Globalist. Data: UNESCO and CIA

BTW-Dave, it figures you ignore the main point of my paragraph:rolleyes:

03-07-2008, 02:00 PM
College-level enrollment

Does that mean that 81% of the population the in states has college education of some sort?
What does that 81% enrollment mean?

Black Jack II
03-07-2008, 02:20 PM

It means that 81% goes onto enlist in higher education.

03-07-2008, 02:29 PM
I think if you haven't been somewhere, then you really don't have anything to say about it simply because you are posturing from a point of total ignorance.


now, I'm not a fan of communism, but I'm even less of a fan of narrow views based on hearsay and nonsense.

Actually Castro's own daughter, Alina Fernández Revuelta, fled the country to come here.

She remembers cartoons being taken off television in favor of broadcasting executions ordered by her father.

03-07-2008, 02:42 PM
so you can still marry your cousin in KY, right?

You know I almost went 1bad65 on you for that:p

03-07-2008, 03:06 PM
You know I almost went 1bad65 on you for that:p

And you know how that goes! ;)

03-07-2008, 04:08 PM
You know I almost went 1bad65 on you for that:p

why, not like it's not true, I mean come on, its KY???

David Jamieson
03-07-2008, 05:51 PM
bwahahahaha @ cia data and "therealcuba.com"

please mofo's get off yer asses, get a ticket to canada and take a flight to cuba. Check out Habana proper or even better, go to Holguin.

Trust me when I say to you, you will reject that propaganda crap you've been eating for years in teh USA in regards to what Cuba is about it's people etc etc.

The american government hates cuba and yeah, Castro is an ass, but he's soon gone.

Good stuff abounds there, seriously. I would take living in Cuba over living in hundreds of places in the states.

the differnece between you and me some of you boys is that I been there, you ain't and ergo, your propaganda websites don't mean anything in the big scheme.

seriously, go there. Do you know why you're not allowe dto go as americans? not because you will be hurt or taken hostage, but because you'll see how good things are in a country that is supposed to be evil. You are sold a ton of lies about cuba and russia as well on an almost daily basis.

try to awaken, even if only for a minute to turn off the alarm before you go back to sleep. :)

03-07-2008, 06:03 PM
Yet the questions remain; if it's so great over there why do people risk their lives to flee it? And why did Castro's own daughter flee Cuba?

03-07-2008, 06:07 PM
seriously, go there. Do you know why you're not allowe dto go as americans? not because you will be hurt or taken hostage, but because you'll see how good things are in a country that is supposed to be evil. You are sold a ton of lies about cuba and russia as well on an almost daily basis.

If it's so good, why are people not beating down the doors to get over there? All those Hollywood idiots who swore to leave the US if Bush was elected President could have renounced their citizenship and went to Cuba. Notice they all stayed here.....:rolleyes:

Speaking of the USSR, Stalin's daughter fled there to come to the US.

Communism....People are DYING to escape it. ;)

03-07-2008, 06:07 PM
I certainly agree that Cuba is not as bad as people make it out to be (largely due to funds from Hugo Chavez, look into the Cuban economy in the 1990's and it's a completely different story), but it's not actually that good either. Raul Castro is not going to usher in change either, unfortunately. Cuba is a beautiful island, with much potential. Fidel Castro did do some positive things (forgiving doctors tuitions if they serve the rural poor in Cuba or abroad in other countries like Guatamala, Ecuador, etc).

Things will be better for ALL CUBANS when the cuban market opens up a bit. A highly state controlled economy DOES NOT WORK! Look at the growth China experienced after allowing some privatizaiton! Look at North Korea and Cuba (minus Venezuelan oil money).

If you think Cuba is comparable to North Korea, you're dead wrong.

If you think Cuba is paradise, you're dead wrong.

I think everybody has their black or white perception goggles on. It's really a much more gray thing.

Black Jack II
03-07-2008, 07:01 PM
Communism....People are DYING to escape it.


Yes sir, yes they are.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-07-2008, 08:16 PM
Communism....People are DYING to escape it.

Except in Amerika...in this country we are racing to embrace it......the founding Fathers must be spinning in thier graves fast enough to effect the moons orbit....

Black Jack II
03-07-2008, 08:49 PM
Except in Amerika...

Curious, do you think you sound cute when you spell America that way?

BTW- How many founding fathers have you researched?

Have you ever read the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence or the Federalist Papers?

Though, I agree the icons who forged this country may not like or agree with certain elements of what they may now see, but they also would be amazingly proud of what this nation has growin into, of what their seeds have grown into.

I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.

John Adams, letter to Abigail Adams, 1780

03-07-2008, 09:32 PM
This one is sad too.


Black Jack II
03-07-2008, 11:15 PM

Let us just skip over the fact that Cuba has been involved with terrorism in a number of respects since Castro took power.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-08-2008, 07:29 AM
Black Jack, I think it's nice how enthusiastically patriotic you are and all, but I think it's blinding you to the over all direction this Nation is heading.

We are like the frog slowly coming to a boil. Only instead of hot water it's one more intrusive law here, one more there, happening over and over agian. It's in the push to socialize medicine and cameras on Suburban roads in areas where there are no crimes (IE rt 47 and Galena) in Sugar Grove), not to mention the wide spread use of them in Chicago. You see it in the near constant pressure for more and more gun control.

