View Full Version : little gda: sickness reproduced

04-01-2008, 11:20 PM
my daughter said 2 things the other day that made papa very very proud.

keep in mind this is adora: myspace linkage (http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=36195974&albumID=591266&imageID=29276297) or hot link that may work (http://a922.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/83/l_b97881156535d714860723e2d1773279.jpg)

.... she's been a popular cheerleader since she was 4.

while driving to the store, i told adora that the vocalist for the music i was playing was different than the other vocalists of bands daddy liked. as the death metal break down continued, i told her that john tardy of obiturary sang like an angle.

adora responded, "yeah ... a dying angle."

a little while later, i told adora that i had made fish, and it should be just about ready by the time we got home. she said its not the fish that smells like cat pee is it? i told her none of the fish i make smells like cat pee.

she said, "not cat pee .... but liquid sickness that comes out of their butt."

while she may be normal on the surface, there are times when its apparent who her father is. i love my little moster.

04-01-2008, 11:57 PM
my daughter said 2 things the other day that made papa very very proud.

keep in mind this is adora: myspace linkage (http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=36195974&albumID=591266&imageID=29276297) or hot link that may work (http://a922.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/83/l_b97881156535d714860723e2d1773279.jpg)

.... she's been a popular cheerleader since she was 4.

while driving to the store, i told adora that the vocalist for the music i was playing was different than the other vocalists of bands daddy liked. as the death metal break down continued, i told her that john tardy of obiturary sang like an angle.

adora responded, "yeah ... a dying angle."

a little while later, i told adora that i had made fish, and it should be just about ready by the time we got home. she said its not the fish that smells like cat pee is it? i told her none of the fish i make smells like cat pee.

she said, "not cat pee .... but liquid sickness that comes out of their butt."

while she may be normal on the surface, there are times when its apparent who her father is. i love my little moster.
whenever I get moody with my nephew telling him to stop it, he walks up and says in a hush tone all clint eastwood eyes *****ed all like "shut up, *****" and then he smacks you on the ear...I'm just like word, all sonned by a three year old.

04-01-2008, 11:58 PM
Isn't it great when you can influence young minds?!
I'll share one with ya;
So, I'm taking my stp daughter to the supermarket, she was about 9-10.
Well, in there, there is this check-out woman who possibly due to some thyroid condition or something...well, she has these great big eyes. They just bug out at you. Fkin huge. And on top of that, she has to wear blue eyeshadow, so they glow in the dark. Oh yeah, and then she has to wear these huge glasses. Sure, like all she needed was a big fkin magnafying glass, cuz her eyes weren't big enough, right?
So, of course, I brief my lil darlin on this before we go in. "Honey, don't stare, and for God's sake, don't say anything,"
ok, scene set. So I'm wheelin my cart around, Ava;s somewhere in another isle, and I hear her call out,'Daddy....can you come here?" SO I come down the isle, and she's standing there, holding a can of tuna fish, and sez,"Is this the kind you like?"
So I look, and then I look at her. She is staring at me with this grin on her face. Then I realized.
She positioned herself right in front of the Bug-Eyed Lady ,who was stocking the shelves, and she's holding the can so it's almost next to the lady's face, so I have to stare face to face with her. Meawhile, my lil darlin has the Cheshire cat grin.
She fukin set me up!

I dunno where she gets it from.

RD'S Alias - 1A
04-02-2008, 06:02 AM
Mines has been collecting really sharp knives since she was about 12 :D

04-02-2008, 11:05 AM
hilarious...i can't wait to hear the stories when she starts dating...you may not have to worry about her too much but I bet you're gonna be one scary dad to meet.:)

04-02-2008, 04:21 PM
whenever I get moody with my nephew telling him to stop it, he walks up and says in a hush tone all clint eastwood eyes *****ed all like "shut up, *****" and then he smacks you on the ear...I'm just like word, all sonned by a three year old.


children usually don't get rough with me because they know ill eat their pets. in front of them.

04-02-2008, 04:23 PM
So I look, and then I look at her. She is staring at me with this grin on her face. Then I realized.
She positioned herself right in front of the Bug-Eyed Lady ,who was stocking the shelves, and she's holding the can so it's almost next to the lady's face, so I have to stare face to face with her. Meawhile, my lil darlin has the Cheshire cat grin.
She fukin set me up!

I dunno where she gets it from.

well played!

Mines has been collecting really sharp knives since she was about 12 :D

adora will know the guard and the knife. there is no compromise on this.

RD'S Alias - 1A
04-02-2008, 04:28 PM
Mine swears she hates martial arts, but she has picked up enough to be pretty capable...even though she does not realize it.

With her, the trick is to "Play" so she does not realize she is learning to fight.

