View Full Version : Doomsday 2012

RD'S Alias - 1A
05-30-2008, 07:14 PM
Ok, this is the STUPIDEST movie I have ever seen.

If I EVER have to face god personally, I am going to demand to know how a just and fair God can possibly allow an abomination of a movie such as Doomsday 2012 to have been produced.

BAD Movie!! :mad:

That is all, you may return to your regularly scheduled conversations now.


05-30-2008, 07:59 PM
2012, they jsut got sick and tired of rpedicting i think. nothing is gonna happen.

RD'S Alias - 1A
05-30-2008, 09:10 PM
The whole stupid thing seemed like some sort of Christian "Faith in God" lecture. Like if they were to show a movie in Bible school, certainly a movie about how JESUS related proficies dominated Myan culture would be it, and Doomsday 2012 is the movie they would choose.

What the sam h@ll does Jesus have to do with Myan culture anyway?

05-30-2008, 09:43 PM
The whole stupid thing seemed like some sort of Christian "Faith in God" lecture. Like if they were to show a movie in Bible school, certainly a movie about how JESUS related proficies dominated Myan culture would be it, and Doomsday 2012 is the movie they would choose.

What the sam h@ll does Jesus have to do with Myan culture anyway?
Wait, what?

Link to the movie info?

Samurai Jack
05-30-2008, 10:57 PM
Anyone else notice how the END OF THE WORLD keeps getting pushed back two to four years every... uhhh... two to four years?

How many thousands of years are people going to buy this "just around the corner" prophecy hooey?

Just in my lifetime we've had the following predictions of emminent world destruction:

1) Soviet Atomic Holocaust
2) A.I.D.S. Pandemic
3) Haley's Comet crashes into us
4) Anthrax Plague
5) Y2K Causes Massive Food Shortages etc.
6) Middle Eastern Terrorist Atomic Holocaust
7) North Korean Atomic Holocaust
8) Pakastan/India Atomic Holocaust
9) Global Cooling Freezes Humanity
10) The Ever Popular Jesus Is Coming
12) Global Warming Fries Humanity
13) The Earth Stops Spinning
14) The Earth Starts Spinning Too Fast
15) The Earth Reverses Direction, or Flips Upside Down, or runs into another planet or the Sun.

If more people followed this forum, they'd realize that Gene's Nacho Ninjettes were actually our most likely global threat. The poor lemmings will never see them coming.

RD'S Alias - 1A
05-31-2008, 05:55 AM
I am currently writing a book about a paranoid para military survival freak who has spent 20 years preparing to survive the coming collapse of the US.

After seeing each apocolyptic prediction come to pass with nothing happening, except Y2K, which was averted by spending billions to upgrade software (which probably would have been upgraded anyway given the rate of technological and software advances), he finnaly decides all his work, and effort to stockpile weapons and cases of MRE's and cultivating an endless array of post apocalyptic, improvisational survival skills, was all in vain because the coming collapse will never actually happen.

After years of being made fun of by his daughter, he gives up his fears. However, he has spent 20 years preparing and does not want it to be a waste, so he just pretends the apocalypse actually happened and move to his secluded cabin in the mountains under the guise of taking an early retirement.

Finally, after a time enjoying a peaceful retirement in his cabin, he has totally given up on the idea,decided the whole thing is just a big marketing game for adventure gear and survival outfits to sell massive stock piles or supplies that no one will ever use. He realizes the whole coming collapse of the US is just an over blown excuse for fully grown, mature, adult men to basically play "Fort".

So, other than his favorite gun, he sells all his supplies, enough to support 3 families for 8 years, takes the money and puts it into an account for his potential future grand kid's education.

He lives in his cabin in the woods and makes a living selling bait dock side on the little fishing lake he lives by. He enjoys early retirement by spending his days fishing, hiking and in the evening using his amature radio gear collected during his previous career attempting to prepare for the end of the world that is never coming.

Then the apocalypse actually DOES come, and he's totally unprepared because he sold off all his stuff.

It seems his plans all revolved around stock piling years and years worth of supplies and "Things" but he never bothered to develop any sort of natural skills that would allow him to live off the land.

All his skill training was in unique and inventive ways to stretch is supplies, and various military strategies needed to fend of the hordes of un prepared survivors, that never actually came.

He meets other survivors, and is surprised to find they didn't value guns, fortifications, any sort of excessive fighting abilities or massive stock piles of military survival goods.

Instead, they just garden hunt, fish, gather edible plants, educate thier kids, and enjoy a happy post apocalyptic life in peace away from the crime, and hustle bustle, stress full life the now gone cities used to provide. They are barely seem aware it even happened.

So he was a weirdo in the pre apocolypse, because he put all his efforts into preparing for it when no one else saw a need, and in the post apocalypse, he is still a wierdo, because he just didn't "get it" in the first place so he still does not fit in.

David Jamieson
05-31-2008, 07:22 AM
I am currently writing a book about a paranoid para military survival freak who has spent 20 years preparing to survive the coming collapse of the US.

After seeing each apocolyptic prediction come to pass with nothing happening, except Y2K, which was averted by spending billions to upgrade software (which probably would have been upgraded anyway given the rate of technological and software advances), he finnaly decides all his work, and effort to stockpile weapons and cases of MRE's and cultivating an endless array of post apocalyptic, improvisational survival skills, was all in vain because the coming collapse will never actually happen.

After years of being made fun of by his daughter, he gives up his fears. However, he has spent 20 years preparing and does not want it to be a waste, so he just pretends the apocalypse actually happened and move to his secluded cabin in the mountains under the guise of taking an early retirement.

Finally, after a time enjoying a peaceful retirement in his cabin, he has totally given up on the idea,decided the whole thing is just a big marketing game for adventure gear and survival outfits to sell massive stock piles or supplies that no one will ever use. He realizes the whole coming collapse of the US is just an over blown excuse for fully grown, mature, adult men to basically play "Fort".

So, other than his favorite gun, he sells all his supplies, enough to support 3 families for 8 years, takes the money and puts it into an account for his potential future grand kid's education.

He lives in his cabin in the woods and makes a living selling bait dock side on the little fishing lake he lives by. He enjoys early retirement by spending his days fishing, hiking and in the evening using his amature radio gear collected during his previous career attempting to prepare for the end of the world that is never coming.

Then the apocalypse actually DOES come, and he's totally unprepared because he sold off all his stuff.

It seems his plans all revolved around stock piling years and years worth of supplies and "Things" but he never bothered to develop any sort of natural skills that would allow him to live off the land.

All his skill training was in unique and inventive ways to stretch is supplies, and various military strategies needed to fend of the hordes of un prepared survivors, that never actually came.

He meets other survivors, and is surprised to find they didn't value guns, fortifications, any sort of excessive fighting abilities or massive stock piles of military survival goods.

Instead, they just garden hunt, fish, gather edible plants, educate thier kids, and enjoy a happy post apocalyptic life in peace away from the crime, and hustle bustle, stress full life the now gone cities used to provide. They are barely seem aware it even happened.