You need to wake up because this country has gotten off on the wrong exit and needs to hurry up and find the freeway again before it ends up in the worst part of a really dangerous neighborhood. If we don't, by the time we realize where we are, and where we went wrong, we will have been carjacked and be bleeding by the curb while our SUV is heading for the Chop shop.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-08-2008, 07:44 AM
Have you ever read the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence or the Federalist Papers?

Does it matter? They get routinely trampled today. They might as well have never been written the way things are going. That is one reason why Ron Paul has so many supporters...because he wants to return to a time when the constitution was respected.

03-08-2008, 10:12 AM
.... It's in the push to socialize medicine and cameras on Suburban roads.....

"Interestingly", you've "nailed" those problems to "leftist policies".... which your use of the "K" in "AmeriKa" seems to attribute to "the right"......

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-08-2008, 01:52 PM
The spelling "AmeriKa" has refers to a socialist, to out right Communist domination of the USA (like as if the old Soviet union took us over), not Right wing conservative principals.

03-08-2008, 02:09 PM
The spelling "AmeriKa" has refers to a socialist, to out right Communist domination of the USA (like as if the old Soviet union took us over), not Right wing conservative principals.

God you're stupid!

03-08-2008, 02:12 PM
The spelling "AmeriKa" has refers to a socialist, to out right Communist domination of the USA (like as if the old Soviet union took us over), not Right wing conservative principals.

... and here I thought it was supposed to be copping a "K" from the "KKK".......
( which ALSO has nothing to do with "the right wing")

03-08-2008, 02:17 PM
... and here I thought it was supposed to be copping a "K" from the "KKK".......
( which ALSO has nothing to do with "the right wing")

He's been brainwashed by Michael Savage, the same guy who loves America in one breath then calls our troops "pimple faced nose pickers" in the next breath. A 'true' example of conservatism [sarcasm]

03-08-2008, 02:38 PM
He's been brainwashed by Michael Savage, the same guy who loves America in one breath then calls our troops "pimple faced nose picker" in the next breath. A 'true' example of conservatism [sarcasm]

"Michael Savage" (born: "Michael Weiner") is a loud-mouthed Liberal "per/con-vert" to the "Conservative Cause".... which, in his case, translates to "lining his pockets".

There are any number of others who seem to have truly "crossed-over" after "the (J.F.) Kennedy years".... mostly because "Liberalism" is no longer anything at all like "liberal".
Many of them are the so-called "Neo-Cons", but IMO, they "don't get it", either.

03-08-2008, 02:40 PM
Michael Savage is a facist hate monger misogynist in disguise.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-08-2008, 02:41 PM
I have never heard Michael Savage, only of him.

I am basing my views on observations of what is going on in this country as a whole, not on anything I hear from a media personality.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-08-2008, 02:42 PM
Michael Savage is a facist hate monger misogynist in disguise.

Then he is everything that is wrong with this country.

03-08-2008, 02:53 PM
Michael Savage is a facist hate monger misogynist in disguise.

But, "OK", "I can go with that." :cool:

:confused: The only question I have now is:
"Which part of all that is he trying to disguise?" :D :D :D

03-08-2008, 03:04 PM
I have never heard Michael Savage, only of him.

Then you've lucked out.

I am basing my views on observations of what is going on in this country as a whole, not on anything I hear from a media personality.

Sounds like a severe case of "optarectalitis".... dunno where you'd go to get that treated.
You could always try Canada..... or Cuba.
Why those places?
Mostly because I've heard that it's endemic to those regions.

His major problem is a case of optarectalitis, which is when the optic nerve gets crossed with the rectum, and gives you a crappy view of life. ...
thoughtprovoker.info/tp19.htm "

Of course, there are other sources of info about the dread optarectalitis that hold it's really a function of having one's head stuck up their arse that gives them a sh1tty outlook on life.

03-08-2008, 03:23 PM
This is why hippies will never make it into the White House... they make sense at first, but then suddenly dissolve into utter nonsense and pointless off the chart comparisons. Do I really need to name names or point fingers here?

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-08-2008, 03:24 PM
I don't want to go to Cuba, it's worse than the US is. I want to go somewhere, where I can enjoy maximum freedoms.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-08-2008, 03:26 PM
Where are YOU on the Political Map?

03-08-2008, 03:26 PM
You mean like free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to elect officials?

Or do you mean freedom to whatever you want no matter what it might do to those around you?

03-08-2008, 03:31 PM
Where are YOU on the Political Map?

Oh, and THAT'S not slanted towards a particular group... :rolleyes:

03-08-2008, 03:33 PM
This is why hippies will never make it into the White House...

You MUST be talking about Hillary....

No, wait.... "hippy" means more like "broad in the beam", you gotta be talking about someone else.......

they make sense at first, but then suddenly dissolve into utter nonsense and
pointless off the chart comparisons. Do I really need to name names or point fingers here?

Hmmmm.... that DOES sound like her.........

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-08-2008, 04:21 PM
Here is where I see myself on the Map.

Black Jack II
03-08-2008, 06:09 PM
Black Jack, I think it's nice how enthusiastically patriotic you are and all, but I think it's blinding you to the over all direction this Nation is heading

You can think whatever you want, just like I think that a number of your post topics are not based on any serious understanding of the standing topic, but just hot issue world views you believe may start some debate on the forum.

I think your a good guy Royal, but I really get the feeling you put together some of your sound bites just because it either sounds hip, something you heard on the radio or read on a forum or maybe because it might cause some to us get there nut hairs all tangled in a fray.

