View Full Version : Nothing better...

Ray Pina
07-04-2008, 07:08 AM
then having a higher-rank glance down at your belt, see its white, all the stripes having popped off... coaching you through techniques that you aint asking for help with during drills, an air of arrogance ... me too, because I know what's going to happen ... and then slapping hands and making him tap to save his arm seconds into free play.

My belt might be in stagnant limbo but my technique is improving. Jui-jitsu is great. Many little wars fought weekly. Lessons learned. In the meantime the strength, cardio and flow go, go, go.

Better late then never I guess.

Mr Punch
07-04-2008, 08:02 AM
I like women.


07-04-2008, 08:05 AM
I like women that can pop the stripes off of my belt just by looking at it...

but otherwise, I vicariously share Ray's well-earned sense of satisfaction

07-04-2008, 05:45 PM
Outside of training, we are all white belts (so to speak). Obviously dude, you could stand there and take crap (if that person is indeed being arrogant) or politely inform them that you've been around the block a bit (if he is being polite and honestly trying to offer some help). Usually in martial arts circles, I tend to just stay mellow with higher ranks and see how they act or HOW they say things. If there is a problem, then I will deal with it but I always show proper respect (sometimes they are younger than me or have less experience even though they are higher in rank). They were there first. One of the pitfalls of starting a new school....

Free play is fun.

Women tend to make another article of clothing pop....:p

07-04-2008, 07:26 PM
I agree...nothing more awesome than when all these crazy things we do start to click and not getting respect.
It's best if we assume everyone lower ranked than us is a black belt anyway.

Ray Pina
07-04-2008, 09:56 PM
I just keep my mouth shut and wait for free play at the end of training... talk, "rank", experience... anything can happen.

I know there's a fourth degree purple belt in San Juan that owns me. There's nothing I can do. He's feeding me arm bars and I still can't finish. It's **** humiliating, humbling but also fantastic. I've only been in the game a year. I should keep my mouth shut and keep training.

Having a blast. The training I'm doing now has me feeling like a super hero... squatting broad jumps, alligator crawls, carrying people. I see now for sure there's no getting around it... if you want to take your body to war you have to make it a tough ****ing weapon. Strong and dense but mobile light ... like floating.

07-05-2008, 01:06 PM
So then your issue is with their "air of arrogance" or do you just not like being coached by higher ranks on drills that you are already familiar with?

I'm trying to understand where you are coming from. :D

I've come across people who just don't like to be told what to do; probably because they've had training before or they are just bigger and stronger. Funny thing though, bigger and stronger physically but unable to handle a good cardio workout/warm up...nothing but sweat and grunting.

Experience comes into play a lot of times, even though "ranks" don't always communicate such things. Works for me. The less people know about what I know, the better advantage I have.

I could be sarcastic and just say that they 'talk' 'talk' but it is a learning experience. Maybe their technique is interesting or different than what I was taught. I always keep my ears and eyes open for something I can add to or improve my arsenal.

**I just will not accept being blatantly disrespected.