View Full Version : Is this forum officially "Dead"?

Lama Pai Sifu
06-05-2008, 05:49 AM
What do you think? Is KFO a done deal? It seems like the flame-wars and laissez-faire attitude of the moderators has run this forum down. Most of the posts are about Off Topic items, i.e., politics, girls, insane video clips, etc. What happened? This forum used to have some good people and some good posters here. I personally have been involved in a few flame wars that would have been cut down early, had the mods stepped in. I think they have a responsibility to 'cool the tempers' of people here and make this a nice safe place for people to discuss things.

And before any mods get upset, take this as a constructive criticism, not a jab at you. If someone was going to quit my school and told me before hand that they had a problem or a perceived indifference, I'd be happy. This way I could work in it as opposed to someone just quitting and never telling my why or giving me feedback. If Gene or the mods say "It's not our job, it's a public forum" then I understand that, but it doesn't change the fact that this forum is on a decline. I think many people would come back here if the rules of conduct were augmented a bit.

Just a thought..

06-05-2008, 05:54 AM
You do realize that its "drama" the creates traffic.

06-05-2008, 05:58 AM
I've mostly been away from this forum so you may have a point. I did find the entire Rudy/Anthony thing annoying and feel that it should have been sent to it's own thread on another forum.

06-05-2008, 06:04 AM
"Tis the nature of the beast. Traffic goes up and down, topics go round and round...I've found most good stuff in archives. You can only "talk" about stuff for so long and you start getting repeats and it becomes same ole same ole...whether it's flames or good stuff. It's better to take a break and enjoy real life once in awhile...unless you don't have a life...or this forum is your life....:eek:

06-05-2008, 06:20 AM
You do realize that KFM online is the number 1 martial arts website statistically.

Plus, most people that post on the forum have 1000's of posts. That definitely shows longevity or stickiness. I'd love to see the Google Analytics for this site because they're probably pretty awesome.

Most of that is due to the freedom that the moderators give. It's a martial social site. If you want less flaming and more on-topic discussions- they give them to you in the sub boards. And yes, those sub boards are the most boring thing on KFM online. You want to go brain dead? Spend an hour surfing the Mantis boards. Probably the most on-topic board here. Great discussions about the theoretical meaning of some mis-interpreted line in some obscure manuscript. Yawn.

I like the main board. It's fun and delightfully off-topic... it's become a great place for martial nerds to discuss things that are relavent to us. We all have one common thread in that we're martial artists.

Mr Punch
06-05-2008, 06:33 AM
...What he said.

This forum's been the same forever. I lurked for about 2 years before I joined, and I've been here for what, 5 years?

You keep posting variations on this topic Michael, but the fact that you keep coming back and contributing to the serious discussions (of which there are plenty if people are interested) and that you even bothered posting on that heap of **** that was the latest ridiculous challenge thread suggest that you still like it enough, for the same reasons that most others do.

06-05-2008, 06:35 AM
If only MK had the power to moderate the main forum!

golden arhat
06-05-2008, 06:38 AM
You do realize that KFM online is the number 1 martial arts website statistically.

where do you get your stats on that ?

06-05-2008, 06:46 AM
Oddly enough-

A Black Belt Magazine gifts and gadgets special that they send out around Christmas time. Had all kinds of statistics, quotes, etc. in there as filler. Last year's data since it was in last year's gadget guide.

06-05-2008, 06:53 AM
While I think the mods should exert a tad more influence, its a tricky balance.
Over on TMA.org we are a serious forum with zero drama and 'silly" threads, but have very little traffic as a result.

Such is life.

06-05-2008, 07:00 AM
What you don't understand is that as mods, we can only moderate the forum we are assigned to. I can moderate the qigong and self-defense forum, but have virtually no power in the main forum, other than to alert another mod. Mods are not employees of this site, and can't be here 24/7. We also can't delete every argumentative post. I agree, most of the arguments are tired and old, so I don't contribute to them.

I personally don't think this forum is dead, it just has some parasites:D

06-05-2008, 07:01 AM
Sadly, I think if you deleted every flame or quasi flame post on here, you'd be left with very little talk

In fact, :D really!, at times flame wars have turned into productive threads and/or kept a thread alive until it returned to topic

06-05-2008, 07:02 AM
OH, I could suggest ONE FEATURE

some forums, you have to have a name and face to go with your screen name. It wouldn't stop some of the arguing but it would reduce the trolling

06-05-2008, 07:15 AM
OH, I could suggest ONE FEATURE

some forums, you have to have a name and face to go with your screen name. It wouldn't stop some of the arguing but it would reduce the trolling

Doesn't work-

I have my pic in my sig, a link to my personal site, and a link to my AIM messager and I love trolling and flaming. It's pretty much the reason why I come to this site. Heck- I've even played "devil's advocate" just to keep meaningful arguments going. You wouldn't believe it, but there's a lot of times when I agree with you and MK completely, yet I'll still post the counter points against you just to get more clarity out of the argument.

