View Full Version : Kung Fu talk

08-17-2008, 10:46 AM

How 'bout we all discuss kung fu. Considering this a kung fu forum and all. Don't get me wrong, talking about things completely unrelated to kung fu or discussing the meaningless aspects of it(i.e my style's better than yours, your lineage is fake, your teacher sucks, you can't shoot chi out of your hand like in DBZ, etc..) are fun but let's talk about things that actually matter. Things that will allow us to grow and learn about others and their styles. I believe that is what this forum was created for.

I have some topics so anyone who responds can pick one.

1) Why did you decide on Kung fu?
2)Do you plan on using it for self defense?
3)What training aparatises(if any) do you use?
4)Do you feel that less is more in training forms? Why?
5)Do you feel that forms are useless in today's world? Why?
6)How do you see Qi? Spiritual? Mental? Real? Fake?
7) External vs Internal. Which do you think is better and why?
7a) Do you think that training internally has an advantage over external training? Why?
8) How you do heal? Jow? Hot Water? Massage?
9) Warm ups and cool downs? What are your thoughts and how do you warm up/cool down?
10)The usefullness of traditional weapons in today's world. Your thoughts?

I think this should be enough to start of with. I hope that everyone participates.


08-17-2008, 11:04 AM
1) Why did you decide on Kung fu?
It just kind of happened that way. I was looking for a teacher and the one I found taught kungfu.

2)Do you plan on using it for self defense?
If I have to, of course.

3)What training aparatises(if any) do you use?
weights, weapons, rubber medical hose, bags, and people.

4)Do you feel that less is more in training forms? Why?
When I first began kungfu, I learned several forms. NOW I only practice 2. And I dont spend a lot of time doing that each day. I run them a few times a day and thats about it. Other than that I practice technique and application that I have learned. Some out of forms, some not out of form. To me Less is more in regards to forms. Learn it, then use it, dont let it use you. The form transmits the material. at that point, IMO, you do what you want with the material.

5)Do you feel that forms are useless in today's world? Why?
useless? No. But its like anything else. They must be used in the right way, with correct moderation. If you learn some good stuff out of a form, keep the parts you like. IMO form collectors that spend all of their time doing just form, are only cutting themselves short. With a gun, would I only practice loading it over and over? Or would I go to the range and lets some fly?

6)How do you see Qi? Spiritual? Mental? Real? Fake?
How do you see life or death? What is death, or life? Can you fully explain life or death to the fullest? No one can. To me, qi is part of life and death. Its hard to explain to the benefit of all. So many different ideas and beliefs. Me? Yes I believe in qi. There are a lot of things I dont believe ABOUT qi, that others may. But as for qi itself, I believe it is no different than the cosmos themselves. Can you explain existance?

7) External vs Internal. Which do you think is better and why?
They are one and the same. We pick a place to start, but you cannot truly exlude one from the other. YOu may begin to understand one before the other, but its my belief that in time you either use both un knowingly, or you discover what you had not in the beginning. combat is combat, movement is movement, the body is teh body.
7a) Do you think that training internally has an advantage over external training? Why? I believe all CORRECT training is equally valuable.

8) How you do heal? Jow? Hot Water? Massage?
I dont injure myself as oft as I used to, so usually I just give it time. I do have a few bottles of jow around. Anything serious would be seen by a medical professional.

9) Warm ups and cool downs? What are your thoughts and how do you warm up/cool down? This is kind of detailed, I'm not going to post my entire routine, which can often change on my whim. But I warm up for a good long while, and cool down till I feel cooled down. Warming up is so very important in my book. This will prevent MANY injuries.

10)The usefullness of traditional weapons in today's world. Your thoughts? Of course there are certain aspects of traditional weapon training that can cross over to empty hand/self defense training. But definately not required. Knife training is always useful in any time period. I do practice a few weapons, simply because I enjoy it. However were I to carry a small easily concealed weapon I am familiar with, I could see myself using such in a self defense, or in defense of another type scenario. At which point, the usefullness would have proven itself. To date I have not beaten anyone down with any traditional weapons on the street. If you want a weapon to carry, and you are american, get a gun.

08-17-2008, 11:06 AM

1) Why did you decide on Kung fu?

because it was available.

