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01-03-2009, 05:02 PM
my sister recently acquired a german shepherd and since he was trained in german she was wanting me to look up german names for either "protector" or "baby" since he wines a lot.

i personally recommended german for "lover of peanutbutter" but she wouldnt go for it.

01-03-2009, 06:07 PM
i found the following on an online translator, but have no idea how to pronounce them, or how closely the translate to the original english word.


1. Beschützer
2. Schoner
3. Vogt
4. Schutz


1. Kind
2. Baby
3. Säugling
4. Kleine
5. Puppe
6. Mieze
7. Junges
8. Pikkolo [Scherzh.]
9. Schätzchen
10. Schatz

01-03-2009, 06:07 PM
lover of peanut butter is Liebhaber von Erdnussbutter

01-03-2009, 06:11 PM
My Daschund is named "Baron Chopper von Hossenpheffer III." There is no I or II, I just liked the sound of "the third."

01-03-2009, 06:57 PM
1. Beschützer

...could work, but actually mean protect as in protect from the rain

3. Vogt
.... is more military see funker vogt


1. Kind ... means child

10. Schatz ... would rather call my wife schatzy than my dog. More like a pet name like honey.

01-03-2009, 07:05 PM
Baby in Deutsch is Baby. :cool:

Why not name it "Polizei"? :D

taai gihk yahn
01-03-2009, 07:41 PM
actually, Beschützer is fine for protector - the verb is beschützen, meaning to protect, guard, shield, shelter, screen (hence the possible rain-related meaning); you can also say Protektor...

the pronunciation is a bit tricky, specifically the "ü" - there is no comparable sound in English; here's a link: http://www.dict.cc/?s=beschützer - but it's not perfect, as it's obviously a synthesized voice...

01-03-2009, 07:50 PM
actually, Beschützer is fine for protector - the verb is beschützen, meaning to protect, guard, shield, shelter, screen (hence the possible rain-related meaning); you can also say Protektor...

the pronunciation is a bit tricky, specifically the "ü" - there is no comparable sound in English; here's a link: http://www.dict.cc/?s=beschützer - but it's not perfect, as it's obviously a synthesized voice...

I was taught that you make your mouth an "o" when you say u as in "do". But yeah...there's nothing in English like it.

01-03-2009, 08:46 PM
I think petseleh is a good name. it means young warrior, from the young Valkeries, who were trained as warriors since a very young age, and were known for their ferocity...or something.

01-03-2009, 10:05 PM
actually, Beschützer is fine for protector - the verb is beschützen, meaning to protect, guard, shield, shelter, screen (hence the possible rain-related meaning); you can also say Protektor...

Shelter is the word I was looking for, which is closest to the german translation.

01-04-2009, 02:44 AM
see . . . i knew i came to the right place. you guyz is well rounded and what not.

01-04-2009, 03:55 AM
You should look into Schutzhund Training for your new dog, and dont allow him to get some silly name like baby!

While you have been fooling around weightlifting the last couple years, I have been training my two dogs using Schutzhund methods!


01-04-2009, 05:26 AM

theres a name for you right there. Roughly ... guard dog.

taai gihk yahn
01-04-2009, 07:50 AM
theres a name for you right there. Roughly ... guard dog.

yeah, second that - it's perfect; in fact, I'm going to rename my dog today!

01-04-2009, 01:53 PM
You should look into Schutzhund Training for your new dog, and dont allow him to get some silly name like baby!

While you have been fooling around weightlifting the last couple years, I have been training my two dogs using Schutzhund methods!


dude . . . my dog is a black shepherd named satan. i'd never let someone name a male shepherd living under my roof "baby." i thought you thunk more of me than that. the dog in question is my sisters, and she's going to name him what she wants - though currently his name is brutus, which i think is fine. my uncle gave brutus to my sister already trained. it might have just been some general obedience training, but the dude is pretty serious about his sheps.

also, i trained satan for a while and looked into shutzhund training, but once i went back to school time constraints became too much. i used a book by adam catz called "secrets of a professional dog trainer, and it worked well. unfortunately hes not nearly as close to 100% as he used to be, but i can get him back there if i start working with him again. he'll hold a stay with food between his paws and what not, but he doesn't always come immediately when off leash - sometimes it takes a few calls, and it should only take one.

David Jamieson
01-04-2009, 04:27 PM
GDA would name it Hitler or something. lol

01-04-2009, 04:28 PM
Rommel is a good name for a dog, imo.

01-04-2009, 04:44 PM
i thought 'lover of peanut butter' was funny.

i think animals should demonstrate their names, give him some time to show who he is and then name him.

01-04-2009, 04:52 PM
i thought 'lover of peanut butter' was funny.

i think animals should demonstrate their names, give him some time to show who he is and then name him.