06-05-2008, 07:16 AM
I still think SanJuro's wrong most of the time just because he's Canadian. :D

06-05-2008, 07:18 AM
I still think SanJuro's wrong most of the time just because he's Canadian. :D

I have to agree with this post, that Sanjuro guys is an ass.
But he posts some nice pics:

06-05-2008, 07:20 AM
One day I'm going to Canada just to hang out with you. I think it'd be a blast. You're all right for a Canadian.

06-05-2008, 07:32 AM
for the month of may, too many things happened.

I would have post more on topics, but.

the first was ti bet protest.

then the big quake.

Taiwan has a new president.

KMT chair met with CPC figure heads. the first time since 1946 failed or drama up peace talk in Chong qing.


in sad mood for the quake, in interesting mood for peaceful development across the taiwan straights.


even the 19th anniversary of june 4th went quiet.

chinese are united for relief effort. unprecedented solidarity among chinese at home and abroad.

international red cross will continue to collect donation for the recovery in si chuan.

overseas chinese raised money for rebuilding the schools.

US zoo's donating money to rebuild Wo Long Panda preservation center in si chuan.

Chinese launched satellite to monitor earthquake sings--

"Heartbreak In China" cover story of Time mag.

US rover landed on north pole on mars.


I was in no mood to search and post on topic for the whole month.



06-05-2008, 07:43 AM

most horrible stories were about the loss of schoolchildren.

that was why overseas chinese are raising money to build better and safer shool houses for si chuan.

They plan to rebuild all the schoolhouses that were lost etc etc.


many and many humane stories everyday from the quake zone.

you may ask any chinese you run into.

their minds are all on the quake.



06-05-2008, 07:44 AM
I think an extra mod with admin privileges to keep track of the clowns that are here purely for trolling (like Ralek's many incarnations) would help. Other than that, I like the forum all right. I actually do learn a lot from some of the more prolific KF related flame wars.

06-05-2008, 07:49 AM
At the very least you learn what people think they know.

Yao Sing
06-05-2008, 08:00 AM
It's all about balance. You don't need to clamp down on every flame or off topic post but you also can't let every thread get contaminated with someone's obsession and have it run for months or years.

It's yin/yang and all the CMA guys here should know that. Now in the old days, before the 'Net, there was a requirement on most boards to stay somewhat on topic so if you wanted to post something off topic you would somehow reference it to the topic or throw in a sentence or 2 that's on topic.

Obviously you can't expect posters to be civilized and police themselves because civility went out with the 1960s. And I've mentioned before, and got crap for it, that a lot of good posters disappear when the trash talk kicks up so it's not just a matter of ignoring the crap.

So I think a little bit of moderating could go a long way giving us the excitement and entertainment of flame wars and goofy trolls mixed with some serious discussion. I still can't believe there were some that actually were in favor of the insanity that was/is the 1bad & Able show.

Scott R. Brown
06-05-2008, 08:13 AM
With GREAT freedom, comes GREAT responsibility!!

.....or something like that!:D

06-05-2008, 08:14 AM
With GREAT freedom, comes GREAT responsibility!!

.....or something like that!:D

I think it's like "with a BIG cheeseburger, you get a GIANT fries" or something like that :D

06-05-2008, 08:23 AM
What do you think? Is KFO a done deal? It seems like the flame-wars and laissez-faire attitude of the moderators has run this forum down. Most of the posts are about Off Topic items, i.e., politics, girls, insane video clips, etc. What happened? This forum used to have some good people and some good posters here. I personally have been involved in a few flame wars that would have been cut down early, had the mods stepped in. I think they have a responsibility to 'cool the tempers' of people here and make this a nice safe place for people to discuss things.

And before any mods get upset, take this as a constructive criticism, not a jab at you. If someone was going to quit my school and told me before hand that they had a problem or a perceived indifference, I'd be happy. This way I could work in it as opposed to someone just quitting and never telling my why or giving me feedback. If Gene or the mods say "It's not our job, it's a public forum" then I understand that, but it doesn't change the fact that this forum is on a decline. I think many people would come back here if the rules of conduct were augmented a bit.

Just a thought..

The greatest danger to this forum is all the whiny *****es like you crying "Waaa! Moderators ban this one or that one!" "Waaaa! Don't argue!" "Waaaa! Someone help me because disagreements scare me!" "Waaaaaaaaa!"

STFU and talk about other things if you want to. Or not, just as long as you STFU with all the *****ing first.

