View Full Version : WC in Beijing and Shanghai

06-09-2008, 06:25 PM
Folks, I'm heading over to Beijing and Shanghai at the end of the month and would like to visit any local WC schools. I may not be in Beijing long enough to squeeze in a visit, but I can find time while in Shanghai. Anyone know of any school that welcome visitors in those areas?

Thanks in advance


06-10-2008, 01:56 AM
Peter Hsu in Shanghai (Wong Shun Leung -> Gary Lam)


06-10-2008, 09:34 AM
Folks, I'm heading over to Beijing and Shanghai at the end of the month and would like to visit any local WC schools. I may not be in Beijing long enough to squeeze in a visit, but I can find time while in Shanghai. Anyone know of any school that welcome visitors in those areas?

Thanks in advance


Try googling "wing chun in shanghai" and perhaps you can find more info. If I were you, then I would take this opportunity to train in a non-Yip Man mainland Chinese lineage just to see the other aspects of this art that may not be present in the Hong Kong version.

06-10-2008, 06:13 PM
cft, I dropped pete an email last night.

I will also try the tried true google method.


Phil Redmond
06-10-2008, 08:22 PM
Hi Rindge, I hope you enjoy your time in Shanghai.
Remember the Gambling Ghost movie you sent me? Well check this out.

06-11-2008, 07:13 AM
Petes not gonna be here - he's heading back to LA next week for 3 to 4 months....however me and the other masochists will be training in the Shanghai heatwave...your welcome to join us in the park...

06-11-2008, 07:17 AM
There's one other guy teching WC here in Shanghai, though he's away more often than not for business...he's got a student doing most of the training...the styles southern mainland....there's a WSL guy whose pretty solid in beijing.

After being here for 3.5 years I'm seeing more arts appearing in the main cities, where unless you're training with a phys ed collage are pretty thin on the ground. Art of War in beijing are running MMA comps and traning...alot of Muay thai, BBJ appearing in Shanghai now, plus the regular park goers doing YiChuan, Hsing yi, bagua, etc

06-11-2008, 07:29 PM
Hi Rindge, I hope you enjoy your time in Shanghai.
Remember the Gambling Ghost movie you sent me? Well check this out.

Phil, I forgot about that movie. Thanks fo rposting that clip, horrible film, but very good WC clip. Hope all is well. I am enjoying my time with Sifu Cottrells School.


06-11-2008, 07:33 PM
Petes not gonna be here - he's heading back to LA next week for 3 to 4 months....however me and the other masochists will be training in the Shanghai heatwave...your welcome to join us in the park...

Junmo, I just heard back from Pete about him not being there. I'd love to train with you guys. I will be staying at the at Astor House Hotel No 15 Huangpu Road Shanghai. Is that close to the park you train at? When do you train? Also, any contact info for the WSL gent in Beijing?

06-12-2008, 02:02 AM
Rindge, here is a WSLVT guy in Beijing:


Wang Zhiping - there are clips of him on youtube.

06-12-2008, 05:11 PM
Rindge, here is a WSLVT guy in Beijing:


Wang Zhiping - there are clips of him on youtube.

CFT, thanks. This might shape up to be a great WC trip!!! I'll be contacting him tonight.


06-12-2008, 07:56 PM

Your staying right on the river...were further downtown....maybe a 15 minute taxi ride (weather and traffic dependent) - at the moment we train Saturdays/Sundays are the main days...when are you arriving in Shanghai?

And yes that link CFT sent is the WSL guy in Beijing...dont know if you have been there before, but that city is spread out, so you will need some time, and patience toget anywhere.

06-13-2008, 05:25 AM
I visited Wang Zhiping in Beijing last year. Make sure you have a cell phone to call a taxi, because his school is in the last unpaved part of Beijing (not literally, of course, I'm sure there are other unpaved areas....), in what many Westerners might consider a slum. Getting there, the Taxi driver hadn't even heard of it, and when I left, I had to walk 3 miles just to get back to a main road. So the school is nothing like the Great Wall backdrop they had on Human Weapon. It was definitely a fun visit though; Sifu Wang is a very nice man-- we must have talked for about an hour (though I would have far rather watched his class...).

