View Full Version : Need Help finding the TV show"Black Sash" with Russel Wong

09-02-2008, 10:44 AM
My sifu asked me to look into finding some various martial arts movies and shows and the only one on his list that I can't find for purchase or download is a show from 2003 called " The Black Sash" with Russell Wong. _I found the IMDB info on it -


I need to find this for purchase or download anyone know where I can find this thing?

09-02-2008, 01:45 PM
Found it on you tube lol--


doug maverick
09-02-2008, 03:12 PM
did that show suck balls. with the exception of mako and russel wong that show was pretty much garbage. i was always hoping they would've revamped it cause it did have potential. but **** did it suck.

09-02-2008, 03:45 PM
Well it didn't last long it seems-Six episodes? that's pretty sad....Do they ever clarify that he's a teaching them Bagua Zhang? or is just supposed to a mysterious martial art---:confused:

doug maverick
09-02-2008, 05:05 PM
no they never did, because CW or rather wb as it was back then are ****ing stupid.

09-02-2008, 06:34 PM
I'm gonna stick with Vanishing Son if you don't mind.

I never caught Black Sash but never regretted not seeing it.

Li Kao
09-03-2008, 12:26 AM
I wasn't too crazy about Black Sash either -- I really like Russell Wong too, very classy actor and has had some great parts.

I'll second that Vanishing Son was probably his best work -- had a great storyline that mixed the "fish out of water" spin of immigrants struggling to make it as well the "wayward brother" angle. I remember taping them on VHS when they came out and watching them many many times.

I glad he continues to find decent work (The recent Mummy movie for example) though it's a bummer he never got a shot at a leading role in Hollywood, as I think he had the potential to do a lot more, he has this quiet charisma about him that I've always admired.

09-03-2008, 08:34 PM
This is purely from memory. I could go to IMBD but what would be the fun in that...?

As far as leading roles, Vanishing Son is what I remember the most from the early 90's.

In the late 80's, he was in a movie called China Girl, which was a Chinese version of Romeo and Juliette and West Side Story. The actress who played his sister was so gorgeous but she only did one movie that I recall. OK fights a la WSS were ok. Johnny Chin and his little knife tricks...

His bad boy personna in Joy Luck Club was a memorable performance.

He had a leading villain role in Romeo Must Die, which was an ok movie. Yeah, it's hard to keep up with Jet.

Then some bit parts in other movies/shows. New Jack City was a great movie. I didn't like it that Wesley got the best of him there.

I remember a Touched by An Angel episode where he and Bai Ling were playing long lost friends from Communist China. She did that episode I believe right after Red Square because Richard Gere was a guest speaker before the episode.

This was such a long time ago. Don't ask me how I remember though.

doug maverick
09-04-2008, 06:19 AM
This is purely from memory. I could go to IMBD but what would be the fun in that...?

As far as leading roles, Vanishing Son is what I remember the most from the early 90's.

In the late 80's, he was in a movie called China Girl, which was a Chinese version of Romeo and Juliette and West Side Story. The actress who played his sister was so gorgeous but she only did one movie that I recall. OK fights a la WSS were ok. Johnny Chin and his little knife tricks...

His bad boy personna in Joy Luck Club was a memorable performance.

He had a leading villain role in Romeo Must Die, which was an ok movie. Yeah, it's hard to keep up with Jet.

Then some bit parts in other movies/shows. New Jack City was a great movie. I didn't like it that Wesley got the best of him there.

I remember a Touched by An Angel episode where he and Bai Ling were playing long lost friends from Communist China. She did that episode I believe right after Red Square because Richard Gere was a guest speaker before the episode.

This was such a long time ago. Don't ask me how I remember though.

romeo must die, i just re watched this movie and this movie could've been great all the elements were there, what made the movie suck was the corey yuen wire crazy fight scene's, and the fact that aliyah and jet li had almost no contact wth each other despite the fact that they were suppose to be "lovers" had those two things been corrected we would have had a good film. with the acception of forbidden kingdom its still jets highest grossing american film.

09-04-2008, 10:27 AM
romeo must die, i just re watched this movie and this movie could've been great all the elements were there, what made the movie suck was the corey yuen wire crazy fight scene's, and the fact that aliyah and jet li had almost no contact wth each other despite the fact that they were suppose to be "lovers" had those two things been corrected we would have had a good film. with the acception of forbidden kingdom its still jets highest grossing american film.

I agree...the action would've been so much cooler without all that stupid wire ****. When i saw the set up with the football I thought it would have been a perfect opportunity for a lot of funny choreagraphy...I think Jackie Chan would've done it best...but it's only funny if he's doing things that are believable.

They may have been set up as potential "lovers" but the way the story was going it just didn't feel right...more like friends...as I Chinese I was waiting to see if they were going to let a brother get some finally in a Hollywood movie. Jet Li mentioned in an interview they actually shot the end scene with them kissing but it just didn't feel right...and I would have to agree...but I do like Aliyah she certainly has got charisma.

I enjoyed the scene where she took Jet into a night club and he said it's not his scene.