Scott R. Brown
06-05-2008, 08:37 AM
I think it's like "with a BIG cheeseburger, you get a GIANT fries" or something like that :D

Or was it.....

with BIG feet comes a BIG........
......well......you know!!:eek:

06-05-2008, 08:44 AM
buy shoes that actually fit you! ;)

Scott R. Brown
06-05-2008, 08:51 AM
I like to impress the ladies so I prefer my Bozo The Clown shoes!!:D

06-05-2008, 09:38 AM
With so many members, there's going to be more flame wars and trolls. That's just the nature of the beast. Now, being an American publisher, I'm a great proponent of freedom of speech, so I'm much more lenient as an administrator. For any publisher, the web is an unprecedented frontier. Much of its power comes from the fact that it's dynamic and unedited. If you want static and edited, read our print magazine (http://www.martialartsmart.net/Kungfu_Magazine.html). Read our e-zine (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/index.php) (although that's not necessarily static either).

To me, trolls and flame wars are a lot like people that cheat when sparring. My old fencing coach, the late great Maestro Michael D'Saro, used to teach us all how to cheat. He did this primarily so we knew how to cope with it when we encountered it on the strip, so we weren't shocked into losing. I view trolls here the same way. People that don't play fair are an integral part in the training process. Fighters that make it personal win only if you let them get to you. Same with trolls. If a troll shocks you into reacting with anger, then that's really on you. It's your ego that's offended, so you lose.

That being said, I'm amazed how many martial artists let trolls get to them. Trolls are so easy to defeat. Just don't feed into them. It's only a web forum. If worse comes to worse, just walk away. And if this forum was officially 'dead,' we'd have all walked away by now.

06-05-2008, 09:45 AM
I still can't believe there were some that actually were in favor of the insanity that was/is the 1bad & Able show.

Yeah and I really enjoyed having some, now proven, flake stalk me for the better part of a year. [/sarcasm]

Yeah, thats accountability, thanks gene.

06-05-2008, 09:48 AM
The greatest danger to this forum is all the whiny *****es like you crying "Waaa! Moderators ban this one or that one!" "Waaaa! Don't argue!" "Waaaa! Someone help me because disagreements scare me!" "Waaaaaaaaa!"

STFU and talk about other things if you want to. Or not, just as long as you STFU with all the *****ing first.

Tits, meet bull.

06-05-2008, 09:50 AM
With so many members, there's going to be more flame wars and trolls. That's just the nature of the beast. Now, being an American publisher, I'm a great proponent of freedom of speech, so I'm much more lenient as an administrator. For any publisher, the web is an unprecedented frontier. Much of its power comes from the fact that it's dynamic and unedited. If you want static and edited, read our print magazine (http://www.martialartsmart.net/Kungfu_Magazine.html). Read our e-zine (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/index.php) (although that's not necessarily static either).

To me, trolls and flame wars are a lot like people that cheat when sparring. My old fencing coach, the late great Maestro Michael D'Saro, used to teach us all how to cheat. He did this primarily so we knew how to cope with it when we encountered it on the strip, so we weren't shocked into losing. I view trolls here the same way. People that don't play fair are an integral part in the training process. Fighters that make it personal win only if you let them get to you. Same with trolls. If a troll shocks you into reacting with anger, then that's really on you. It's your ego that's offended, so you lose.

That being said, I'm amazed how many martial artists let trolls get to them. Trolls are so easy to defeat. Just don't feed into them. It's only a web forum. If worse comes to worse, just walk away. And if this forum was officially 'dead,' we'd have all walked away by now.

Dman your common sense man !!


06-05-2008, 09:55 AM
Tits, meet bull. yeah , please. talk about THE quintessential troll on KFO, unknowbody.

06-05-2008, 09:58 AM
Yeah and I really enjoyed having some, now proven, flake stalk me for the better part of a year. [/sarcasm]

Yeah, thats accountability, thanks gene.

Waaaaaaa!!! :rolleyes:

Who the **** are you kidding? You live for the silly drama bull**** and you go out of your way to recreate it again and again and again with your JFS Jr. attitude and empty threats and challenges bull****. You're the worst offender of all time!

And if you don't like the "accountability" here then STFU and run off to your stupid little masterbatory whiner forum where you can talk to yourself forever.

06-05-2008, 10:05 AM
On a side note...

I've finally figured out how to apply the STFU. Cena is my favorite since I only have ultra basic cable and can no longer watch Kurt Angle. I can't apply the STFU to an unwilling opponent though. I'd like to figure out a way how.

06-05-2008, 10:25 AM
It seems like the flame-wars and laissez-faire attitude of the moderators has run this forum down.

Here's a scenario. I make a PM to 1bad. He in turn makes it into some giant festering catastrophe , again.

Should the mods say "Whoa there sparky. Don't bring a PM into the forum, Keep it between you."

Instead of ....................... nothing.........................

06-05-2008, 10:28 AM
What do you think? Is KFO a done deal? It seems like the flame-wars and laissez-faire attitude of the moderators has run this forum down. Most of the posts are about Off Topic items, i.e., politics, girls, insane video clips, etc. What happened? This forum used to have some good people and some good posters here. I personally have been involved in a few flame wars that would have been cut down early, had the mods stepped in. I think they have a responsibility to 'cool the tempers' of people here and make this a nice safe place for people to discuss things.

