View Full Version : Wing Chun China Tours?

10-24-2008, 03:41 PM
Hey Guys I was wondering if anyone heard of Wing Chun Tours in china?
I would like to train for a couple months next summer and not get ripped off!

I looked up a few but they were like $3,000 for two-three hours a day!
If I'm leaving for a month or two I would like to train more then that! Any info would be great thanks!

10-26-2008, 08:30 PM
You want to join a tour and *don't* want to get ripped off? you won't have a choice if you want to join someone else's trip.

dump the tour, just pick out a teacher/system you want to study and contact them. You can't do everything in a few months, besides you'll get yourself confused if you try to do more than one system of the same m.a.
make sure you have alternative teachers to see in case they want to rip you off, and it would be best to agree on costs in case they get unscrupulous. I've had my fair share of getting ripped off!

and where in particular do you want to go to? is it a holiday that you want to complement with some training?

enjoy your time!

10-27-2008, 12:14 PM
Thanks for the reply. I check out a couple schools but same thing once you add in trip, hotel, ext... I wanted to go to southern china so I could train at the southern shaolin temple as well. I tryed to google wing chun china and yahoo search but nothing more then a few hours of training a day, if I'm spending that much to fly around the world I want to train all day not 3 hours!
thanks though.

10-27-2008, 08:09 PM
if you are planning to spend a few months there then you better have some serious money for the travel and accomodation, food would be about the few cheap things

If you want to go to tourist schools like shaolin then yes its going to cost a bit.

I think that 3 hours of training a day with a school is realistic. Sure, you may have the energy to train the whole day but the teachers may not have the time for you, or training may normally last 2 hours for their usual classes - if you want more than that then you better pay big bucks!

The best is to train a few hours in the morning for that day, then go to train a different system with someone else after lunch, or in the evening. People work there as well so a normal school would be in the evening.

A word of warning - if you intend to stay for a long period of time then they tend to stretch the teaching longer, they won't teach you more but they do get to keep more of your money!
Stay in one city at most a week and a half to give you enough time to see sights in your spare time and off to the next city, and if you like them then you can come back in your next holiday! for example, you might start with beijing, then shanghai then shaolin temple then guangzhou, then hong kong then taiwan then home etc don't stay in one place, you'll regret it big time. and don't limit yourself to wing chun only.

base the trip on fun and you will love it. go with a group of up to 3 or 4 people if you can, and don't go alone.

10-27-2008, 08:31 PM
Thanks for the advice! Any schools or temples you recommend?

10-27-2008, 09:38 PM
Shaolin Temple is a tourist attraction. There haven't been real monks there for decades. Unless you count wu-shu performers with shaved heads wearing robes, monks. The Southern Temple is even more of a tourist trap. It isn't even built on the original grounds of the Southern Temple ruins. They moved it to another place so it would be accessable to tourists.
Go to Hong Kong. There are plenty of schools there, they speak English alot.-all the Sifus fled there to escape communist China, and you can stay on Lantau Island for pretty cheap, and take the subway in, it's a 30 min commute, and yo can rent a place with a kitchen by the water and run on the beaches in the mornings.
If you feel the need to be on the mainland, go to Guangzhao, but be prepared to spend alot.

10-30-2008, 05:43 PM
Thanks for the advice! Any schools or temples you recommend?

that depends on where you are at with your kungfu and what kind of training you are after, whats your cup of tea? are you looking for quality or quantity?

it would be worthwhile to check out some kulo teachers if you have a good background in wing chun

yuan kay san's system is also pretty rich in advanced theories depending on the teachers you meet

tentigers' suggestion is a good idea regarding hong kong, and you should see wan kam leung if you go there. fung keung is also based in hong kong for kulo stuff

11-01-2008, 11:21 AM
that depends on where you are at with your kungfu and what kind of training you are after, whats your cup of tea? are you looking for quality or quantity?

it would be worthwhile to check out some kulo teachers if you have a good background in wing chun

yuan kay san's system is also pretty rich in advanced theories depending on the teachers you meet

tentigers' suggestion is a good idea regarding hong kong, and you should see wan kam leung if you go there. fung keung is also based in hong kong for kulo stuff

I would like quality. I would like to learn some old school kungfu as well (doesn't have to be shaolin or wing chun)

What is kulo and wan kam leung, fung keung and where do they originate from?

Thanks for the suggestions

11-02-2008, 10:00 PM
you can google or go to youtube and do a search for those teachers

kulo is the final(?) revision of leung jan's wing chun, apparently kept undiluted within fung family's teachings, whom fung keung is a member - having said that, there are other branches of kulo wing chun whose resources are also very rich.
and having mentioned the 'undiluted' comment - some teachers does not teach the "undiluted" version, they just take it upon themselves to do the diluting, in this regards - money talks or it should depending on how much is involved!!

wan kam leung is a pretty tough wing chun teacher who learnt from wong shun leung, ie yip man based. I would recommend him over most wing chun teachers in hong kong

11-07-2008, 12:35 AM
Shaolin Temple is a tourist attraction. There haven't been real monks there for decades. Unless you count wu-shu performers with shaved heads wearing robes, monks. The Southern Temple is even more of a tourist trap. It isn't even built on the original grounds of the Southern Temple ruins. They moved it to another place so it would be accessable to tourists.
Go to Hong Kong. There are plenty of schools there, they speak English alot.-all the Sifus fled there to escape communist China, and you can stay on Lantau Island for pretty cheap, and take the subway in, it's a 30 min commute, and yo can rent a place with a kitchen by the water and run on the beaches in the mornings.
If you feel the need to be on the mainland, go to Guangzhao, but be prepared to spend alot.

so you are saying that this guy:
is not a shaolin monk? and what he is teaching is not kung fu? but Wushu?
ok, so where are these shaolin monks at now? or do any sort of monk even exist?
I guess I am confused, where did the monks who do still study martial arts and budhism go?

11-07-2008, 06:29 AM
so you are saying that this guy:
is not a shaolin monk? and what he is teaching is not kung fu? but Wushu?
ok, so where are these shaolin monks at now? or do any sort of monk even exist?
I guess I am confused, where did the monks who do still study martial arts and budhism go?

Read this: http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=501

And this: http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=788


11-13-2008, 09:51 AM
you can google or go to youtube and do a search for those teachers

kulo is the final(?) revision of leung jan's wing chun, apparently kept undiluted within fung family's teachings, whom fung keung is a member - having said that, there are other branches of kulo wing chun whose resources are also very rich.
and having mentioned the 'undiluted' comment - some teachers does not teach the "undiluted" version, they just take it upon themselves to do the diluting, in this regards - money talks or it should depending on how much is involved!!

wan kam leung is a pretty tough wing chun teacher who learnt from wong shun leung, ie yip man based. I would recommend him over most wing chun teachers in hong kong

Thanks a bunch!

11-13-2008, 12:27 PM
Which lineage do you want to train?

And where? Hongkong? Mainland China?

Mai Gei Wong? Cheung Bo? Sum Nung?

Lun Gai?


Weng Chun?

Chan Yu Ming?


11-14-2008, 10:00 PM
Or for a totally unique spin on things ....you could learn HK style WC in Shanghai or Beijing??! :D

...Peter Hsu (Gary Lam) in Shanghai now for 4 years...and another guy teaching in Beijing (but the ass end of beijing....hard to get to )