View Full Version : Favorite Kung Fu Myths

Zhang Yong Chun
06-30-2008, 08:24 PM
This is probably opening a can of worms, but what is your favorite kung fu myth?

* existence of a "death touch"
* one-punch kill
* real kung fu masters can manipulate their chi to cure cancer
* your Sifu is the Deadliest Man Alive
* push hands can lead to devastating sparring ability
* a year of kung fu will allow you to disarm knife-wielding psychos and multiple attackers
* your gi-wearing sensei learned his art directly from the Shaolin Temple
* the Shaolin Temple is the source of all martial arts in China and the World
* MMA people are the Best Fighters In The World
* Bruce Lee would have beaten Muhammad Ali in a boxing match
* Size, Strength, Age, and Gender mean nothing if you have the right skills
* your art is superior to every other art ever created

Etc. Each myth has its origins in truth, but we tend to exaggerate a truism to the point of non-credulity. To avoid the flames, I didn't mention any specific styles or names, but if you are wincing a little, perhaps there is a sacred cow in your yard that you need to poke. ;)

07-01-2008, 03:18 AM
I still believe I will eventually be able to throw a fireball at my enemy, whose only recourse will be to either block it or jump over it.

David Jamieson
07-01-2008, 03:27 AM
the idea that internal alchemy is aspect to fighting arts.

Ray Pina
07-01-2008, 04:59 AM
That one can become a warrior without being bruised, battered, beaten... without combat experience.

07-01-2008, 05:12 AM
* your gi-wearing sensei learned his art directly from the Shaolin Temple

Hey....c'mon now. Charles Mattera of USSD learned his art directly from Shoalin. He wears a gi. He has pictures and everything. And apparently a big a$$ stone erected in his honor. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I'm telling USSD on you.

Shadow Skill
07-01-2008, 02:51 PM
That one can become a warrior without being bruised, battered, beaten... without combat experience.

My Sifu elbowed me in the head last week and I still look like a F*ckin unicorn, lol
(not really but I did have a big ass knot on my fore head)

07-01-2008, 03:06 PM
That being adept at martial arts somehow sets you above other people in any way.

07-01-2008, 04:36 PM
you can definately learn self-defense without contact.


07-01-2008, 08:26 PM
That being adept at martial arts somehow sets you above other people in any way.

It does. I love knowing that I can kill all of my neighbors with my bare hands...

07-01-2008, 08:27 PM
When I meditate, I can see a little red bar that says Hit Points...and a blue one for my opponent.

07-02-2008, 06:37 AM
All serious martial artists are noble stuck ups who don’t know how to have fun in the real life.

07-02-2008, 06:42 AM

1. A sparrow may not fly off the palm of Yang Lu Chan. (yielding aspect of Tai Chi).

2. Guo Yun Shen practice half step Beng Quan with shackles on in jail. (Xing Yi)

3. Dong Hai Chuan moved about among tables and people at birthday party and nobody might catch him. (walking and avoiding stepping in Ba Gua).


Zhang Yong Chun
07-02-2008, 06:50 AM
That being adept at martial arts somehow sets you above other people in any way.

THAT is a good one... There was a certain comfort in knowing that you can beat any man in the room that only fades when you wake up and realize that what you do, while valuable and worthwhile, is not curing cancer.

07-02-2008, 07:10 AM
This is probably opening a can of worms, but what is your favorite kung fu myth?

* existence of a "death touch"
* one-punch kill
* real kung fu masters can manipulate their chi to cure cancer
* your Sifu is the Deadliest Man Alive
* push hands can lead to devastating sparring ability
* a year of kung fu will allow you to disarm knife-wielding psychos and multiple attackers
* your gi-wearing sensei learned his art directly from the Shaolin Temple
* the Shaolin Temple is the source of all martial arts in China and the World
* MMA people are the Best Fighters In The World
* Bruce Lee would have beaten Muhammad Ali in a boxing match
* Size, Strength, Age, and Gender mean nothing if you have the right skills
* your art is superior to every other art ever created

Etc. Each myth has its origins in truth, but we tend to exaggerate a truism to the point of non-credulity. To avoid the flames, I didn't mention any specific styles or names, but if you are wincing a little, perhaps there is a sacred cow in your yard that you need to poke. ;)

when we look at the stars at nite.

we are always looking for the brightest star. just when you found one the brightest and you also found another one is even brighter.


there is always another higher mountain and another deeper pond.

there is always someone out there is better than us, no matter how good we are.