2)Do you plan on using it for self defense?


3)What training aparatises(if any) do you use?

Punching bags, flour bags, pads, gloves, wooden dummy, poles, ---

4)Do you feel that less is more in training forms? Why?

Forms are several postures strung together. We may take them apart and drill one posture at a time over and over till we drop.

5)Do you feel that forms are useless in today's world? Why?

see above.

6)How do you see Qi? Spiritual? Mental? Real? Fake?

We have to breathe in and out and feel the Qi.

7) External vs Internal. Which do you think is better and why?

both are at work.

7a) Do you think that training internally has an advantage over external training? Why?

external or shapes first, over time, move on to focusing internal aspect more

8) How you do heal? Jow? Hot Water? Massage?

rest and massage

9) Warm ups and cool downs? What are your thoughts and how do you warm up/cool down?

light stretching and smaller range of motions for warming the muscles, tendons and joints. light self hitting/massage and deep stretching to cool down

10)The usefullness of traditional weapons in today's world. Your thoughts?

hand gun is better. because the bad guy uses it, why not you?

replies are below the Q's.


08-17-2008, 12:02 PM

1) Why did you decide on Kung fu?decided it was time to get into shape and build some confidence in myself.

2)Do you plan on using it for self defense?i hope not.:)

3)What training aparatises(if any) do you use?i've stuck a utility pole in the ground for striking and circle walking around it... i could've just used a tree, but digging the four foot deep hole was training in it's own right. iron balls for juggling, a 21 lb iron bar for basic weapons power training, natural enviroments such as boulder fields to practice running, foot-eye co-ordination, cinder blocks, lentils(not the beans), bricks, stone... i am alway improvising and developing training methods.

4)Do you feel that less is more in training forms? Why?for me forms are a way of expressing myself... sometimes they are soft and gentle, other times hard and vicious; mostly form is a way of meditating and rejuvenating my mind, body, and spirit.

5)Do you feel that forms are useless in today's world? Why?absolutely not. with form you can prepare your mind and body for virtually any situation.

6)How do you see Qi? Spiritual? Mental? Real? Fake? i see it as just a part of the natural world... everything is energy, it just vibrates at different rates of frequency.

7) External vs Internal. Which do you think is better and why?balance and harmony are the key.

7a) Do you think that training internally has an advantage over external training? Why?both are equally important.

8) How you do heal? Jow? Hot Water? Massage?i sleep.

9) Warm ups and cool downs? What are your thoughts and how do you warm up/cool down?usually i start my warm ups with iron ball juggling, a few random stretches and then form... warm ups are really just one or two random techniques of ones larger form or set of forms.

10)The usefullness of traditional weapons in today's world. Your thoughts?very useful... considering at any moment things could be placed on end and bullets will eventually run out...

08-17-2008, 12:35 PM
1) Why did you decide on Kung fu?
Kungfu is an Americanism and 'substitute' for the actual art of wushu

2)Do you plan on using it for self defense?
It is mainly entertainment and gymnastic artistry with some kicks and fistic stuff thrown in. I do not deny its elegance!

3)What training aparatises(if any) do you use?

4)Do you feel that less is more in training forms? Why?
Doing or knowning more 1000 forms is useless! It has no value except for gymnastic and competition. When I was younger, I did lean alot of forms but as I gained some modicum of wisdom, I choose to eschew and concentrate on concept and principle. AT least I imagine myself doing that!

5)Do you feel that forms are useless in today's world? Why?
Function is better for me at any junction!

6)How do you see Qi? Spiritual? Mental? Real? Fake?
Hot potato! We all possess qi. If you start saying you will ligh a stove with qi then I will become suspicious!

7) External vs Internal. Which do you think is better and why?
Same. No difference. Build external and internal will follow over time

7a) Do you think that training internally has an advantage over external training? Why?
No difference! You build up external body through cardiovascular conditiong and over time, your internal develops providing you are in the right art? to make that transition!

8) How you do heal? Jow? Hot Water? Massage?
Rest and relaxation and some dit da jow if my bones are really dislocated! Tui'na and an'mo are good

9) Warm ups and cool downs? What are your thoughts and how do you warm up/cool down?
Shougong is important!