So he was a weirdo in the pre apocolypse, because he put all his efforts into preparing for it when no one else saw a need, and in the post apocalypse, he is still a wierdo, because he just didn't "get it" in the first place so he still does not fit in.

yes, some people are just weirdos.
nice little irony tale though man. :)

05-31-2008, 07:36 AM
I am currently writing a book about a paranoid para military survival freak who has spent 20 years preparing to survive the coming collapse of the US.

After seeing each apocolyptic prediction come to pass with nothing happening, except Y2K, which was averted by spending billions to upgrade software (which probably would have been upgraded anyway given the rate of technological and software advances), he finnaly decides all his work, and effort to stockpile weapons and cases of MRE's and cultivating an endless array of post apocalyptic, improvisational survival skills, was all in vain because the coming collapse will never actually happen.

After years of being made fun of by his daughter, he gives up his fears. However, he has spent 20 years preparing and does not want it to be a waste, so he just pretends the apocalypse actually happened and move to his secluded cabin in the mountains under the guise of taking an early retirement.

Finally, after a time enjoying a peaceful retirement in his cabin, he has totally given up on the idea,decided the whole thing is just a big marketing game for adventure gear and survival outfits to sell massive stock piles or supplies that no one will ever use. He realizes the whole coming collapse of the US is just an over blown excuse for fully grown, mature, adult men to basically play "Fort".

So, other than his favorite gun, he sells all his supplies, enough to support 3 families for 8 years, takes the money and puts it into an account for his potential future grand kid's education.

He lives in his cabin in the woods and makes a living selling bait dock side on the little fishing lake he lives by. He enjoys early retirement by spending his days fishing, hiking and in the evening using his amature radio gear collected during his previous career attempting to prepare for the end of the world that is never coming.

Then the apocalypse actually DOES come, and he's totally unprepared because he sold off all his stuff.

It seems his plans all revolved around stock piling years and years worth of supplies and "Things" but he never bothered to develop any sort of natural skills that would allow him to live off the land.

All his skill training was in unique and inventive ways to stretch is supplies, and various military strategies needed to fend of the hordes of un prepared survivors, that never actually came.

He meets other survivors, and is surprised to find they didn't value guns, fortifications, any sort of excessive fighting abilities or massive stock piles of military survival goods.

Instead, they just garden hunt, fish, gather edible plants, educate thier kids, and enjoy a happy post apocalyptic life in peace away from the crime, and hustle bustle, stress full life the now gone cities used to provide. They are barely seem aware it even happened.

So he was a weirdo in the pre apocolypse, because he put all his efforts into preparing for it when no one else saw a need, and in the post apocalypse, he is still a wierdo, because he just didn't "get it" in the first place so he still does not fit in.

Is he a Chung Moo survivor?

RD'S Alias - 1A
05-31-2008, 11:18 AM
No, the Chung moo book has already been written and published by another author.

RD'S Alias - 1A
05-31-2008, 11:24 AM
yes, some people are just weirdos.
nice little irony tale though man.

Thanks! When I am done, I am hoping to find a publisher and and may get it in the book stores.

I don't really care if it does well, but since I can't seem to stop writing it in my spare time. I figured it should be published.

My daughter is going to edit it and correct all my bad grammar and poor use of punctuation.

05-31-2008, 11:39 AM
No, the Chung moo book has already been written and published by another author.

What is the name of the book and the author?

RD'S Alias - 1A
05-31-2008, 12:05 PM
It is called "Herding the moo" by Joe Smith, from Trafford Publishing

I have a review in the book, as well as being mentioned by my username "Royal Dragon" in the thank you section at the beginning of the book.

Herding The Moo (http://books.google.com/books?id=PqYjr970lR4C&dq=herding+the+moo&pg=PP1&ots=Zge6G7K0x1&sig=-kpUHYYCk9z5YE9R6oigz9rY_6s&hl=en&prev=http://www.google.com/search%3Fhl%3Den%26q%3DHerding%2Bthe%2BMoo%26btnG% 3DSearch&sa=X&oi=print&ct=title&cad=one-book-with-thumbnail#PPP1,M1)

There are two editions, both are well written. I would suggest owning both of them. There are a great many similarities as the second book started out as a revised edition to the first, but there is enough extra content to warrant owning the pair.

05-31-2008, 01:31 PM
Instead, they just garden hunt, fish, gather edible plants, educate thier kids, and enjoy a happy post apocalyptic life in peace away from the crime, and hustle bustle, stress full life the now gone cities used to provide. They are barely seem aware it even happened.

Except for the occasional roaming warlord pillaging, right?

RD'S Alias - 1A
05-31-2008, 02:23 PM
No, there will be no war lords pillaging in the book. The survivors will be the people from the locl town, plus a few that survived the destruction of the cities.

All the blood bath type stuff will happen in the suburbs as the remaining, masses fight and compete for the remaining resources, thus killing themselves off long before they make it to the mountains.

Most people would not go to the mountains anyway. They are not equipped to survive there, and would see it as a place of death and starvation same as they do now when hikers get lost in the woods today.

The Willow Sword
05-31-2008, 02:51 PM
Well Some say that the Calendar just "Ends" Dec 21st 2012. Others have stated that the calendar is just resetting itself and that it marks the end of this particular cycle. I tend to believe in both aspects but i hardly think that it is going to mark an "end of the world" scenario. However, Cyclic changes can be pretty intense and sometimes cataclysmic. But only in the minds of the people who really buy into things like this, a mass hysteria on a very large scale could invoke a kind of apocalypse. The Collective consiousness could facilitate its own demise in this way.
I dont think that we will see anything remotely bad happen on Dec 21st 2012. Its the Winter solstice beginning as it has always been since things began.

I am getting kind of tired of these end of days type movies. like " I am legend" and 28 days and all the movies where some infection kills everyone but a select few. Or the ones with the X-tian take on things where hell fire and brimstone are about to be let loose and then some self riteous soul saves us all:rolleyes: Its tiresome and boring,if you ask me.

I would like to see a movie that is based on the Carlos Castenada Books. A kind of Primal ancient past mixed with Modern technology and a smidgeon of extra terrestrial influence. of course we would need Jessica Alba as a co-star to help our Hero relieve stress at the opportune times:D Make it a NC-17 rating :cool:.


RD'S Alias - 1A
05-31-2008, 06:49 PM
My book is really not about the Apocalypse really. It's about the paramilitary survival nut and all the changes and things he goes through.

The actual apocalypse is just the back drop and really more of a spoof on apocalyptic dooms day movies/books and paranoid survival freaks than anything.

Golden Spider
05-31-2008, 11:31 PM
But was he prepared to fight ZOMBIES!? ~That is where the real threat lies...

06-01-2008, 02:12 AM
carlos castenada peed on a dog.

