View Full Version : Taichi Zen: 10 week session on Mind-Body Transformation

Satori Science
09-09-2008, 11:26 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkqR23NxWxo (Shifu Ping)
Taichi Zen: 10 week session on Mind-Body Transformation
Access a treasury of of Taoist and Buddhist mind-body technologies to become a healthier and more functional human being. Taichi Zen, a modern integrative system developed by Ping Zhen Cheng, is seeking students committed to walking the path to transform themselves and the world. Learn and practice:
Drills from Kungfu and Yoga for flexible strength and open joints.
Taichi, Xingyi, and Bagua standing and movement to deepen the inner structure.
Meditation on breath and meridians to reveal and clear emotional patterns.
Explore Buddhist approaches to connect with the world.
Where and When?
Free orientation Sunday Sept 14th, email info@taichizen.com for info
Twice a week for 10 weeks (9/14-11/20)
Sunday 5-630 Astor place | Thursday 730-900 Union Square.

How much?
$250 for complete 10 week course including personal coaching.
continuing students at $85/month or $25/class

Also visit www.taichizen.com or view videos at tinyurl.com/5wzveq
Please forward to your friends who might be interested

09-09-2008, 11:55 AM
ancient techniques of lightwork and DNA reconstruction processes... changing ones vibrational frequency into a higher octave. pretty stiff on the price... understand that knowledge should be shared.

09-09-2008, 05:19 PM
ancient techniques of lightwork and DNA reconstruction processes... changing ones vibrational frequency into a higher octave. pretty stiff on the price... understand that knowledge should be shared.

Lol, X2

Douchebaggery is expensive though.

David Jamieson
09-09-2008, 05:25 PM
seeking students commited to walking the path?

dude...tying that line in with a price list is bordering on the hilarious.

no offense, but what an odd proposal... :confused:

09-09-2008, 05:31 PM
Lol, X2

Douchebaggery is expensive though.

Haha, exactly.


09-09-2008, 05:32 PM
seeking students commited to walking the path?

dude...tying that line in with a price list is bordering on the hilarious.

no offense, but what an odd proposal... :confused:

Oops, I meant to comment this...:o

Satori Science
09-09-2008, 07:54 PM
I would recommend that none of you attend, you obviously have nothing to learn from my teacher. My brothers in NYC are of the highest caliber and have the utmost respect of the community there. Ping has direct linage in Ma style Tong Bei, Sun Style Taiji, Nyingma Buddhism and a graduate degree from Beijing Qi Gung College.

I believe my Shifu has trained two fighters currently adapting his xing-i & tong bei in the UFC and his senior student is a former Muay Thai instructor whos best freind runs Renzo Gracies Muay Thai program.

some people prefer to look at the world thru thier own small, sarcastic lense. The rest of us keep on practicing,

all the best....

Egg fu young
09-10-2008, 05:53 AM
I'd go but it's to far:(

09-10-2008, 07:04 AM
I think the "turn off" for these guys was the modern marketing strategy, utilizing such terms as "Meditation on breath and meridians to reveal and clear emotional patterns.
Explore Buddhist approaches to connect with the world.:" and "Personal coaching"
which might sound a bit LGAT or Life coaching, or whatever, but if you take the time to actually examine the content, he has a well thought out, intensive syllabus.

I would do this in a heartbeat, as I have always been seeking a good Tai-Chi instructor. Right now, my plate is very full-Hung-Ga, Grappling, SPM, and now, my student Pan, who just got back from Thailand with a 1st round TKO victory in his first MMA event, is going to be teaching Muay Chaya in my school-I'd be a fool not to attend my own student's class!
Oh well, maybe when I'm 60 in a few years....so many things to learn, so little time.
I will definately keep this in mind. He seems to be the type of Tai Chi Sifu I've been looking for.
Thanks for the link.

David Jamieson
09-10-2008, 09:19 AM
I would recommend that none of you attend, you obviously have nothing to learn from my teacher. My brothers in NYC are of the highest caliber and have the utmost respect of the community there. Ping has direct linage in Ma style Tong Bei, Sun Style Taiji, Nyingma Buddhism and a graduate degree from Beijing Qi Gung College.

I believe my Shifu has trained two fighters currently adapting his xing-i & tong bei in the UFC and his senior student is a former Muay Thai instructor whos best freind runs Renzo Gracies Muay Thai program.

some people prefer to look at the world thru thier own small, sarcastic lense. The rest of us keep on practicing,

all the best....

actually, except for the last part belittling those who commented on the crappy marketing language, this write up would get you more students. I doesn't come across as hokey new age marketing crap and is much more straight forward.

as someone who is in the industry of presenting materials to people who will pay for them if the presentation is good enough, I would say switch it to more everyday joe language, make points on benefits and avoid hippy talk like the plague or you will wind up with exactly the students you don't want.

also, if you are selling something, pay more attention to your critics than your supporters. If you crack that egg, the world is yours.

peace :)

Three Harmonies
09-10-2008, 12:12 PM
I have a friend of a cousin who once knew a UFC fighter too:rolleyes:

Ping has been trying to make twists and turns to everything in an effort to make himself money. Even contacted me once to tell me I "should" host him for a seminar because my teacher did not get the "real" teachings of Sun Jian Yun:rolleyes::eek:

Save your money guys!

