View Full Version : Important.... Urgent...... OH MY

06-25-2008, 07:39 AM
Ashida Kim's official pooh list is gone (http://ashidakim.com/****list.html)

06-25-2008, 07:47 AM
That's old news.

golden arhat
06-25-2008, 04:29 PM
This page was once a place where we posted the names of those who had offended or cheated Sensei Ashida Kim, the reasons they were selected for this distinction and our proposed course of action to rectify the situation. These miscreants included publishers and literary agents who stole millions of dollars in unreported and overseas sales, who refused to honor contracts signed in good faith and swapped Sensei’s intellectual property amongst themselves like vampires sucking the blood out of any other victim. But we stopped them. By asking people to boycott their products, by publishing Sensei’s books and videos ourselves.

There were trolls and cyber-commandoes, who, out of jealousy, pollute the internet with lies and slander and constant questions to which no amount of answer was satisfactory. All to get attention for themselves, so they could imagine and pretend that someone was listening to them, in a vain attempt to fill the awful loneliness of their pitiful lives. But we beat them. By ignoring them, by refusing to believe the trash and filth that they spew like little monkeys throwing their own feces at the zoo. For, indeed, they are no more than that. We strive to be better than that, to serve a more noble purpose.

As Sensei has said, “All these things are merely steps upon the path. What is done is done. We cannot have ‘revenge’ on any of these people. Nor can we hope for ‘justice’ or fair play. Neither should we seek to modify their behavior in any way. Each of them must work out his own karma. All we can try to do is set a good example by our own lives. We are men of peace who can fight like ten tigers, sworn to protect and defend the Homeland. This is the ancient martial arts tradition upon which we are based.

He explained it this way, “One day soon, my friends, you will wake up and say to yourself, ‘What a beautiful day!’ And, as you go through the day with that feeling of joy you will ask yourself why you continue to drag around the baggage of battles long ago fought and won or lost. You cannot go back and fight them over. Each contest stands alone, you must know when they are done and move on.

“Nor can you concern yourself over much with threats or fears of what may happen tomorrow. No one knows what the dreams may come. Each day, like a scholar at his first class, prepare an empty mind upon which the day may write. Be here now, enjoy this moment, follow your bliss and do your best. That is all that is required. The chattering of monkeys is of no consequence and men do not beat drums before they hunt tigers. We are all here for a reason. Discovering that reason and acting upon it is the sole purpose of our time on this planet. Human beings are, after all, creatures of light having a temporal existence. It is a voyage of self-discovery.

Plato said, "The only real service we can be to our fellow man is to remind him of the experience of Eternity, the memory of which is lost at birth.” knowing this, and that concurrently the only thing one can 'take with them upon passing' are the memories we have created here, then it only makes sense to try and make good memories. To accomplish this, the ancients have taught us the martial arts.

From Precepts for a Peaceful Warrior, by Ch'onsa Kim:

The Warrior strives to reach above himself, his false perceptions, his adversaries... His highest achievement is not one of victory, but one of absolute truth.

Have compassion for all beings, causing them no unnecessary hurt, nor needless harm.

Refrain from needless competitiveness, from contriving for self-advantage, and from subjugating others.

When accepting authority over others, know also that you accept responsibility for their well being.

Value true friendship, and fulfill your obligations, rather than striving with egotistical motive.

Seek liberation from the negative passions of hatred, envy, greed and rage, and especially from delusion, deceit and sensory desire.

Learn to let go of that which cannot be owned, or which is destroyed by grasping.

Seek the courage to be; defend yourself, and your convictions.

Accept transience, the inevitable and the irrevocable. Know that change exists in everything. Negate the barriers to your awakening; discover the positive in the negative, and seek a meaningful purpose in what you do.

Be just and honorable; take pride in what you do, rather than being proud of what you have accomplished.

Having humility and respect, give thanks to those from whom you learn, or who have otherwise helped you.

Act in harmony with your fellow beings, with nature, and with inanimate objects.

Know that a thing or an action which may seem of little value to oneself, may be a priceless treasure to another.

Help those who are suffering or disadvantaged, and as you yourself become awakened, help those who seek to make real their own potential.

Know that there is no shame in questioning.

Be diligent in your practice, and on hearing the music of the absolute, do not be so foolish as to try to sing its song.

Remember to renew the source, in order to retain good health.

Seek neither brilliance nor the void; just think deeply, and work hard.

When still, be as the mountain; when in movement be as the dragon riding the wind.

Be aware at all times, like the tiger which only seems to sleep, and at all times let the mind be like running water.

When you are required to act, remember that right motive is essential to right action, just as right thought is essential to right words.

Beware of creating burdens for yourself or others to carry.

Act with necessary distinction, being both creative and receptive, and transcending subject/object dichotomy.

Know that you are not the center of the universe, but learn to put the universe at your center by accepting the instant of your being.

Seek security within yourself, rather than in others.

Know that even great worldly wealth, and the accumulation of material things are of little worth, compared with the priceless treasures; love, peace and the freedom to grow.

Allow yourself to be, so that your life may become a time of blossoming.

– Ch'onsa Kim

To this end we let go our vengeance. We do not forgive, nor forget. We seek only to better ourselves by following the Way. In so doing, we learn the lessons of the past, without allowing them to burden us, so that we are prepared for the undiscovered country, the future.

It is said, ‘the mood of the warrior is waiting for the enemy to appear.’ The mood of the Ninja is also waiting; waiting for something wonderful to happen. May you find your own Way as pleasant.

I remain,
Ashida Kim

David Jamieson
06-25-2008, 07:47 PM
Man, that's a long winded way to say "I have failed". :p

06-26-2008, 11:18 AM
BS - he obviously killed them all, and is trying to cover his tracks; yeesh...

Dale Dugas
06-27-2008, 02:21 AM
The fraud must have been sued by them and his lawyer fu was weak

Shaolin Wookie
06-27-2008, 05:19 AM
"Be aware at all times, like the tiger which only seems to sleep, and at all times let the mind be like running water. "

You guys are so off base. Clearly he's discovered the tiger spiritual of the mind.

06-27-2008, 05:46 AM
The fraud must have been sued by them and his lawyer fu was weak

He actually was sued by one of Count Dante's followers for like copyright infringement.

Funny thing was in his SWORN answer he admitted his name was Radford Davis, that he lives at home with his dad, he only makes like $300/month, and his only asset was an old truck.

David Jamieson
06-27-2008, 10:23 AM
OT, but I knew a kungfu man who lived with 3 generations of his family, always used his real name and owned less than an old truck. :)

Or, Ashida Kim's circumstances aren't what makes his promoted materials his shame.

It is his delusory qulaties and the danger he puts others in by claiming he is bonafide and his teachings will bring them safety when in fact all the teachings just bring ego stroke to Ashida Kim and have little actual value otherwise or are blatantly self evident, entirely ripped off from other works and so on.

That's his burden of shame, not his lack of possessions.

06-27-2008, 10:44 AM
The reason I mentioned his financial failure was to point out that he did not become rich by being a lying scam artist.

He spent over 20+ years running a scam and it really brought him nothing financially.

I Hate Ashida Kim
06-27-2008, 12:18 PM

Aww, I missed you guys. Look at this attachment.


I Hate Ashida Kim
06-27-2008, 12:26 PM
And just for fun:



06-30-2008, 12:16 PM
IHAK, you need to come around more often, it's always a pleasure!

I Hate Ashida Kim
07-05-2008, 06:11 PM
IHAK, you need to come around more often, it's always a pleasure!

The pleasure is all mine :D