View Full Version : Negative Ion Generator for Increasing Chi?

10-23-2008, 03:24 PM
I've been reading a chi kung book that talks about the importance of negative ions in the air, and the author recommends using a negative ion generator in the house to increase overall health. Does anyone have any experience with any of these machines, and would it be worth it to get one? There's a wide variety of costs and types, so I'm not sure where to start looking.

10-23-2008, 04:16 PM
yeah, you have to be careful with them. They are not good around pets. We had one, switched it on, and my dog threw up immediately.
My ex was using one when she was healing herself of lymphoma.
She's still here, so I guess they work.
I really don't know much about them, but mountains, forests, ocean beaches and caves are rich in negative ionized air. It allows more oxygen to be absorbed into the blood in the brain(or something)which allows greater clarity of thought, which is why all the great sages, were on mountaintops, caves,forests, etc

I love being in those places. There is just something so peaceful, calming yet energizing at the same time.
Every year, I go hunting in the mountains. I love my alone time in the deep woods.I'm the world's worst hunter-never caught anything but a cold, but I go year after year.
"A bad day hunting, still beats a good day at work";)