Another person teaching in Beijing is one of my kung fu brothers, Marco Lee (Sifu Lo Man Kam lineage): http://www.poweredge.ch/~wckf/

06-13-2008, 07:00 PM
Junmo, I arrive in Shanghai on Saturday the 5th July in the afternoon, so Sunday would be ideal (assuming you train in the morning). Let me know where and what time and I'll be there.

Aelward, thanks for the info on the schools in Beijing. I'm only in Beijing for 4 days so I think sightseeing and eating :D :Dwill take up all of my time. Nonetheless, I have sent Wang an email.


10-08-2014, 09:38 AM
"2,000-year-old martial art" :rolleyes: At least the dummy (http://www.martialartsmart.com/training-equipment-wooden-dummy.html) looks well used...

Residents battling rogue management firms learn martial arts to fend off paid thugs (http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1612007/villagers-land-dispute-learn-martial-arts-fend-paid-thugs)
PUBLISHED : Wednesday, 08 October, 2014, 12:26pm
UPDATED : Wednesday, 08 October, 2014, 9:08pm
James Griffiths james.griffiths@scmp.com

Still from 2013 film 'Ip Man: The Final Fight', based on the life of the legendary wing chun grandmaster. Photo: Screenshot

Residents in the satellite town of Yanjiao, Hebei province, have taken up the ancient Chinese martial art of wing chun to protect themselves from armed thugs hired by a rogue property management firm to intimidate them.

Located at the nexus of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei triangle, Yanjiao, a mere 35 kilometres from Tiananmen Square, is in something of an administrative “limbo zone”. Proximate to Beijing but under Hebei’s jurisdiction, its apparent status as a grey area has led to a lack in government oversight.

According to The Beijing News, several property management firms have taken advantage of this situation, charging extortionate fees, turning public space into parking spots and sending thugs to beat up and intimidate residents when they complained.

“We were afraid [of the thugs], we didn’t have any experience in fighting back,” tenant Ren Yongmei told the newspaper.

Unprotected by authorities, residents came up with an innovative way of (literally) fighting back: by learning a 2,000-year-old martial art. In August, tenants enlisted local wing chun enthusiast Ma Lianhua to them how to defend themselves.

This plan did not go unnoticed by the property developers, and after Ma began teaching classes, he was viciously beaten by a number of armed thugs.

Ma Lianhua trains in Yanjiao. Photo: Beijing News

After the attack, Ma decided to enlist some expert help. A 60-year-old wing chun master surnamed Pang came down from Beijing accompanied by three disciples.

Pang’s lessons attracted hundreds of residents, and the thugs did not dare intervene.

When thugs confronted Ma again, and began beating him, the situation was very different. Residents surrounded them, and eventually police stepped in to arrest thug leader Rong Xuefeng, for his own safety.

After Rong was arrested, property managers and officials held a meeting during which the head of one company apologised to locals for their mistreatment and voiced his support for establishing an owners’ committee to lobby managers on behalf of residents.

“We’re not opposed to paying management fees, if they provide the appropriate services, we’ll pay the appropriate money,” Ma said, though he is still practicing wing chun, just in case.

zuti car
10-08-2014, 10:34 AM
there is a cheung bo lineage school in Shanghai I will try to find the locaion

10-08-2014, 12:28 PM
I think LFJ is based in Shanghai.

10-08-2014, 09:05 PM
eventually police stepped in to arrest thug leader Rong Xuefeng, for his own safety.

That makes total sense...

