View Full Version : bad knees

10-26-2001, 03:52 PM
I have fairly weak knees (from a long childhood of jumping down flights of stairs, probably), and have previously had trouble doing Tai Chi.

Any thoughts on whether I will ruin my knees with kung fu training (lots of bent knee stances) or hints on strenghthening the knees?


10-26-2001, 04:21 PM
Glucosamine is magic for my knees. 5 years of wrestling, 10 years of shotput, 6 of discus and 2 in the hammer throw and several years in the military all combined to beat the daylights out of my joints.

Glucosamine has done wonders. It's a long term fix that doesn't kick in for about one month, but the difference for me is very real.

Some will tell you you must take it with chondroitin, and it comes in that form too. However, the JAMA says that studies have shown that Chondroitin is too big a molecule to be absorbed in the intestine. It's up to you, of course.

I use glucosamine because it's FAR cheaper than glucosamine and chondroitin and I have experienced no benefit from the combined version.

It's very cheap at Wal-Mart; you will pay through the nose for it somewhere like GNC.

10-26-2001, 09:59 PM
I posted a similar question a few months back. My knees are racked from running in boots with the Marines, plus 5 sport in HS.

Definitely invest in an expensive set of neoprene knee braces. Er, or if you have a good insurance plan, make them buy the braces for you ;) Don't wear them all the time, though. Train with them like 3 out of 5 training sessions (whatever it is you are doing now).

I hate to say it, since I am totally against western medicine, but that Celebrex crap worked wonders on me. (you know, the commercial with the old people doing Tai Chi in the park?)

I have also found success by making a homemade tiger balm; mixing vaseline, cayenne pepper, vicks, and eucalyptus oil. Melt the vaseline and mix the ingredients before it cools. Poor the mix into a glass container. Rub aggressively into your knees 2-3 times per day.

Good luck!

"I'll be too busy lookin' good!"

Mr. Nemo
10-26-2001, 11:05 PM
What kind of knee trouble has the tai chi given you? Bent knee stances can help make the tendons in your knees stronger rather than weaker, if done properly. I believe they can also help the joints themselves.

Royal Dragon
10-27-2001, 12:05 AM
Try going to your local grocery store, and buying a huge Ginger root. Then come home and fill your large pasta boiling pot with water. Chop the Ginger up into slices and add it to the water. Boil it all day, and drink a glass of the now Ginger filled water two to three times a day. It will give you a boost stronger and safer than caffine, and it has the ability to reduce inflamation as good as Celebrex to boot!!!

Ginger tea is also good for "Iron hand" as it opens the circulation in the hands (Feet too).

Oh, speaking of Iron Hand, Sifu Abel recomended putting the Iron hand Dit Da Jow on my knees. I do this every day two times and let me tell you, it has worked wonders.

Both the Jow and the Ginger took a few days to start working, but I'm off celebrex now.

Also, I have found holding the Chinese chair 2-3 minutes every other day, with toes just short of being straight forward a great help as well.

Royal Dragon

"Chi is Chinese for Spinach"

Check out the Royal Dragon Web site


10-27-2001, 12:45 AM
Oh, good idea on that ginger. If you remember, please post that Chinese chair exercise. I'm trying the ginger right now, thanks!

"I'll be too busy lookin' good!"

10-27-2001, 03:38 PM
A chinese doctor told me It was my kidney energys that made my knees bad. He said no more sex than once a week no more heavy drinking not to eat soup, tofu, juice, or juicy fruits and vegetables and gave me herbs to make a tincture and linament to rub in my knees. But I couldn't afford to continue treatment. My sifu has a simple exercise for back pain and knee pain. Just squat up and down slowly while breathing in and out. keep your head level and start with 20-30 reps then add more till your better. good luck I hate my knees hurting.

Repulsive Monkey
10-27-2001, 09:04 PM
True bad knees are usually a sign of Kidney deficiency. The best thing would be to get some treatment for the kidneys.

Royal Dragon
10-27-2001, 09:10 PM
It's just holding a LOW horse stance, thighs parallel to the ground. Geta a staff, and hold it in you lap. put your arms in a position like your hugging someone.

If the Staff rolles off your lap, your up too high.

Make sure you don't go too low, as it is easy and defetes the purpose of the exercise.

"Chi is Chinese for Spinach"

Check out the Royal Dragon Web site


10-28-2001, 03:54 AM
I did some damage to my knees playing too much squash a few years back, and when I first began taiji I found it a real strain too. I know all about the knee and where it should be relative to the foot, but learning the back-weighted postures of the Yang style and inevitably spending too much time in them was really tiring. I felt it from my knees right up to the muscles in my pelvis.

According to the physio, much of the problem derived from inadequate strenght in the postural muscles of the abdomen (such as the psoas). She prescribed a breathing technique virtually identincal to the taiji tortoise breath (reverse breathing with a pause). It helped a certain amount, but I think there are still some muscular/structural problems with the lower legs themselves.

10-28-2001, 07:16 AM
PROPER horse stance training...