The Willow Sword
06-01-2008, 06:55 AM
Yeah you have to read the Book World War Z. which they are making a movie of now, i think. Its about that same ole thing where an infection turns a large% of the populous into the living dead, and the survivors have to deal with them. The Book WWZ deals with the Survival Manual that is created should you encounter a zombie and the accounts of people who survived the first major ordeal of Zombies "YAWWWNNNN":rolleyes:


David Jamieson
06-01-2008, 06:55 AM
I find it odd that we are conditioned to think that the outside world is hazardous when in fact it's safer than the urban areas and there are many more resources to exploit and survival can be more than just mere survival.

Most of us are not taught any sort of rudimentary hunting and gathering skills and even less so on the construction of shelter and even the creation of fire without matches or lighters and so on.

This fundamental necessary education of a human has been all but removed due to our modernity.

it's a shame and I feel lucky to be someone who can be dropped in the middle of the woods with next to nothing and I can be comfortable with my odds. :)

Not that I don't like my perc coffee and hot showers, because i do, i'm just saying that perhaps this stuff needs to be re-included in the education system outside of extracurricular activities such as scouts

RD'S Alias - 1A
06-01-2008, 07:24 AM
I find it odd that we are conditioned to think that the outside world is hazardous when in fact it's safer than the urban areas and there are many more resources to exploit and survival can be more than just mere survival.

Most of us are not taught any sort of rudimentary hunting and gathering skills and even less so on the construction of shelter and even the creation of fire without matches or lighters and so on.

This fundamental necessary education of a human has been all but removed due to our modernity.

it's a shame and I feel lucky to be someone who can be dropped in the middle of the woods with next to nothing and I can be comfortable with my odds. :)

Not that I don't like my perc coffee and hot showers, because i do, i'm just saying that perhaps this stuff needs to be re-included in the education system outside of extracurricular activities such as scouts

I agree 100% I can build shelters well, but I am weak on other skills, like making fire without man made tools. I have to use a magnesium fire starter or a flint steal.

I can fish, and probably hunt with a bow. I have been in the woods enough to know can at least get in range to take a clean shot. I am weak on wild edibles though.

As soon as I get a job (or more clients for my business), I will be getting a book called "Botany in a day". It teaches you how to identify edible plants by thier family, so you can learn to find food anywhere in the world.

06-01-2008, 10:50 AM
he really did pee on a dog. im not making this one up.

06-01-2008, 11:05 AM
Didn't bother to watch the 2012 thing, but THIS (http://thehappeningmovie.com/) new movie looks really freakin' scary!

M Knight's first "R" rated movie. Check out the 2 "Red Band" trailers - the second shorter one is really creepy!


06-02-2008, 06:54 AM


Pork Chop
06-02-2008, 07:32 AM
he really did pee on a dog. im not making this one up.

who hasn't peed on a dog?
especially after they pee on your favorite shoes...

RD'S Alias - 1A
06-02-2008, 07:59 AM


Now THAT is going in my book marks!! Thanks!!

06-02-2008, 08:14 AM
I find it odd that we are conditioned to think that the outside world is hazardous when in fact it's safer than the urban areas and there are many more resources to exploit and survival can be more than just mere survival.

Most of us are not taught any sort of rudimentary hunting and gathering skills and even less so on the construction of shelter and even the creation of fire without matches or lighters and so on.

This fundamental necessary education of a human has been all but removed due to our modernity.

it's a shame and I feel lucky to be someone who can be dropped in the middle of the woods with next to nothing and I can be comfortable with my odds. :)

Not that I don't like my perc coffee and hot showers, because i do, i'm just saying that perhaps this stuff needs to be re-included in the education system outside of extracurricular activities such as scouts

Drop me off in the middle of nowhere with nothing but my trusty toothpick and I will show you at your home one week later with a suntan, million dollar smile and a Lexus filled with half naked women !

That is what I call survival skills !!

RD'S Alias - 1A
06-02-2008, 08:22 AM
I actually think you could do it! :D

06-02-2008, 08:29 AM
I actually think you could do it! :D

Its the taiji training you know, people don't realize it, but the true taiji is far reaching and has many hidden secrets, its not all old people in park !!

RD'S Alias - 1A
06-02-2008, 09:05 AM
Lol!! :d


06-02-2008, 10:31 AM
I'm making plans to be in the Yucatan on 12/21/2012... just to see if the local Mayan population re-enacts the Lemmings run to the sea (minus cliffs) or to see if I can see the space debris bound to doom us all from a beach front setting...

RD'S Alias - 1A
06-02-2008, 10:42 AM
That sounds cool! Hopefully I will have my boat by then. I can sail down there and watch the world end form the deck surrounded by some teeny tiny bikini clad females serving drinks and creature comforts. :D

golden arhat
06-02-2008, 11:35 AM
everyone knows that zombies are going to spell the end of the world

thats why i'm stocking up and playing resident evil alot

06-02-2008, 11:41 AM
That sounds cool! Hopefully I will have my boat by then. I can sail down there and watch the world end form the deck surrounded by some teeny tiny bikini clad females serving drinks and creature comforts. :D

*cue the shaft theme song*

06-08-2008, 05:57 PM
The whole stupid thing seemed like some sort of Christian "Faith in God" lecture. Like if they were to show a movie in Bible school, certainly a movie about how JESUS related proficies dominated Myan culture would be it, and Doomsday 2012 is the movie they would choose.

What the sam h@ll does Jesus have to do with Myan culture anyway?

A mayan priest visited the middle east after having a very intense dream. Then, when they met up, Jesus did a Christ Nut Clunch on the priest. The priest interrupted Jesus' special time with 2 of his acolytes and decided that he didn't want wankers coming to his territory anymore from other lands, so he went back to the priest's home, taught them to stay in school and not come messing around his lands again.

06-08-2008, 06:07 PM
carlos castenada peed on a dog.

yes, but only because the dog asked him to...

Yao Sing
06-08-2008, 06:53 PM
I agree 100% I can build shelters well, but I am weak on other skills, like making fire without man made tools. I have to use a magnesium fire starter or a flint steal.

I can fish, and probably hunt with a bow. I have been in the woods enough to know can at least get in range to take a clean shot. I am weak on wild edibles though.

As soon as I get a job (or more clients for my business), I will be getting a book called "Botany in a day". It teaches you how to identify edible plants by thier family, so you can learn to find food anywhere in the world.

Check for a local orienteering class, they should be ale to help with the stuff you're wanting to do. Also watch Survivorman, Les has some good stuff like pulling the fuzz off your socks to help get a fire started.

I think schools should teach civilized and uncivilized survival (that's modern and ancient survival, or, how to make it in the wilderness and urban settings).

RD'S Alias - 1A
06-08-2008, 07:28 PM
Check for a local orienteering class, they should be ale to help with the stuff you're wanting to do.

I have been orienteering for a good 30 of the 40 years I have lived this life. Heck, I almost don't need a map or compass anymore, just a nice over grown land mark and the sun.

Also watch Survivorman, Les has some good stuff like pulling the fuzz off your socks to help get a fire started.

