View Full Version : Crack use and Kung-Fu

The Willow Sword
08-18-2008, 08:01 AM
Does anybody know of any Crack users who also practice kung fu? How does it affect their Kung Fu?


08-18-2008, 08:06 AM
Does anybody know of any Crack users who also practice kung fu? How does it affect their Kung Fu?


WTF, where did this question come from? I assume you mean crack cocaine? :eek:

doug maverick
08-18-2008, 08:15 AM
maybe some butt crack users. but how funny would that be to see a crack head doing kung fu i'm sure their out there heard that crack is on the rise in hong kong maybe there some kung fu crack head out there.

08-18-2008, 08:16 AM
I know a recovering addict who said crack is a Godsend. Ordinarally, people can be functioning addicts, maintaing some semblance of life while habitually using drugs and alcohol. Of course, this eventually becomes a downward spiral.
BUT-crack will bring an addict down to the bottom so fast and so hard, that they have no alternative but to seek help. Many people have gone into recovery and completely cleaned up not only their drug and alcohol dependance, but their lives as well, and are more productive members of society.
I personally know two people who now have over 25 years clean time, and went from rock bottom, to now owning successful businesses, nice homes, happy marraiges, with beautiful, well behaved high achieving children.
=and they owe it all to crack.

The Willow Sword
08-18-2008, 08:22 AM
Well i just figure that the other thread "Marijuana use and Kungfu" as just as useless as this thread is. Thought i would level the playing field a bit.:p


David Jamieson
08-18-2008, 03:33 PM
you equate crack to marijuana?

that's just naive. lol


08-18-2008, 04:29 PM
Well i just figure that the other thread "Marijuana use and Kungfu" as just as useless as this thread is. Thought i would level the playing field a bit.not quite the same at all. marijuana is used in a naturally derived state... crack cocaine involves the input and energy of man... crack cocaine doesn't assume itself naturally... you can understand the energy that goes into making crack cocaine by observing those who use it... in the same sense you can observe the energy of marijuana by those who use it(in addition to your own experience with it, if you have any).

The Willow Sword
08-18-2008, 07:00 PM
oh gimme a freakin break, all you patchouly wearin pot smokin Larpers need to step off. You would get your ass handed to you by any serious Kung fu practitioner and even more so by an MMA'er. ;) TWS

08-18-2008, 07:06 PM
oh gimme a freakin break, all you patchouly wearin pot smokin Larpers need to step off.perhaps you need to wear the patchouli since it stimulates the yin energies:p

You would get your ass handed to you by any serious Kung fu practitioner and even more so by an MMA'er.perhaps... it's all practice nonetheless.:)

08-18-2008, 08:11 PM
using drugs is just retarded itself.

08-18-2008, 08:50 PM
Does anybody know of any Crack users who also practice kung fu? How does it affect their Kung Fu?


its done wonders for my muscle soreness after workouts.

08-19-2008, 03:21 AM
using drugs is just retarded itself.well then i hope you stay out of the drugstore. i would agree that using crack is a drug and retarded... it should be sold along with the rest of the man made drugs that are just as harmful. :)

08-19-2008, 07:25 PM
sometimes i practice my kung fu on oso's mom after she smokes crack. and by kung fu i mean butsechs.

sometimes oso gets angry with me, but then i just tell him how some guy said miller light is the best beer ever and he gets off on a tangent and forgets all about it.

08-19-2008, 07:41 PM
millier sucks... guiness, harp, magic hat 9...

08-19-2008, 08:26 PM
oh you started the tangent ... i can see it now ...