And before any mods get upset, take this as a constructive criticism, not a jab at you. If someone was going to quit my school and told me before hand that they had a problem or a perceived indifference, I'd be happy. This way I could work in it as opposed to someone just quitting and never telling my why or giving me feedback. If Gene or the mods say "It's not our job, it's a public forum" then I understand that, but it doesn't change the fact that this forum is on a decline. I think many people would come back here if the rules of conduct were augmented a bit.

Just a thought..

the flames wars are what make this forum interesting. If it wasn't for that then why bother talking about KF?

anyway everyone knows that Kung fu is dead and "MMA" is the best martial art.
HOnestly Kung fu doesn't know how to defend the shoot, and BJJ will always win against everything.

06-05-2008, 10:30 AM
everyone knows that Kung fu is dead and "MMA" is the best martial art.
HOnestly Kung fu doesn't know how to defend the shoot, and BJJ will always win against everything.

The above post is brought to you by http://www.tigerclaw.com/, maker if fine kung fu clothing and bobbles

06-05-2008, 10:38 AM
Here's a scenario. I make a PM to 1bad. Those lies and empty threats become known on the public forum, making me look like a fat, stupid clown yet again, then I go begging for help over **** that I stirred up myself in the first place only to find out that the moderators, like everyone else realize I am ....................... nothing.........................

Yeah, that's a rough one, man.

06-05-2008, 10:42 AM
More Tess stretching articles... PLEASE!


cranky old man
06-05-2008, 10:42 AM
lama pai sifu l agree some of the stuffs not worth reading

06-05-2008, 10:51 AM

I need to create some type of martial arts tv show starring Tess.

If only I lived in Cali

06-05-2008, 11:09 AM
The above post is brought to you by http://www.tigerclaw.com/, maker of fine kung fu clothing and bobbles
actually tapout has sponsored all my posts. We are going to come out with a kung fu version of the tapout gear. its going to be called passout..

06-06-2008, 08:19 AM
Well, the solution is to just LOCK the threads that get out of hand. That's what I do on the MMA forum, and it's quite pleasent in there.

RB is MIA.
SevenStar hardly says anything anymore.
WHo the heck is Renegade Monk?

Vote MK for moderator of the main forum!

06-06-2008, 08:20 AM
actually tapout has sponsored all my posts. We are going to come out with a kung fu version of the tapout gear. its going to be called passout..

Whatever, Gene.

06-06-2008, 08:22 AM
MK for moderator


06-06-2008, 08:37 AM

Now someone needs to deliver it.

06-06-2008, 10:22 AM
I view trolls here the same way. People that don't play fair are an integral part in the training process. Fighters that make it personal win only if you let them get to you. Same with trolls. If a troll shocks you into reacting with anger, then that's really on you. It's your ego that's offended, so you lose. .

and by extension, if the trolls don't "play fair", then if we want to mess with them in return; I mean, I certainly do like to get into it with some folks every now and then (of late, Shadowlin & HW8 were reasonably "worthy adversaries"; RonH was a notable past challenge as well) - to me, it's like a game of one-upmanship that tests your writing / synthesis skills, as well as has you trying to figure out if the person you are dueling with is for real, posing, baiting, or a psycho kool-aide drinking true-believer; certainly, many of my opinions challenge a lot of "traditional" notions, and although I do my best to back them up rationally, every now and then someone tries to call me on my approach, so it's a chance to engage someone who disagree with me and pushes my argumentative abilities to chekmate them - which sometimes I do and other times I don't;

as I see it, it's like push-hands: you are trying to unbalance your "opponent", but you are limited in what you can do - you can't eradicate them, you can't force them off, if you get angry and write accordingly you get called on that - so you have to try to think a few steps ahead of what they might say to what you say, etc. - it's basically a game that encourages playing dirty but you have to do it with a wink and a nod; you have to muster your allies, watch out for newbs who comment on thing unknowingly, etc. - it's all a lot of fun, really!

at the same time, I do agree w/Mike that there should be some protection for "serious" threads, for example, I can see how he would want his CLF Project thread to stay "flame free", because it's a very specific discussion and also because if he went to the trouble of making the vid, we ought to respect it by not derailing things

maybe the answer is to structure the forum where you have a section that is highly moderated and a section that isn't; if you post a thread in the "heavily" moderated zone, you are implicitly saying that you want the thread to stay firmly on topic - if someone deviates beyond a certain amount, the mod in charge of that section deletes that post or moves it - and again, people know this going in, that they will have much less latitude - meaning that, they can't complain if they get moderated, even if they thought the post was not OT; and if the thread dies a natural death, or if that section gets very few threads, then it speaks to the fact that most people would prefer not to be heavily moderated; on the flip side, you have an "anything goes" section, where you post a thread at your own peril, and where the level of moderation is, well, basically what it is now, LOL;

06-06-2008, 10:34 AM
nothing is funnier than a troll complaining he is being trolled :D

if you troll here, all bets are off, it's open season

Lama Pai Sifu
06-06-2008, 10:58 AM
Don't get me wrong, I really like this forum and I enjoy posting here. I just feel that the almost complete lack of moderation keeps some of the more informed people from posting here anymore.

