View Full Version : Alberta Wushu Federation - AWUF

09-20-2008, 12:49 PM
An new federation named, Alberta Wushu Federation - AWUF (阿尔伯特省武术联合会) has been incorporated as a society. The objects of this society is the promotion of both traditional and modern Chinese martial arts of Wushu, also known as Kung Fu, Gung Fu, or Gong Fu, by organizing performance, demonstrations, training, competition and related activities between wushu clubs in Alberta, Canada.

The objects of this society also include coordination with the recognized national wushu organization in such activities and to provide support for members to participate in national and international wushu activities. Both tradition and modern Chinese martial arts school, clubs and associations are encouraged to join. Any group interested in more details and membership, please contact Shifu Kwok by email: albertawushu@gmail.com.

The Board of Directors 理事会 of the Federation are:

Alexander Kwok 郭其聪
加拿大武术联合会 武术技术委员会主席
International Judge 国际级裁判

Wayne Belonoha
Canadian Ving Tsun Academy 传统詠春拳学院

Cai Geng Zhang 蔡耿章
卡城太极武术院 Calgary Taichi & Wushu College
International Judge 国际级裁判

Chiu Wai 赵威
1957 年间,香港第一位进入新中国大陆比赛的武术家.

Phil Gee
Gee's Martial Arts

Bob Kho 许世荣
德源国术馆 - 福建武术
Teck Guan Kung Fu & Tai Chi Institue

Jess Kung 龚正
Law Horn Kung Fu Academy

Brendan Lee
Canadian Ging Wu Kung Fu Martial Art Association, Edmonton
埃德蒙顿市 精武会 会长

Liu Quan 刘泉
Bak Mei Hap Ging Do Martial Arts & Lion Association

Greg Louie 雷振强
Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre Kung Fu Class
International Judge 国际级裁判

Vince Murakami 村上太郎
University of Calgary Kung Fu Club

Tang Yulan 汤玉兰
Yufeng Chinese School Wushu Class

Raymond Wong 黄志伟
Raymond Wong Kung Fu School

Rik Zak 薩咬金
Canadian Honan Shaolin Wushu Association