It's in the push to socialize medicine and cameras on Suburban roads in areas where there are no crimes (IE rt 47 and Galena) in Sugar Grove), not to mention the wide spread use of them in Chicago. You see it in the near constant pressure for more and more gun control.

Is this news to you...? The left has been trying to do this forever.

You need to wake up because this country has gotten off on the wrong exit and needs to hurry up and find the freeway again before it ends up in the worst part of a really dangerous neighborhood.

I don't know how this even makes sense to your general statement in regards to me. I have been following conservative viewpoints since I was ****ting my diapers.:rolleyes:

When I asked you if you have you ever read the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence or the Federalist Papers, you answered with a trite, does it matter......

Yes dude it sure does. To understand your own ramblings you might want to read up a little on your own birthright.

Ron Paul....Ron Paul.....he has some amazing ideas, grass roots magic, but it's not gonna happen right now, which is a shame as I think he could of done some wonderful things.

Best bet now is McCain

Black Jack II
03-08-2008, 06:10 PM
As for your map. To the right baby to the right. ;)

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-08-2008, 06:22 PM
As for your map. To the right baby to the right

That is a good place to be. Too bad the country is heading to the South left of the map at a rapid pace.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-08-2008, 09:40 PM
Is this news to you...? The left has been trying to do this forever.

And you are just OK with this?

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-08-2008, 09:45 PM
As for your map. To the right baby to the right.

The problem with my map is that the Democratic and Republican parties are BOTH much further south than I have them. The Map shows the traditional definitions, not the standard in today's world.

If you define the map locations based strictly on demonstraighted principals in action, neither party deserves to be at the mid point of the map anymore. They have sunk into the bottom 1/3 or so. They are getting closer and closer to the Socialist/Fascist definitions every day.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-08-2008, 10:05 PM

I forgot to add total anarchy to my political map. See the corrected version below.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-08-2008, 10:29 PM
I have been thinking about this. I think that todays political environment does not really follow the traditional definitions. I decided to work up the locations of the various parties as they are today.

Click the link to see the results.

03-08-2008, 10:34 PM

I forgot to add total anarchy to my political map. See the corrected version below.

You also forgot to "correct" the "Liberal" verbiage.
The "Maximum Personal Freedom" is to do those things which THEY "approve".... which does not include listening to "unbalanced" amounts of talk radio that don't support their "party line", owning guns, driving too fast, driving cars that MIGHT go too fast, smoking, eating too much red meat (perhaps any meat at all), you name it.... some whacko will come up with a way to make "it" "bad for you" and seek to protect you from yourself.... unless it's drugs or "hobo-sexual" ("bum-what-ing"?) relations.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-08-2008, 10:37 PM
The map reflects the Traditional definitions. I just redid it to show where everything is in the modern environment.

03-08-2008, 11:02 PM
The map reflects the Traditional definitions. I just redid it to show where everything is in the modern environment.

It's possibly "closer"..... in some respects.
I'm not going to spend any time really looking at it.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-08-2008, 11:05 PM
It's possibly "closer"..... in some respects.

It's a work in progress. The first one was easy, I just copied the traditional political map (although I did forget anarchy initially). The second is one I have been working on for the whole day now.

I'm not going to spend any time really looking at it.

Then don't comment on it.

03-09-2008, 12:00 AM
Here, I fixed it for you. You can thank me later in a PM.

If you're lucky, I'll read it and send you a reply.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-09-2008, 08:05 AM

Wow, that was some pretty awesome Shaolin Ninja Sh1t!! When I grow up someday, I wanna be just like you!!

03-09-2008, 10:37 AM
You MUST be talking about Hillary....

No, wait.... "hippy" means more like "broad in the beam", you gotta be talking about someone else.......

Hmmmm.... that DOES sound like her.........

Hillary, Obama, and McCain are all conservative. Honestly, except for Iraq, their viewpoints aren't terribly different. They acknowledge the same problems and each proposes their own unique solution in dealing with them. Not one of them makes the cut for filling the definition of liberal.

I'm talking about those who haven't learned from 10,000 years of a civilization trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. Laws are a requirement. WSithout laws you wouldn't have this message board, warmth, electricity, and while it may seem nice from the comfort of your home or even a nice scientifically engineered tent (safety being a phone call away), I'm sure you'd find the situation far more unpelasant once you are stricken with disease, illness, attacks from other lawless folks, and the very real possibility of being eaten by any number of very hungry critters that will not bother waiting for you to die before feasting.

I'm talking about the folks that seem to forget we were hit by two missiles in a blatant attack on the US. Funny how still dread even remotely irritating muslims now. I'm not saying put them into camps or anything, but we are being very submissive to muslim demands these days. The folks who don't believe Al Qaeda wants to kill us, even the Canadians, because we don't match their ideology (and don't bother reasoning with them.... they don't listen...they'll just kill you). These are the people who endanger all of us with their aggressive pursuit of ill-informed ideas based on what they were taught only by textbooks and a sheltered environment, where they could safely make assertions based on the idea that everyone else thinks like them, and everyone is capable of love and passion.

I have some news for you... some folks out there are just plain mean. And they really don't care what you have to say. It's too bad that we have to protect you from that while you complain.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-09-2008, 11:41 AM
Hillary, Obama, and McCain are all conservative.

