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View Full Version : Shen Wu Seminar Feb 09 - Seattle, WA.

Three Harmonies
01-07-2009, 08:13 PM
Three Harmonies Martial Arts Center Presents
A weekend workshop:

Shen Wu Martial Dynamics
W/ Tim Cartmell

February 7-8, 2009
Seattle, WA.
*Location will be available upon registration*

Whole Weekend: $135
Any Three Sessions: $125
Any Two Sessions: $105
Single Session: $65

*Tim will also be available for a limited number of private lessons*

Contact Jake Burroughs to register,
Scheduling of private lessons,
Or for more information:

Saturday February 7:
12:30 – 3:30pm Arm Drags transitioning into 2 on 1 grip
Grapplers, MMA fighters, and traditional martial artists alike will improve their grappling repertoire with these high percentage techniques. The focus of this seminar is in the set up to the arm drag, execution of the 2 on 1 grip, and following up with over 10 throws, takedowns, and submissions.

4:30 – 7:30pm Sun Bagua Intensive (Monkey & Phoenix)
The final two sets of the Sun Bagua system, the Monkey & the Phoenix, will be taught along with various applications.

Sunday February 8:
10am – 1pm Bagua Applied Combative Theory
Tim will offer various applications from striking to grappling from the Chinese Martial art of Bagua Zhang. Special emphasis will be placed on the key words of Bagua Zhang, and how to apply these principles with a modern street savvy approach.

2 – 4pm Foundational Hand Methods of the Internal Arts (Fan / Peng / Heng) ‘Overturning Palm’ from Bagua; ‘Ward Off’ from Taiji; and ‘Crossing Fist’ of Xing Yi are considered the foundational hand methods of the Internal Arts. Tim will explain in great detail (application based training) why the understanding of these fundamental principles is crucial to your development within the martial arts.

Tim teaches fulltime in Garden Grove, CA. where he has combined the stand up fighting of Xing Yi, Bagua, and Taiji with the ground work of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to create his Shen Wu curriculum of modern day combative’s. Winner of the Copa (7x), and Silver medalist in the 05 Mundials in Brazil, Tim is also an accomplished author, filmmaker, and translator of over a dozen books, instructional DVD’s, and videotapes.
For more info on Tim Cartmell, his products and what he teaches please visit: www.shenwu.com

Three Harmonies
01-26-2009, 03:44 PM
Still a handful of spots left. Less than two weeks until Tim is here!
Jake :D

Three Harmonies
02-03-2009, 09:46 AM
Last call!