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View Full Version : Guy starts a fight and learns a lesson lol..

05-12-2008, 09:35 AM
Not sure if anyone has seen this, quite funny i came across it yesterday while searching styles, cause im a newb in search. But found it quite funny and had to share it. Let me know what style this is, i knew the guy was gonna bust his butt when i seen him do tha tstance was so funny.. At first i thought it was a joke but he slugs him good at the end lol...


golden arhat
05-12-2008, 09:41 AM
i dont get why so many people go aww thats real CMA and it works so there

ive seen the vid before but the punches the guy landed looked like straight up hooks to me

Mook Jong
05-12-2008, 09:47 AM
That guy looks like he took a karate class, learned a stance and just threw hay makers when it came down to it. Looked like luck more than skill.

Freebird, if you're looking for a style, first figure out what's available to you.

RD'S Alias - 1A
05-12-2008, 09:49 AM
He's a forms guy who has no idea how his style is supposed to be used. My guess is Choy Lay Fut or some other such Southern long fist. Although some of his stance use is reminiscent of performance Karate.

He got a lucky shot in against an opponent who understands fighting less than he does.

David Jamieson
05-12-2008, 09:52 AM
i dont get why so many people go aww thats real CMA and it works so there

ive seen the vid before but the punches the guy landed looked like straight up hooks to me


my ping choy is your flat fist, my yut gi choy is your vertical fist, my pao choi is your uppercut, and so on.

straight hooks, uppercuts, jabs, crosses...it's all in there.

the posing was goofy. But he did drop the dude solid in one shot and proved that he could put up and that the other kid was only good for tying his shoes when he shouldv'e been keeping his trap shut.

ah kids these days. :p

05-12-2008, 09:57 AM
Ya, i just thought it was funny cause the guy was running his mouth, regardless he still got put in his place lol.. Was just hilarious.

Only thing available for me is Shaolin Do, 3rd Degree blackbelt runs the school and it just doesnt seem to be a good place for me to learn, Too much chaos going around all the time from the 2 viewings i went to. Im still waiting to hear from www.plumblossom.net I got his emails, but waiting for the package orwhatever im supposed to get for distance training.

I'm Gonna have to take a distance training period. I live too far back in the boonies to be going anywhere 80 to 100 miles 2-3 times a week, specially with todays gas prices. So im looking for a good distance program. My whole family wil be learning from it, i doubt doing any tournaments. LOL although that would be fun, but i dont think i could get the right training from distance to do anykind of tournies, but really want it for the mental and physical health aspect of it.


05-12-2008, 09:57 AM
I would have loved to see stance boy go up against someone who had some real training in MA.:D The only problem might have been that the other guy would have been laughing so hard that he could not fight.

To be honest it obvious the black guy had no training whatsoever and the white had a little but after seeing those haymakers it obvious that it was very little.

RD'S Alias - 1A
05-12-2008, 10:25 AM
It wasn't the haymakers that showed his lack of knowledge, it was the way he stepped and shuffled around. also using a twisted stance the way he did showed he has no clue what that stance is for. The "Hay makers" are about all he did right. There were recognizable Long Fist combos at that point.