View Full Version : A True Story of Han Muxia

06-28-2008, 03:19 AM
There was a book about the story of Han Muxia(Han for short bellowing). It was published about 20 years ago. While the film Wu Lin Zhi showed at that time. There was a man in the book named Zhao Yunbiao, who was the Han Muxia’s nephew.
I want to tell you a story. It start from Zhao Yunbiao. And the story is my personal experience .
My father and Zhao Yunbiao(Zhao for short bellowing) lived in the same court, but there was a wall in middle of the court. Zhuo was Han’s natural nephew. He was just under one meter six in height. He knew Han’s Kongfu was excellent because the matter of DaLei. Then he went to Han’s home, regardless of earning money to take care of his parents. So Han took a scunner at him very much. Han always let Zhao go home, but Zhao would rather catch it instead of going home. At that time, Han has six apprentices. He never taught Zhao Kongfu, never. At the same time, he commanded his apprentices must keep silent when they meet Zhao. Han just taught XingYi to his apprentices, and there was a picture on the wall in the court. There were twelve animals in the picture. So Zhao just learnt XingYi from the picture by himself.

Han’s great apprentice who mastered excellent Kongfu. However, he died by sudden attack of a serious illness when he was in the middle-aged. Among the six apprentices, two of them were out to try to look for Zhou Enlai ,Zhou had learnt Kongfu from Han. The other two of them both were 16-year-old, and their last name both were Wang. At that time, Han’s son was just 6-year-old, his daughter was just 4-year-old. But Han already 60-year-old .

06-28-2008, 03:24 AM
If you want more details, please log in our blog.

I put the original article following as usual.