What? Are you on Crack? Hillary and Obama are closer to socialist when you look at how they want to do things. They are big spending, more taxes and more government. That is the exact opposite of the conservative position. A Conservative wants to maintain the principals that made this country Great... Smaller government, less taxes, less programs.

McCain is not really Conservative either. He's a Liberal republican with a stronger mind for the military. We have not had a real conservative in office since Reagan.

The only real Conservative candidate was Thompson, and he dropped out very early.

Honestly, except for Iraq, their viewpoints aren't terribly different.

Becasue they are all liberal...it's just the degree that changes.

They acknowledge the same problems and each proposes their own unique solution in dealing with them.

Hardly, especially Hillary and Obama...they aren't proposing anything unique...they have almost identical big government, big spending, socialist programs for taxing us into poverty.

Not one of them makes the cut for filling the definition of liberal.

I think you are confused. That may be because the liberal agenda has become so mainstream that you don't see it for what it is anymore.

03-09-2008, 12:26 PM
Hillary, Obama, and McCain are all conservative.

What? Are you on Crack? Hillary and Obama are closer to socialist when you look at how they want to do things. They are big spending, more taxes and more government. That is the exact opposite of the conservative position. A Conservative wants to maintain the principals that made this country Great... Smaller government, less taxes, less programs.

McCain is not really Conservative either. He's a Liberal republican with a stronger mind for the military. We have not had a real conservative in office since Reagan.

The only real Conservative candidate was Thompson, and he dropped out very early.

Honestly, except for Iraq, their viewpoints aren't terribly different.

Becasue they are all liberal...it's just the degree that changes.

They acknowledge the same problems and each proposes their own unique solution in dealing with them.

Hardly, especially Hillary and Obama...they aren't proposing anything unique...they have almost identical big government, big spending, socialist programs for taxing us into poverty.

Not one of them makes the cut for filling the definition of liberal.

I think you are confused. That may be because the liberal agenda has become so mainstream that you don't see it for what it is anymore.

Riiiight. I'm sure the first thing they do when they wake up in the morning is think of new and creative ways of destroying the country. And you ask if I'm on crack?

03-09-2008, 12:34 PM
And maybe if the modern conservative/republican (depending on how uneducated you are) party weren't so busy covering up sex scandals, associating themselves with religious groups in order to promote a false sense of morality, or otherwise manipulating the Iraq war to help out their contracting buddies, this wouldn't be a problem, now would it? There is no real conservative message as you've illustrated. That idealism left with Reagan, and was Buried by Bush #1's tax increase and big government, much like his son is doing now.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-09-2008, 01:11 PM
That idealism left with Reagan, and was Buried by Bush #1's tax increase and big government, much like his son is doing now.

Ultimately, this is my over all point. BOTH parties have gone south to a large degree and are becoming more socialist and fascist than what true conservatism and liberalism is supposed to be.

I actually believe that the US has gone past the point of no return and will continue along this course to eventually become a communist nation.

Look at the 2 political maps I posted before, and if you compare the traditional one, to where both parties are today as shown on the second map, you will see America is a dying nation. This is why I think there are better countries to be in for those who love freedom...smaller nations with small governments, like what you often see in these little Caribbean islands.

03-09-2008, 01:25 PM
That idealism left with Reagan, and was Buried by Bush #1's tax increase and big government, much like his son is doing now.

Ultimately, this is my over all point. BOTH parties have gone south to a large degree and are becoming more socialist and fascist than what true conservatism and liberalism is supposed to be.

I actually believe that the US has gone past the point of no return and will continue along this course to eventually become a communist nation.

Look at the 2 political maps I posted before, and if you compare the traditional one, to where both parties are today as shown on the second map, you will see America is a dying nation. This is why I think there are better countries to be in for those who love freedom...smaller nations with small governments, like what you often see in these little Caribbean islands.

Please leave the country. Please. Or at least stop talking about politics, because you apparently have no clue.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-09-2008, 01:31 PM
Please leave the country. Please. Or at least stop talking about politics, because you apparently have no clue.

I probably will eventually. You can come to my Island Kung Fu retreat when I have it set up. It will include Eco hikes and tribal living. You will fly to Puerto Limon where I will pick you up on the boat and take you to the island for 2 weeks, 3 month or year round programs.

As for having no clue, maybe you should pay more attention to what our leaders are doing, and want to do...it's seriously scary sh1t.

03-09-2008, 01:43 PM
Hillary and Obama are closer to socialist when you look at how they want to do things. They are big spending, more taxes and more government. That is the exact opposite of the conservative position. A Conservative wants to maintain the principals that made this country Great... Smaller government, less taxes, less programs.

McCain is not really Conservative either. He's a Liberal republican with a stronger mind for the military. We have not had a real conservative in office since Reagan.

The only real Conservative candidate was Thompson, and he dropped out very early.

Becasue they are all liberal...it's just the degree that changes.

[Hardly, especially Hillary and Obama...they aren't proposing anything unique...they have almost identical big government, big spending, socialist programs for taxing us into poverty.

I think you are confused. That may be because the liberal agenda has become so mainstream that you don't see it for what it is anymore.

I actually agree with this post!!!

He is totally correct about McCain, Hillary and Obama being liberal, just different degrees. And Hillary and Obama are basically socialists. McCain is the best of the bunch.

