View Full Version : Lama Pai Penetrating Fist Video

Lama Pai Sifu
09-26-2008, 07:00 AM
Chris J. and I again.

Lama Pai Penetrating Fist (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeEeYOaGjUA)

Hope you likee

09-26-2008, 07:12 AM
Nice clip Mike.
I have always been a big fan of force multipliers and the "lama" fist can be used for so many.
I have always though that move you show would always be better of an attempted grab because of the way it leaves your head open ( Not a problem for GM Chan and his iron head obviously).

southern pwr
09-26-2008, 12:33 PM
Nice video sifu, def one of my favorite techniques so far, thanks sifu

09-26-2008, 01:23 PM
again, always a pleasure to hang out w/my sihing and talk shop - most of the Lama stuff I haven't really dwelled on much for some time now, so it was interesting to consider the function of some of the core techniques with the benefit of now having studied other knowledge-systems;

hope everyone enjoys Mike's efforts to disseminate this information

09-26-2008, 01:24 PM
I have always though that move you show would always be better of an attempted grab because of the way it leaves your head open.

film it, post it, bro; let's chew the fat about it!

Dale Dugas
09-26-2008, 02:39 PM
Very nice brother.

I can imagine how hard you hit....

Dear lord....

Lama Pai Sifu
09-26-2008, 03:11 PM
Very nice brother.

I can imagine how hard you hit....

Dear lord....

I'm sure it just looks harder on film....

The TV adds 10 lbs to your punching power....lol

09-27-2008, 10:43 AM
Michael, nice video. I'm particularly glad that you demonstrated chyun from a relaxed arm position. My teachers emphasized that point as well, even though our typical training drills begin from an arms-extended position.

We generally use the standard lama fist for chyun but the lung tauh is sometimes used for upward shots into the ribs, neck and head. Cheuk Sifu liked to use the fung ngan cheui with chyun in a downward scraping technique. We also like to use bin cheui to open the target, although students learn the use of gau sau (circling hand) first. Personally, I think bin is much faster and gau is a better lead-in to paau cheui.

One of the odd (unique?) things about chyun as it was taught to me, is that it is the only straight punch originating from a non-chambered lower position in which the fist travels a considerable distance before rising enough to align with the elbow. Many boxing styles make it a priority to line up the fist and forearm before extending. With chyun, the bones of the arm do not have to line up until impact, if ever.

Be well.


Lama Pai Sifu
09-27-2008, 12:58 PM

Yes, it is a good point about Tibetan styles to bring up; they don't chamber the hand the way most/all styles of Kung-Fu/Martial arts do.

You have to learn to generate power by turning the waist. But wait! Don't all arts do this? Yes, but not the way that Tibetan arts do. (I know that you know this) We don't use the centerline theory the way that any other art does. We actually strike with our center line NOT lined up with our opponent. We use a different center line.

Nice post as usual, JD. Always good to chat with the intelligent.

Check out the Kahp Choih one I just posted.

Kahp Choih (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkUZZYSeo64)