Both Survivor man, and Bear Grylls have good individual lessons, but over all what they present is not all that useful. Survivor man for instance would die if left alone in the wilderness for more than a week. He's such a clod he's actually burned his own shelters down in the past.

Bear gryls would do better I think, but the way he is on his show would certainly get someone killed in real life.

Both guys spend way too much time eating grubs and other disgusting things, when they are surrounded by yummy and tasty edible plants. In reality gathering edible plants is your primary source of food. Hunting is secondary.

It's a lot of sensationalism, but not a lot of reality.

I think schools should teach civilized and uncivilized survival (that's modern and ancient survival, or, how to make it in the wilderness and urban settings)

I can agree with this for sure.

David Jamieson
06-09-2008, 03:43 AM
when he say carlos casteneda peed on a dog, by "carlos" he means r.kelly and by "dog" he means 15 year old girl

06-11-2008, 01:42 PM
Lot of info & thoughts about 2012...

1-Currently we are in the age of Pisces (the age of Jesus, fish) and will enter into the age of Aquaris. Astrological calendar stuff...
Very interesting Video that gets into this as well as other things.
Zeitgeist - http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=zeitgeist&hl=en&sitesearch=#

2-12th Planet Nibiru (also known as Planet X), currently on the other side of the Sun will come into orbit between Earth & the Sun causing a possible tilting or shifting in the poles. Resulting in massive tidle waves & earthquakes. Supposedly occurs every 3600 years and is why we had our Ice Ages & so on. Some say that by the end of 2009 that it will start to become visible in the sky during sunrise close to the sun.

3-Really far reaching, Anunnaki, a God like race of Giants (found in the Summarian text) that are our true creators will connect our DNA strands (only 3 are actually connected if I recall correctly). NOTE - the Anunnaki are supposedly from Plant Nibiru. Those of us that are ready for it will ascend to a higher level of being, perhaps even move into another dimension of existence.

4-World Depopulation End of Times, many believe that there is a deliberate goal by Rich Corporate Eliteist (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Herriman, etc...) & High Level Gov't to purposely depopulate the earth by as a much as 90% to a sustainable number of 500 Million. By using things like 911 as a catalyst they can change Civil Rights, by setting up the NAU (the prior EU) and other things like War, Famine & Disease they can achieve this goal. The target is 2010 to 2012 (although some say 2020 or 2025). Rising Fuel costs will make it impossible for farmers to get their food to market, Codex Almentarius is forcing the food industry to adopt very questionable practices with food production (ie; mandatory use of bovine growth hormone, antibiotics in all meat product), outlawing health food supplements (ie; Bill C51 in Canada). Codex Almentarius is being pushed by the WTO & is slated to mandatory practice for all member nations by Jan 1st, 2010. Even more far reaching by using HAARP they can use resonate frequencies to alter weather patterns bringing about massive crop failures. All of this will be furthered by economic financial collapse. There is an expression among subscribers of this belief that the Third World War will not be done with bullets & bombs between countries but rather by the Gov'ts (aka New World Order) waged on the populace with food as the final weapon. Also playing into this plan is another North American False Flag attack to happen in North America ushering in Martial Law. Look up Bilderbergers, Council on Foriegn Relations, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones, etc....

I don't necessarily subscribe to this, just passing along the info ;)

06-11-2008, 01:55 PM
Regarding the 2nd belief about 2012 & Planet Nibiru, an interesting note, apparently Bill Gates & Mon Santo (the World's largest food distribution company) have built a inpentrible massive air tight & water tight structure to house... wait for this....................................

seeds! :confused:

06-11-2008, 02:15 PM
Lot of info & thoughts about 2012...

1-Currently we are in the age of Pisces (the age of Jesus, fish) and will enter into the age of Aquaris. Astrological calendar stuff...
Very interesting Video that gets into this as well as other things.
Zeitgeist - http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=zeitgeist&hl=en&sitesearch=#

2-12th Planet Nibiru (also known as Planet X), currently on the other side of the Sun will come into orbit between Earth & the Sun causing a possible tilting or shifting in the poles. Resulting in massive tidle waves & earthquakes. Supposedly occurs every 3600 years and is why we had our Ice Ages & so on. Some say that by the end of 2009 that it will start to become visible in the sky during sunrise close to the sun.

3-Really far reaching, Anunnaki, a God like race of Giants (found in the Summarian text) that are our true creators will connect our DNA strands (only 3 are actually connected if I recall correctly). NOTE - the Anunnaki are supposedly from Plant Nibiru. Those of us that are ready for it will ascend to a higher level of being, perhaps even move into another dimension of existence.

1. Nibiru doesn't exist in Sumerian mythology. Only Babylonian and later.
2. The Anunnaki were only SOME of the Sumerian gods. They lived underground in Sumerian mythology, not on the Earth's surface. For example, Enki lived in the underground ocean, and Enlil lived in the underworld.
3. The Anunnaki were never considered giants. One was larger than the others, but that's largely irrelevant.
4. There is nothing extraterrestrial-intelligency about the Sumerians or their mythology.
5. Zeitgeist is bull****.

The Willow Sword
06-11-2008, 04:33 PM
5. Zeitgeist is bull****.

Its only bullsh!t because it clashes with the established brainwashing that is organized religion, organized government,and organized paranoia. In fact it is not bullsh!t at all. It is very real and i would expect those who cant see outside the box to call it that. It makes the movie even more of a powerful statement. We can debate the 9-11 thing all we want but i see no real debate on the other aspects of that film,the other points that zeitgeist make are powerful ones and they hit home in a big way. The only reason why movies like this are not censored is that if they were by our government,it would put the idea in most that maybe what it was saying has ring of truth. So it is left alone and those who blindly follow the government and organized religion will nay say it and do the governments job and the religious rites job for them. Sadly enough it will be the majority that does this and so films like zeitgeist go down as "tin foil hat" propaganda and every narrow minded nimrod will believe it to be as such.

But if zeitgest really is BS ,id rather watch that kind of bullsh!t than the BS that is crammed down our throats on a daily basis by our government and our organized religious rite.


06-12-2008, 05:31 AM
Its only bullsh!t because it clashes with the established brainwashing that is organized religion, organized government,and organized paranoia. In fact it is not bullsh!t at all. It is very real and i would expect those who cant see outside the box to call it that. It makes the movie even more of a powerful statement. We can debate the 9-11 thing all we want but i see no real debate on the other aspects of that film,the other points that zeitgeist make are powerful ones and they hit home in a big way. The only reason why movies like this are not censored is that if they were by our government,it would put the idea in most that maybe what it was saying has ring of truth. So it is left alone and those who blindly follow the government and organized religion will nay say it and do the governments job and the religious rites job for them. Sadly enough it will be the majority that does this and so films like zeitgeist go down as "tin foil hat" propaganda and every narrow minded nimrod will believe it to be as such.

