View Full Version : Does this look like a good school?

09-15-2008, 05:25 PM
Hello I live close to this school and I was wondering if this is a halfway descent school that teaches kung fu Or if its a Mcdojo. Thanks.

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-15-2008, 05:50 PM
According to the site, he's doing his own system based on what he's experienced over the years.

It not any of the styles he draws from, but something new. As to if it is good or not? Who knows.

I'd ask if he has a competitive back ground, or if his students do well in competition with the methodology he's developed.

09-15-2008, 07:33 PM
This basically looks like an MMA school with the instructor coming up with his own style based on his experience here and there. Usually, this is a red flag with a teacher hopping around from style to style and organization to organization. Keep in mind thought that every school is different and there are exceptions to this train of thought. You should visit the school and take a few free classes to see if it is for you. If they want you on a contract, you might want to run for the door especially if it is a long term deal they are offering you. You want to find a teacher, not a salesman.

If you are looking for a traditional kung fu school, this does not look like the place. With that in mind, find a place that you are comfortable with and fits your budget and schedule. I would visit every school in the area and take a free class. Make a point to talk to the other students and ask detailed questions. Please do not make an immediate decision. Sleep on it and make a pro and con list for each school and then narrow it down to the best fit for you. I know I threw a lot of info at you here and apologize if I have overwhelmed you. Many people will slam a style or teacher in your community, but you have to find the best fit for you. Hopefully, some of my suggestions will help. Good luck on your journey and be well.

09-15-2008, 08:39 PM
I'm going to vote 'NO' citing general suspicion.
and You will find no real kung fu there.
What else you got?

09-16-2008, 08:09 AM
If you want to learn good Kung Fu, there's plenty of legit instructors in Michigan. You can start by taking a long drive up to Midland and studying with my Sifu, Master Henry Chung. Midland's not too far from Detroit to stop you from learning real kung fu.

09-16-2008, 08:59 AM
Magic 8 Ball says: The prognosis is unlikely.

Photo gallery isn't quite Shaolin-Do level hillarity but I see a lot of children's classes and postural mistakes (elbow out to the side on jabs, over extending nose well beyond knee with front leg almost straight on jabs), and not much else.

Ray Pina
09-16-2008, 09:07 AM
No one is sweating in any of the pictures. Maybe they wanted to look nice though.

I see lots of bags and a mat. It's not a definite "no" but it seems a little light on the "get down to it." Lots of pretty smiling faces.

Go check it out, but to save you money I'd yahoo yellow pages MMA. Or even better yet, jui-jitsu. The nature of jui-jitsu is its own quality control. I'd go to the biggest BJJ school in your area. Even if you don't want to train it (though I suggest you try it and will probably like it) chances are MMA fighters train there, and they would probably be best able to steer you in the direction of the best stand up fighters in your area.

Interested. Keep us informed. Do us all a favor and don't take the pu$$y option. Go find yourself some good training. And good luck.

09-16-2008, 06:18 PM
Thanks for all your input.

I'm going to vote 'NO' citing general suspicion.
and You will find no real kung fu there.
What else you got?

I believe its The only Kung fu school In my area.

09-16-2008, 06:52 PM
looks pretty run of the mill buffet of MA styles, but, IMHO, the pic showing the way they train gun disarms is a bit of a deal-killer: it reeks of "if you do this 'clever-thing', you will render the gun-toting assailant helpless" - it certainly doesn't have the aura of the sort of live-pressured environment that would approximate what dealing with a firearm would really involve, and to do otherwise in this day-and-age, knowing what is known now about how to most realistically train that sort of thing, is not only delusional, it's irresponsible and even unethical

and the female instructors aren't even that cute, which of course is what really matters...

09-17-2008, 05:30 AM
Thanks for all your input.

I believe its The only Kung fu school In my area.

Where in the Detroit area are you and how far are you willing to drive?

I can point you to a couple of better schools.

09-17-2008, 12:30 PM
I can point you to a couple of better schools.

if you covered your eyes and did so in a random direction I think that would happen...

09-18-2008, 05:36 PM
Where in the Detroit area are you and how far are you willing to drive?

I can point you to a couple of better schools.
16 mile, I'm willing to walk 4 miles.

09-19-2008, 06:03 AM
Well- like in the "Learning Without a Teacher" thread- you do the best that you can with what you got. So- You might as well go to that school you posted. Just go with a critical eye and don't ignore your BS meter if it goes off. Heck - walking through Detroit alone is way better martial arts training than most of us get.

09-19-2008, 06:52 AM
"16 mile, I'm willing to walk 4 miles."
if you are able to finance Martial Arts training for yourself, fer chrissakes, at least buy yourself a bicycle.

09-19-2008, 07:38 AM
Now be fair, he could be in my position, where the cost of a bike is roughly equivalent to 1 month tuition and buying one would preclude affording the other.

09-19-2008, 02:26 PM
Now be fair, he could be in my position, where the cost of a bike is roughly equivalent to 1 month tuition and buying one would preclude affording the other.You can pick up 1 month tuition for under $20????? That's what a cheap bike baought at a thrift store costs.

09-19-2008, 02:51 PM
Here's my opinion.

I'm not going to make any generalizations about what quality level I feel their martial arts are at, I would only do that if I were to visit and see for myself.

I will say this though.

They have a boxing ring. And promote the teaching of boxing at their establishment.

You can at least hope the boxing coach has some good experience. If so, visiting and possibly training may be worth while. Not sure though. But if there is a ring, one can only hope they use it.