以前提到过一本说韩慕侠的书,可能是20年前,在电影《武林志》前后出版。书中说到韩慕侠的外甥赵云彪,下 面的部分就从这赵云彪开始说起。

赵云彪和我父亲住在一个中间隔一道墙的院子.因赵的家境不如我父亲,所以赵遇到我父亲时总是带着躲避。赵是 韩慕侠的亲外甥,身高不足一米六。因他知道韩慕侠打擂的能力,他就把家里的生活放下不管,跑到韩慕侠家里想 学韩慕侠的东西。韩慕侠很反感,因家里不容易把你弄这么大,你把父母扔在家跑这来不务正业。因此韩慕侠总让 他回家干活去,但赵就是不走在韩慕侠家吃住,宁可天天挨骂。那时韩慕俠在家里教了六个徒弟,但不准赵上前。 为此赵只能在前后院的过道中,不敢越过墙线看他们练,为此他们说的话一点儿也听不见。在他们练完后走了,赵 就收拾打扫他们的场地,多年的这样下去,不能和这几个徒弟说话,只能是徒弟们来或走他给开关门时打个招呼。 而韩慕侠在院中只教徒弟们形意拳,院墙上挂着以韩慕侠设计的大幅的形意拳十二形图。赵就是在利用“把它收起 ,免得风雨把它弄坏”的“理由”,每天在收起和再挂上的时间就看一下它们,再结合远处所看的而学到了这十二 形。因为从始十二形就是形意拳的高级机密成分,为此这也就是赵云彪所视为法宝的目标了。当然韩慕侠知道赵的 这一点,也是给他留一点口,再加拳趟子也不是武术中的重要东西。
韩慕侠的六个徒弟,大徒弟的功夫相当了得,中年暴病而逝。其中两个徒弟,从周恩来去韩慕侠那走后,他们几天 后就去找周恩来干革命去了。几个月后两人回来看了一次韩慕侠,并告知联系上了周恩来,走后就再没音信。一个 徒弟因家中有变故而离去。两个最小的徒弟都十六岁,都姓王,当时被称为“二王”,这时韩慕侠的儿子韩少侠六 岁,小侠四岁,而韩慕侠已过六十。此二王中的一王天天扛着韩少侠出去玩儿,他就是故事集中,16岁“一拳镇 薛颠”的那位。由于薛颠有官方势力,此二王只得离开薛颠的势力范围,从而也就离开了韩慕侠。后此二王都从医 了,而其中的一王从中国的南北几千里的土地上往来。除了新疆、西藏、内蒙和东北的部分地区没去,所有地方的 只要能找到的武术高手、隐士、僧、道等都拜访无漏。就是他这十六岁的所学,在十几年的遍访中,没有一人是他 的对手,这就是韩慕侠所教的形意拳。可是最后“遇到”了“张三丰”,就是反转180Ί了,并得到了这么一句 话:“学谦(韩慕侠的正名)的东西没给你”。此一王和我有几十年没断的关系。以上这些涉及均在故事中叙述, 这里不叙述了。
外面的人都知道赵云彪是韩慕侠的外甥,也多少知道点他在韩慕侠家的处境。赵也在他们间有意的让他们知道自己 有点武术。为此有一次,从外地来了一个60岁的老人和一个约16岁小孙子,在天津一个“三不管”的把势场地 区内撂场子。这个武术“场”中有“霸主”位置的有四五家。他们也多是“武德”不离口,但歧视性也是“昭然若 揭”,因此其欺生性是少不了的。所以对这个“外来燕”,踢场的人就是不少了,但凡是和这个老人过手的没有动 得了他。一连四天,再也没人过手了,这时老人就放狂话了:“这么大的一个天津卫,就没一个能行的……”。当 然,没有点能耐把握,也不会在这个生地方撂场子。这时赵和几个朋友正在看热闹,他们就和赵说:你舅舅那么大 名声,你又是他亲外甥,你就让老头这么说。赵云彪在这样的情形中还是选择了上场。赵那时24岁,老人一看是 个年轻的小伙子,就要轰他走。就对老者说:“我对的是你,别提别人”。老者一听,再加几天的得手,哪还把这 个小孩子当回事——:“那咱就比比吧”。二人只交手的一个照面,老人就来个倒蹲坐在地上。老人站起来说:我 没在意,重来!赵说,重来也是一样,还得是这个结果。第二次就同第一次的重演。老者愣住了,便对赵云彪说: “你是哪家的?”。话没下说,赵的“追随者”们就憋不住了:“他你都不知道……”、“你的见识也太……”, “他就是没有人不知道的韩慕侠的亲外甥……!”老者一听即刻兴奋起来,笑着脸站起来对赵云彪和众人连作揖带 鞠躬地连声谢谢。一边招呼着小孙子:快快,收拾东西快走,走时还连连地回头,谢谢、谢谢地兴奋 而去。
有几个知道赵云彪“情况”的人对赵说,这回你给你舅舅露大脸了,为此他们拥着赵云彪去了韩慕侠的家。这时韩 慕侠正在他的屋子内和几个徒弟说话,在场的就有与我几十年没断关系的那人。
这是赵云彪第一次正式堂堂的站在了韩慕侠和这样的场合,并他始终没说一句话。待拥着他来的人说完经过后还没 撂音,韩慕侠就怒起来了,一口啐在赵的左面眼下,同时便破口大骂:“给我滚——!”随手就抄手下的茶碗,要 不是近身几个徒弟手快,它就飞出来了。这时众人就闹不清了,“这样的事对谁都会是高兴,怎么会这样?”。来 的人替赵云彪解释:“这不是给您露脸吗,您怎么还气成这样?”韩慕侠怒气地:“这是来恶心我——!赵云彪和 众人出了韩慕侠的屋子。韩说:“这一下他在外面必定建立起了人围,开始具有了自己位置。确实,赵云彪从此被 人们看重,并有棉纺厂,解放后改为天津国棉二厂的不少年轻的工人追随起了赵云彪,并要拜赵为老师。由于他们 和赵的年龄都差不多,为此赵就让他们称自己为大哥。这个“看画”的老师,就作了他们的带队大哥 。

这里对以上插一提示:韩慕侠“学艺归来”后在武术上是不轻易和人交往的,从而成为“武术圈”中没有他这个人 的性质。他一生中只有三次的武术对外“交往”。第一次是他打擂的不久后,李景林的一次对包括张兆东在内的全 武术师们的邀请,韩慕侠不得不去,否则他是不去的。因此这次的邀请,他当场没给李景林面子,故事中的“镇服 李景林”说的就是这点。第二次是张自忠的约请。由于他对张自忠非常好感,而为张自忠设计了大刀营,否则他是 不会去的,这是韩慕侠爱国的一个强指示。操练大刀营用时六个月。张自忠对韩慕侠已了解了,否则也不会找韩慕 侠,这在故事的“真技服护卫”一节中说到。第三次就是所教的六个徒弟。由于韩慕侠常年的心情不好,近老年时 便吸起了大烟。由于他没有任何收入来源,为此其余的五个徒弟给他提供钱、物等等。为此从以上看,人们会分析 到网摘的“韩慕侠立武馆”说,是对他的贬值。韩慕侠是不参与武馆这样的事的。