10-10-2014, 04:23 AM
there is a cheung bo lineage school in Shanghai I will try to find the locaion

Hmm, I know which one that is. I saw a couple years ago the instructor drew some heat for telling people Westerners can't do Wing Chun as well as Chinese, against a foreign guy who was running a WT school and doing pretty well. He was then invited to an open ring contest with rules of his choice to prove his point. Then he went quiet. Personally, from what I've seen, his style looked weird and terribly impractical. Probably why he ran away after being called out for running his (racist) mouth.

zuti car
10-10-2014, 06:58 AM
Hmm, I know which one that is. I saw a couple years ago the instructor drew some heat for telling people Westerners can't do Wing Chun as well as Chinese, against a foreign guy who was running a WT school and doing pretty well. He was then invited to an open ring contest with rules of his choice to prove his point. Then he went quiet. Personally, from what I've seen, his style looked weird and terribly impractical. Probably why he ran away after being called out for running his (racist) mouth.

Strange , I know this guy had some western students .

Here is the web address



10-10-2014, 07:31 AM
Yup, that's the school. They said foreigners couldn't teach Wing Chun as well as Chinese, I guess as a way to discourage people from going to that other school. :rolleyes: That was like 4 years ago. But it didn't work. The other school had 50+ students.

Here's one of their clips. You can judge what they do for yourself. It makes LTWT look decent to me.


zuti car
10-10-2014, 06:06 PM
Yup, that's the school. They said foreigners couldn't teach Wing Chun as well as Chinese, I guess as a way to discourage people from going to that other school. :rolleyes: That was like 4 years ago. But it didn't work. The other school had 50+ students.

Here's one of their clips. You can judge what they do for yourself. It makes LTWT look decent to me.


Racism is common among Chinese , well , among Taiwanese anyway . I don't have a problem with what they do, it is their view of the art , different than mine but i would not judge what I do not know or understand .LTWT is totally OK (unless it is EWTO version)

10-10-2014, 10:25 PM
It runs deep on the mainland too. Shanghainese even hate outsiders coming to the city from elsewhere in China. Everywhere outside Shanghai is low class peasant land.

Well, you thought the application he showed looked practical? That's what I was referring to, not just how they do their forms and whatnot. I've watched several of their videos and their applications are ridiculously unrealistic.

zuti car
10-10-2014, 11:33 PM
It runs deep on the mainland too. Shanghainese even hate outsiders coming to the city from elsewhere in China. Everywhere outside Shanghai is low class peasant land.

Well, you thought the application he showed looked practical? That's what I was referring to, not just how they do their forms and whatnot. I've watched several of their videos and their applications are ridiculously unrealistic.

It is the same here , everybody hates everybody else and in my case that is extremely true , I am Serbian so even the westerners hate me :D

About applications, I could say the same for 90% of all wing chun styles but I rather not comment , people put a lot work in that and I don't want to undermine anybody's work .

10-10-2014, 11:51 PM
About applications, I could say the same for 90% of all wing chun styles but I rather not comment , people put a lot work in that and I don't want to undermine anybody's work .

Like saying Westerners can't teach as well as Chinese is undermining maaany people's work, and not based on actual data.

While I'm not very keen on LTWT, that instructor who was here was not afraid to get into the ring and spar the MMA guys. So that instantly gains more respect from me than people who run their mouths and then disappear when called out on it to be tested.


zuti car
10-11-2014, 12:34 AM
Like saying Westerners can't teach as well as Chinese is undermining maaany people's work, and not based on actual data.

While I'm not very keen on LTWT, that instructor who was here was not afraid to get into the ring and spar the MMA guys. So that instantly gains more respect from me than people who run their mouths and then disappear when called out on it to be tested.


Opinion must be based on something , if not on actual data then on prejudice . Prejudice is directly connected to stupidity and primitivism. I have to live with that every day ...

10-13-2014, 02:06 AM
Yup, that's the school. They said foreigners couldn't teach Wing Chun as well as Chinese, I guess as a way to discourage people from going to that other school. :rolleyes: That was like 4 years ago. But it didn't work. The other school had 50+ students.

Here's one of their clips. You can judge what they do for yourself. It makes LTWT look decent to me.


We had guys come from that school come and roll with us at Peter Hsu's school in Shanghai, and to be frank it was crap. Controlled and manipulated at will by even the lesser experienced students.
i was still living in China when he made those comments about laowais (foreigners) not being able to teach WC, and a challenge was issued. A date and place was set up and he backed out and disappeared completely....chickens**t