Agreed. . .

taai gihk yahn
01-04-2009, 05:48 PM
ii think animals should demonstrate their names, give him some time to show who he is and then name him.

my dog's name is Lapa; he's a big Swiss Bernese (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dogfacts.org/Bernese-Mountain-dog-2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dogfacts.org/Bernese-Mountain-dog-pictures.htm&usg=__MOY8UKUmS1bv2N6hCc9pO1OvS0c=&h=294&w=325&sz=17&hl=en&start=4&um=1&tbnid=JU5eoZ-OziIrQM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=118&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dswiss%2Bbernese%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26 client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den-us%26sa%3DN); he had huge paws as a puppy, so I asked my wife how to say paw in Russian, it's "lapa", and it stuck;

he is stupid; profoundly, mind-bogglingly, unfathomably stupid; well, not really, but he looks it, especially when he stares up at the rain...and he seems to get smarter when there's snow on the ground; but he's actually very sweet, very gentle - for example, when I am playing rough w/him, if my son wanders into the picture, the dog will stop on a dime and tone down his energy immediately - not bad...

01-04-2009, 05:58 PM
The Bernese is one of my favorite breeds...a shame they have relatively short livespans...have they worked that out of the breed yet?

The one dog I've had in my adult life we ended up naming 'Loki'. Not too original as all puppies get in to mischief but there you go...

having been a huge fan of the comic 'Calvin & Hobbes' I named the tabby stray that i picked up about 10 years ago 'Hobbes' ...it's a she but she hasn't seemed to mind the gender switch.

in high school we had 3 dogs: a dane/lab mix, a miniature alaskan spitz and a pug.

Joshua, Twiggy and GG...or The Big, the Bad and the Ugly.

The pug was actually papered as "Glorious George's Georgous Girl" after her father. We got her when at 12 weeks when she just fit in your hand...she grew up wrestling with the dane/lab and chasing the spitz. When she was a year old we took her back to her parents and she weighed 5 pounds more than her sire...all muscle. Most people took her for a small bulldog. She was awesome.

01-04-2009, 06:23 PM
I have a flat-coat retriever http://www.fcrsainc.org/photogallery/thistlethwaite.html
his name is Hung-Jai (Bear) and he is a total mush. Touch his head and he will immediately drop,roll over and demand a belly rub.
But he is well trained in Hung-Ga

01-04-2009, 06:35 PM
i used a book by adam catz called "secrets of a professional dog trainer,

a guy named Catz wrote a book on dogs? :eek:

01-04-2009, 07:06 PM
a guy named Catz wrote a book on dogs? :eek:

i misspelled it . . it's katz, but yup. i saw the irony myself when i purchased the book.

01-04-2009, 07:26 PM
well if u add an e to Katz as in Katze then u have the german word for cat..

Protector - beschÜtzer is correct

the letter Ü sounds like,if u know cantonese ,the word kuen ..now say it without the K and N...:D

David Jamieson
01-04-2009, 08:27 PM
I have a (now) chubby little lap dog. cavalier king charles spaniel

His name is Oliver.

turns out he begs for food a lot.

go figure. lol

01-04-2009, 10:02 PM
Polizei is kind of a cool name. You could call him "Poli" for short (pronounce with a long "o", NOT like "polly." But people might confuse that with "Pauli." n/m

01-05-2009, 03:01 PM
Name it Zerstörer der Welten !!!!!!

01-05-2009, 04:57 PM
I always thought,"Rik" was a cool name.
and would only be fair, after all, I was named,"Rik" by my sister, after the neighbor's German Shepard.

I keep hearing Sean Connery's voice in my head saying,"We named the dog Indiana!"

01-05-2009, 07:15 PM
now i'm thinking of the Barbara Walter's interview with Connery: '...if it's warranted...'

taai gihk yahn
01-06-2009, 08:05 PM
The Bernese is one of my favorite breeds...a shame they have relatively short livespans...
what are you saying? :confused: :confused:
yeah, it's a bit of a bummer - I think average is 8 - 10 years...sweet as all he1l though...

I have a flat-coat retriever
he is well trained in Hung-Ga
kahp choih, LOL...CTS would have rolled on his asz laughing at that one!

the letter Ü sounds like,if u know cantonese ,the word kuen ..now say it without the K and N...:D
yes! actually, I remember thinking that at one point how my German helped my Cantonese pronunciation in general...

I keep hearing Sean Connery's voice in my head saying,"We named the dog Indiana!"
one of the best lines ever; right up there with, "He chose...poorly."

01-06-2009, 09:24 PM
yea, 8-10 is what I remember...**** shame, every Bernese I've ever met was just the nicest dog ever.

01-07-2009, 04:20 PM
I always thought,"Rik" was a cool name.
and would only be fair, after all, I was named,"Rik" by my sister, after the neighbor's German Shepard.

I keep hearing Sean Connery's voice in my head saying,"We named the dog Indiana!"

Yeah but saying "Rik" with a German R (guttural R similar to that of French) all the time would be hard! It would also draw looks in public from people who are like "dood wat r u saying?" Or you could be a Bavarian and roll it. lol. "RRRRRRRRRRRRik!!!!! Come!"

01-07-2009, 04:51 PM
Name it Zerstörer der Welten !!!!!!

on second thought destroyer of worlds might be a bit much. how bout just plain ol zerstor