View Full Version : tournaments

10-27-2001, 09:29 AM
i study kung fu and i wanted to know are there any tournaments that allow you to do light or hard sparring forms, weapons and stuff or would i have to infiltrate a karate or push hands tournament and attack in eagle form


death doesn't end life i do

10-27-2001, 05:26 PM
The USAWKF nationals are next month in San Diego.

Any USAWKF event (and there are those in the Philly area....Vince and Dapne Curtis are a couple of people to contact...Pittsburgh ...nto Philly...but close enough.

ANYWAY...the forms are divided into Internal, Traditional, Modern...then in those you have separate events for things like Chen Taijiquan, Yang, etc... Bagua, Hsing Yi, etc... Northern long fist, southern short fist, southern long/short, different divisions for most weapons....

Push hands has moving and restricted step ...and divided by weight class.

then you have continuous sparring (light contact... and San shou...full contact. NO POINT Sparring....The rules are available at WWW.USAWKF.COM (http://WWW.USAWKF.COM)