View Full Version : The Wheel of Time

09-18-2008, 02:22 PM
Just kind of curious to find out if any of you have read, are reading or plan to read this awesome saga.

I'm working on my 3rd time reading it, on book 7 right now.

I'm really looking forward to reading the last book, when ever it comes out.

Was really sad when Robert Jordan died last year, but was relieved to see that he left preparations to have his lifes work completed after he died.

May the Dragon ride the wind of time across the ages.

09-18-2008, 08:44 PM
i finished the crown of swords... my girlfriend has read all the published books. great books... you know when i was in germany for the first time, it was mat and thom's juggling that inspired me to begin practicing on my own... 1997... 11 years now.

09-18-2008, 09:22 PM
I've got about half of the books in a box somewhere. A few were stolen from my high school study hall in 98. Some were bought recently. I just never got around to reading them. Daunting task, especially since I read most Star Wars books that come out and there's a ton of those every year....

09-19-2008, 10:00 AM

thats awesome that you were inspired to start juggling on your own from that. I remember when I was young and started reading these, it was the descriptions of the void and how to achieve that, that really helped me find my calm and focus. I always had problems remaining calm and in control of myself as a youngster. This was before I began martial arts, and I truly feel this aspect has helped me alot on my life.


Lol funny you mention that. I always tend to give books away that I love so that I can share the experience, but I always find myself re buying them later. I had that habbit with all my old Robert E. Howard Conan books as well. But since ive managed to collect all the first edition printings of those, I only lend them to very close friends now. This time around reading the wheel of time, ive had to re buy 4 of the books lol.

02-11-2010, 11:50 AM
Just finished reading The Gathering Storm (book 12; 13 if you count the prequel right before it). Brilliantly spectacular. Truly.

The story ending and outline was all completed by Robert Jordan, however Brian Sanderson was chosen by the late Mr. Jordans wife to complete the series. A better choice could not have been made IMO.

Originally slated to be one large book, A Memory of Light, to finish it up, has turned into 3 books. A Memory of Light being the 3 part trilogy ending to the entire series.

During the prologue I was resistant, but once the main characters hit the scene, I became absorbed rather heavily. I finished the book in one week, I couldnt put it down.

If you are a true fan of this series, this one is quite an emotional ride. LOTS of big things happen. totally epic.

02-11-2010, 07:26 PM
read all them. Jordan is considered the best at "world building" there is in fantasy. to bad he passed on. Liked his stuff. Of course there were issues IMO about his writing style. (progression of story to slow) but that's my opinion and i'll not let it take away from him.

If you get a chance to read the Mistborn series by Brandon sanderson I think you'll enjoy it. It has a really neat twist on elemental usage type of genetic magic in those books. Very original.

02-12-2010, 09:54 AM
sweet thanks for the reference, after reading sandersons wheel of time book i really do want to catch up on the rest of his work. i really like his style. ill definately check that out, probably buy it this weekend.

slow story production, your not kidding lol. i think when he was commissioned to start the series it was going to be several books, turned to 7 then 9 then 11 then 13 now its like 15...

03-04-2010, 10:44 AM
Gave up after book 12 - 800 pages where nothing happens... no thanks.

03-04-2010, 10:52 AM
lol, i guess it all depends on how into the story you are. from what i remember though, stuff happened in every book name one and ill lay out the big events in it...the pace Sanderson sets is pretty different. but ya, most people i talked to that have read it, did so spacingly so couldnt keep a grasp on the entirety of the story line. its just so much.

edit: i know a guy who wont even buy the new book because now the last book is going to be 3 hes so ****ed off he doesnt want to wait 5 years


03-04-2010, 10:57 AM
btw how have you been simon long time no type to...

06-25-2012, 12:56 PM
OMG!!! I hope they do a good job on this!!!!

The Eye of the World: IMDB (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1277941/)