07-02-2008, 07:20 AM
This is probably opening a can of worms, but what is your favorite kung fu myth?

* existence of a "death touch"
* one-punch kill
* real kung fu masters can manipulate their chi to cure cancer
* your Sifu is the Deadliest Man Alive
* push hands can lead to devastating sparring ability
* a year of kung fu will allow you to disarm knife-wielding psychos and multiple attackers
* your gi-wearing sensei learned his art directly from the Shaolin Temple
* the Shaolin Temple is the source of all martial arts in China and the World
* MMA people are the Best Fighters In The World
* Bruce Lee would have beaten Muhammad Ali in a boxing match
* Size, Strength, Age, and Gender mean nothing if you have the right skills
* your art is superior to every other art ever created

Etc. Each myth has its origins in truth, but we tend to exaggerate a truism to the point of non-credulity. To avoid the flames, I didn't mention any specific styles or names, but if you are wincing a little, perhaps there is a sacred cow in your yard that you need to poke. ;)

perhaps the wrong word, exagerrations that have taken on a life of their own more likely.
Death touch was never a "touch" (unless it was a touch that followed a steel pipe across the temple)
One punch kills are a fact, as a "coup-de-grace.
Real kung fu masters can't manipulate chi to cure cancer, but they can make some people believe anything.
Sifu may not be the deadliest man on the planet, but he will probably be the deadliest you will ever know.
Push hands is what you train it to be
A year of kung fu MAY will allow THE VERY GIFTED to handle untrained people easily.
A gi wearing sensei is just that, a gi wearing sensei.
what the Shoalin temple WAS is irrelevant today, period.
MMA people are the best ALL AROUND fighters in the SPORT world.
Bruce Lee was a lousy boxer be all accounts and Ali would have beaten him like a red headed step child, BUT, the probably would have been great friends.
Size, Strength, age and gender matter as much and as little as everything else.
I don't know about your Art, but the guy I know named Art is one bad ass mofu !!

07-02-2008, 07:45 AM
That being adept at martial arts somehow sets you above other people in any way.

in a way, this is correct. Many people do not face their own weaknesses and imperfections, but we, as Martial artists not only face our imperfections and weaknesses, we embrace them. We constantly re-examine,re-evaluate our weaknesses, and make them our strong points, on a daily basis, striving for constant improvement.
I wouldn't say it sets us above others, but it sets us apart from others.

07-02-2008, 07:50 AM
in a way, this is correct. Many people do not face their own weaknesses and imperfections, but we, as Martial artists not only face our imperfections and weaknesses, we embrace them. We constantly re-examine,re-evaluate our weaknesses, and make them our strong points, on a daily basis, striving for constant improvement.
I wouldn't say it sets us above others, but it sets us apart from others.

I once saw a guy with a shirt that read "Its hard to be humble when you can kick everyones ass".
I proceeded to beat the crap out of him.
I am superiour biotch !!


You are quite correct, not better, not above, but certainly different, certainly apart.

07-02-2008, 09:39 AM
1. Your sifu on the cover of the magazine will improve sales.
2. A martial arts magazine has the budget to send reporters all over the world to report on stuff like your new strip mall school opening.
3. Associate Publishers of martial arts mags make a ton of money, enough to afford being transported about by a palanquin of nacho ninjettes (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=37625).

David Jamieson
07-02-2008, 09:41 AM
hmmm not sure I agree with the sentiment that being a martial artist makes you better or superior to anyone.

