View Full Version : Futures trade recomendations

RD'S Alias - 1A
05-02-2008, 12:30 PM
Hello all.

I Don't know if you remember some threads i did about trading Gold futures some time ago. if you do, I had an idea that might be of interest.I am toying with the idea of setting up a Futures trade recommendation website.

Basically i would have a free side, and a premium side where subscribers could pay a fee to get recommendations for Futures and Commodity trades based on my trading system.

I am thinking of using a discussion forum like set up to post trade recommendations and follow that with the exit tactics in the replies.

How many would be interested in such a site?

05-02-2008, 12:33 PM
You have a time machine and can trade the future ???

COOL !!!

05-02-2008, 03:13 PM
You've got a good idea, but what makes you/your methods different? Do you have a series 6 cert? How did you get into trade?

RD'S Alias - 1A
05-02-2008, 04:47 PM
My ideas really are not all that different from the career traders. which is why they work. Being different is not necessarily an asset in this biz. Actually i got some of the system from one of the pros. during the courses I took at the Mercantile exchange.

The issue is that there is no place to learn this so far as normal educational avenues are concerned. You have to seek out special sources, do your homework, and really test and refine your personal system to get good. The general public does not know this, nor do they know how to go about it if they did.

What I would be doing, is offering that first step to those who are serious about learning the business.

As for the series 6, no I don't have one. That is actually to my benifit. From back when i was taking the courses, I got to rub elbows with some of the top traders, and most of them didn't seem impressed with financial educations. They felt institutionalized educations made for really poor professional traders and pointed out that most of the top big money guys were all maverick rebels who came form rather meger backgrounds with little actuall formal education. Many actually just worked thier way up from entry level positions as order runner positions they took as Highschool summer jobs.

The best of the best were actually either apprenticed under successful traders, or they did what I did and built a system through a long greulling process of trail, error and refinement after taking the courses at the Merch and CBOT or whatever exchange they live near.

Guys like Russell Sands had absolutely NO financial back ground at all, and he is one of the most successful traders ever. He apprenticed under the founder of the Turtle Trading system.

One big thing they all had in common is they all posted SUBSTANTIAL losses early in thier careers...as did I....to the tune of $36000.00 in a day back in the mid 90s.

The truth of things is that formal educations simply do not teach people how to properly trade and be successful at it. Infact they teach students the skills best suited to fail in the Futures trading business. That's what all the big boys I met say anyway. Real trading is still one of the few career professions where one has to get in there, and get dirty to learn. It's just not a class room thing.

The series 6,7 and whatever certs are for people who want to open brokerages, and sell investments, manage mutual funds and things of that nature. Trading Futures is an entirely different animal. A stunt man, or race car driver would actually be better suited for professional trading than someone who was institutionally educated.

Either way, I have a good system. The way to prove it is post the trades so everyone can see what I am doing BEFORE the market moves, just like I did with that sweet Gold trade a few weeks ago.

Once I have a following, then I could set up a subscription site for those who are looking to trade based on my recommendations.