I will say that Ron Paul was a conservative, but he was not considered to be a 'major' candidate by the press or Republican party. Paul was who I voted for in the primaries. I'll vote for McCain in the general election, but only because the opposite choice will be a nightmare.

If Obama or Hillary win, I see a depression of Carter-esque proportions coming.

03-09-2008, 01:46 PM
I also agree that the country is headed in the wrong direction. Just look at taxes; the Founding Fathers cited oppressive taxes as one of the reasons for the Revolution. Back then the average family paid ~2% in total taxes. Now the average family pays ~50% in total taxes.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-09-2008, 02:00 PM
I will say that Ron Paul was a conservative, but he was not considered to be a 'major' candidate by the press or Republican party

I think Ron Paul is more of a Libertarian. The major problem with him, is that for everything he is right on the mark with, he also has some bizaro Kookyness to cancel it out.

I for one could not vote for him because he wants to close military bases around the world. I feel that having them sitting idle, but being positioned to stuff an enemies first strike on THIER soil is strategically, and tactically the right way to go. If anything is going to happen, I'd rather it go down there, than here.

I have to say though, when I voted, I almost did vote for him. I chose Romney instead, but would have preferred Thompson if he hadn't dropped out.

03-09-2008, 03:33 PM
National defense was where I did disagree with Paul. I just felt all things considered he was the best choice. He is definately more of a Libertarian than a Republican, but still he was the most conservative of the ones running.

Paul actually represents a neighboring district. My rep is 'Bolshevik' Doggett.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-09-2008, 03:56 PM
Riiiight. I'm sure the first thing they do when they wake up in the morning is think of new and creative ways of destroying the country. And you ask if I'm on crack?

No, but in thier misguided lust to secure power for themselves, they will unleash a socialist/fascist agenda that will do it for them.

They are incompetent boobs with no real understanding on how this nation works, what made us great, and what we need to do to maintain that greatness.

They are so drunk on thier own delusions of Grandure that they will destroy us the same way a Veterinarian would destroy a human patient during the course of brain surgery....

Just like the animal vet is completely unqualified to perform human brain surgery, the Liberal democrats are just as unqualified to run the USA...the difference is that the Vet KNOWS it, where as the Boobs running the Democrats are blissfully oblivious to the dangers they present to our Nation. They are completely unqualified to run *THIS* country. They are more suited for the Old Soviet Union, or maybe Cuba.

It is thier lust for power, and thier obsession with controlling us all through massive social programs that will destroy America. They aren't doing it intentionally, they just cannot help themselves. This is why they should not under any circumstances be allowed into a position of power, in any way, shape or form. Not on our shores anyway...let them go and try to rebuild the Soviet Union...see how long before they fall again...

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-09-2008, 03:57 PM
National defense was where I did disagree with Paul. I just felt all things considered he was the best choice. He is definately more of a Libertarian than a Republican, but still he was the most conservative of the ones running.

actually, right now he IS the only conservative running.

golden arhat
03-09-2008, 04:08 PM
thats probably the dumbest thing I've ever read on the internet. Why would anyone ever want to leave the USA in exchange for a 3rd world country

I never said leave for a third world country, I said Leave the ever more socialist headed for Faciest), over taxed, excessively expensive crime ridden, drug saturated, corrupt government run Amerika for a tropical Island paradise where there are a fraction of the rules, laws and over lording government intrusion into ones life...*and* hotties in thongs year round.

Look around, Amerika is not as free as it once was, and it is heading down the road to facisum quite steadily. Why stay here when there are so many developed Island nations in the Carribbean that are as free and unincumbered as the US used to be?

because once america has elected its next "furher" america will annexe all these island nations and stick you in a camp for emigrating

golden arhat
03-09-2008, 04:16 PM
It's been a while since I took family law in law school, but I think Alabama has the most relaxed standards when it comes to marrying relatives. I believe its legal to marry your 3rd cousin in Alabama.

you can do that anywhere surely

your third cousin is like barely related to you your moms cousin's daughter

what is that ??

haha having said that i'm incredibly close with all my cousins going as far as 4th cousins twice removed but thats just my family lol

golden arhat
03-09-2008, 04:19 PM
Does that mean that 81% of the population the in states has college education of some sort?
What does that 81% enrollment mean?

yeah i'm pretty sure 81% is impossible

what are all those guys doing in iraq in the army ?
or stacking shelves in wal mart ?

this doesnt make sense really does it

golden arhat
03-09-2008, 04:22 PM
If it's so good, why are people not beating down the doors to get over there? All those Hollywood idiots who swore to leave the US if Bush was elected President could have renounced their citizenship and went to Cuba. Notice they all stayed here.....:rolleyes:

Speaking of the USSR, Stalin's daughter fled there to come to the US.

Communism....People are DYING to escape it. ;)

no country has EVER been communist

03-09-2008, 04:24 PM
Keep in mind, the 81% was SOME college. I think the percentage of Americans with BS degrees or higher is ~25%.

03-09-2008, 04:29 PM
no country has EVER been communist

Do what!?!?

China, North Korea, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam are all current communist countries.

USSR was, as were all of it's satellite states.

golden arhat
03-09-2008, 04:32 PM
Where are YOU on the Political Map?