I do like the following ideas, which were already previously mentioned;

1) Actual Identities for accounts
2) Threads being locked as soon as they go ape-****
3) A section for serious discussions and places for bull-****.

4) And no more stupid challenge-matches. If you challenge someone, you are off, plain and simple. That ALONE would cut down half of the idiots here.

Keep in mind the big push for cyber-bulling laws...if you've been keep up with the news lately. Getting the forum to tighten up a bit might be even more beneficial when you consider the laws that are in the works.

I think the forum would be a better place if any of these were implemented.

Scott R. Brown
06-06-2008, 11:53 AM
and by extension, if the trolls don't "play fair", then if we want to mess with them in return; I mean, I certainly do like to get into it with some folks every now and then (of late, Shadowlin & HW8 were reasonably "worthy adversaries"; RonH was a notable past challenge as well) - to me, it's like a game of one-upmanship that tests your writing / synthesis skills, as well as has you trying to figure out if the person you are dueling with is for real, posing, baiting, or a psycho kool-aide drinking true-believer; certainly, many of my opinions challenge a lot of "traditional" notions, and although I do my best to back them up rationally, every now and then someone tries to call me on my approach, so it's a chance to engage someone who disagree with me and pushes my argumentative abilities to chekmate them - which sometimes I do and other times I don't;

as I see it, it's like push-hands: you are trying to unbalance your "opponent", but you are limited in what you can do - you can't eradicate them, you can't force them off, if you get angry and write accordingly you get called on that - so you have to try to think a few steps ahead of what they might say to what you say, etc. - it's basically a game that encourages playing dirty but you have to do it with a wink and a nod; you have to muster your allies, watch out for newbs who comment on thing unknowingly, etc. - it's all a lot of fun, really!

at the same time, I do agree w/Mike that there should be some protection for "serious" threads, for example, I can see how he would want his CLF Project thread to stay "flame free", because it's a very specific discussion and also because if he went to the trouble of making the vid, we ought to respect it by not derailing things

maybe the answer is to structure the forum where you have a section that is highly moderated and a section that isn't; if you post a thread in the "heavily" moderated zone, you are implicitly saying that you want the thread to stay firmly on topic - if someone deviates beyond a certain amount, the mod in charge of that section deletes that post or moves it - and again, people know this going in, that they will have much less latitude - meaning that, they can't complain if they get moderated, even if they thought the post was not OT; and if the thread dies a natural death, or if that section gets very few threads, then it speaks to the fact that most people would prefer not to be heavily moderated; on the flip side, you have an "anything goes" section, where you post a thread at your own peril, and where the level of moderation is, well, basically what it is now, LOL;



Eric Olson
06-06-2008, 12:04 PM
I think its a combination of things:

1) These forums are becoming less and less of an internet portal. It used to be more technologically difficult to publish your own stuff on the web. Message boards were a way for people to publish their ideas/experiences with a low technological barrier to entry. But with the explosion of websites, blogs and other message boards, the attraction of this specific board is becoming more and more diluted.

2) The moderation isn't very good. There are roving cliques on this board that gang up and bash the hell out of posters that don't agree with their views. I think this probably drives alot of people off the board or prevents them from getting involved in the first place. Its true that drama gets hits in the short term but it also lessens the credibility of the board as a source of information and drives serious posters off. When I got involved in this board many years ago their were more people posting real information and less flame wars, and moderation was taken more seriously.

(As an aside, I'm surprised that the mods don't clamp down on more things, especially when real names are involved. Because the publisher assumes editorial control over this board then they could be subject to a libel lawsuit, even if the slanderous comment is posted by a user.)

3) Kung fu has waned in popularity. In the 1990s , the hey day of Jackie Chan and Jet Li more people were into kung fu. Now the pendulum of popularity has swung over to MMA. So while MMA boards are probably seeing an upswing in membership, this forum is on the downswing. (I can only speculate, without seeing the numbers.) And even if people are signing up here, its probably with the goal of bashing kung fu and not to discuss it seriously.

Why do I still post here? I don't as much as I used to. Why post detailed essays here when I could start a blog, slap some google ads on it and make a little money for my effort? Furthermore, my interest in martial arts has waned as I've gotten older and the demands on my time have gotten greater.

But its still fun to check in here from time to time to see what some of the old school peep are up to. But as they eventually leave this board I probably will stop coming back here.

Best of luck Kung Fu Forums. Let's see if you can survive the WWW (Wild West Web)...haha.