But if zeitgest really is BS ,id rather watch that kind of bullsh!t than the BS that is crammed down our throats on a daily basis by our government and our organized religious rite.


Never heard of that movie till today ( not a fan of conspiracy theories), but I just saw some of it on Google and read about its sources on its website.
Very interesting.

06-12-2008, 05:40 AM
See you guys on the beach in Belize!
I cannot even remember to programme the TV and I am going to remember the world is going to eviscerate in 2012! By fire, water, tornado, hurricane, snowstorm, aliens!!!!

Anybody have the date, time and month? The 2012 spread is too great!

06-12-2008, 05:56 AM
See you guys on the beach in Belize!
I cannot even remember to programme the TV and I am going to remember the world is going to eviscerate in 2012! By fire, water, tornado, hurricane, snowstorm, aliens!!!!

Anybody have the date, time and month? The 2012 spread is too great!

Dec 21, 2012... Come up the coast a couple hundred KMs to Tulum or even better Coba or Chitzen Itza... Big party to be had!!

06-12-2008, 10:49 PM
Its only bullsh!t because it clashes with the established brainwashing that is organized religion, organized government,and organized paranoia. In fact it is not bullsh!t at all. It is very real and i would expect those who cant see outside the box to call it that. It makes the movie even more of a powerful statement. We can debate the 9-11 thing all we want but i see no real debate on the other aspects of that film,the other points that zeitgeist make are powerful ones and they hit home in a big way. The only reason why movies like this are not censored is that if they were by our government,it would put the idea in most that maybe what it was saying has ring of truth. So it is left alone and those who blindly follow the government and organized religion will nay say it and do the governments job and the religious rites job for them. Sadly enough it will be the majority that does this and so films like zeitgeist go down as "tin foil hat" propaganda and every narrow minded nimrod will believe it to be as such.

But if zeitgest really is BS ,id rather watch that kind of bullsh!t than the BS that is crammed down our throats on a daily basis by our government and our organized religious rite.


No, I have a problem with the fact that no one can give me primary sources as to the claims made in the first part of the movie.

Your faith in internet videos... disturbs me.

06-13-2008, 06:46 PM
Both guys spend way too much time eating grubs and other disgusting things, when they are surrounded by yummy and tasty edible plants. In reality gathering edible plants is your primary source of food. Hunting is secondary.

Yes, I would advise, when stuck in the desert, that when you come across a freshly dead camel, that you do not cut any of the meat off and have it sit on top of a rock that's heated by the burning remains of camel droppings, regardless of how dry it is.

06-13-2008, 07:43 PM
Check out Esoteric Agenda, http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=esoteric+agenda#q=esoteric%20agenda&dur=3 (click on the 126 min one), very good documentary on current events, defenitely a eye opener and not something you will see on the main stream media.

I consider myself a pretty level headed person, not easily swayed by over zealous people with wacky ideas. A few years ago someone gave me some vid's to watch, most of them about the banking system and who's running what, and also about the 9/11 event. I found it very interesting at the time, but let it be until another friend of mine gave my this docu to watch. Lots of it makes sense IMO.

Regarding 2012, I'm not an expert on the subject, but from what I understand it is not a doomsday date where all the things we know of today ends and we all die, rather it's an awaken of sorts to a higher consiousness, a New Earth of sorts as Eckart Tolle says in his most recent book (to which I highly recommend everyone reads). Lots of these ancient cultures where highly advanced, maybe not technology wise like we are today, but in others they supass us. If you think today society is a great one, then I respectfully have to disagree with you. Yeah, most of us are free in the western world, but really are we. When gas goes up 30-40% in a years time, does it affect your world? If we are so free, then how is that possible?


04-20-2012, 11:12 AM
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/314227_342225642507328_108287989234429_1007475_120 3656419_n.jpg
There's some movies I really want to see after 12/12/12 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1167468#post1167468). Where's the snooze button on this here apocalypse thing?

04-20-2012, 11:16 AM

09-19-2012, 09:45 AM
A NASA Scientist Answers the Top 20 Questions About 2012

About the author
Dr. David Morrison is the Director of the NASA Lunar Science Institute and Senior Scientist in the NASA Astrobiology Institute. Dr. Morrison received his Ph.D. in astronomy from Harvard University (where Carl Sagan was his thesis advisor) and has spent most of his career working in planetary science and astrobiology. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the California Academy of Sciences. He is recipient of the Dryden Medal for research of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the Sagan Medal of the American Astronomical Society for public communication. Morrison is a leading skeptic and proponent of improving science education and literacy. Asteroid 2410 Morrison is named in his honor.

PUBLIC CONCERN ABOUT DOOMSDAY IN December 2012 has blossomed into a major new presence on the Internet. This fear has begun to invade cable TV and Hollywood, and it is rapidly spreading internationally. The hoax originally concerned a return of the fictitious planet Nibiru in 2012, but it received a big boost when conspiracy theory websites began to link it to the end of the Mayan calendar long count at the winter solstice (December 21) of 2012. Over the past year, many unrelated groups have joined the doomsday chorus, including Nostradamus advocates, a wide variety of eschatological Christian, Native American, and spiritualist sects, and those who fear comet and asteroid impacts or violent solar storms. At the time of this writing there are more than 175 books listed on Amazon.com dealing with the 2012 doomsday. The most popular topics are the Mayan calendar and spiritual predictions that the disaster in 2012 will usher in a new age of happiness and spiritual growth. Quite a few authors are cashing in with manuals on how to survive 2012.

As this hoax spreads, many more doomsday scenarios are being suggested, mostly unrelated to Nibiru. These include a reversal of the Earth’s magnetic field, severe solar storms associated with the 11-year solar cycle (which may peak in 2012), a reversal of Earth’s rotation axis, a 90- degree flip of the rotation axis, bombardment by large comets or asteroids, bombardment by gamma rays, or various unspecified lethal rays coming from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy or the “dark rift” seen in a nearby galactic spiral arm. A major theme has become celestial alignments: supposedly the Sun will align with the galactic center (or maybe with the Milky Way Dark Rift) on December 21, 2012, subjecting us to mysterious and potentially deadly forces.

Unlike most pseudoscience stories, there seems to be no factual core on which the Nibiru- 2012 hoax has been constructed. This is different from, for example, the claims of aliens and a crashed UFO at Roswell, New Mexico. The alien stories are a fabrication, but the core fact is that an instrumented balloon did crash in Roswell on July 7, 1947. There is no similar factual core to Nibiru—just dubious “predictions” from psychics, or the Mayans, or Nostradamus. The rest is pure fiction.

I answer questions from the public submitted online to a NASA website, and over the past two years the Nibiru-2012 doomsday has become the dominant topic people ask about. Many are curious about things they have seen on the Internet or TV, but many are also angry about supposed government cover-ups. As one wrote “Why are you lying about Nibiru? Everyone knows it is coming.” Others are genuinely frightened that the world will end just three years from now. My frustration in answering questions piecemeal motivates this “Twenty Questions” format to organize the facts and shine a skeptical light on this accumulation of myths and hoaxes.

