View Full Version : pdf108. chinese tourist agent 108.

08-18-2008, 06:48 PM
wudang kung fu at it's best. does this entity have nothing better to do than to offer packaged wudang kung fu training deals? hey communist china... your monks are fake and you pay them like poo... your parties at the end of it's days. free tibet!!! free taiwan!!! free falun gong!!! let's see just how good the chinese secret service truly is... come and get me boys and girls. you may keep the people from seeing these kinds of posts, but your sorry a$$ has to read it... unless i am truly off mark and pdf108 is simply a marketting agent attempting to feed his family...

personally i hope the chinese government can read this.:p

kum fine mee dum fuks!!! long live the shaolin!!!

**** i've had too much tequila...:D

08-19-2008, 11:35 AM
You realize that the fvcking falun gong are a racist saucer people cult that make the Branch Davidian look sane and safe.

What did the USA do to them?

PS: Accusing some random forum member of being a Chinese spy... that's pretty childish.

08-19-2008, 03:28 PM
You realize that the fvcking falun gong are a racist saucer people cult that make the Branch Davidian look sane and safe.are you saying that aliens do not exist?

What did the USA do to them?the same thing china is doing to falun gong practioners... besides do you know there was a sniper sitting out and watching the escape routes after the government set fire to the compound. every man women and child who attempted to escape was shot; then they have the gall to say that they all died in the fire.

PS: Accusing some random forum member of being a Chinese spy... that's pretty childish.could be assumed as childish, but what if am right? the chinese secret service watch this site just like they watch every thing else that some how relates to their country... in any case this will get back to them somehow and tickle their irritations... b esides there are plenty of american snoops on this site aswell.:)

i like playing games... must be the feline aspect which comes along with being a tiger. :p

08-21-2008, 07:40 AM
Until such time as somebody comes up with a way to move matter at speeds greater than the speed of light and with a way to do so in a manner that wouldn't pulverize the organs of any organism traveling in the vehicle I will take the sceptical position (being a sceptic) that although the statistical probability of there being life forms on other planets is high they ain't visiting any time soon.

And I despise racism. I don't care if the racism is white vs. black, white vs. chinese or chinese vs. black, racism is just plain wrong.

When a cult systematizes racism and then has the nerve to call it the dharma...

Branch Davidian were treated much worse than the FG.

Scott R. Brown
08-21-2008, 08:15 AM
Until such time as somebody comes up with a way to move matter at speeds greater than the speed of light and with a way to do so in a manner that wouldn't pulverize the organs of any organism traveling in the vehicle

I learned how to do this from an old Chinese Taoist sage I met purely by chance in my younger days.

I would be happy to teach you this ancient mystery for $100,000 up front and your promise not to teach it to anyone else. By the way it only works if you have achieved the highest of spiritual states, as I have. I cannot demonstrate this skill to you because it is impossible to perceive it until you can accomplish it for yourself. It takes a great deal of practice and the faith of a mus-"tard" seed!

If you think you are worthy of such a secret you may PM me....within the next 5 mins. or the offer expires!

P.S. I can also teach you how to be invisible if you are interested.

Don't miss this once in a life time offer...the clock is ticking!!!

08-21-2008, 08:42 AM
Rotfl!!! :D