View Full Version : using resistance bands while practicing Xing yi chuan

doug maverick
09-04-2008, 12:25 PM
so i met up with my old xing yi sifu who was in the city for a week(he lives in venzuela, he learned xing yi chuan from wang ji wu on the mainland and then wang shu chin in taiwan and later japan and another sifu but i can't remember his name) anyway we actually got some practice in and after he berated me for being lazy in my training, he gave me a new way to practice using resistance bands on your legs tying the band around your ankles. let me tell you its a work out but i've been doing it for a week and i feel myself getting back into fighting shape quickly. i also use it with doing punch's and kicks. i know its nothing new but i was wondering who else does this?

Fa Xing
09-04-2008, 01:36 PM
I think it's a great idea. Although I don't do it often, I have some times shadowboxed with 2 or 3lbs weights in my hands. It's a great workout but watch out for your rotator cuffs because moving wrong could hurt you.

doug maverick
09-07-2008, 06:11 AM
yeah i know about the rotator cuff(my old enemy) i injured mine trying to show off lifting 300lbs and did to many reps.

Fa Xing
09-07-2008, 07:21 AM
yeah i know about the rotator cuff(my old enemy) i injured mine trying to show off lifting 300lbs and did to many reps.

Ouch. I am sorry to hear that; which definitely means you should stick to resistance bands and take it slow.