10)The usefullness of traditional weapons in today's world. Your thoughts?
Excellent! A broom or a rake is a good substitution for staff or spear!

Fei Li
08-17-2008, 01:55 PM
1) Why did you decide on Kung fu?
I like the chinese flavour :) I mean I like the circular movements and the history behind the Chinese martial arts.

2)Do you plan on using it for self defense?
I do not plan to get attacked, but if — I hope it works…

3)What training aparatises(if any) do you use?
Wooden dummy

4)Do you feel that less is more in training forms?
Yes, sadly I discovered this after a loooot of forms. IMO the basics and power development is the most important aspects to train. Especially in my Choy Lay Fut Style we have too many. It is best to pick the ones that you feel comfortable with and try to make the techniques in it to work.

5)Do you feel that forms are useless in today's world?
Big NO, I believe in traditional Training, it worked for centuries why change it?
Just keep in mind number 4).

6)How do you see Qi? Spiritual? Mental? Real? Fake?
It is a real energy which has to be guided mentally.
Yet there are a lot of fake Masters who pretend to know how to use the Qi.

7) External vs Internal. Which do you think is better and why?
All styles must have external AND internal, this is the basic Yin Yang principle,
everything else is made up by scholars.

8) How you do heal? Jow? Hot Water? Massage?
Dit ta jow for the bones, patience for the rest.

9) Warm ups and cool downs? What are your thoughts and how do you warm up/cool down?
I nearly always warm up but forget to cool down…

10)The usefullness of traditional weapons in today's world. Your thoughts?
Personnaly I enjoy weapon training, I like history and training with ancient weapons makes me connect with the past.
Also I think it can be useful if you project it on objects of our times, like umbrellas etc.

08-18-2008, 06:34 AM

I have some topics so anyone who responds can pick one.

1) Why did you decide on Kung fu?

When I decided to get back into martial arts the school that was closest to my house was a really ****ty franchise operation called Family Karate. The next closest was my kwoon. I went for convenience and then when I moved back to Canada from China and started up again I went back to the kwoon because my sifu is one of the best instructors in any martial art in London (Canada).

2)Do you plan on using it for self defense?

I don't go looking for violence but if violence finds me I'm certainly not going to curl into foetal position and cry "don't hurt me, I do Kung Fu!"

3)What training aparatises(if any) do you use?

Swords, Shinai, Sparring equipment, weights (sometimes).

4)Do you feel that less is more in training forms? Why?

Originally misunderstood the question. I have three forms I practice. If I want additional cardio workout time I just do repetition of them.

5)Do you feel that forms are useless in today's world? Why?

Again, no, it's a type of cardio exercise with a strong connection to martial arts and as such keeps a person concentrated on their martial study while doing cardio solo excercise. That being said forms alone are certainly not nearly enough to make a martial artist.

6)How do you see Qi? Spiritual? Mental? Real? Fake?

Qi is Chinese for "breath". Breathing is important. Controlling your breathing is important. There are no magical energy fields.

7) External vs Internal. Which do you think is better and why?
7a) Do you think that training internally has an advantage over external training? Why?

A misguided misinterpretation of a single textual source led to the whole "external / internal" divide. Since then it's built up with a mass of hokum.

8) How you do heal? Jow? Hot Water? Massage?

Hot water, rest, sleep.

9) Warm ups and cool downs? What are your thoughts and how do you warm up/cool down?

I do a brisk 1 km walk to the kwoon from the bus stop and a slow 1 km walk from the kwoon to the bus stop after practice to ensure I'm at least a little warmed up and cooled down.

10)The usefullness of traditional weapons in today's world. Your thoughts?

I like swords. Swords are fun. I doubt that it's likely I'll ever have to use one in a real combat situation... but if zombies overrun the earth I'll be better off knowing how to use swords.

08-18-2008, 06:56 AM
Actually, if zombies overrun the world, a gun will still be the weapon of choice. A lot of ammunition will be left behind as a result of the initial chaos. A sword doesn't have the blunt power to damage the brain, either. Worst comes to worst, get a nice aluminum baseball bat.

Remember; precise, single shots to the head. You gotta hit them in the head. You'll die if you try to rush it.

