View Full Version : is there a good herbal remedie that helps with physio and joints ?

golden arhat
04-23-2008, 02:19 PM
external or internal is there anything that helps speed recovery to joints and tendons ?

04-24-2008, 05:12 AM
glucosamine chondroitin and msn, not exactly herbal, but I swear by it. Even when I'm not training hard if I stop taking it, my elbows and knees will hurt. Maybe it's a placebo affect, but it sure as hell works for me.

04-24-2008, 05:17 AM
Bah !
Pain is good, reminds you that you're still alive, worry when you DON'T feel anything !

04-24-2008, 12:15 PM
external or internal is there anything that helps speed recovery to joints and tendons ?

Spacific joint or just in general? Better/worse with movement, better/worse with heat, Better worse with dampness?

04-25-2008, 01:20 PM
I find a good dit da jow works for joint pain as well as for bruising and swelling. Depends on the jow recipe.

golden arhat
04-27-2008, 11:00 AM
Spacific joint or just in general? Better/worse with movement, better/worse with heat, Better worse with dampness?

just my elbow really

and the conditions dont really affect it like heat

it just doesnt go out all the way cos i dislocated it before
and i'm in the process of stretching it back to normal

04-27-2008, 12:09 PM
If no fluids in the joint try sublingual Sepia, 5 pellets under the tongue after working it, not more than 2 times a day. If there is fluid on the joint all the time, go see a doc, it could be a sign of something still being messed up in the joint.

golden arhat
04-27-2008, 03:02 PM
If no fluids in the joint try sublingual Sepia, 5 pellets under the tongue after working it, not more than 2 times a day. If there is fluid on the joint all the time, go see a doc, it could be a sign of something still being messed up in the joint.

thanx alot

any idea as to where i can get this from ?

also what exactly would it do to me that would speed my recovery ?

04-27-2008, 06:30 PM

I've had a lot of luck with this e-store, and it looks like they have a UK site.

as for what it will do, it will reduce the amount of fluid that builds up after you start working the joint. Think of the joint as a sort of balloon. The fluid build-up is your body's way of cussioning the joint, but too much of it can impede recovery, just as an over fulled balloon isn't as pliable as a half filled one. When uninjured, the joint sits naturally at this half filled state. Note: If the joint always has alot of fluid on it, it is because the joint is always in the irritated state and the sepia won't help. The body will replace the fluid faster than the sepia can expell it. if the joint is basically healed and just needs re-habed then the body will allow the fluid to disipate between sessions, and the sepia will encourage it to do so.

golden arhat
04-28-2008, 03:40 PM
okay thanx

i'l try that


05-03-2008, 05:31 AM
just my elbow really

and the conditions dont really affect it like heat

it just doesnt go out all the way cos i dislocated it before
and i'm in the process of stretching it back to normal

Take a look at Tom Bisio's A Tooth from the Tiger's Mouth (amazon.com). If it has been several weeks/months since your dislocation and it is not inflamed then the "tendon relaxing soak" and or the "tendon lotion" might be useful. Moxa is also good at this stage.

I also find that in addition to standard PT that slow and gentle Filipino stick work exercises can be helpful for dislocated elbows.



05-04-2008, 10:02 PM
glucosamine chondroitin and msn, not exactly herbal, but I swear by it. Even when I'm not training hard if I stop taking it, my elbows and knees will hurt. Maybe it's a placebo affect, but it sure as hell works for me.

Here here my friend. It's a dietery supplement technically speaking...and subsequently still herbal in my opinion. Works for me as well with pain in my left knee joint.

I take it too...20 bucks for 2 month's supply...not too bad a trade.

I had a chinese herbal medicine doc give me what I call "dirtwater" before. It was basically mixture of xu duan I think and some other herbs that he grinded up and told me to take with a glass of water. That works for bone and sinew...helped a lot with the health of my articulations and bones. I was taking it to help my wrist heal when I broke it a few years ago but it didn't help...bone's still broken unfortunately. But it did help with some of my joint pain in my patellar ligament.

05-23-2008, 03:41 PM
glucosamine chondroitin and msn, not exactly herbal, but I swear by it. Even when I'm not training hard if I stop taking it, my elbows and knees will hurt. Maybe it's a placebo affect, but it sure as hell works for me.

Agreed. One thing to consider is to make sure that the doses are high enough. These supplements should also be taken consistantly through heavy training as well as light training as they often take up to six months to load adequately in the body to take effect. Going off them will only mean that they will take more time to take effect the next time.



David Jamieson
05-30-2008, 06:46 AM
yoga + taichi = structural correction in 60 days.

herb ox
05-30-2008, 08:50 AM
Herbally speaking,

Jin Gu Die Shang Wan - "The Great Mender" - for more acute or healing injuries - quickens the blood and qi, strengthens sinew and bone, stops pain.

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan - probably your best bet for long term treatment as it nourishes Liver and Kidney Yin - liver yin keeps the tendons soft and supple, while the kidneys control the joints and bones. Many recurring joint issues are due to yin deficiency as martial artists tend to burn it up quickly with intense training. Consult your local TCM herbalist to modify it for your individual constitutional needs - for example, I found LWDHW to be too cold for my system. I warmed it up by adding a bit of rou gui and fu zi (both yang tonics to balance the heavy yin quality of the formula) - this changes the formula to Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan...

Using an herbal soak for sore elbows and knees may also help... I'm sure brother Dale Dugas has some insight regarding formulation of such if you PM him...


herb ox