自始以来在武术界中有一个性质,就是不能轻易问对方的东西。越是高等位的武术越是如此,即对方给你就给你, 不给你就不给你由对方定。为此在韩慕侠学艺回来,由于和张兆东的关系而要对张兆东说。张兆东即刻拦了他说: “不用说,我知道你的心。但这一个是武术的规矩,特别是你所学的,是不准让人问的”(这一个是张兆东这个人 的不贪,一个是他对韩慕侠带来的东西的性质,知道得比他人的深,并且尊重。这就是韩慕侠唯独尊他为老师的原 因之一。张兆东继续说:“我有你这个徒弟就已经超过任何人了。再有,如别人(指贪的,和象他有“资格”的人 )想从我这套它就做不到了”。这就是至今任何人也不会知道的一个韩慕侠与张兆东的一段对话。

Scott R. Brown
06-28-2008, 08:37 AM
I put the original article following as usual.

Real Han Muxia

Had been to one by the premise saying that the Han Muxia book, was possibly 20 years ago, "the Martial arts world Will" around published at the movie. In the book speaks of Han Muxia sister's son Zhao Yunbiao, the following part starts from this Zhao Yunbiao to mention.
Provides the human “ me ”, namely passes through this part and the litigant by oneself.

Zhao Yunbiao and my father lives in one is separated a wall courtyard. Because Zhao's family circumstances are inferior to my father, therefore Zhao runs into time my father always brings to avoid. Zhao is Han Muxia own sister's son, height insufficient one meter six. Because he knew that Han Muxia hits ability which strikes, he family's in life lays down, no matter, runs up to Han Muxia in the family to want to study the Han Muxia thing. Han Muxia is very repugnant, because in the family makes not easily you such in a big way, you throw the parents in the home run this to ignore a proper occupation. Therefore Han Muxia always lets him go home to work, but Zhao Jiu does not walk in Han Muxia the family food and lodging, rather daily is scolded. Han Muxia at home had taught at that time six apprentices, but does not permit Zhao to go forward. Therefore Zhao Zhineng before in rear court's corridor, does not dare to cross the wall line to look at them to practice, for this reason they said the words also cannot hear. After they practice walked, Zhao tidies up cleans their location, many year getting down like this, cannot speak with these apprentices, can only be the apprentices comes or walks him to give time the switch gate greets. But Han Muxia only teaches the apprentices Chinese boxing imitating various animals in the courtyard, in the courtyard wall is hanging the large Chinese boxing imitating various animals 12 shape charts which designs by Han Muxia. Zhao Jiu is “ receives in the use it, so as to avoid the wind and rain spoils it ” “ the reason ”, every day is receiving the time which and hangs up again to look they, the recombination distant place looked has learned these ten two shapes. Because from the beginning 12 shapes is the Chinese boxing imitating various animals high-quality secret ingredient, for this reason this was also Zhao Yunbiao regards as the magic weapon the goal. Certainly Han Muxia knows Zhao's this point, is also keeps a spot mouth to him, adds the fist route traveled back and forth is not in the martial arts important thing again.

The Han Muxia six apprentices, the big apprentice's time has been equal, middle-aged acute illness passes. And two apprentices, go after Zhou Enlai Han Muxia that walks, their several days later asked Zhou Enlai to do revolutionizes. Several month latter two people came back to look at Han Muxia, and informed contacts with Zhou Enlai, after walking, again did not have the news. Because an apprentice in the family has the accident to depart. Two youngest apprentices both 16 years old, are surnamed the king, at that time is called “ two kings ”, by now Han Muxia son Han Shaoxia six years old, young variant four years old, but Han Muxia crossed 60. In this two king's king carries on the shoulder Han Shaoxia to exit daily to play, he is the story centralism, a 16 year old of “ fist town Xue Dian” that position. Because Xue Dian has the official influence, this two kings have to leave the Xue Dian sphere of influence, thus also left Han Muxia. Latter this two Wang Ducong medicine, but a king from China's north and south several thousand miles lands intercourse. Except Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Northeast's some areas have not gone, so long as all places could find the martial arts master, the recluse, the monk, the road and so on visited not leaks. Is his this 16 year-old studies, in several year visiting all around, does not have one person is his match, this is the Chinese boxing imitating various animals which Han Muxia teaches. But “ ran into ” “ Zhang Sanfeng finally ”, was reverses 180 Ί, and obtained such a few words: “ study modest (Han Muxia rectifying names) the thing has not given you ”. This king and I have the relations which several dozens years have not broken. The above these involve narrate in the story, here did not narrate.