08-18-2008, 07:19 AM
1) Why did you decide on Kung fu?
Saw Green Hornet in '67, and was captivated by Lee's grace, and brutality.(Funny, when you view these fight scenes now, they are pretty lame)After that, I started reading everything I could on Kung-Fu, and eventually, wanting to learn it 'cuz it looked cool, developed into wanting to learn it because it was the 'Mother Art," it contained so much-technique, strikes, throws, jointlocking, medicine, chi-gung, spirituality. Its technique went from developing sheer power to the sublime in sublties. Oh, and it still looks cool.

2)Do you plan on using it for self defense?
I have, and hopefully won't ever have to again, but I know it's there.

3)What training aparatises(if any) do you use?
weights, rings, iron bars, bags, focus pads, heavybags,wooden man, jars, rope, bricks,weighted balls, chains, etc

4)Do you feel that less is more in training forms? Why?
less is definately more. Many people get the mistaken idea that the more forms you know the better you will become. I believe it comes from the movies, where the kid learns the secret form and then can take on the bad guy. Then people start chasing forms instead of technique and skill.

5)Do you feel that forms are useless in today's world? Why?
absolutely not!!! Many forms are not onlythe textbook of the system, which without them, the system could not be handed down generation on generation intact, they teach breathing, structure, power generation, chi-gung,as well as core principles and technique. Of course these types of forms are the few, rather than the many.

6)How do you see Qi? Spiritual? Mental? Real? Fake?
all of the above

]7) External vs Internal. Which do you think is better and why?
7a) Do you think that training internally has an advantage over external training? Why?[/B

there is no "internal/external" ALL MA is internal, as it needs structural alignment, relaxation, mental focus, breath, and intent. So-called "external" is ismply improper practice. The term, 'Internal" was created by scholars, and continued to be used by "Internal Snobs." It is meaningless.

8) How you do heal? Jow? Hot Water? Massage?
all of the above. I have been taught some dit-da-basic trauma healing, and I am now studying tui-na, and will go on to bonesetting. I also when neccesary, go to an orthopedic surgeon for more serious fractures and dislocations, sometimes just as back-up, as my friend and student is an orthopedic surgeon(along with being a collegiate wrestler,power lifter,and dan ranking in Karate and Jiu-Jutsu, so he knows my needs, and exactly what I will and will not do..

9) Warm ups and cool downs? What are your thoughts and how do you warm up/cool down?
Warm-ups are important. You cannot work or stretch a cold body, otherwise it will result in injury. Cool downs are also important, as the heart needs to slow down gradually.(there is a story of a runner who used to run the steps of a building or Washington monment, not sure which, but he would take the steps back down. One day, when he was at the top, the elevator just happened to open just as he was on the way down. He took the elevator down and had a heart attack.
Cool downs also alow the mind to settle, and to balance out the energy in the body.

10)The usefullness of traditional weapons in today's world. Your thoughts?
Besides bladework, the weapons teach the ability to take anything you find and protect yourself with it. The Kuan-dao is heavy and unbalanced, and teaches the student to use the weapon's momentum to control the weight. People who only trained with a thin, tapered bo, would pass up a No Parking sign, but a Kuan-dao pratitioner would grab it and use it.
Ok, here's the real scoop-weapons are an extension of the body. The same techniques in the hands and body are used in weapons, and DEVELOPED by their use. Stance, waist, yeu ma hop yat, power generation, and in some systems, specific empty hand techniques are hidden within the weapon sets. This is
why some people never learned the higher level techniques of their systems.

They were right there in their hands and they didn't see it-or they were never shown. Look again.

08-18-2008, 08:05 AM

How 'bout we all discuss kung fu. Considering this a kung fu forum and all. Don't get me wrong, talking about things completely unrelated to kung fu or discussing the meaningless aspects of it(i.e my style's better than yours, your lineage is fake, your teacher sucks, you can't shoot chi out of your hand like in DBZ, etc..) are fun but let's talk about things that actually matter. Things that will allow us to grow and learn about others and their styles. I believe that is what this forum was created for.

I have some topics so anyone who responds can pick one.