04-02-2008, 04:28 PM
hilarious...i can't wait to hear the stories when she starts dating...you may not have to worry about her too much but I bet you're gonna be one scary dad to meet.:)

i intend to be the scariest thing these kids have ever seen.

i have a large scar on my neck that looks like a knife wound. i will tell them that i received the wound during my most brutal knife fight. when the ask what happened, i will show them a jar of pig testicles and simply reply, "i won."

04-02-2008, 04:47 PM
your wife has hot feet...

04-02-2008, 06:26 PM
i intend to be the scariest thing these kids have ever seen.

i have a large scar on my neck that looks like a knife wound. i will tell them that i received the wound during my most brutal knife fight. when the ask what happened, i will show them a jar of pig testicles and simply reply, "i won."

lol, that will work.

[checking out myspace for hot feet....]

yep, pretty cute feetses.

cute feet story:

I used to have it bad for this particular singer songwriter:



the first time I saw her sing was a the last bar I worked at and she played barefoot and scrunched her toes up as she sang...I was hooked. Went to every show she did in WNC for 2 years and then decided that she was actually very depressing to listen to. :(

sadly, there are no cute feet pictures on her website but that's my cute feet story.

04-02-2008, 09:43 PM
your wife has hot feet...

man that started a whole thing at my house. im not much of a feet guy, but i thought it was funny that someone said that so i told suzi about it.

then i said ... but i always thought you had ugly feet ... remember that time james said you had the ugliest feet he had ever seen on a woman and you agreed? she was just like wtf. so i was all like, no no... i dont know ... i dont know anything about feet ... i just took jame's word for it since you agreed with him. she was all like that doesnt mean its ok for you to agree with him wtf. this went back and forth for a while, me being a little tipsy didnt help. i finally managed to make her laugh, but **** ... b1tches be crazy.

04-03-2008, 02:28 AM
man that started a whole thing at my house.

then my work here is done ;)

04-03-2008, 02:32 AM
sadly, there are no cute feet pictures on her website .

you should contact her and advise her to put some up immediately...

04-03-2008, 04:07 AM
naw, that would be creepy...i do try to draw the line at being creepy.

I did tell her right after that first show that her feet were sexy as hell...she said she'd heard that before...

she's still hot though...i hadn't looked at her website in 5 or 6 years now.

sigh, I used to get a hug and a peck on the cheek from her after a show...

04-03-2008, 04:19 AM
naw, that would be creepy...i do try to draw the line at being creepy.

well where's the fun in that? nothing says I luv you like a court order of protection with both your names on it...

she's still hot though...i hadn't looked at her website in 5 or 6 days now..
fixed that fer ya, LOL

hey, I hear ya - the last gal I dated before I met my wife was an aspiring opera singer (http://www.sillem-konzertagentur.de/sara_hershkowitz.html) at the time and who is singing over in Europe these days (yes, I Google her once in a blue moon just to see how she's doing - I figure if she makes it big I can extort her for free opera tickets so as not to reveal our former association to the world, or something like that, LOL)

04-03-2008, 04:44 AM
My little soon-to-be 5 year old likes to demo her MT Clinch, knees and elbows on her dad for anyone to see, she also likes to demo the 5 animal fists on my throat and neck.
She does stick work and even the 5 basic cuts of Kali.

*sniff*, my little assassin in training...*sniff*

04-03-2008, 07:27 AM
i got kinda silly about her for a while...carrying her equipment out to the car and suchlike. she's definitely got an amazing voice but again..the whole depressing singer songwriter thing got old.

i do sort of can't wait to have kids just so I can make them some mean little *******s...but scares the **** out of me as well.

04-03-2008, 09:34 AM

children usually don't get rough with me because they know ill eat their pets. in front of them.

I'm trying to turn him into an 8 year old gung fu killer...he gets five years to learn to defend himself...he slaps me when he's 8 it's f'n on:D

I was chilling playing vid's and the kid runs in "WHERE'S MY THIRSTY!?!" God **** the kid is a pimp creating new slang and ****...kids of the future don't drink drinks lol, the drink gets drunk.

04-03-2008, 04:52 PM
my daughter said 2 things the other day that made papa very very proud.

keep in mind this is adora: myspace linkage (http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=36195974&albumID=591266&imageID=29276297) or hot link that may work (http://a922.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/83/l_b97881156535d714860723e2d1773279.jpg)

.... she's been a popular cheerleader since she was 4.

while driving to the store, i told adora that the vocalist for the music i was playing was different than the other vocalists of bands daddy liked. as the death metal break down continued, i told her that john tardy of obiturary sang like an angle.

adora responded, "yeah ... a dying angle."

a little while later, i told adora that i had made fish, and it should be just about ready by the time we got home. she said its not the fish that smells like cat pee is it? i told her none of the fish i make smells like cat pee.

she said, "not cat pee .... but liquid sickness that comes out of their butt."

while she may be normal on the surface, there are times when its apparent who her father is. i love my little moster.


for some reason this made me think of you:rolleyes::D