I would argue that it actually insulates you, blinders you and makes you more vulnerable as far as true martiality goes.

I mean, why practice antiquated empty hand combat when you could easily achieve superiority over anyone tactically by simply arming yourself with a projectile weapon hereby rendering years of study and practice moot.

On the other hand, if you make the tactical provisions that deal with the actual realities of the world we live in now, that still doesn't make you superior, it makes you prepared to defend yourself or others should a conflict arise.

as far as sport fighters go, I would argue that there is more value in medicinal studies and that would be superior to learning how to cause harm.

I guess that's why I study Kungfu, because it approaches the person as a holistic entity that must fulfill it's need to protect itself, heal itself and return itself to health should it fall to disease or misuse.

Being a sport fighter has little if any value to me. There are only a handful that stand above the rest out of hundreds of thousands who make the attempt. THat to me is only indicative of hundreds of thousands of failed sport fighters who could've been spending their time developing their whole selves instead of the ability to hit and be hit which is a rather limited existence. It's fun for a while, but doesn't carry forward like a more holistic approach from the onset.

priorities I guess. Everyone is free to choose their own path and everyone is free to make their own mistakes I guess. :)

07-02-2008, 09:56 AM
THat to me is only indicative of hundreds of thousands of failed sport fighters who could've been spending their time developing their whole selves instead of the ability to hit and be hit which is a rather limited existence. It's fun for a while, but doesn't carry forward like a more holistic approach from the onset.
not to hijack, but this brings up another important point: As we know, sport fighting attracts a different clientele-younger, more aggressive, testosterone-fueled,and trained. Puts quite a spin on the "Average guy on the street" when it comes to who and what you will be facing now and in the future in a self-defense situation. Train accordingly.
My vision of the future will be a world where the predators are made up of druggies, felons,trained fighters, and your usual array of sick bastids.
Again, train accordingly.

07-02-2008, 10:00 AM
not to hijack, but this brings up another important point: As we know, sport fighting attracts a different clientele-younger, more aggressive, testosterone-fueled,and trained. Puts quite a spin on the "Average guy on the street" when it comes to who and what you will be facing now and in the future in a self-defense situation. Train accordingly.

The caliber of "average guy" has changed quite a bit, though some refuse to believe it.
Luckly the vast majority of good fighters tend to sat away from confrontation, its the wannabes with some skill that one needs to keep an eye on.

As for David's post, the holistic approach is great, when we get there, some of us haven't go tthere yet, I know I haven't.
Still to many ways to hurt people to learn to deal with.

07-02-2008, 10:01 AM
Being a martial artist sets you apart from other people the same way, say....being a nurse, lawyer, astronaut, or traveling mariachi group sets you apart.

It is just a different life style.

07-02-2008, 10:03 AM
Being a martial artist sets you apart from other people the same way, say....being a nurse, lawyer, astronaut, or traveling mariachi group sets you apart.

It is just a different life style.

Now, if you were a Nurse that is trained in the MA with a Law Degree that plays a mean guitar while in space, then you would be something !!

07-02-2008, 10:06 AM
Being a martial artist sets you apart from other people the same way, say....being a nurse, lawyer, astronaut, or traveling mariachi group sets you apart.

It is just a different life style.

oh yeah?


07-02-2008, 10:09 AM
Favorite Kung Fu myth: Basement Boy

07-02-2008, 10:10 AM
oh yeah?


Didn't see any space travel there...

Besides, that looks like a typical Saturday afternoon in Tijuana.

07-02-2008, 10:39 AM
Favorite Kung Fu myth: Basement Boy

Listen, HardWork8 was molested as a child and as an adult, he has trust issues. Multiple instances of anal rape can change a person, in HardWork8's case it has scared his brain. I say we just leave him be! Have pity on the wretch

07-02-2008, 11:03 AM
Favorite Kung Fu myth: Basement Boy

no, no - S.T.U.P.I.D.! is the living embodiment of all kung-fu myths; a subtle distinction, but a salient one nonetheless...