1) Why did you decide on Kung fu?
2)Do you plan on using it for self defense?
3)What training aparatises(if any) do you use?
4)Do you feel that less is more in training forms? Why?
5)Do you feel that forms are useless in today's world? Why?
6)How do you see Qi? Spiritual? Mental? Real? Fake?
7) External vs Internal. Which do you think is better and why?
7a) Do you think that training internally has an advantage over external training? Why?
8) How you do heal? Jow? Hot Water? Massage?
9) Warm ups and cool downs? What are your thoughts and how do you warm up/cool down?
10)The usefullness of traditional weapons in today's world. Your thoughts?

I think this should be enough to start of with. I hope that everyone participates.


1. I always got picked on in elementary school because I was always the smallest and youngest in my class (because I have a summer b-day) so I decided to learn martial arts. Thier was a kung fu school that was supposed to be really good so I went to check them out. When I went there I loved it. It looked like something right out of a Jackie Chan movie (Drunken Master or Snake in the Eagles Shadow). I loved it.

2. I have had to use my kung fu in a few situations. I've been in a few bar fights before. I also worked as a bouncer and had to use it to "escort" patrons out the door.....LOL.

3. As for training tools I use weights, heavy bag, focus shields and mits, and sparring gloves.

4. I train in forms a little bit. I may take a form or two a week and run through each one maybe 3 or 4 times. I mainly do a lot of bag work (kicking, punching, and different combinations).

5. I think forms are important because forms contain the techniques that a particular style has to offer. If forms were lost than that style would die out because know one would know the techniques it offered. You can always transmit the tech. orally but things get lost when told verbally.

6. I believe there is a thing in all of us called chi. I think that this energy can be controlled and focused into certain parts of your body, ready to be used if needed. I think that it is something that has to be learned though through concentration and even meditation perhaps.

7. I think that both are equally important. If you learn the internal then you can combine it with the external and get much better results. For example, with the internal training you can learn how to controll your chi flow and channel it into your punch by using fa jing giving you more devastating damage.

8. When I get hurt I'll use different ways to heal depending on the injury. I've used dit da jows, icy hot, massage theropy, accupuncture, accupressure, aspirin, heat pads, ice bags, etc...

9. to warm up I'll start with some stretching (5 - 10 minutes) then do about 50 jumping jacks, run for about 5 minutes and then start working out. To cool down I usually will just stretch real good at the end of my work out.

10. I feel traditional weapons training is benificial in todays world because any trad weapon can be replaced by everyday objects. A sword can be a umbrella or a broom handle or a fire place poker. A spear can be a broom handle. A whip chain can be a chain or a piece of rope.

08-18-2008, 08:15 AM
Sparring gear, sparring gear, the blessing and curse of full contact training.

If I had my way I'd go just mouth guard (and maybe shin pads).

Sadly many schools require gloves and helmet based on the mistaken assumption that this is safer.

08-18-2008, 08:30 AM
Sparring gear, sparring gear, the blessing and curse of full contact training.

If I had my way I'd go just mouth guard (and maybe shin pads).

Sadly many schools require gloves and helmet based on the mistaken assumption that this is safer.

At my first school (4 Seasons Kung Fu & Wu Shu Academy) we only used hand pads and a mouth guard. Everything else was optional. And we sparred almost full contact. The only rule was no groin kicks. At my second kung fu school (International Kung Fu Academy) we used hand and foot pads and a mouth gaurd. We went about as hard as we did at my first school.

08-18-2008, 08:34 AM
you guys are drifting just a wee tad...
perhaps you should post this on the marijuana thread.:p

08-18-2008, 09:49 AM
1) Why did you decide on Kung fu?
Cause my dad made me take it and ended up liking it.

2)Do you plan on using it for self defense?
Only to get to my gun. I am fortunate enough to live in a state that recognizes the 2nd Ammendment and do not try to hinder it so much.

3)What training aparatises(if any) do you use?
Iron Palm bag filled with mung beans, mook jong, heavy bag, and some weight at my gym

4)Do you feel that less is more in training forms? Why?
Nope forms give you good foundation, and a great way to throw in conditioning

5)Do you feel that forms are useless in today's world? Why?
Depend on your thought on forms. If you use it as a training tool its usefull, if you use it for fighting, it may only get you so far.