Lots of Tax funded Government programs to forcibly redistribute wealth from those who earn it, to those that don’t.

socialism in principle is the distribution of wealth so that all can live in harmony with each other

not from those who earn money to those who dont
the WORKERS earn money but those in charge exploit them and make alot more and opress the WORKERS (those who work ie: earn money) by keeping them down on the social ladder, it seeks to even out society

it has its good points and its bad points

but it is definatley NOT the redistribution of wealth from those who earn it to those who dont

THE WORKERS are the people who earn money

those in charge take advantage of them

golden arhat
03-09-2008, 04:35 PM
Do what!?!?

China, North Korea, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam are all current communist countries.

USSR was, as were all of it's satellite states.

none of the above has ever embraced communism in its entirety

notice how they all had dictators ??

the excuse was that thety were implementing temporary dictatorship in order to establish true communism

they may have said they were communist and believed in marxist values but none of them actually embraced it

03-09-2008, 05:15 PM
By the definition of 'Communist', they indeed are. While I agree there is a dictator in all of those examples, that dictator was 'elected' by a political body(The Politburo in the USSR for example). But, the key here is that all of the dictators(as well as those 'electing' him) are all members of the Communist Party.

Just recently Raul Castro was 'elected' by the 609-member National Assembly of People’s Power. Raul is the Second Secretary of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.

Sounds like a Communist country to me.

03-09-2008, 05:22 PM
I hear Pakistan is Communist. I'm not saying it is, technically.

But I do believe it is, beyond all shadow of a doubt.

03-09-2008, 05:23 PM
I hear Pakistan is Communist. I'm not saying it is, technically.

But I do believe it is, beyond all shadow of a doubt.

But I don't believe Iraq is, just so you know.

Maybe Iran, but I don't know. I'll just pray on it.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-09-2008, 05:25 PM
Lots of Tax funded Government programs to forcibly redistribute wealth from those who earn it, to those that don’t.

socialism in principle is the distribution of wealth so that all can live in harmony with each other

In reality it breeds misery and contempt.

not from those who earn money to those who dont
the WORKERS earn money but those in charge exploit them and make alot more and opress the WORKERS (those who work ie: earn money) by keeping them down on the social ladder, it seeks to even out society

WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!! Don't buy into that brainwashing! It's total BULL****!!

In a free society no one is *Kept* down. People are free to enter any income bracket they desire (people are constantly moving from one bracket to the other all the time). Socialism suppresses that freedom and ensures that everyone is at the lowest common denominator and shares equally in misery.

In a Free society only those not willing to be competitive sink to the bottom and are living in misery. Everyone else rises to a higher, better standard. In a socialist society it does not matter how hard one tries, or how much they are willing to work, they cannot escape the government imposed poverty. They become oppressed in totality by the very people *Claiming* to help them.

it has its good points and its bad points

I have yet to see any good points, just government control, outright STEALING of wealth from those who earn it, and given it out sparingly to the rest while the government bureaucrats Pocket most of the tax funds and live high on the hog on the backs of the people.

but it is definatley NOT the redistribution of wealth from those who earn it to those who dont

You really need to have an education as to the realities of the world there.....it's not what your Liberal teacher is telling you.

THE WORKERS are the people who earn money

WRONG!!! EVERYONE earns the money. The business owner does plenty...without him there would be no workers at all. It is his company, and his desires to seek wealth that creates that company. In turn that company provides the financial support that feeds, cloths and houses not just his workers, but thier entire families as well. It is a partnership. They do not function in a vacuum.

If you set up a system that prevents one from being able to achieve great wealth, then he will never form a business in the first place (this has been proven time and time again). There has to be a major pay off to take the risks, and work through the 14 hour days, to face the challenges and raise the capitol needed to just start the business in the first place. If there is not a major payoff in doing so, NO ONE would be foolish enough to put themselves through that to get it going in the first place....thus no workers and hundreds of families would not have a way to support themselves...which is exactly why Socialist countries have MASSIVE poverty where as the USA has massive prosperity.

those in charge take advantage of them

That is EXACTLY why you have to keep a socialist government from ever forming in the US...once the government is in charge, they will rape the common man into the same sort of miserable pathetic existence they do in every country they controll. We all need to be in charge of ourselves as individuals.

I want to be free to conroll my own destiny. I want to be FREE to persue wealth. I want to be FREE to form a business that can support not only myself, but the entire family's of the workers I employ. I don't want some socialist scumbag taking everything I have and giving it to social programs that they in turn rape and pillage into decrepit failure anyway. The government cannot even run thier OWN lives right, I don't want them running mine. I don't need a Mommy, I am my own man, and I am more qualified to run MY life than ANYONE ELSE!

Just remember, Socialism has FAILED everywhere it has ever been tried, though out the entire history of man kind. Only freedom and the ability to run ones own life has been successful on an unprecedented scale. America needs to be run in the manor that made us great...not sink to the socialist model that has a track record of utter failure every time it has ever been tried.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-09-2008, 05:52 PM
I would also like to point out that in a free country you see MANY corporations that pay Six figure salaries to many of thier workers. it's fairly common actually.

The more large corporations the more workers there are with very high salaries, as opposed to socialist countries where businesses are stifled, cannot grow due to oppressive regulations and tax burdens and *Everyone* lives in near poverty or below. So I don't really know where you are getting this corporate oppression nonsense from.

You just don't see High salaries in a socialist society. They seek to equally oppress everyone.

03-09-2008, 06:00 PM
...not sink to the socialist model that has a track record of utter failure every time it has ever been tried.

They seek to equally oppress everyone.

Once again, 100% correct.

