View Full Version : New Combat Shuai Chiao book

10-28-2008, 05:05 PM
This is the 1st Chan Chiao (combat Shuai Book) book in English that's available in US.



Author: David C. K. Lin


- Current president of the American Combat Shuai Association (ACSCA) .
- 8th degree black belt holder.
- The Black Belt Magazines this year as "the Kung Fu man of the year".


Master Lin is the senior-most practitioner of Combat Shuai-Chiao. He trained the longest with Grandmaster Ch'ang and first coined the term "Combat Shuai-Chiao", which is now trademarked. Relocating from Taiwan to the US at the invitation of Sionics, a prestigious Georgia-based Anti-terrorism school, Master Lin now teaches and lives in the outskirts of Atlanta, traveling occasionally for seminars and workshops.

Table of Contents


I Chan-Chiao History in Brief

II Chan-Chiao Requires Self-Cultivation

1. Etiquette before Art, Moral before Martial 5

2. 3 Aspiration and 3 Avoidances for Learning and Practicing Chan Chiao 6

III Chan-Chiao Theory

1. Throw

a) Four Sides and Two doors

Four Sides

1st Side: Forward kick (TI), Scooping kick (CUO), Sticking kick (ZHAN),

Trunk hitting (ZHUANG), Advance squeeze (KAO)


2nd Side: Spring (TAN), Hooking kick (TIAO), Foot entangling (CHAN),

Inner hook (HE), Inner knee seizing (TAO)


3rd Side: Fireman’s carry (CHUAN), Foot picking (JIAN), Inner kick

(CHONG), Inner heel sweep (GUA), Inner sickle (DAO)


4th Side: Break (BIE), Back kick (LIAO), Knee seizing (KOU), Front cut

(QIE), Sickle hooking (XIAO)


Two Doors

Front Door: Wheeling (NING), Pressing (QIN), Spine lock (LOU), Lifting

(WEN), Overhead (CHUAI) 擰撳摟搵揣

Back Door: Back sickle (GOU), Back raising (BAO), Shelling (HONG),

Back inner hook (LI), Leg bending lift (KUAI)


b) Butterfly Hands

Tearing (SI), Cracking (BENG), Striking push (TONG), Hand pushing

(TUN), Elbow pressing (ZHOU) 撕崩捅褪肘

Covering hands (GAI), Pulling hands (LUO), Body-shaking hands

(YAO), Reverse arm-holding (DAO), Shaking (DOU) 蓋攞搖捯抖

Separate hands (FEN), Hand clamping (YE), Arm guiding (YIN), Arm

raising (PENG), Elbow Locking (JIA) 分掖引捧架

Under hook (QUAN), Over hook (CHAO), Wiping (MO), Head circling

(PIAN), Clamping head (JIA) 圈抄抹偏夾

Helmet taking (ZAI), Face covering (WU), Forehead push (SU),

Sticking drop (ZHUI), Leg seizing (LAO) 摘摀速墬撈

Neck surrounding (HUAN), Chin pushing (TUO), Throat/waist

blocking (FENG), Casting (SA), Floating hand (PIAO) 環托封撒飄

c) “Eel Catching” – Body Handle Throw 130

2. Kick Punch and Throw Lock 140

3. The Different between Lei-Tai Competition and Combat Fighting 150

4. The exceptional technique defeats all, but to gain expertise, concentrates on

one technique first 160

Author’s Preface

10-28-2008, 05:12 PM
cool i have been wanting something about this art for a long time to come in book form sweet im pumped

10-28-2008, 06:39 PM
cool, will definitely get it.

10-29-2008, 07:44 PM

I have the feeling that this book is going to be off the hook. I can't wait.


10-29-2008, 09:07 PM
Chang tung Sheng wrote one about 30 years ago with Daniel Weng, I believe!

Three Harmonies
10-29-2008, 10:04 PM
With all due respect Weng's SC book is pretty lame. Important because it was one of the first books in English on this art, but overall pretty bad. I have his PHD disertation paper as well, and again though it is ground breaking, he got off pretty easy getting his PHD with that paper;)
I just ordered my copy from Lin Laoshi. I am eager to see the work.