The outside people knew that Zhao Yunbiao is the Han Muxia sister's son, also how many knew that selects him in Han Muxia family's situation. Zhao also intends in them to let them know oneself a little martial arts. Therefore once, has come 60 year-old people and from the outside areas an approximately 16 year old of little grandson, in Tianjin “ under nobody's jurisdiction ” throws the gathering place the potential field area. This martial arts “ field ” has “ the overlord ” position to have 45. They also many are “ Wu De” do not leave the mouth, but the prejudice is also “ obvious ”, therefore it takes advantage of strangers the nature to must have. Therefore to this “ external swallow ”, kicks the field the human was many, as long as was and this old person the hand has not moved him. As soon as links for four days, nobody hand, by now old person had put again also the wild language: “ a such big Tianjin health, does not have one to be able good … … ”. Certainly, does not have the ability assurance, also will not live the place in this to throw the gathering place. By now Zhao and several friends was watching the fun, they said with Zhao: Your uncle that big reputation, you are also he kiss the sister's son, you let old man such say. Zhao Yunbiao chose in such situation went on stage. As soon as Zhao 24 years old, old person looked at that time is a young young fellow, must rumble he to walk. Said to the old man: what “ I to is you, do not raise others ”. As soon as the old man listens, adds several day-long going well again, which is also serious this child — —: “ that we everywhere ”. Two people only fight puts in an appearance, old person comes to fall on one's buttocks sits in ground. Old person stood said: I have not cared, am heavy! Zhao said that comes is also same again, but must be this result. The second time with the first time repeating. The old man has been shocked, then said to Zhao Yunbiao: which “ are you? ”. The words under had not said that Zhao “ the follower ” could not hold in: “ his you did not know that … … ”, “ your experience also too … … ”, “ he is Han who nobody did not know Mu variant's own sister's son … …! as soon as ” the old man listens to be instantly excited, smiles the face to stand bows in salute the belt to Zhao Yunbiao and the people company to bow thanks repeatedly. At the same time is greeting the little grandson: In a big hurry, tidies up the thing to walk quickly, is in luck also again and again turns head, thanks, thanks excitedly goes.
Several knew that Zhao Yunbiao the “ situation ” person said to Zhao, this chapter of you gave you the uncle to reveal the big face, for this reason they supported Zhao Yunbiao to go to the Han Muxia family. By now Han Muxia in his room and several apprentices spoke, on the scene had that person who has not broken the relations with my several dozens years.

Scott R. Brown
06-28-2008, 08:38 AM
This was Zhao Yunbiao the first official solemn station in Han Muxia and such situation, and he has not always spoken a few words. After treating supports him to be coming the human who says passes through, not to throw the sound, Han Muxia gets angry, spits in Zhao's left side at present, simultaneously then shouted abuse: “ rolls to me — —! ” on the won ton under bowl, near body several apprentices is conveniently deft, it flew. The people had been by now unable to know, “ can such matter to who be happy, how can like this? ”. Human who comes explained for Zhao Yunbiao: “ this is not beams with joy to you, are you how also mad this? ” Han Muxia anger place: “ this is comes to be disgusting I — —! Zhao Yunbiao and the people left the Han Muxia room. Han said: “ these he established the human in outside to encircle surely, starts to have oneself position. Truly, Zhao Yunbiao henceforth is regarded by the people, and has the cotton manufactory, after the liberation, changes the Tianjin Chinese cotton two factories many young workers followed Zhao Yunbiao, and must do obeisance Mr./Mrs. Zhao Wei. Because they and Zhao's age is similar, for this reason Zhao Jiurang they said that he is eldest brother. This “ looked that picture ” teacher, was them to lead eldest brother.