1. What is the origin of the prediction that the world will end in December 2012?

The story started with claims that Nibiru, a supposed planet discovered by the Sumerians, is headed toward Earth. Zecharia Sitchin, who writes fiction about the ancient Mesopotamian civilization of Sumer, claimed in several books (e.g., The Twelfth Planet, published in 1976) that he has found and translated Sumerian documents that identify the planet Nibiru, orbiting the Sun every 3600 years. These Sumerian fables include stories of “ancient astronauts” visiting Earth from a civilization of aliens called the Anunnaki. Then Nancy Lieder, a self-declared psychic who claims she is channeling aliens, wrote on her website Zetatalk that the inhabitants of a fictional planet around the star Zeta Reticuli warned her that the Earth was in danger from Planet X or Nibiru. This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened the doomsday date was recalculated (a standard procedure for doomsdayers) and moved forward to December 2012. Only recently have these two fables been linked to the end of the Mayan long-count at the winter solstice in 2012—hence the predicted doomsday date of December 21, 2012.

2. The Sumerians were the first great civilization, and they made many accurate astronomical predictions, including the existence of the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. So why should we not believe their predictions about Nibiru?

Nibiru is a name from Babylonian astrology sometimes associated with the god Marduk. Nibiru appears as a minor character in the Babylonian creation poem Enuma Elish as recorded in the library of Assurbanipal, King of Assyria (668–627 BCE). Sumer flourished much earlier, from about the 23rd century to the 17th century BCE. The claims that Nibiru is a planet and was known to the Sumerians are contradicted by scholars who (unlike Zecharia Sitchin) study and translate the written records of ancient Mesopotamia. Sumer was indeed a great civilization, important for the development of agriculture, water management, urban life, and especially writing. However, they left few astronomical records and they most certainly did not know about Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. They also had no understanding that the planets orbited the Sun, an idea that first developed in ancient Greece two millennia after the end of Sumer. Claims that Sumerians had a sophisticated astronomy, or that they even had a god named Nibiru, are the product of Sitchin’s imagination.

3. How can you deny the existence of Nibiru when NASA discovered it in 1983 and the story appeared in leading newspapers? At that time you called it Planet X, and later it was named Xena or Eris.

IRAS (the NASA Infrared Astronomy Satellite, which carried out a sky survey for 10 months in 1983) discovered many infrared sources, but none of them was Nibiru or Planet X or any other objects in the outer solar system. Briefly, IRAS cataloged 350,000 infrared sources, and initially many of these sources were unidentified (which was the point, of course, of making such a survey). All of these observations have been followed up by subsequent studies with more powerful instruments both on the ground and in space. The rumor about a “tenth planet” erupted in 1984 after a scientific paper was published in Astrophysical Journal Letters titled “Unidentified point sources in the IRAS minisurvey,” which discussed several infrared sources with “no counterparts.” But these “mystery objects” were subsequently found to be distant galaxies (except one, which was a wisp of “infrared cirrus”), as published in 1987. No IRAS source has ever turned out to be a planet. A good discussion of this whole issue is to be found on Phil Plait’s website. The bottom line is that Nibiru is a myth, with no basis in fact. To an astronomer, persistent claims about a planet that is “nearby” but “invisible” are just plain silly.

4. Maybe we should be asking about Planet X or Eris, not Nibiru. Why does NASA keep secret the orbit of Eris?

“Planet X” is an oxymoron when applied to a real object. The generic term has been used by astronomers over the past century for a possible or suspected object. Once the object is found, it is given a real name, as was done with Pluto and Eris, both of which were once referred to as Planet X. If a new object turns out to be not real, or not a planet, then you won’t hear about it again. If it is real, it is no longer called Planet X. Eris is one of several dwarf planets recently found by astronomers in the outer solar system, all of them on normal orbits that will never bring them near Earth. Like Pluto, Eris is smaller than our Moon. It is very far away, and its orbit never brings it closer than about 4 billion miles. There is no secret about Eris or its orbit, as you can easily verify by googling it or looking it up in Wikipedia.

09-19-2012, 09:46 AM
5. Do you deny that NASA built a South Pole Telescope (SPT) to track Nibiru? Why else would they build a telescope at the South Pole?

There is a telescope at the South Pole, but it was not built by NASA and it is not used to study Nibiru. The South Pole Telescope is supported by the National Science Foundation, and it is a radio telescope, not an optical instrument. It cannot take visible light images or photos. You can look it up on Wikipedia. The Antarctic is a great place for astronomical infrared and short-wave-radio observations, and it also has the advantage that objects can be observed continuously without the interference of the day-night cycle. I should add that it is impossible to imagine a way in which an object can be seen only from the South Pole. Even if it were due south of the Earth, it could be seen from the entire southern hemisphere.

6. There are many photos and videos of Nibiru on the Internet. Isn’t that proof that it exists?

The great majority of the photos and videos on the Internet are of some feature near the Sun (apparently supporting the claim that Nibiru has been hiding behind the Sun for the past several years). These are actually false images of the Sun caused by internal reflections in the lens, often called lens flare. You can identify them easily by the fact that they appear diametrically opposite the real solar image, as if reflected across the center of the image. This is especially obvious in videos, where as the camera moves, the false image dances about always exactly opposite the real image. Similar lens flare is a source of many UFO photos taken at night with strong light sources such as streetlights in the frame. I am surprised that more people don’t recognize this common photo artifact. I am also amazed that these photos showing something nearly as large and bright as the Sun (a “second sun”) are accepted together with claims made on some of the same websites that Nibiru is too faint to be seen or photographed except with large telescopes.

One widely reported telescopic photo shows two views of an expanding gas cloud far beyond the solar system, which is not moving; you can see this from the fact that the stars are the same in both pictures. A sharp-eyed reader on my website identified these photos as a gas shell around the star V838 Mon. Wikipedia has a nice write-up and a beautiful photo of it from the Hubble. Another high school student was initially impressed by posted images of a red blob that were said to be of Nibiru. Then he worked out in his Photoshop class how to make just such pictures starting from scratch. One video posted in summer 2008 on YouTube shows a guy standing in his kitchen claiming that one of the objects discovered by NASA’s x-ray telescope is Nibiru. What is his evidence? That since this false-color x-ray image released by NASA is blue, this must really be a nearby planet with an ocean. This would be hilarious if it were not used to frighten people.

7. Can you explain the fact that the area at (5h 53m 27s, -6 10′ 58″) has been blackened out in Google Sky and Microsoft Telescope? People suggest that these have been blackened out because those are the co-ordinates where Nibiru is located at present.

Several people have asked me about this blank rectangle in Orion in Google Sky, which is a presentation of images from the Sloan Digital Survey. This can’t be a “hiding place” for Nibiru, since it is a part of the sky that could be seen from almost everywhere on the Earth in the winter of 2007–08 when much of the talk about Nibiru began. Plus, that would contradict the claims that Nibiru was hiding behind the Sun or that it could be seen only from the southern hemisphere. But I too was curious about this blank rectangle, so I asked a friend who is a senior scientist at Google. He replied that he “found out that the missing data is due to a processing error in the image stitching program we use to display the Sloan survey images. The team assures me that in the next run through, this will be fixed!”

