View Full Version : Curious about Bagua/Pakua-Suggestions please

Askari Hodari
12-19-2008, 09:04 PM
Greetings all. I'm a practitioner of at least two external Chinese arts (Wing Chun and Choy Lay Fut). I also train in several other styles. However, I've been increasingly interested in Baguazhang. I've seen some videos on the internet that demonstrate some very interesting entry and takedown techniques. At this point I'm considering incorporating some of these principles into my style.

I wanted to get suggestions for books or videos. I've seen the book Combat Baguazhang by John Painter advertised in magazines. I've also seen other books that look interesting. However being an outsider to this art I don't know the inherent value of these texts. I'd appreciate any suggestions or opinions about this art and its interoperability with WC or CLF.


Three Harmonies
12-19-2008, 09:24 PM
Get with Tim Cartmell www.shenwu.com is my best suggestion.


Dale Dugas
12-20-2008, 06:05 AM
Tim Cartmell has some decent material as does my teacher, Dr. John Painter.

Let me know how I can be of service to you as I teach Jiulong Baguazhang as well as sell all the DVDs and books you mentioned.

We have a week long training camp annually that occurs after the annual Zhang San Feng Festival.

12-20-2008, 06:32 AM
Here are some videos from Li Tai Liang.


Dale Dugas
12-20-2008, 07:00 AM
Where do you live?

You could always come up and get some personal instruction from me, or from another Jiulong teacher.

Askari Hodari
12-20-2008, 09:10 AM
Thanks for the replies and links. I'll check these out.

Dale, I'm in St. Louis, MO. Do you all have any schools in the Midwest? How much is the week long camp?

Also, does Dr. Painter's first book deal with the applications of Baguazhang? Or does it just address the body mechanics?


Askari Hodari
12-20-2008, 10:08 AM
Get with Tim Cartmell www.shenwu.com is my best suggestion.


Thank Three Harmonies. I was reading on this site earlier this week. I'll have to explore it more.

Dale Dugas
12-20-2008, 03:35 PM
Thanks for the replies and links. I'll check these out.

Dale, I'm in St. Louis, MO. Do you all have any schools in the Midwest? How much is the week long camp?

Also, does Dr. Painter's first book deal with the applications of Baguazhang? Or does it just address the body mechanics?


The first volume the foundation, history and much more in the first volume.

The second volume talks about the applications of the system. Though you really want to see the Nine Dragon Bagua for Street Combat DVD series for an indepth look at how the system deals with various apps.

For more information on the fees for the Gathering contact the Zhang San Feng Festival, (http://taichifest.com) they will be able to tell you the fees and such.

The main school is The Gompa which is located in Arlington, Texas. There are also schools in North Carolina, and Ohio. I do not know of a St. Louis school. Feel free to contact the Gompa (thegompa@aol.com) and visit, as it is the source of the system.

Askari Hodari
12-20-2008, 05:06 PM
Thanks, I'll check this out.


The first volume the foundation, history and much more in the first volume.

The second volume talks about the applications of the system. Though you really want to see the Nine Dragon Bagua for Street Combat DVD series for an indepth look at how the system deals with various apps.

For more information on the fees for the Gathering contact the Zhang San Feng Festival, (http://taichifest.com) they will be able to tell you the fees and such.

The main school is The Gompa which is located in Arlington, Texas. There are also schools in North Carolina, and Ohio. I do not know of a St. Louis school. Feel free to contact the Gompa (thegompa@aol.com) and visit, as it is the source of the system.

Askari Hodari
12-21-2008, 10:24 AM
Get with Tim Cartmell www.shenwu.com is my best suggestion.


Hey Three Harmonies. The book on combat throws may be what I'm looking for. Thanks.


Three Harmonies
12-21-2008, 11:20 AM
That and Renzo Gracies book on Mastering BJJ are the two best books on the market!