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View Full Version : thoughts on Mantis/advice for a potential newbie

10-10-2000, 05:23 PM
Hey everyone, I'm looking to get involved in martial arts, mostly internal eventually; however, I have heard it may be a good idea to take another art alongside the more "internal arts" such as Tai Chi Chuan. One of the systems of martial art I have always been interested in and am looking at as a possibility is that of Praying Mantis style. Could any of you give some pointers and experiences of your training, such as ... what are the major differences of the mantis sub-styles (8-step, 7 star, etc)... how long did it take you to reach martial profiency (i.e. how long before you were confident to use your training in defense), plus some general information ... I've heard Mantis incorporates alot of internal and chikung training, and makes relatively strong use of chi and body mechanics vs muscular (li) strength. Any and all comments/advice will be greatly appreciated!

[This message was edited by GreyMystik on 10-11-00 at 10:36 AM.]

10-11-2000, 09:13 PM
Sorry it took me so long to reply, but I have been rather busy lately. Hmmm... I don't know many of the differences between the sub-styles, because all I have been in is 8 Step, and I haven't seen any practitioners of the other sub-styles. As of martial proficieny, I never really kept track of that, but I guess I'd probably have to say that once you get to the Black Belt ranks because that is when you start working on the two-man components of everything you have learned. As for the Chi Kung... There are movements that work with Hard Chi Kung, but if you're looking for more Chi Kung I'd go with Tai Chi, which by the way is also taught by all the certified 8 Step Sifus. Hope I helped you out and if you need more answers/advice don't be afraid to ask.

10-11-2000, 09:36 PM
thanks for the response... i was beginning to wonder if anyone would respond since several people looked over but no one had responded! /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif
any other opinions out there?

10-11-2000, 09:56 PM
Unfortunately, it's difficult to give advice when you don't know the answer. I thought that most kung fu styles incorporate Tai Chi later in training. I haven't been in kung fu that long (not quite 3 years), so I just don't know all that it has to offer. I prefer not to ask. I just take my lessons one at a time as they come. That way, I can stay focused on the moment.


Surrender yourself to nature and be all that you are.