8. If the government knew about Nibiru, wouldn’t they keep it a secret to avoid panic? Isn’t it the government’s job to keep the population at ease?

There are many objectives of government, but they do not include keeping the population at ease. My experience is that sometimes parts of the government do just the opposite, as in the frequent references to various terrorist threats or warnings about driving accidents on long holiday weekends, which are no more dangerous than any other time. There is a long history of associating bad things with political opponents (older readers will remember the “missile gap” in the 1960 election, younger ones will note the many current references to who is or is not keeping the U.S. safe from terrorists). Further, social scientists have pointed out that many of our concepts of public panic are the product of Hollywood, while in the real world people have a good record of helping each other in a time of danger. I think everyone also recognizes that keeping bad news secret usually backfires, making the issue even worse when the facts finally come out. And in the case of Nibiru, these facts would come out very soon indeed.

Even if it wanted to, however, the government could not keep Nibiru a secret. If Nibiru were real, it would be tracked by thousands of astronomers, amateurs as well as professionals. These astronomers are spread all over the world. I know the astronomy community, and these scientists would not keep a secret even if ordered to. You just can’t hide a planet on its way into the inner solar system!

9. Why does the Mayan calendar say the world will end in 2012? I have heard that they have been pretty accurate in the past with other planetary predictions. How can you be sure you know more than they did?

Calendars exist for keeping track of the passage of time, not for predicting the future. The Mayan astronomers were clever, and they developed a very complex calendar. Ancient calendars are interesting to historians, but of course they cannot match the ability we have today to keep track of time, or the precision of the calendars currently in use. The main point, however, is that calendars, whether contemporary or ancient, cannot predict the future of our planet or warn of things to happen on a specific date such as 2012.

I note that my desk calendar ends much sooner, on December 31, 2009, but I do not interpret this as a prediction of Armageddon. It is just the beginning of a new year.

09-19-2012, 09:48 AM
10. What is the polar shift theory? Is it true that the Earth’s crust does a 180-degree rotation around the core in a matter of days if not hours? Does this have something to do with our solar system dipping beneath the galactic equator?

A reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible. It has never happened and never will. There are slow movements of the continents (for example Antarctica was near the equator hundreds of millions of years ago), but that is irrelevant to claims of reversal of the rotational poles. However, many of the disaster websites pull a bait-and-switch to fool people. They claim a relationship between the rotation and the magnetic field of Earth, which does change irregularly with a magnetic reversal taking place, on average, every 400,000 years. As far as we know, such a magnetic reversal does not cause any harm to life on Earth. A magnetic reversal is very unlikely to happen in the next few millennia, anyway. But the 2012ers falsely claim that a magnetic reversal is coming soon (in 2012 of course) and that this is the same as, or will trigger, a reversal of Earth’s rotational poles. The bottom line is this: (a) rotation direction and magnetic polarity are not related; (b) there is no reason to expect a reversal of magnetic polarity any time soon, or to anticipate any bad effects on life when it does eventually happen; (c) a sudden shift in the rotational pole with disastrous consequences is impossible. Also, none of this has anything to do with the galactic equator or any of the other nonsense about alignments that appears on many of the doomsday websites.

11. When most of the planets align in 2012 and planet Earth is in the center of the Milky Way, what will the effects of this be on planet Earth? Could it cause a pole shift, and if so what could we expect?

There is no planet alignment in 2012 or any other time in the next several decades. As to the Earth being in the center of the Milky Way, I don’t know what this phrase means. If they are referring to the Milky Way Galaxy, we are some 30,000 light years from the center of this spiral galaxy. We circle the galactic center in a period of 225–250 million years, always keeping approximately the same distance. Concerning a pole shift, I also don’t know what this means. If it means some sudden change in the position of the pole (that is, the rotation axis of the Earth), then that is impossible, as noted above. What many websites do discuss is the alignment of the Earth and Sun with the center of the Milky Way in the constellation of Sagittarius. This happens every December, with no bad consequences, and there is no reason to expect 2012 to be different from any other year.

12. When the Sun and the Earth line up on the galactic plane at the same time with the black hole being in the center couldn’t that cause something to happen, due to the fact that the black hole has such a strong gravitational pull?

There is a supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy, and like any concentration of mass it exerts gravitational force on the rest of the galaxy. However, the galactic center is very far away, approximately 30,000 light years, so it has negligible effects on our solar system and Earth. There are no special forces from the galactic plane or the galactic center. The only important force that acts on the Earth is the gravitation of the Sun and Moon. As far as the influence of the galactic plane, there is nothing special about this location. The last time the Earth was in the galactic plane was several million years ago. Claims that we are about to cross the galactic plane are untrue.

13. I am scared about the fact that the Earth will enter the Dark Rift in the Milky Way. What will this do? Will the Earth be swallowed up?

The “dark rift” is a popular name for the broad and diffuse dust clouds in the inner arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, which block our view of the galactic center. The entire “galactic alignment” scare is ridiculous. Late in December the Sun is always approximately in the direction of the center of the Galaxy as seen from the Earth, but so what? Apparently the scaremongers have decided to use these meaningless phrases about “alignments” and the “dark rift” and “photon belt” precisely because they are not understood by the public. As far as the safety of the Earth is concerned, the important threats are from global warming and loss of biological diversity, and perhaps someday from collision with an asteroid or comet, not the pseudoscientific claims about 2012.

14. I have heard that the Earth’s magnetic field will flip in 2012 just when the strongest level of solar storms in history is predicted to take place. Will this kill us or destroy our civilization?

Near solar maximum (which happens approximately every 11 years), there are many more solar flares and coronal mass ejections than near solar minimum. Flares and mass ejections are no danger for humans or other life on Earth. They could endanger astronauts in deep space or on the Moon, and this is something that NASA must learn to deal with, but it is not a problem for us. Large outbursts can interrupt radio transmissions, cause bright displays of the aurora (Northern and Southern Lights), and damage the electronics of some satellites in space. Today many satellites are designed to deal with this possibility, for example by switching off some of their more delicate circuits and going into a “safe” mode for a few hours. In extreme cases solar activity can also disrupt electrical transmissions on the ground, possibly leading to electrical blackouts, but this is rare.

The last solar maximum occurred in 2001, so the next one was predicted for around 2012, 11 years later. However, the most recent solar minimum was unusual, with a period of a couple of years with almost no sunspots or other indications of solar activity, so scientists now guess that the next maximum will be delayed, perhaps to 2013. However, the details of the solar cycle remain basically unpredictable.