06-06-2008, 12:08 PM


well, maybe the next time you suck all my thoughts out of my brain like the last time you killed me ("An experience I highly recommend!" - Bar. Von M.), you'll be more careful about not transferring yours over to me in the process; and so now I am stuck thinking your thoughts when exposed to a corresponding stimulus, leaving you even more time to stand on the street smiling blissfully and clapping your hands at barber shop poles :mad::mad::mad:

Scott R. Brown
06-06-2008, 12:31 PM
well, maybe the next time you suck all my thoughts out of my brain like the last time you killed me ("An experience I highly recommend!" - Bar. Von M.), you'll be more careful about not transferring yours over to me in the process; and so now I am stuck thinking your thoughts when exposed to a corresponding stimulus, leaving you even more time to stand on the street smiling blissfully and clapping your hands at barber shop poles :mad::mad::mad:

How do you do that? ? ? ? ?

I KNEW someone was watching me....everyone said I was being paranoid and laughed at my tin foil hat.......it isn't easy finding tin foil anymore....they all make alu lu nim now.....alu lu nim is what they use to build airplanes......airplanes fly in the sky like birds......someone flipped me the bird one time.......I think it was a (C)ockatiel or maybe a macaw.......macaw, macaw, mac...mac...macaaaaawwww....I just laid an egg.....that is cuz I am an egg head and the yolks on you HA HA HA......are you an egg head.....how bout we put our heads together and make an omelet......I'm hungry.....can we eat now.....whenever I eat I get sleepy.....YAAAAAAAWWN.......Good night, good night said Sleepy Head, let's stay awhile said Slow, put on the pot said Greedy Sot, we'll sup before we go......I gotta go nyt nyt now....Bye Bye!


P.S. I saw your fish dance and it wasn't very good...you may be a lumberjack, but the spams on you, HA HA HA HA HA, but it doesn't fit as well.....try a bunch of bananas next time, or a POIN...TED stick.......:p

HA HA HA HA HA!!! You can't catch me!!!:D

06-06-2008, 12:50 PM
I would like to submit my application to be the SifuAbel/1Bad Moderator.

Ill go around and moderate all their crap into oblivion!

06-06-2008, 12:50 PM
nothing is funnier than a troll complaining he is being trolled :D

if you troll here, all bets are off, it's open season

rabbit season

06-06-2008, 02:03 PM
It really takes kung fu to beat a dead horse to death.

or if we may treat a dead horse like a living horse.

there are many topics already discussed many times over.

if only some one would bring them back

we may have "renewed" interests and discussion for new comers.


there are more lurkers reading then posting.

this is the same in any board.



06-06-2008, 02:13 PM
I KNEW someone was watching me....everyone said I was being paranoid and laughed at my tin foil hat.....

just because you are paranoid doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you...;)

06-06-2008, 02:14 PM
I would like to submit my application to be the SifuAbel/1Bad Moderator.!

aren't there labor laws against working more than 100 hours / week?

06-06-2008, 02:21 PM
What do you think? Is KFO a done deal? It seems like the flame-wars and laissez-faire attitude of the moderators has run this forum down. Most of the posts are about Off Topic items, i.e., politics, girls, insane video clips, etc. What happened? This forum used to have some good people and some good posters here. I personally have been involved in a few flame wars that would have been cut down early, had the mods stepped in. I think they have a responsibility to 'cool the tempers' of people here and make this a nice safe place for people to discuss things.

And before any mods get upset, take this as a constructive criticism, not a jab at you. If someone was going to quit my school and told me before hand that they had a problem or a perceived indifference, I'd be happy. This way I could work in it as opposed to someone just quitting and never telling my why or giving me feedback. If Gene or the mods say "It's not our job, it's a public forum" then I understand that, but it doesn't change the fact that this forum is on a decline. I think many people would come back here if the rules of conduct were augmented a bit.

Just a thought..

Upset over what? Anyone who let's the internet upset them shouldn't be on it. that being said, I've been on this forum for what, almost 7 years now? It hasn't changed at all. There are still trolls and there are still posters who let said trolls get to them. that's just part of being on an internet forum. If you want troll free discussion, try this - ignore them. When you play with them, they stay. To be honest, I like it when they stay in some cases - they create discussion. I think a GOOD troll has a purpose on a forum, much like annoying things like mosquitoes have a purpose in the eco system. Anyone who has been around for a while knows I think ego was an awesome troll.

As far as topics go - and I have said this at least 234983432 and a half times before - there is no off topic forum. the main forum is the closest thing to it. IMO, off topic things are fine here for that reason.

Flame wars: eh, yeah, we have several - and you have been involved in way more than a few of them - but as gene said, free speech is a wonderful thing, so I tend to let those go on as well, to some extent. We could be more strict on the modding, but then discussion is dead. there are several examples of this on forums. When the forum is micromanaged, people go away.

The only real problem this forum has is that there are too many blasted canadians on it.

