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View Full Version : Lama Kung Fu 3 Step Combination

Lama Pai Sifu
10-22-2008, 06:55 AM
Quick clip and a 3 Step Combination of the Lama Style.

Be sure to comment, rate and subscribe.


Lama Pai Clip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QR3lMluKAAw)


10-23-2008, 07:34 PM
Quick clip and a 3 Step Combination of the Lama Style.

Be sure to comment, rate and subscribe.


Lama Pai Clip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QR3lMluKAAw)


Thanks for sharing Mike :) The uppercut, is it more of a training tool?... it doesn't seem like a killer technique against a big guy like how Mike Tyson punches out with the uppercut..do you guys use it more as an opening technique?. Kaido doesn't use it and he said he got his stuff from Harry Ng...we got the overhead and chune...we'll do cranes head upward to the chin but no upward whindmill punch!?.

10-23-2008, 08:59 PM
pau is really powerful and one of lions roars seed techniques. i personally use it all over the place. my si gung did as well.

Lama Pai Sifu
10-23-2008, 09:46 PM
Thanks for sharing Mike :) The uppercut, is it more of a training tool?... it doesn't seem like a killer technique against a big guy like how Mike Tyson punches out with the uppercut..do you guys use it more as an opening technique?. Kaido doesn't use it and he said he got his stuff from Harry Ng...we got the overhead and chune...we'll do cranes head upward to the chin but no upward whindmill punch!?.

There are at least three types of Pao Choihs that we use - I don't consider them 'training' techniques - I think they are all very effective. We have a long, middle and short range version.

It can be 'killer' and definitely the knock out punch.

10-24-2008, 12:05 AM
I`m always impressed with Micheal`s stuff. Great work!

I`d love to see more on developing strength in the fingers for striking and pinching. Your walnut video was a big suprise.

10-24-2008, 04:16 AM
Quick clip and a 3 Step Combination of the Lama Style.

Be sure to comment, rate and subscribe.


Lama Pai Clip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QR3lMluKAAw)


Great work as always dude, I have seen that combo ( sort of) in Kenpo too by the way.
Small world indeed.

Lama Pai Sifu
10-24-2008, 06:23 AM
Great work as always dude, I have seen that combo ( sort of) in Kenpo too by the way.
Small world indeed.

Well, it is a simple "left, right, left" movement. I'm sure every style (or decent teacher) emphasizes the need to use both hand back and forth. The stepping to the narrower angle is a little more on the unique side. Many other styles will step out to the side more.

Lama has the back as a big target, so we try to position ourselves to be on the side/behind out opponent whenever possible. It also severely limits our exposure and ensures that our opponent will have less of a chance to retaliate successfully.

All in all, it's a good drill to use for any style, which is why I put it up.

Lama Pai Sifu
10-24-2008, 06:31 AM
I`m always impressed with Micheal`s stuff. Great work!

I`d love to see more on developing strength in the fingers for striking and pinching. Your walnut video was a big suprise.

I have about 15-20 really good exercises. I say 'really good' because they have certainly helped me to do a few nifty things. I have also been practicing them on and off since I was a teenager. Probably started using exercise balls at 18 - started squeezing a handball at 13 (at the behest of my late uncle Tony who had forearms like popeye) 100 times a night - I even popped a few in my day - provided that they were new handballs. The older they get the harder they are to pop.

For intense finger training, try a black paddleball. Only with our finger-tips. When you can start to depress the ball you know you are getting somewhere.

Try pinch gripping a 45 lbs. weight plate from the gym - and seeing how long you can hold it. I periodically do 5 minutes per hand - but I just drop them at the 5 min mark. I don't have all day to hold them. I've done them for up to 10 minutes.

Also, try hanging by your fingers from a chin up bar. See how long you can do it.

Two finger push ups. Before I could do them on the floor, I used to do them against the wall and get my angle lower and lower.

Here are just a few ideas - try 'em out and let me know.

I'm glad people are interested in all that finger stuff/grip strength - I'll definitely be putting something on video soon.


10-24-2008, 07:07 AM
I have about 15-20 really good exercises. I say 'really good' because they have certainly helped me to do a few nifty things. I have also been practicing them on and off since I was a teenager. Probably started using exercise balls at 18 - started squeezing a handball at 13 (at the behest of my late uncle Tony who had forearms like popeye) 100 times a night - I even popped a few in my day - provided that they were new handballs. The older they get the harder they are to pop.

For intense finger training, try a black paddleball. Only with our finger-tips. When you can start to depress the ball you know you are getting somewhere.

Try pinch gripping a 45 lbs. weight plate from the gym - and seeing how long you can hold it. I periodically do 5 minutes per hand - but I just drop them at the 5 min mark. I don't have all day to hold them. I've done them for up to 10 minutes.

Also, try hanging by your fingers from a chin up bar. See how long you can do it.

Two finger push ups. Before I could do them on the floor, I used to do them against the wall and get my angle lower and lower.

Here are just a few ideas - try 'em out and let me know.

I'm glad people are interested in all that finger stuff/grip strength - I'll definitely be putting something on video soon.


Uber cool dude !

10-26-2008, 04:04 PM
pau is really powerful and one of lions roars seed techniques. i personally use it all over the place. my si gung did as well.

Interesting Htown and LPS :) I remember my stepdad telling me kaido hit a guy with an uppercut and ended up lodging one of the guys front teeth into his knuckles so he banned uppercuts from his fighting skills...But I was shown two uppercuts, one is in side cat stance but your left heel touches the ground and you lift the toes like a side mantis stance, I believe dorsi flexion is the anatomical term...weight on right leg and you short right uppercut to his chin muay thai style with the palm open at your solar plexus and snap up to your crown. The other one is from twist or side bow stance and you just kinda palm up straight shoot it to his gut or groin...I wonder if he banned the Pau...

Thing is the white crane guys told me they use the upswing as like a lama fist palm strike with the second knuckles hitting his eye while the fist heel hits the opponnent's cheek. In M. Staples book they show the upswing as an upward raking tech...B. Kong's HG Tiger Crane set shows the upswing as an arm break...come up under the elbow... catch the leg and cranes head wrist up to chin would be pau wouldn't it?.

What about a right bow, right stretch claw coming up under his chin while your right leg rams behind his stance like a hip throw, is that pau or stretch punch - lateral forearm strike to ribs throwing him down, ram right bow stance behind him, right forearm hit like in Staple's book?.

Yao Sing
10-26-2008, 06:11 PM
I don't meant to be a jerk but can't anyone do a demo where the attacker reacts naturally to the technique instead of standing there unrealistically like a dummy?

Nothing fancy but just reacting naturally will show the probable effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of the combo.

Look at the last run through on the clip and you'll see the attacker dropping his arm which somewhat blocked the uppercut, which you corrected by repeating it to the jaw.

Know what I mean? I think that would go a long way with making CMA look a little better (especially to the MMA crowd).

Otherwise keep up the good work showing apps, at least it's a start.

Thanks for the clip.