Here inserts a prompt to above: After Han Muxia “ scholarship return ”, not easily associates in the martial arts with the human, thus becomes “ the martial arts circle ” not his nature. In his life has three time martial arts foreign “ contacts ”. After the first time is he hits strikes soon, the Li Jing forest one time to includes the Zhang Zhaodong entire martial arts Shi Men invitation, Han Muxia can not but go, otherwise he does not go. Therefore this time invitation, he for Li Jing the forest face, in the story “ has not subjugated Li Jing Lin ” to say is this on the scene. The second time is Zhang Zizhong's invitation. As a result of him to Zhang Zizhong unusual favorable impression, but has designed the broadsword camp for Zhang Zizhong, otherwise he will not go, this will be Han Muxia a patriotic strong instruction. The drill broadsword camp uses for six months. Zhang Zizhong has understood to Han Muxia, will otherwise not look for Han Muxia, this “ in real technique clothing protect guard ” will speak in the story. Third time is six apprentices who teaches. Because Han Muxia the year to year mood is not good, when near old age then attracted the opium. Because he does not have any source of income, for this reason other five apprentices to him provide money, thing and so on. Therefore looked from above that the people will analyze the net to pick “ Han Muxia to set up Wu Guan” saying that will be to his depreciation. Han Muxia does not participate in military hall such matter.

Since from the beginning had a nature in the martial arts, cannot ask opposite party thing easily. More is the high equipotential line martial arts more is so, namely opposite party gives you for you, does not decide for you for you by opposite party. Therefore the scholarship comes back in Han Muxia, as a result of with Zhang Zhaodong's relations, but must say to Zhang Zhaodong. Zhang Zhaodong instantly blocks him saying: “ did not need saying that I knew your heart. But this is the martial arts custom, specially you study, does not permit to let the human ask ” (this is Zhang Zhaodong this person is not corrupt, one is he the thing nature which brings to Han Muxia, knows compared to other people's depth, and respects. This is Han Muxia reveres him only one of for teacher's reasons. Zhang Zhaodong continued saying:“ I had your this apprentice already to surpass anybody. Has again, if others (refer to corruptly, with looked like him to have “ qualifications ” person) to want not to be able to achieve from my this set of it ”. Until now this is Han Muxia who and Zhang Zhaodong's dialogs anybody does not know.

06-28-2008, 06:59 PM
I appreciate your helping very much!

I think most of them can not understand what I said.

06-29-2008, 07:35 AM

Zhang Zhao Dong -> Han Mu Xia -> Zhou En Lai (Xin Yi Ba Gua).

Han was first wushu instructor at Huang Pu military academy.

the cradle of training army officers for both nationalists and communists.

Zhou was the political chief at Huang Pu.

When KMT decided to "clear" communist members from the army and the party.

Zhou lead some officers and troops rose up instead of waiting to be "eliminated".

This was called Nan Chang uprising in 1927.

Nationalists and communists are separated and fighting till today.



06-29-2008, 07:37 AM

Han and his students including political chief Zhou En Lai.

Zhou En Lai practice zhan zhuang (standing in posture) and San Ti shi at Han' home.


06-29-2008, 07:44 AM

Han served in the 16th army under the north east warlord Zhang Xue Liang.

Han designed and trained Da Dao Dui or broad sword team.

Da Dao became a standard issue in nationalist army during war against Japan.

Da Dao became famous while defending Xi Feng Kou along the great walls from Ji Xing Wen regiment.


06-29-2008, 07:54 AM
在武术团,韩慕侠用八卦刀和连环枪的套路即用八卦刀中的“缠头裹脑”等动作要领施行顺步砍、拗步砍、左右砍 、连剁带劈;把形意的五行连环枪的擘、崩、钻、炮、横五枪,变化为步枪的刺、拔、挑、崩、擘五个刺杀动作训 练士兵,简单易学,有很高的实战价值。正当韩慕侠在杨柳青全力训练大刀队时,一个无法解决的难题出现了,由 于军饷层层克扣,大刀队领不到军饷,韩慕侠只好变卖家产给士兵12个铜板,韩慕侠家业已空,大刀队也随之停 止了活动。韩慕侠训练的大刀队在东北军易帜后,被编入宋哲元的二十九军。“七·七”事变前夕,日本进攻华北 、侵略整个中国的野心早被国人识破。二十九军军长宋哲元根据当时的武器装备情况,就决定利用韩慕侠训练出来 的千名武将,在各师团组织训练大刀队(也称敢死队)以准备抵挡日军。

Han used ba gua dao and interlink spear forms to develop da dao swordplay. Han used xing yi 5 elements pi beng zhuan pao heng to practice bayonet of a rifle.

Da Dao team while in training. They did not have salary. Han Mu Xia had to sell all of his home and furniture and belongings to pay each soldier 12 penny.

