View Full Version : Information on Hung Gar Sifu Cayce Justus?

Humble Disciple
10-12-2008, 03:21 PM
I was wondering if anyone out there has any information about Hung Gar Sifu Cayce Justus? I would have contacted him directly, however, I have been unable to do so.

I discovered his website several years ago and it had a lot of really helpful information pertaining to Hung Gar on it. Since then the website has been taken down and there seems to be no site replacing it.

In particular, Sifu Justus was in the process of writing a book detailing the applications of Gung Ji Fook Fu Kuen. At the time, the book was still a work in progress, but you could contact Sifu Justus through the website to express interest. I was hoping to see how the project has progressed.

If anybody has any information on what Sifu Justus is doing these days or if he has a new site, I would be very interested.


10-12-2008, 09:53 PM
if memory serves, he closed down his website and took up sky diving as a new hobby.

he may still teach privately, but I don't think he is taking on any student openly these days.

10-12-2008, 10:51 PM
Cayce Justus looks like a fake porn name. :p

10-13-2008, 04:54 AM
looks like a fake porn name. :p

truth stranger than fiction: there is a Judge, in Texas, named William Wayne Justice;
Judge Justice;
in Texas;
Lord above...

Golden Arms
10-13-2008, 11:41 AM
As far as I know he still trains, and has been doing some other time intensive stuff on the side. His reasons for closing the site down were not shared with me, but being from the same lineage, I have some ideas as to possible reasons. Regardless, he is a good guy, that is his real name, and if you run across him and get a chance to practice with him, by all means take the opportunity.

10-14-2008, 11:02 AM
I know Sifu Justus and I also can vouch that is a great guy with good kung fu knowledge.

He used to be on this forum and other Hung Gar forums as CJ. For his own reasons, which I won't go into, he has decided not to be so public. I'm not sure if he still has an account on this fourm anymore.

10-14-2008, 10:57 PM

12-14-2008, 04:39 PM
Hey, I’m still around just not as prolific as in previous years. You guys crack me up, you make it sound so mysterious but my recent absence is simply a matter of life getting incredibly busy. I relocated to the Bay Area, retrained for a new career, and remarried to a wonderful woman. In the midst of all of that I felt my time constraints would be unfair to students so I set my LA students up with a very qualified teacher down there and after moving I opted not to teach for a few years until everything settles down and I have some time. That point is just about here and I’m starting to feel the pull to get more active in the community.

As for the books, well they have been on hold for a long time but I can tell you the content is infinitely richer. In my new line of work I am confronted with traumatic injury on a daily basis so I have a lot more practical experience from the medical side to bring to my Hung background. I’ll get around to working on them again some time soon.

Hasayfu, thanks for the kind words, we need to do lunch soon. Golden Arms, let me know if you’re in the area, it would be good to see you again.


Humble Disciple
04-17-2009, 07:53 PM
Sorry for the VERY late response to this. Thanks for everyone who responded to this thread. I appreciated it.

Sifu Justus - It is good to know that we might eventually still see those books. I very much enjoyed the Gung Ji translation you posted on your site, and I would love to see more.

If any of you are ever in Colorado, drop me a line by PM. We can get together for lunch or something.

04-19-2009, 07:09 AM
Just for information
you can still see the website in its archived state.


still a great site.