Black Sash is crap. The "bagua" intro is crap...I don't blame Russell (even though he did a horrible ground sweep). They tried making it work as a "teen drama" but when it's bad...it's just bad. They had a lot of attractive people in it, but if only they tried to focus the story.

doug maverick
09-04-2008, 10:56 AM
I agree...the action would've been so much cooler without all that stupid wire ****. When i saw the set up with the football I thought it would have been a perfect opportunity for a lot of funny choreagraphy...I think Jackie Chan would've done it best...but it's only funny if he's doing things that are believable.

They may have been set up as potential "lovers" but the way the story was going it just didn't feel right...more like friends...as I Chinese I was waiting to see if they were going to let a brother get some finally in a Hollywood movie. Jet Li mentioned in an interview they actually shot the end scene with them kissing but it just didn't feel right...and I would have to agree...but I do like Aliyah she certainly has got charisma.

I enjoyed the scene where she took Jet into a night club and he said it's not his scene.

Black Sash is crap. The "bagua" intro is crap...I don't blame Russell (even though he did a horrible ground sweep). They tried making it work as a "teen drama" but when it's bad...it's just bad. They had a lot of attractive people in it, but if only they tried to focus the story.

you mean you LIKED aliyah(past tense). well i did feel that they had some chemistry togather but there was this i don't know nervousness about jet li, maybe it was the fact that aaliyah was young enough to be his daughter when they shot that. and as for the kissing between the too i don't believe that. i have a friend who is a H-wood producer and i was talking to him about asians not really getting loves scenes. and we both agreed that it its mostly import chinese actors like li and chan and alot of it has to do with their image in asia and a whole bunch of other things. but there are quite a few american asians that get some on the big and small screen. its still a big issue.

we also had this big discussion(he's asian BTW) on how asian's are betrayed in film, and i told him look a how long it took black to be recognized, and we have been in film since film started in hollywood. but their are asian actors and half asian actors who are doing more then just stereotypical roles. back in the day all you had was yule brenner.

09-04-2008, 06:34 PM
you mean you LIKED aliyah(past tense). well i did feel that they had some chemistry togather but there was this i don't know nervousness about jet li, maybe it was the fact that aaliyah was young enough to be his daughter when they shot that. and as for the kissing between the too i don't believe that. i have a friend who is a H-wood producer and i was talking to him about asians not really getting loves scenes. and we both agreed that it its mostly import chinese actors like li and chan and alot of it has to do with their image in asia and a whole bunch of other things. but there are quite a few american asians that get some on the big and small screen. its still a big issue.

we also had this big discussion(he's asian BTW) on how asian's are betrayed in film, and i told him look a how long it took black to be recognized, and we have been in film since film started in hollywood. but their are asian actors and half asian actors who are doing more then just stereotypical roles. back in the day all you had was yule brenner.

It's only past tense if you've stopped liking her. Just because she is not with us anymore, people can still like her (present tense). Her albums are still for sale I believe and there is a whole generation who will watch Romeo Must Die.

But I understand what you were trying to say when you said past tense. ;)

I thought we were talking about Russell Wong...

Jet and Aaliyah were ok but Russell is more of the leading man type actor, compared to Jet. But he was a bad guy an Aaliyah was a good girl.

He got some screen time in [I]Vanishing Son[/I and a bunch of lip time as well. Rebecca Gayheart was the leading lady for a bit, then he had some time with Tamlyn Tomita. Vivian Wu was the childhood friend but I don't recall them in a love scene.

Then I believe their was the series, which didn't last long. Russell made out with a new woman each week I think....I remember the Dee Wallace Stone and some hot Spanish lady.]

09-05-2008, 07:53 PM
I heard that Jet Li did not kiss Aliyah because his wife didn't want him to; another version I heard is that Jet said he was allergic to Aliyah's makeup. I would tend to believe the first story more. Personally, I thought it was a VERY odd role for Jet to play, because he isn't a romantic star by any stretch of the imagination. Neither he nor Jackie act competently in romantic scenes. Chow Yun-Fat could act somewhat romantic in movies in his early years, but not for many years, it seems.

I like Russell Wong as an actor. IMO, he could easily be a major leading-man star here in the U.S., but aside from a couple of decent roles, he's usually relegated to minor or support roles in films or T.V. What's really stupid is he's usually forced to act with a cr@ppy fake accent. He's really so much better than any of the roles he's been in. He should not be limited to martial arts-themed films/shows.

Unfortunately, I don't think Hollywood is ready for an Asian-American leading man who can act and be a ladies' man. He should be in productions like Desperate Housewives or Sex and the City. But he's kept in a holding pattern playing roles that revolve around his Asian-ness instead of the everyman/anyman. He can break the media stereotypes, yet hasn't gotten the chance to. I'm sure someone will disagree with me big-time, but the glass ceiling in American media is still highly evident, and doesn't seem to want to go away soon.

09-06-2008, 06:26 PM
Unfortunately, I don't think Hollywood is ready for an Asian-American leading man who can act and be a ladies' man. He should be in productions like Desperate Housewives or Sex and the City. But he's kept in a holding pattern playing roles that revolve around his Asian-ness instead of the everyman/anyman. He can break the media stereotypes, yet hasn't gotten the chance to. I'm sure someone will disagree with me big-time, but the glass ceiling in American media is still highly evident, and doesn't seem to want to go away soon.

A little off-topic but...did anyone ever see a little movie called The Slanted Screen (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0760185/)?