Socialism suppresses that freedom and ensures that everyone is at the lowest common denominator and shares equally in misery.

Almost. You forgot that the ones 'ensuring' the fairness are actually always very well off. Every year when the new Forbes List comes out, Fidel Castro throws a fit because he is on it.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-09-2008, 06:04 PM
Almost. You forgot that the ones 'ensuring' the fairness are actually always very well off. Every year when the new Forbes List comes out, Fidel Castro throws a fit because he is on it.

That is because they are the government leaders who are oppressing everyone else....and ridding to the top by raping the rest of the society.

They are the social engineers, so they ensure they don't have to suffer the same fate they thrust on everyone else.

03-09-2008, 06:10 PM
I was trying to be witty.

Forbes estimates Castro's net worth is between $550-900 million dollars.

But yes, those who seek to ensure 'equality' through the law always manage to exempt themselves from it.

03-09-2008, 06:48 PM
Hillary, Obama, and McCain are all conservative....

Unh... I guess I've gotta "make allowances" for your being in the "bizarro world" of the "Middle East" and Iraq, in particular.

Honestly, except for Iraq, their viewpoints aren't terribly different. They acknowledge the same problems and each proposes their own unique solution in dealing with them. Not one of them makes the cut for filling the definition of liberal.

You're just dodging using the more appropriate term "socialist".

I'm talking about those who haven't learned from 10,000 years of a civilization trying to figure out what works and what doesn't.

It didn't take anywhere near that long to prove that communism didn't/couldn't work... socialism seems to be taking a little bit longer.

I'm talking about the folks that seem to forget we were hit by two missiles in a blatant attack on the US.
Somebody is going to need to have you explain that you really meant "airliners used as missiles".

Funny how....

Uh, yeah.

I have some news for you... some folks out there are just plain mean. And they really don't care what you have to say.

Not news to me.

It's too bad that we have to protect you from that while you complain.

And, in the end......

03-10-2008, 06:18 AM
You need to wake up because this country has gotten off on the wrong exit and needs to hurry up and find the freeway again before it ends up in the worst part of a really dangerous neighborhood. If we don't, by the time we realize where we are, and where we went wrong, we will have been carjacked and be bleeding by the curb while our SUV is heading for the Chop shop.
So long as we aren't impaling people in the heads and planting the spike in the ground or burning people alive in massive ovens while euphemistically calling the smell "baking bread" we should be alright. :rolleyes:

No law is perfect, RD. It is and always has been an exorcize in trail and error. Some laws thought to be good turned out bad. Some laws thought to be bad have turned out good. In a world that is at a full boil, everything looks like a pot to be escaped from.:D

03-10-2008, 06:20 AM
Speaking of being rich; when did it become wrong to be rich in a free, capitalist society?

Just last week Congress held hearings and called in several CEOs from banks that made subprime loans. Now this Congressional panel was not there to get the CEOs take on the subprime issue. Nope. Those CEOs were brought there to justify their pay!

I was just dying for one of them to just say something like, "I don't owe you guys sh!t. It's none of your business how much I made nor do I have to justify it to you. See, I work for a public company. I report to the Board of Directors. They set my pay. The Board reports to the shareholders. The shareholders elect the Board. So instead of getting up there and grandstanding and berating me for living the American Dream, use your mouths for something constructive and blow me."

03-10-2008, 06:28 AM
Speaking of being rich; when did it become wrong to be rich in a free, capitalist society?

Just last week Congress held hearings and called in several CEOs from banks that made subprime loans. Now this Congressional panel was not there to get the CEOs take on the subprime issue. Nope. Those CEOs were brought there to justify their pay!

I was just dying for one of them to just say something like, "I don't owe you guys sh!t. It's none of your business how much I made nor do I have to justify it to you. See, I work for a public company. I report to the Board of Directors. They set my pay. The Board reports to the shareholders. The shareholders elect the Board. So instead of getting up there and grandstanding and berating me for living the American Dream, use your mouths for something constructive and blow me."

Interesting POV, so. no government regulations whatsoever is your view?
Aren't chartered banks subject to certain regulations in the US ?

03-10-2008, 06:32 AM
Here, I fixed it for you. You can thank me later in a PM.

If you're lucky, I'll read it and send you a reply.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Nice one Sep. :D

basically, we’re right in the middle, because we defy categorization. I know what you’re thinking: then wouldn’t you be outside the box? Here’s the answer, hotshot: “NO!” I bet you think you’re so smart with your text boxes and your diamond-shaped political markers, don’t you? That wasn’t a question! We’ve overthrown every kind of government there is, so don’t even get me started on Bhutan; plus, when the other little factions go home and go to bed at night, they wake up with humungous boners because that’s all they can think about, and they can’t control themselves. They’re just like: “Oh, they have total control over the people, but they don’t exercise that control! How can we put them in a box?” You can’t. But I can, and as you see in this box. I can even go outside the box in another box. I’m an existential nightmare!

03-10-2008, 07:05 AM
Interesting POV, so. no government regulations whatsoever is your view?
Aren't chartered banks subject to certain regulations in the US ?

Regulations are totally different than CEO compensation. Had they been breaking laws, calling the CEOs before Congress would be justified. Calling them up there just to make them justify their paychecks is an absolute disgrace.

03-10-2008, 07:27 AM
Speaking of being rich; when did it become wrong to be rich in a free, capitalist society?