06-06-2008, 02:21 PM
aren't there labor laws against working more than 100 hours / week?

there would have to be teams, an A team, a B team, a C team, working around the clock, 24/7

06-06-2008, 06:18 PM
that being said, I've been on this forum for what, almost 7 years now? It hasn't changed at all.

Oh yeah, then when was the last time there was a conversation about raising mantids? :D

What ever happened to Sam Wiley, Rich Moody and Gary Rommel?

06-06-2008, 06:19 PM
bloominglotus anyone?

Yao Sing
06-06-2008, 08:08 PM
The NPM forum took a big hit when everyone got tired of the crap and Steve Cottrell fired up his own board and everyone relocated. A few, like myself, occasionally post but the NPM forum is pretty much dead.

And that's the point I keep bringing up - when the crap starts the good discussions and posters go away. They come back when it stops but lately it hasn't stopped.

I don't mean to be MMA bashing but it seems to have gone downhill when a bunch of MMA types came over from Bullshido and primarily post insults to other members and CMA in general. It's rapidly becoming and anti-kung fu forum.


06-06-2008, 08:18 PM
Obviously you weren't around during the original invasion from Mousel's Deluxe Martial Arts Forums. That's when I came over to poke fun at the Kung Fu guys but instead found them interesting and stuck around.

BTW Google is flagging Mousel's with a "This site may harm your computer." message. What's up with that?

06-06-2008, 08:38 PM
Obviously you weren't around during the original invasion from Mousel's Deluxe Martial Arts Forums.

When was that? That's a good forum over there as well.

Just took a look over there and it seems they now have a whole section devoted to wrestling! How cool is that?

06-06-2008, 08:52 PM
Many, many moons ago.

Yao Sing
06-06-2008, 09:24 PM
I was here when it was KFO. I came onboard a little while before the magazine took it over.

06-06-2008, 11:02 PM

06-07-2008, 05:29 AM
Don't get me wrong, I really like this forum and I enjoy posting here. I just feel that the almost complete lack of moderation keeps some of the more informed people from posting here anymore.

I do like the following ideas, which were already previously mentioned;

1) Actual Identities for accounts
2) Threads being locked as soon as they go ape-****
3) A section for serious discussions and places for bull-****.

4) And no more stupid challenge-matches. If you challenge someone, you are off, plain and simple. That ALONE would cut down half of the idiots here.

Keep in mind the big push for cyber-bulling laws...if you've been keep up with the news lately. Getting the forum to tighten up a bit might be even more beneficial when you consider the laws that are in the works.

I think the forum would be a better place if any of these were implemented.

I agree. And after a three day waiting list pending a thorough background check, all current posters may resume their posting priviliges.

06-07-2008, 08:19 AM
The forum is not dead, just taking a nap:).

Yao Sing
06-07-2008, 08:28 AM
No, no, it's uh,...it's resting.

Look, matey, I know a dead forum when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now.

No no it's not dead, it's, it's restin'! Remarkable forum, the Kung Fu Magaine forum, idn'it, ay? Beautiful content!

The content don't enter into it. It's stone dead.

Nononono, no, no! It's resting!

06-07-2008, 08:31 AM
Ok,you got me. I will have to agree..:D

06-07-2008, 09:01 AM
No, no, it's uh,...it's resting.

Look, matey, I know a dead forum when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now.

No no it's not dead, it's, it's restin'! Remarkable forum, the Kung Fu Magaine forum, idn'it, ay? Beautiful content!

The content don't enter into it. It's stone dead.

Nononono, no, no! It's resting!

what the fukc you on about son?

06-07-2008, 09:32 AM
He is resting.

David Jamieson
06-07-2008, 09:51 AM
this place is like any other.

it's got it's charmers and it's got is blowhards an dits got it's good, it's bad and it's ugly.

blowups, blowouts, challenges, nonsense, tidbits of good advice. its all good.

If every mine was filled with diamonds, those diamonds wouldn't have much value. You will always have to shovel snow to get to the cabin. :)

I can't see it being any other way. It's same, but different as members wax and wane.


Mano Mano
06-07-2008, 12:03 PM
It's just pining for the fjords.

KC Elbows
06-07-2008, 12:12 PM
If every mine was filled with diamonds, those diamonds wouldn't have much value.

I thought the value of daimonds was kept artificially high? Perhaps that's Gene's plot. He's probably got a score of excellent posters he keeps in hiding, but if anyone lets them leave the office, he cuts off their hands.

06-07-2008, 12:15 PM
it's just resting (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Lq771TVm4)


KC Elbows
06-07-2008, 12:17 PM
it's just resting (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Lq771TVm4)


Hey old guy, is that the actor from Fish Called Wanda?

06-07-2008, 08:39 PM
Hey old guy, is that the actor from Fish Called Wanda?
LOL old guy.. I'm going to start calling him that at the gym.

have you heard of monty python?
HOlly grail?
life of brian?

