View Full Version : Wing Chun schools in Las Vegas

04-01-2008, 01:41 PM
Figured i'd start another thread for this topic.
I'm looking at getting back into Wing Chun, with my 7 year old son. There's only 2 schools that I know of in Vegas. I'm not against learning in someone's garage and the like, if the teaching ability is there.

Nevada Wing Chun (http://nevadawingchun.com/) which is Ip Ching Wing Chun. And then there's Lo Man Kam Wing Chun (http://lomankamwingchun.com/) taught by Bradley Temple, a student of Lo Man Kam (nephew of ip Man).

Does anyone have any information on either of these schools, regarding teaching styles, good bad, whatever?

If you dont know the schools, but have an idea, based on the lineage whether one might be better than the other, I'd like to hear it too. Please, any help is greatly appreciated.

Chum Kil
04-02-2008, 02:31 PM
Blaine Collins might still be around the Vegas area.

Almost A Ghost
04-02-2008, 02:44 PM
Blaine Collins might still be around the Vegas area.

I believe he's been in Los Angeles for some time now.

04-03-2008, 10:22 PM
I would go with the Nevada Wing Chun....I would call Scott and Freda actually. They are very nice people and love to train wing chun. Plus, the Ip Ching wing chun lineage is truly amazing. They are under one of Ip Ching's disciple, Eric Li, who teaches privately out of Vancouver, Canada. Give 'em a call and I'm sure they would be more than willing to help you out in your journey. ;)


04-08-2008, 12:59 AM
I am currently a student of scott and freda and let me tell you that it is great. I never feel like they are just trying to show that they are better than me. I believe any instructor should teach what you are doing wrong and right, not simply show their skill and humiliate you. Best of luck to you and hopefully you will start training with us at nevada wing chun.

Almost A Ghost
04-08-2008, 03:27 AM
I believe he's been in Los Angeles for some time now.

You know, I stand corrected. I was thinking of someone else, but it looks like Blaine Collins is MIA.

Almost A Ghost
04-08-2008, 03:28 AM
I am currently a student of scott and freda and let me tell you that it is great. I never feel like they are just trying to show that they are better than me. I believe any instructor should teach what you are doing wrong and right, not simply show their skill and humiliate you. Best of luck to you and hopefully you will start training with us at nevada wing chun.

See you in a few days ;)

Phil Redmond
04-08-2008, 04:47 AM
Blaine Collins might still be around the Vegas area.
Blaine Collins is still teaching in LV. I just got an email from him.

Phil Redmond
04-08-2008, 12:15 PM
Here's the contact info for Blaine Collins in LV

04-11-2008, 10:28 PM
Sifu Bradley Temple is one of my best friends from our days at Sifu Lo's school. We were there pretty much the exact same time: He started a couple months before I did, and I left Taiwan several months after he did.

During that time, he was doing both private morning classes and the public night classes. Very dedicated to training, and goes back to Taiwan every year to train. He is still highly involved with Sifu Lo's organization, and has brought him to Vegas for annual visits.

He's trained a pretty good group. If tournaments are any measure (yeah, that's highly debatable), his students have always placed in their events.

05-20-2008, 01:27 PM
I am not certain if this thread is still active, but i would like to respond to the request for information regarding Las Vegas Wing Chun schools. I have been training with the Lo Man Kam clan here under Sifu Bradley Temple. I must say, this lineage is very real. They do compete and always do very well, but that is only a part of it. They train hard and for real. Sigung Lo is the nephew of Yip Man who moved to Taiwan where he dedicated himself to the martial applications of police work and is published and renown for that dedication. The fact that there are police officers in our class and well as the fact that Sifu Temple is a cop with Las Vegas Metro (Corrections) is further testomony to Sigung's dedication. Sifu Temple lived in Taiwan and speaks fluent chinese as well. The class is traditional indeed. There is no b.s. in the teachings- the training is directed towards fighting- these guys do bang!
Amazingly, Sigung Lo is still kicking and even though he is "old" he can still bang!
There are plans to bring him here to Las Vegas this fall- you can see for yourself first hand about this Wing Chun treasure...