Once Han was broke, the training of Da Dao Dui ceased.

When northeast army was reorganized into 29th army under general Song Zhe Yuan, and Japanese started attack on July, 7th


General Song saw his army with poor military issues/equipments, he ordered that the 1000 da dao soldiers from Han to train the rest of 29 th army Da Dao.


some historical tibits.


sometimes I hate legends and novels, and movies and confused he say she say with real historical facts.


ok now, move along with novel post started in the thread.



06-29-2008, 07:58 AM
my point is that.

much respect to Han, da dao dui--

respect to Chinese soldiers fighting against Japanese invaders.


06-29-2008, 08:00 AM
Da Dui Dui was considered suicide commando or Gan Si Dui.


06-29-2008, 08:06 AM

Han talked about nei jia quan.


夫武技一道分内外两家。外家练艺由外及内,重姿势,讲劲力。内家练艺由内而外,重养气,讲存神,意动而神发 。实为殊途而同归也!
内家练艺,前虚后实,重心偏后足,前足可虚可实,或三七或二八,随意而调之,用意而不用力,虚其心,实其腹 ,意念与丹田相合,进退灵通,毫无阻滞。进则如弩箭在发,直出螺旋而行。退则如飞鸟投林, 飘然而返,勇往迅捷,绝无反顾迟疑之态。习艺时心中寂空,旁若无人,无念无想,浑然于天地融为一体,虽姿势 千变万化,然不勉而中, 不思而得,所谓从容中道者是也。拳经云:形无形,意无意,无意之中是真意。心无心,身无身,身心之外无空门 。如来佛祖曰:“空而不空,不空而空,是谓真空”。岂非武学之不二法门? 盖静者动之基,空者实之体。
心中空虚则灵而不昧,有大智慧, 明悟顿生。人来击我,不必刻意防范,只随意漫应之,出手如钢铿,回手似勾竿;起无形,落无踪,去意好似卷地 风,动、静、虚、实、阴、阳、刚、柔只存一念之间。飘忽不定自有制敌之功。静为体,动为用,阴阳相摩万象生 。拳发三节不见形,如见形影不为能;宁可一思进,不可一思忖,以至举手投足、行止坐卧皆可为用。所以无人而 不自得,无往而不得其道,以致寂然不动,感而遂通,无可无不可,此乃养灵根而静心者之所用也。
初习武艺者,当尊师重道,谨聆师言教诲,循规蹈矩,不可自以为是,固执己见,致有偏颇之弊。专求力,则为力 所拘;专言气,则为气所蔽。求沉重则捆而且滞,求轻灵则浮而且散,总要气血并重, 性命双修,循序渐进,勤奋好学,刻苦锻炼,持之以恒,久之则神意归于丹田,灵气贯于百会,自然能轻能重,可 刚可柔;轻如燕掠长空, 行步如飞;重如泰山屹立,确乎不拔。功至练神还虚,则身轻如燕;气贯涌泉,则重如泰山也。
初学者有三忌:一忌拙力。拙力者,即人身体之本力也。用本力习武则气血凝滞,经络不通,筋骨难舒,四肢拘紧 , 手足呆笨。侵假而虚火上炎。拙气滞满胸隔,肢体凝滞之处,或肌肉僵死,或结为症瘾,贻害终身,不可不慎!二 忌努气。努气者力小任重,用力太过, 先闭其气,后发其力,以致浊气存于胸隔,阻塞不通,久之伤及肺金, 咯血气肿,成为不治之痼疾者,亦数见不鲜。三忌挺胸提腹。挺胸则气逆上行,提腹则真气下不归丹田,以致中节 不明,浑身是空。两足如浮萍无根,重心不稳,上身摇摆不定。习者切忌不可如此,以免自毁根基也。是故内家之 功,务必顺气调息,沉肩坠肘,含胸拔背, 气沉丹田,以意引气,以气催力,直达涌泉,则身如山岳难撼,纵有雷霆万钧之力,不能动其毫厘。学者应按九要 八论之规矩,时时矫正,方能登堂入室,得内家之三昧矣!


06-29-2008, 08:23 AM

a documentary about national revolutionary army 29th army with da dao dui fighting Japanese along the great walls.

On march 10th, 1933, 500 da dao soldiers ambushed Japanese army on the hill of wife on the east side of Xi Feng Kou.

The team was under the command of Zhao Deng Yu.



