View Full Version : Ho Kam Wai Sigung (malaysian hung gar)

05-07-2008, 04:22 AM
This is my sigung in Malaysia,my Sifu, Mark Ho visited him a few weeks back and got this footage..Ho Sigung is 75 years old and he splaying the whole gung gee fook fu kuen form..


05-07-2008, 04:31 AM
Always love to see the old timers do their stuff, inspirational.

05-07-2008, 02:41 PM
..very impressive.


Gru Bianca
05-07-2008, 07:47 PM

I had the pleasure of meeting your Sifu in a shopping center in Singapore on his way to Johor.
I saw him from behind and at first I wasn't sure whether it was him, then I recongnized a student of his which was on one of the videos you posted before.
I walked up to him and said, " ..Ho Sifu..?".
He has been really nice and open to stop and chatting with a perfect stranger, he really impressed me alot.

He has forgotten by now I'm sure, but please, when you have the chance please convey my regards to him.

Thank you.


05-07-2008, 09:36 PM
Hey Luca,

passed on ur greetings...too funny u already the second person that met my sifu on his way to Ho Kam Wai Sigung...:D

05-19-2008, 03:14 PM
This is my sigung in Malaysia,my Sifu, Mark Ho visited him a few weeks back and got this footage..Ho Sigung is 75 years old and he splaying the whole gung gee fook fu kuen form..


Hi Laukarbo,
Thanks for posting the clip. I've always enjoyed seeing the old masters in action.