Just last week Congress held hearings and called in several CEOs from banks that made subprime loans. Now this Congressional panel was not there to get the CEOs take on the subprime issue. Nope. Those CEOs were brought there to justify their pay!

I was just dying for one of them to just say something like, "I don't owe you guys sh!t. It's none of your business how much I made nor do I have to justify it to you. See, I work for a public company. I report to the Board of Directors. They set my pay. The Board reports to the shareholders. The shareholders elect the Board. So instead of getting up there and grandstanding and berating me for living the American Dream, use your mouths for something constructive and blow me."

Please review the issues with corporate corruption and monopolies at the end of the 19th century and throughout the early stages of the 20th in order to understand why we hold corporate leaders to certain standards. They cease to be just people making money at that point, to say the least.

RD'S Alias - 1A
03-10-2008, 07:45 AM
Speaking of being rich; when did it become wrong to be rich in a free, capitalist society?

I allways think it is darn funny when people complain about the "Rich"...because I know darn well that if those people were offered a cushy 7 figure income NOT ONE would turn it down!

Black Jack II
03-10-2008, 07:55 AM
Is this news to you...? The left has been trying to do this forever.

And you are just OK with this?

There is that comprehension problem rearing its nasty little head again.

As I indicated before, if you have read any of my posts at any time in KFO you know that far left dogma is not my key.

I still state for the record you really don't know what you are claiming right now but thats cool, its gotten a number of post hits:D

03-10-2008, 07:57 AM
Please review the issues with corporate corruption and monopolies at the end of the 19th century and throughout the early stages of the 20th in order to understand why we hold corporate leaders to certain standards. They cease to be just people making money at that point, to say the least.

AGAIN, they were called for the sole purpose of having to justify their salaries.

There are NO charges filed, pending, or even being investigated.

03-10-2008, 08:30 AM
AGAIN, they were called for the sole purpose of having to justify their salaries.

There are NO charges filed, pending, or even being investigated.

Might have something to do with the fact that their irresponsibility caused billions in loss, **** near tanked the economy, and helped to contribute to the demise of the American dream, and they still lived in luxury, profiting from the whole mess. People have the right to make money, but do they have the right to make lavish amounts whilst their actions cause immense country-wide suffering? Again... research what I suggested. You'll find startling parallels.

03-10-2008, 08:38 AM
AGAIN, they were called for the sole purpose of having to justify their salaries.

There are NO charges filed, pending, or even being investigated.

Actually it's the fact that they made poor decisions that cost their companies billions and (were forced to) retired with billions in assets despite the terrible performance. I do agree they are mostly scapegoats for the subprime mess, but there is a reason, somewhat.

03-10-2008, 08:39 AM
While the banks wrote out and funded those ridiculous mortgages, it took idiots to sign up for them. So it was not just their irresponsibility, it was just as much the irresponsibilty of morons agreeing to purchase homes they could not afford in the first place.

What part of 'there are no illegalities even suggested' do you not understand?

While you may not like their business or their business model, they are 100% legal and in compliance with the laws.

And also, when did it become Congress' business what someone running a public company is paid?

03-10-2008, 08:40 AM
They are being scapegoated, just like when they were forced to retire....

03-10-2008, 08:42 AM
Actually it's the fact that they made poor decisions that cost their companies billions and (were forced to) retired with billions in assets despite the terrible performance. I do agree they are mostly scapegoats for the subprime mess, but there is a reason, somewhat.

Actually, they made the largest chunk of money while their companies were turning profits. Keep in mind when the bubble burst, they lost millions because their stock and stock options became worth alot less.

And even if they had made every cent while the companies tanked; what business of Congress' is it about what a public company pays its CEOs?

03-10-2008, 08:43 AM
Actually, they made the largest chunk of money while their companies were turning profits. Keep in mind when the bubble burst, they lost millions because their stock and stock options became worth alot less.

And even if they had made every cent while the companies tanked; what business of Congress' is it about what a public company pays its CEOs?

I'm not repeating it again. We learn from our mistakes. Let's keep it at that.

03-10-2008, 08:50 AM
.... It is and always has been an exorcize....

Somebody getting this from a new kind of Personal Trainer?
(exorcise as taught in exorcisms by an exorcist?)
(I guess you COULD work up a sweat....)

03-10-2008, 08:54 AM
I'm not repeating it again. We learn from our mistakes. Let's keep it at that.


We learn from our mistakes IF no one bails us out.

Should the Government bail out either the banks or the idiots who signed those mortgages, those being bailed out will have learned nothing from their mistakes.

03-10-2008, 09:33 AM
Somebody getting this from a new kind of Personal Trainer?
(exorcise as taught in exorcisms by an exorcist?)
(I guess you COULD work up a sweat....)

LOL! would you believe I actually argued with the spell checker on that word? I gave up; figured you guys were already used to "unique" spelling from me anyway.:D

03-10-2008, 10:17 AM
LOL! would you believe I actually argued with the spell checker on that word?

No way!
Slap dat summonabish upside da haid!
Thet'll larn'im!

I gave up; figured you guys were already used to "unique" spelling from me anyway.:D

It's part of yer charm......

03-15-2008, 09:19 PM
Ok, it's just getting weirder with the laws or bills here in KY. Now a Republican senator is blocking a bill about bullying in school. There was a school shooting several years ago when a middle or high school student, who had been bullied, brought a gun to school and started killing students. The senator didn't like the bill because he thought it could be used to defend gay students.