06-30-2008, 05:04 AM
That was not true about Han Muxia.

To Kangtaier, the people suspected that he is a savage. The reason is: First, his physique according to the conventional person, the very difficult movement to be such agile, speaks very difficultly not agily, to speak the coherent speech, was the translation says for him the words. Whole body Lian Toudu has the long fine hair, only has a face front wool fragile, the hand, the foot heart does not have the wool, as soon as (looks like monkey such) to look for the first time is a hairy person. First, the strength greatly also causes the human to be startled, when he performs, takes an inch thick loose plank (hard woods not to be able possible), grips the large size wire nail and the thumb has not pressed in the wire nail goes against, penetrates to the plank the nail succeeds in obtaining pastes to the plank on, and pulls out the nail. As soon as a thinnest steel bar (6#), two pull into the Z shape, as soon as reverse pushes is broken off. This is the stage prop which he performs, not "the Martial arts world Will" said black iron beam, two first two greatly black spheres, both are not dun sub-and is not barbell's that thing. He travels around six countries, last station is Thailand, and has preserved that gold medal which very easily the competition uses in laying cards on the table. Thailand in this aspect's time, the strength was in six country first at that time. The time master, the strongman and so on to Kang to the child, the chicken resembles, with Kang Gang a contact, is abandoned by Kang the arena, has no way with him to hit radically. Therefore, when they returns to one's native country by Thailand arise suddenly the fantasy, six countries belong to the small country, but passed by Chinese this great nation has not gone, to think that this six countries' the victory was always insufficient the component. If takes China, that was the genuine Asian first strongmen, for this reason arrived at China, had not thought that defeated in China. This gold medal is 6Χ4Χ0.4㎝ the rectangular pure gold, is Kang they brings, and has the life and death copy clerk to raise together suspends (looks like such which by no means in the arena some places arrange, said that they must presently stand live worthless writing). Who could defeat Kang Cipai to turn over to who (to drop down has also calculated defeat). Not only Kang gold medal which results in laboriously in six countries not to Han Muxia, instead saw itself to drop down has run holds that gold medal to hug on the bosom does not put. This also explained that Kang's intelligence is low, with the simpleminded barbarian, behind also speaks of this and also has the story.

06-30-2008, 05:10 AM
Here inserted says a dialog example: ......When area Beijing and Tianjin all master of martial arts nobody can enemy Kangtaier. Most receives the popular hopes Tianjin master of martial arts Zhang Zhaodong is unable on have to strike, but has not moved suddenly is wounded down. By now his apprentice Han Muxia the scholarship came back and presents. Zhang Zhaodong said to Han Muxia: “admires the variant on you, only then you!”Han Muxia: “can teacher, how I ......” Zhang Zhaodong break his words: “this is the Chinese martial arts matter, is the country, is Chinese's matter, how the priests and disciples factor can compare with it, all these counted on that you ......” Han Muxia only has come Kang four bifurcation to face upwards (in its technical detail to talk clearly in story).

06-30-2008, 05:11 AM
On after Zhang Zhaodong strikes, by the ritual to Kang, Kang sees Zhang Zhaodong's posture to put out a hand and Zhang Zhaodong shakes hand, but on Zhang Zhaodong Kang's working as. when Kang grips Zhang Zhaodong's hand has used the strength. As soon as Zhang Zhaodong cannot favor knew that he wants downward to throw, as soon as the arm is prompt supports (them to be called “thousand catties to fall”) the leg also with upward to bounce, in light of this when Kang also brandished the vigor, therefore Kang's strength did not have in the entire display. But Zhang Zhaodong's arm has also received the very heavy wound, after him and variant Han Mu et al. daily treatments, the entire 20 talents let loose are hanging arm's bandage. This is because had Zhang Sanfeng, had ancestors' bitter teachings transmitted from master to pupil over generations to remain (should variant grasp some Peru to pass on ingredient), also had Han Muxia to go to the scholarship again (behind namely to continue Han Muxia to practice martial arts the ~ scholarship ......And so on ingredient), otherwise Kang's this time, is ......! Therefore adds on me and the Han Muxia relations, they want to snatch Han Muxia to hit strike snatch, (down to wants to depreciate variant Han Mu Zhang Sanfeng) to censure, when real Zhang Sanfeng promotes after his essence these swindler's trick can the exposure.

