View Full Version : Meltdown

08-21-2008, 08:37 AM
I re-watched this film yesterday and I can understand why Jacky Chan was ****ed.

Actor who plays Frankie Lone is listed on some badging as Jacky Cheung.
Actor who plays Frankie Lone looks a teeny bit like Jacky Chan.
Frankie Lone is a martial arts movie star who has a reputation for doing his own stunts however he is a drunk and a letch and his stunts are frequnetly done by a stand-in; although it is revealed that Frankie Lone can do martial arts at the end years of hedonism have left him soft and poorly prepared for a fight.
Comments made about how Sammo Hung is much better than Frankie Lone.

If there wasn't a deliberate intent to burn Jackie Chan with this movie than the director was an idiot.


Entertaining movie. I give it two thumbs up.