View Full Version : San Francisco TCM places

04-18-2008, 09:09 AM
Hey Guys,

I'll be in SF at the end of the month.

I'll apreciatte if you can recommend me the best places to visit in Gum San, where people practice and the best master I can pay a visit.



04-18-2008, 12:54 PM
Give me a call when you get in town.


I don't have an address for the best guy but I can take you to see him through a friend of mine, a chiropractor. Depending on what days you are in town for and partly on luck, I can also recommend at least one absolutely incredible martial artist turned body worker who has a particular talent for working out deep, old, injuries mainly because his work grows directly out of his MA practice.

If you want to get contact info for the best herbalist call Doctor Andrew Lesko (a chiropractor) and he can put you in touch with the top herbalists. Doc Andy's number is 415-863-3101


...SiFu Doc Andy is NOT for the faint of heart.

He will, however , rack you and crack you and crack you up and teach you kung fu all in your first visit, and keep you coming back forever based on his sheer tazmanian devil energy and your incessantly building waterfall of giggles.

If he doesn't fix you, his massage therapists ( paid by tip... so pack extra ! ) will make up the difference.

If you need instant help, today

go and see him

office hours, last i checked - 11-2 mon wed fri sat
4-6 mon thru fri

and ask him about wing chun kung fu classes

the circus of amazing genei, crazy crackers that rotate through is walls is epic.

you must be taller than /// this sign/// to ride on his ride