06-30-2008, 07:34 AM
there are many stories or versions of tales about how Han used ba gua zhang to defeat a russian kan tai er.


part I


part II


the whole clip.

there was a movie called wu lin zhi.

again some of tales in the movie are NOT TRUE.


06-30-2008, 08:11 AM
the true story of defeating the russian kang tai er.

we do not know who did it.


真正的知情人(指与康泰尔比武之事)是当时比赛的联系人李星阶先生。赵道新先生回忆李星阶在上海同他的关于 此事的谈话时说道:“李星阶的话使我惊讶。他说' 康泰尔来津赛武,李存义提议天津武士会不能袖手旁观,原定由尚云祥,孙禄堂二位先生应战,可他们当时不知去 向,所以李存义和张占魁带领韩慕侠,王俊臣等来到北京,由我负责联系交涉。当我们知道了康泰尔住在东交民巷 六国饭店时,张占魁先生便瞒着大伙,一声不响地出去了。他回来后对大家说,康泰尔没什么功夫,只是有些气力 罢了。经追问才知,他考虑到中国拳术和武士会名誉及徒弟们的安危,独自到六国饭店找到康泰尔一行,表示:天 津来了一位武艺高强者,咱们在此随便比试一下,你若能赢了我,才有实力与那人地阵。比试结果,以康泰尔不敌 告终。事后,我们一起筹划了比赛的安排,由韩慕侠打头阵,韩当即表示义不容辞。当正式比赛时,康泰尔不战而 逃,并将全部奖牌让于天津武士会。” 打康泰尔的拳手究竟是谁,这有待于今后拳史工作者的考证。

选自《武魂》杂志“击倒康泰尔又一说”。作者 黄积涛

the legend said kang tai er won 12 gold medals. He was western boxing champ in europe. When he came to China, he made the 13th gold medal for himself. So he challenged everyone and lost one medal at a time. So he fought 13 times and lost 13 medals to 13 people.

The truth is that Zhang Zhao Dong visited him at his hotel. Kang tai er never showed up at lei tai the next day and donated 13 medals to Tian Jing fighter association.

according to an article published at "martial soul/spirit".

Mr. Li Xing Jie was the introducer to arrange for the fight with the russian.

"so the russian came to tian jing and challenge everyone. Li Cun Yi proposed that Shang Yun Xiang and Sun Lu Tang to fight him. However, they both were not reachable at the time. So Zhang Zhao Dong payed him a visit at his hotel. Zhang exchanged hands and found the russian was only good with greath strength.

so arrangement for Han Mu Xia to fight him first at lei tai the next day.

and the russian never showed up.


06-30-2008, 08:13 AM
my point is that so many versions of the tales.

which is your version.

and they may be all NOT TRUE.


07-03-2008, 06:22 AM
SPJ,You're very meditative, and I can see you are very interested in Han Muxia.
What I want to tell you is you can learn a lot from the blog. If you want any further information, you can get contact with the master of the blog. Even I always write to him and ask him questions.What I posted here all from him. He want everybody know the truth ,and he had the evidences.

07-03-2008, 07:11 AM
Yes. I had read many tales about him over the years.

Han will be always remembered as a patriot at his time.

in terms of CMA.

I enjoyed his views on Xing Yi Ba Gua.

Dong Hai Chuan-> Zhang Zhao Dong -> Han Mu Xia-> 6 disciples ->------


07-03-2008, 08:15 PM
Do you really think Han Muxia just mastered Xing Yi Ba Gua?He debeated Kandtaier just use Xing Yi Ba Gua?
No, it's wrong. You respect him, but you are misunderstanding him so much.
Han had more than 300 teachers. But he still thought that would not enough.At least he learnt some secret skills about Zhang Sanfeng. But all people just think he only knew Xing Yi Ba Gua.

Later I want to post some new information about this.

07-03-2008, 09:51 PM
some said he never fought with the russian.

hard to believe a person may be a student for 300 teachers.



07-03-2008, 09:53 PM
I respect him b/c he was the first wushu instructor in the army officer academy.

not b/c of many legends that are not true.

It does not matter what type of wushu he is good at.

at least I know he is good at xing yi and ba gua.


07-05-2008, 06:07 PM

Han Jian Zhong, grandson of Han Mu Xia explaining Ba Ji techniques in wu lin da hui lei tai.

Like grandpa like grandson.



10-17-2009, 10:16 PM
not to stir up a thicken pot.

revisit the thread b/c a post of Han's talk about nei jia quan.