WTF do they teach you guys in school? people are too worried about "inteligent design" , when kids don't even know what the holly grail is...





06-07-2008, 08:55 PM
it's just resting (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Lq771TVm4)



06-07-2008, 08:57 PM
LOL old guy.. I'm going to start calling him that at the gym.

have you heard of monty python?
HOlly grail?
life of brian?

WTF do they teach you guys in school? people are too worried about "inteligent design" , when kids don't even know what the holly grail is...






Yao Sing
06-08-2008, 07:53 AM
Funny, it was the English lad that didn't get the reference. :)

06-08-2008, 08:19 AM
Megatron is cooler than Optimus Prime.

KC Elbows
06-08-2008, 08:31 AM
LOL old guy.. I'm going to start calling him that at the gym.

have you heard of monty python?
HOlly grail?
life of brian?

WTF do they teach you guys in school? people are too worried about "inteligent design" , when kids don't even know what the holly grail is...





I am only interested in links related to lupins and the redistribution of wealth.


06-08-2008, 01:18 PM
LOL old guy.. I'm going to start calling him that at the gym.

Really? :rolleyes:

(you have been warned)

06-09-2008, 04:34 AM
Everyone loves Canadians because we are SO GOOD LOOKING !!

06-09-2008, 05:22 AM
Everyone loves Canadians because we are SO GOOD LOOKING !!


06-09-2008, 11:23 AM
to many trolls have killed it for me.

06-09-2008, 02:02 PM
The NPM forum took a big hit when everyone got tired of the crap and Steve Cottrell fired up his own board and everyone relocated. A few, like myself, occasionally post but the NPM forum is pretty much dead.

And that's the point I keep bringing up - when the crap starts the good discussions and posters go away. They come back when it stops but lately it hasn't stopped.

I don't mean to be MMA bashing but it seems to have gone downhill when a bunch of MMA types came over from Bullshido and primarily post insults to other members and CMA in general. It's rapidly becoming and anti-kung fu forum.


there has ALWAYS been mma vs cma discussion here, and modding on the NPM forum - at least a few years ago (I don't go there much) - was pretty strict. I actually attribute much of its "deadness" to that. However, I will say that the mma stuff has increased. For one, many of the cma guys are now mma fans and for another, several have either switched to mma or cross train mma.

06-09-2008, 02:05 PM
Obviously you weren't around during the original invasion from Mousel's Deluxe Martial Arts Forums. That's when I came over to poke fun at the Kung Fu guys but instead found them interesting and stuck around.

BTW Google is flagging Mousel's with a "This site may harm your computer." message. What's up with that?

speaking of mousel's, it's too bad ryu isn't around anymore.

06-09-2008, 03:11 PM
I am only interested in links related to lupins and the redistribution of wealth.


Ahhhh Dennis Moore.

"Your Lupins or your Life!''

Yao Sing
06-09-2008, 07:15 PM
I don't disagree with you but the MMA guys I'm talking about I've mentioned before. They showed up ranting an raving about an Internet challenge and have been polluting the place ever since.

And the NPM ISN'T stagnant because of heavy moderation, they left due to the crap and went to Steve's forum. This isn't a wild guess, I'm telling you what happened.

06-10-2008, 04:50 AM
Same at other forums. At DL, a certain mma poster has been off for about a month...allowing the rest of us to resume our derailed trip to nirvana through peaceful discussion of the true martial arts.:rolleyes::cool::D

06-10-2008, 05:22 AM
speaking of mousel's, it's too bad ryu isn't around anymore.

Yeah, and unfortunately it's a common handle so you see the name somewhere only to find it's someone else.

06-10-2008, 08:45 AM
Same at other forums. At DL, a certain mma poster has been off for about a month...allowing the rest of us to resume our derailed trip to nirvana through peaceful discussion of the true martial arts.:rolleyes::cool::D

There is and has always been a (well protected) space for discussion of ALL arts and approaches at the DL.

06-10-2008, 08:50 AM
I don't disagree with you but the MMA guys I'm talking about I've mentioned before. They showed up ranting an raving about an Internet challenge and have been polluting the place ever since.

And the NPM ISN'T stagnant because of heavy moderation, they left due to the crap and went to Steve's forum. This isn't a wild guess, I'm telling you what happened.

I am referring to what happened when I was posting there, a couple of years ago. Modding was extremely strict. Nothing off topic at all. Anything non-mantis was either moved or deleted. A thread that began about mantis and deviated was closed.

I don't see it as a bad thing per se as it's specific - it's a mantis forum. Like I said, this is the catch all forum. However, to be that nazi... that can make for problems.

06-11-2008, 04:47 AM
Well from a lurker and rare poster I think theres a handfull of posters that keep this site afloat and it seems to be fairly static at the moment, they go and so does most of the intelligent talk and good advice

Maybe there should be a poll for most productive poster to show a little appreciation for the posters that keep us coming back ?