View Full Version : Starship troopers 3: Marauder

08-09-2008, 08:03 PM
STARSHIP TROOPERS 3: MARAUDER (http://www.starshiptroopers3.com/)

I saw this movie this evening. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it, but my dad baught it for my kids and I won't let them watch a movie like that untill I've seen it. I have to say, for a "B" movie it wasn't too bad.

The first Starshp troopers was pretty good, mostly due to the conraversy it contained. The secod su.cked big time. The focus of hat movies was gore, sex, and more gore; no real substinance to the plot. The thrid was pretty good because it got back to the contravercial roots of the first movie.

There was some gore, but not as bad as the first. There was some breif nudity, but also not as bad as the first. They managed to hit on every topic of debate in modern religion and politics, something that was touched on with the first, but didnt go as far as this one. And they did it so well and subtly that my kids never caught on to the deeper, double meanings in almost every sceen of he movie.

It focused on a second bug war, one that started out with the full on suport of the poulation that the first bug war, but it was loosing popularity fast. Religion was also a focus with the aitheists in control and wanting to shut up the religious believers, stating that believing ig god was exeptable so long as they "keep it to themselves." It even focused breifly on wether on religious person had the right to kill another for simply beleiving in a different god.

Mysummery is if you like movies with hidden deeper meanings, this is a good one for you. I came out strait to DVD, so if ou want to see it, you'll have to buy it. You can pick up the box set of all 3 at Walmart for about $30.