6)How do you see Qi? Spiritual? Mental? Real? Fake?
Will Have to get back to you on that one.

7) External vs Internal. Which do you think is better and why?
Generic answer do BOTH. Better to have it and not need it, that need it and not have it.

7a) Do you think that training internally has an advantage over external training? Why?
See previous answer

8) How you do heal? Jow? Hot Water? Massage?
Jow, Rest, Chiropractor and Regular Western Dr. (in that order)

9) Warm ups and cool downs? What are your thoughts and how do you warm up/cool down?
I go through all my basic techniques and kicking in the air, then light strectch. About 5 to 10mins before class. I am 40 so I have to really warm up, or else I ended up pulling some obscure muscle that takes months to heal.

10)The usefullness of traditional weapons in today's world. Your thoughts?
Aside from its conditioning value and keeping up tradition it is pointless. Martial has been the innovator of weapons, yet they stopped in the 1900's. This is the reason I take various tactical handgun/rifle courses and Arnis classes to augment my martial arts.

08-18-2008, 11:00 AM
1) Why did you decide on Kung fu?
i like the speed and power it has but im taking combined martial arts but i definately like kung fu

2)Do you plan on using it for self defense?

3)What training aparatises(if any) do you use?
makiwara, punchking bag, weights, perfect pushup =]

4)Do you feel that less is more in training forms? Why?
no i like forms/kata it teaches you how to combine techniques together in real life situations

5)Do you feel that forms are useless in today's world? Why?
no as i said previously

6)How do you see Qi? Spiritual? Mental? Real? Fake?
both spiritual and mental you have to believe its there and work on it and the shaolin put it into there lives through meditation and qigong which is definately spiritual

7) External vs Internal. Which do you think is better and why?
i think external because it will help you in self defense but internal is sometimes just as important.

7a) Do you think that training internally has an advantage over external training? Why?
no both are about equal

8) How you do heal? Jow? Hot Water? Massage?
icy hot lol, heat pad, sleep

9) Warm ups and cool downs? What are your thoughts and how do you warm up/cool down?
i think they are important so you dont rip or tear something, i strech

10)The usefullness of traditional weapons in today's world. Your thoughts?
most useless exept common weapons possibly such as a chair or staff those articles are sometimes found on the street.

08-19-2008, 09:09 AM

How 'bout we all discuss kung fu. Considering this a kung fu forum and all. Don't get me wrong, talking about things completely unrelated to kung fu or discussing the meaningless aspects of it(i.e my style's better than yours, your lineage is fake, your teacher sucks, you can't shoot chi out of your hand like in DBZ, etc..) are fun but let's talk about things that actually matter. Things that will allow us to grow and learn about others and their styles. I believe that is what this forum was created for.

I have some topics so anyone who responds can pick one.

1) Why did you decide on Kung fu?

for the wimmin.

2)Do you plan on using it for self defense?

no unless the gun jams

3)What training aparatises(if any) do you use?

my opponents body

4)Do you feel that less is more in training forms? Why?

what kind of silly question is that?

5)Do you feel that forms are useless in today's world? Why?

today's world is illusion

6)How do you see Qi? Spiritual? Mental? Real? Fake?

only after much inhaling of marijuana, crack and glue

7) External vs Internal. Which do you think is better and why?
7a) Do you think that training internally has an advantage over external training? Why?

more silly questions?

8) How you do heal? Jow? Hot Water? Massage?

i think it's got something to do with white blood cells and the lymphatic system but I'm not really sure

9) Warm ups and cool downs? What are your thoughts and how do you warm up/cool down?

um, you get warm when you exercise and cool when you stop????

10)The usefullness of traditional weapons in today's world. Your thoughts?

I don't travel w/o my 20 year old set of chucks and a BMFK and there is a live spear in my living room...i'll leave you to suss that out

I think this should be enough to start of with. I hope that everyone participates.


thanks! that was awesome :D

Kevin Huang
08-19-2008, 11:20 AM
I like this topic

1) Why did you decide on Kung fu?
Self defense, now self enlightenment.

2)Do you plan on using it for self defense?
Since I started training kung fu, nobody messes with me. So YES, kung fu IS self defense for me.