Satori Science
09-10-2008, 12:14 PM
I would say switch it to more everyday joe language, make points on benefits and avoid hippy talk like the plague or you will wind up with exactly the students you don't want.

This is the language ping uses when he teaches structural mechanics in internal martial arts & spirituality. If you have an aversion to the language a recognized spiritual teacher and dear friend of mine uses then maybe its reflection of somthing in your mind that you are projecting. My classmate sent me that info, i put it up in an attempt to get some new blood. It is not there intention to attract 100 students or line their pockets, they are all accomplished in their lives and careers already.

In fact when i was in NYC studying Buddhism with Ping he taught me all the kung fu, mediation and qi gung I learned for free becasue i was not in a financial positon to pay and we had a "karmic affinity" for one another. He also paid for my food on several occasions and found me free places to live in Queens and Manhattan to be closer to training.

I also had a laugh at the idea of the price being "stiff" @ $25 a class in the City is nothing. The average kung fu teacher charges 70-$100 an hour for private lessons.

Also as far as marketing, Ping has no real interest in teaching fighting anymore, he doesn't advertise himself that way. The guys is "on a journey" as you like to say & is in China right now teaching Buddhism in monasteries and nunneries. He always said to me, "its kinda like a brother from Brooklyn moving to Africa and teaching drumming there"

The only static we ever had was that I was always trying to get to much of his tong bei application and not meditating enough. Unlike me, Ping has nothing to prove.

In the end this stuff doesn't matter, you have no interest in training with him and anyway I'v heard how hesitant you've been to come to New York in the past;)

David Jamieson
09-10-2008, 04:19 PM
This is the language ping uses when he teaches structural mechanics in internal martial arts & spirituality. If you have an aversion to the language a recognized spiritual teacher and dear friend of mine uses then maybe its reflection of somthing in your mind that you are projecting. My classmate sent me that info, i put it up in an attempt to get some new blood. It is not there intention to attract 100 students or line their pockets, they are all accomplished in their lives and careers already.

In fact when i was in NYC studying Buddhism with Ping he taught me all the kung fu, mediation and qi gung I learned for free becasue i was not in a financial positon to pay and we had a "karmic affinity" for one another. He also paid for my food on several occasions and found me free places to live in Queens and Manhattan to be closer to training.

I also had a laugh at the idea of the price being "stiff" @ $25 a class in the City is nothing. The average kung fu teacher charges 70-$100 an hour for private lessons.

Also as far as marketing, Ping has no real interest in teaching fighting anymore, he doesn't advertise himself that way. The guys is "on a journey" as you like to say & is in China right now teaching Buddhism in monasteries and nunneries. He always said to me, "its kinda like a brother from Brooklyn moving to Africa and teaching drumming there"

The only static we ever had was that I was always trying to get to much of his tong bei application and not meditating enough. Unlike me, Ping has nothing to prove.

In the end this stuff doesn't matter, you have no interest in training with him and anyway I'v heard how hesitant you've been to come to New York in the past;)

Are you refering to the bull**** put forth by a couple of individuals who started the whole load of wax only to resist coming to Canada? That's water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned. Do you speak for those guys? Are you wanting to start that up again for some reason? What a crock. :rolleyes:

Satori Science
09-11-2008, 06:42 AM
I have a friend of a cousin who once knew a UFC fighter too:rolleyes:

Ping has been trying to make twists and turns to everything in an effort to make himself money. Even contacted me once to tell me I "should" host him for a seminar because my teacher did not get the "real" teachings of Sun Jian Yun:rolleyes::eek:

Save your money guys!

You are definitely entitled to your own opinion,
I have a lot f respect for you Sifu Jake, friends of mine speak of you very highly. Ping is a really quirky guy, and can come off that way on the phone. Not sure if you have ever met in person,

He has serious skills, and his knowledge and practice of Qi Gung and Buddhism in the context of cultivation or Fighting is the best I have found after years of looking. I am not easily impressed or won over.

MY body went thru major structural changes as a result of working with him and my power greatly increased. & again I never gave him any money.

all the best,

Three Harmonies
09-11-2008, 09:31 AM
Robert -
No we have not met. All the more reason it was quite ballsy / arrogant for him to contact me, and my teacher Tim Cartmell, and TELL us we did not get the real teachings, thing, etc.!!!
I wish him no ill will, but I have nothing to learn from someone that self centered and arrogant!

09-13-2008, 06:49 AM
If it wasn't the Dao, us fools wouldn't laugh at it...:rolleyes:

Satori Science
09-13-2008, 09:56 AM
If it wasn't the Dao, us fools wouldn't laugh at it...:rolleyes:

good one :D