It is true that the Earth’s magnetic field protects us by creating a large region in space, called the Earth’s magnetosphere, within which most of the material ejected from the Sun is captured or deflected, but there is no reason to expect a reversal of magnetic polarity any time soon. These magnetic reversals happen, on average, only once in 400,000 years.

09-19-2012, 09:50 AM
15. I am confused about a report on the Fox News website that in 2012 a “Powerful Solar Storm Could Shut Down U.S. for Months.” They referred to a report from the National Academy of Sciences that was commissioned and paid for by NASA. If nothing is going to happen as a result of the event in 2012, why would NASA allow such nonsense to be reported?

NASA is pleased with the National Research Council report on heliophysics. As noted, this report includes a worst-case analysis of what could happen today if there were a repetition of the biggest solar storm ever recorded (in 1859). The problem is the way such information can be used out of context. There is no reason to expect such a large solar storm in the near future, certainly not in 2012 specifically. The reference to “the event in 2012” illustrates this problem. There is no prediction of an “event in 2012.” We don’t even know if the next solar maximum will take place in that year. The whole 2012 disaster scenario is a hoax, fueled by ads for the Hollywood science-fiction disaster film 2012. I can only hope that most people are able to distinguish Hollywood film plots from reality.

16. All my school friends are telling me that we are all going to die in the year 2012 due to a meteor hitting Earth. Is this true?

The Earth has always been subject to impacts by comets and asteroids (as has the Moon, as you can see because it has no atmosphere to erode the impact craters), although big hits are very rare. The last big impact was 65 million years ago, and that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Today NASA astronomers are carrying out the Spaceguard Survey to find any large near-Earth asteroids long before they hit. We have already determined that there are no threatening asteroids as large as the one that killed the dinosaurs. All this work is done openly with the discoveries posted every day on the NASA NEO Program Office website, so anyone can see that nothing is predicted to hit in 2012.

17. If Nibiru is a hoax, why doesn’t NASA issue a denial? How can you permit these stories to circulate and frighten people? Why doesn’t the U.S. government do something about it!

If you go to the NASA home page, nasa.gov, you will see many stories that expose the Nibiru-2012 hoax. Try searching nasa.com under “Nibiru” or “2012”. There is not much more that NASA can do. These hoaxes have nothing to do with NASA and are not based on NASA data, so we as an agency are not directly involved. But scientists, both within NASA and outside, recognize that this hoax with its effort to frighten people is a distraction from more important scientific concerns, such as global warming and loss of biological diversity. We live in a country where there is freedom of speech, and that includes the freedom to lie. We should be glad there are no censors. But if we will use common sense we can recognize the lies. As we approach 2012, the lies will be come even more obvious.

18. Can you prove to me that Nibiru is a hoax? There are so many reports that something terrible will happen in 2012. I need proof because the government and NASA are keeping so much from us.

Such questions should be put to the doomsday advocates to prove that what they are saying is true, not to NASA to prove it is false. If someone claimed on the Internet that there were 50-foot tall purple elephants walking through Cleveland, would anyone expect NASA to prove this wrong? The burden of proof falls on those who make wild claims. Remember the often-quoted comment from Carl Sagan that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

However, I think that astronomers have reached the point where we can offer extremely strong arguments that Nibiru does not exist. A large planet (or a brown dwarf) in our solar system would have been known to astronomers for many years, both indirectly from its gravitational perturbations on other objects and by direct detection in the infrared. The NASA Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) carried out the first allsky survey in 1983, and several subsequent surveys would also have seen Nibiru if it were there. Further, if a large mass passed through the inner solar system every 3600 years, we would see its disruptive effects on the orbits of the inner planets, and we don’t.

But don’t take my word for it. Just use common sense. Have you seen Nibiru? In 2008 many websites said it would be visible to the naked eye in spring 2009. If a large planet or brown dwarf were headed for the inner solar system in 2012, it would already be tracked by thousands of astronomers, both professional and amateur, all over the world. Do you know any amateur astronomers who are watching it? Have you seen any photos or discussion of it in the big popular astronomy magazines such as Astronomy or Sky & Telescope? Just think about it. No one could hide something like Nibiru if it existed.

19. What about the scary ads for the new film 2012? They tell us to look at these Internet sites to verify the doomsday threat.

The pseudoscientific claims about Nibiru and a doomsday in 2012, together with distrust of the government, are being amplified by publicity for the new film from Columbia Pictures titled 2012, to be released in November 2009. The film’s trailer, appearing in theaters and on their website, shows a tidal wave breaking over the Himalayas, with the following words: “How would the governments of our planet prepare 6 billion people for the end of the world? [long pause] They wouldn’t. [long pause] Find out the Truth. Google search 2012.”

The film publicity includes a faux scientific website for “The Institute for Human Continuity”, which is entirely fictitious. According to this website, the IHC is dedicated to scientific research and public preparedness. Its mission is the survival of humanity. The website explains that the Institute was founded in 1978 by international leaders of government, business, and science. They say that in 2004, IHC scientists confirmed with 94% certainty that the world would be destroyed in 2012. This website encourages people to register for a lottery to select those who will be saved; a colleague submitted the name of her cat, which was accepted. According to Wikipedia, creating this sort of fake website is a new advertising technique called “Viral Marketing,” by analogy with computer viruses.

20. Is it possible that the influx of questions you describe is part of some kind of campaign for a book or movie, in the hopes that the volume of denials is taken as more “evidence” that there is a conspiracy?

I ask myself the same questions every day, as the volume of mail I receive about Nibiru (along with various alignments and pole shifts) keeps increasing—now more than 20 per week. Clearly there is money to be made from people’s fear about an approaching doomsday. Many websites are selling books and tapes about Nibiru or even “survival kits.” It is all very sad, given the many real issues such as global warming and the financial collapse on which our attentions should be focused. In the final chapter of a new astronomy book (The Hunt for Planet X) Govert Shilling writes: “There is plenty to do for the debunkers—the archaeologists and astronomers who take a long and skeptical look at the tidal wave of Nibiru nonsense and explain with scientific precision what is wrong with this cosmic fairy-tale. They will have their work cut out in the next few years. And on December 22, 2012 there will be a new pseudoscientific ****-and-bull story making the rounds and the whole circus will start all over again, because no matter how many new celestial bodies are found in our solar system, there will always be a need for a mysterious Planet X.”

09-19-2012, 10:08 AM
He is obviously hiding the truth.

09-19-2012, 10:39 AM
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zrPLNl6qA_I/T045qhCicsI/AAAAAAAAJr8/Y9rBOt_uLbo/s400/Giorgio%252BA.%252BTsoukalos.%252BLiving%252Blegen d_de5268_3130688.jpg

09-19-2012, 10:40 AM


Fa Xing
09-19-2012, 10:41 AM
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zrPLNl6qA_I/T045qhCicsI/AAAAAAAAJr8/Y9rBOt_uLbo/s400/Giorgio%252BA.%252BTsoukalos.%252BLiving%252Blegen d_de5268_3130688.jpg

LMAO! :):eek::D

09-19-2012, 10:50 AM