3)What training aparatises(if any) do you use?
Live resisting practice partners

4)Do you feel that less is more in training forms? Why?
I like short forms. I'd rather derive the benefit out of the form than kill myself trying to remember the moves.

5)Do you feel that forms are useless in today's world? Why?
Forms are as useful today as they ever were, depending on one's purposes.

6)How do you see Qi? Spiritual? Mental? Real? Fake?
All of the above.

7) External vs Internal. Which do you think is better and why?
I'm from the REALLY old school mainland Chinese traditional kung fu that doesn't differentiate between "internal" and "external".

8) How you do heal? Jow? Hot Water? Massage?
Rest, massage, bandaids, and pills.

9) Warm ups and cool downs? What are your thoughts and how do you warm up/cool down?
Doing the form accomplishes all of that.

10)The usefullness of traditional weapons in today's world. Your thoughts?
Very useful in teaching distance, reflexes, and personal awareness.

09-03-2008, 03:51 PM
"1) Why did you decide on Kung fu?"
My comparison at the time I thought Kung-FU was best or Only ever first had Kung_Fu and it staied on Top.

"2)Do you plan on using it for self defense?"

That was it's use, my understanding.

"3)What training aparatises(if any) do you use?"

The ground and walls, Gravity, Endurance, Fatigue, Cold, Breathing, Fun.

"4)Do you feel that less is more in training forms?"

Initially. " Why?" I used to seem to improve--faster after a break in practice of the form. Come to think that practice develops ,it is the preasure. The longer the pressure the more precious the gem; tempered by the heat volume of understanding. And therefore continuous practice now break I would see even greater developments. Steady persistant practice for best results, or perhaps some such.

"5)Do you feel that forms are useless in today's world?"

No. " Why?" They are a library for techniques. Also they carry with them improved health. some degrade because the do not have a tredmill or machinery or exercise class. But I can have my understanding of Form and to the end of my days have a fitness device. Also I can pass on my physical understanding with form as I can speak fluent song in a forgein language thugh not necessarily understanding the words or meaning...a vehicle for continuance. Passed on long enough perhaps some might derive benefit , even understand some of what I was saying decades before they were born...Nifty.

"6)How do you see Qi?"
It' a word and concepts but not solid enough to fus with others about.
" Spiritual?" Has to do with breathing which can accompany what is spiritual for some at least.
" Mental?" You have to think to use it. I think applied understanding works something in us that improves our efficiency and capabilities-ish.

" Real?" There's something, but to name it.?. other than best [Note: Cap Lock ocurance! At no moment is there actual yelling. Thank you all.] naME IS AN ATTEMPT TO GET OTHERS TO UNDERSTAND YET TAKES THEM AWAY FROM UNDERSTANDING BY HOW THEY HAVE TERMS DEFINED OR DETERMINED.

" Fake?" I think significant stuff can ocur with Chi/Qi but some pretend to have knowledge of using it, some have minor ability with it.

7) External vs Internal. Which do you think is better and why?

I thought Internal better because ****her could be accomplished with Internal and external has to happen as a course of just getting around anyway.

7a) Do you think that training internally has an advantage over external training?


Why? It strengthens the external. With the training, My external is healthier than one who does not use Internal If at all a possible thing.

8) How you do heal? Jow? Hot Water? Massage?

Water, Breathing, Salt, Form, Comprehension, Hands-Over

9) Warm ups and cool downs? What are your thoughts and how do you warm up/cool down?

Concept in Ernie Moore Jr's Kung-Fu, Squirrel my best can only be considered whatever is my worst at any given moment. With Practicality of I cannot Know when, Squirrel practitioner must be able to do Any relevant Squirrel from Any position at Any moment. Warm-ups are not practical to surviving in a hostile environment. Very useful for maintaned and improving health as well as cool downs.

There is a walking of the feet in squirrel that is perhaps a prelude and conclude. and there is an unlock aspect to some of the exercises that adjustst tension in some of the limbs.

"10)The usefullness of traditional weapons in today's world. Your thoughts?"

Sword cuts is good for a grabbed long item for strike and for block or deflect. Timing, momentum resistance are still good for reaction and bloodflow, health overall including synchronization of the body in moving. Useful in today's world as of 03 September 2008 happy birthday "Fight Girrrl."

