View Full Version : David Peterson LA seminar pix on my facebook

07-26-2008, 02:16 PM

for those that wanted to check out some of the pix from the gathering
it was just a private week long training session with my guys and David

I also filmed a documentary here is just the pick up


was a great time ,,, David is just simply a cool dude and humble man ,, had some scrap in him as well !


07-30-2008, 06:12 AM
Hey Ernie,
Time has been very kind to David Peterson I see. Were you there 10 years ago? That was some pick up I usually drive to LA but if I fly in I **** sure know who to call for the pick up from now on that was some sweet curb side service you had there. Way to represent!
The cinematography is looking good I like the double shot of the intro into the limo nice. Any plans for extended footage to be shot on location in Australia?
Thanks for sharing.

07-30-2008, 07:49 AM
yep the guy keeps fit and still hits hard and moves well .. i was pleasantly surprised considering he just did a week in Japan thought the jet lag alone would have took it out of him ,,but no way,, we did some marathon training sessions all week long !

I was there back in 98 when he first came over in Hawkins C. school and then we set up a few night sessions in my friends shop were we had a full size ring [ he ran a Thai training camp were i used to work out ] and thats when i really got interested in VT since we trained more open and anything goes back then .. I was impressed then with the way he handled himself and the way he passed on the information in a clear yet still physical way .. we have been good friends ever since and he has had major influences on my training and thinking over the last decade

Glad you liked the pick up LOL we wanted to surprise him and make sure he new all the help and support he has given me and the crew over all these years was very much appreciated ..plus i know what its like to do seminars were you touch down and then it's all business you got guys feeding off you right away and it really wears you out
so this time i wanted the man to hit LA in comfort get settled in hang out and do nothing for a few days , check out the sights and sounds of the city =)

plus the crew is very gracious and there all cool and love to have a good time so it's not just VT all day

as for the filming thanks man ..that was the easy stuff the rest of the time i ran a 3-4 camera shoot ,, i had 2 on stabilizers one tri pod and 1 on a rig foe high and low angles .. even broke in my new HD cam .. I'm in editing hell right now . lost partial sound on one of my mics so its all about trying to sync every thing up and compinsate for the huge qulaity differences in the multiple cameras ..
Im about half way through the project ..

over all a blast ,, no plans yet to head to OZ ,,Im still prepping for mu UK trip in a few weeks .. then who knows !

07-31-2008, 06:58 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fe8_dk9VwEs&fmt=18 =)

08-01-2008, 12:28 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fe8_dk9VwEs&fmt=18 =)

Thanks for sharing!

One small suggestion: turn off the Youtube comments section. I do for my vids. If people have beef, they can e-mail me. :)

08-01-2008, 12:42 PM
Thanks for sharing!

One small suggestion: turn off the Youtube comments section. I do for my vids. If people have beef, they can e-mail me. :)

Since it was really not that big of a deal i didn't bother but the world of geeks never ceases to amaze me LOL

thanks for the reminder =)

08-03-2008, 11:23 AM
That was some pick up I usually drive to LA but if I fly in I **** sure know who to call for the pick up from now on that was some sweet curb side service you had there. Way to represent!

Peterson = sweet stretch Hummer limo
Me = 1992 Ford Escort

I'm sure it translates across the board. Nice videos, Ernie, and the session intro with the knives looks cool too. Sounds like a fun week.

08-03-2008, 11:56 AM
it was ,,
and the cool part is it was how things should be ,,no politics no strings attached no ego's ,,just friends getting together to train and laugh and enjoy the common passion for martial arts ..

I wish there was more events of this nature going on ,,were no one is trying to sell a style or a system or pushing there ego's or how great there teacher is ..or how much better there boxing or ground game ,,the list is endless

miss the days when we could just hang and work out and be honest

i am getting old LOL

see the UK guys in a week in half im sure there will be no Limo's waiting for me haha probably a head butt and a choke hold LOL

wishing you all well on your journey ..hope your all having fun along the way :)

08-05-2008, 01:38 PM
Congratulations to David Peterson for the first of two installments on Wong Shon Leung's
approach to wing chun in the latest Inside Kung Fu.. Well written. Look forward to part 2.

joy chaudhuri