Fa Xing
09-03-2008, 06:32 PM
1) Why did you decide on Kung fu?

I would like to say that I made the choice for kungfu or Chinese MA, but it's more that it choose me because my fascination with it.

2)Do you plan on using it for self defense?

Of course. I also enjoy fighting in some strange way because of the almost primitive feeling it gives me and I tend to feel more whole and complete because of that.

3)What training apparatuses(if any) do you use?

Any where from the school I go to, a JKD mok jong, and other gym equipment for weight lifting and such.

4)Do you feel that less is more in training forms? Why?

I would say so because it's important to focus on a specific amount of things and really develop them. It always come back to the old adage, "I am not afraid of the thousand techniques you know, but the one technique you have done a thousand times."

5)Do you feel that forms are useless in today's world? Why?

In terms of straight fighting techniques? Yes. However, in terms of physical, and even spiritual, conditioning? No. I think they have their place but it goes back to the question before this in that if you think becoming a form collector is going to increase your fighting prowess than you have another thing coming.

We get better in fighting by not only just sparring or fighting but doing so in a smart and learning to become more efficient in movement, and learning to look at we fight without the ego.

6)How do you see Qi? Spiritual? Mental? Real? Fake?

I have had many different opinions on qi. Some for it, some against it, and anywhere in between. However, to be completely honest, I don't think about it too much even though I practice qigong every morning. Why don't I think about it? Well, what good is it going to do worrying about whether it's there or not?

I honestly think that the meditative aspect of it just seems to offer the most benefit. Having been a Buddhist for ten years now, I see as just another part of my practice, including martial arts.

7) External vs Internal. Which do you think is better and why?
7a) Do you think that training internally has an advantage over external training? Why?

I will answer both of these questions together. I don't believe in external/internal martial arts. I do believe that there are two kinds of MA practitioners all across the board; those who are willing to "eat bitter" and those that aren't. Learning to fight is hard work, and you have to train every little bit and part of yourself. Most athletes who start doing martial arts after competing in other things have told me that training for fighting is one of the most difficult things all around physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

However, there are people out there who are just there to try it or say they do it. It doesn't matter what you do or where you go, you will find people like this. My first Chan teacher used to call this type of Buddhism, "Club Med Chan" because they do it for awhile to say they do it or have done it and then they find something else where they can socialize and fit into some niche that will accept them.

I have done all kinds of martial arts from Boxing to Taiji, and they all have their benefits, just don't get stuck in one set pattern because it will ruin you as a martial artist.

8) How you do heal? Jow? Hot Water? Massage?

I always make sure to have one day a week in which I actively rest. I may do a little bit of my forms, or qigong, or just do some yoga, and relax. I think the key is pre-habilitation so that I don't have to risk taking too much time off from training.

9) Warm ups and cool downs? What are your thoughts and how do you warm up/cool down?

In the morning it's qigong, and in the afternoon I usually do 3x3 minute rounds of skipping rope. I usually cool down with stretching and foam rolling after my workout, with maybe a little deep breathing.

The reason I don't stretch in the beginning is because researchers have found that stretching before workout weakens the muscles and can actually limit your range of motion in a specific activity. I may, however, do some light dynamic stretches during the warmup, but full static stretching is not recommended.

10)The usefulness of traditional weapons in today's world. Your thoughts?

This is a tough subject. I think anyone should learn some form of stick fighting because you could pickup anything around you and use it. Just be aware of the legal consequences of your actions, this is not Ancient China, and you do not live in a kungfu movie. Most countries have laws against weapons, and lawyers who will prosecute regardless of whether you are the victim or not.

Overall, as a practitioner of the martial arts, as a fighter, and a Buddhist, there is so much that martial arts/gongfu has to offer that I feel everyone can benefit from it. Just be smart about your training, and know for yourself what your goals are. With my clients I tell them what they need to do to achieve the goals they want, and if they want to reach those goals then they will do it. If they want to come in and just do it and not really care, that's fine too but they have to know and be clear that it is their responsibility to make the effort. I feel that's what Bruce Lee meant when he said "Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless." If you don't have the right attitude for what you want, you will never get anywhere.