View Full Version : Master Zhong Luo's new school

02-07-2009, 09:12 PM
Hey Everyone

For anyone in the SF Bay Area I wanted to let you know about Master Zhong Luo's new Bak Mei, Long Yin, and MMA school in San Francisco. It is truly a top notch facility with about 1500 sq/ft of mat space and 1500 sq/ft of open floor. Sand bags, heavy bags, and bak mei wooden dummies line the perimeter. In any given class you will see people working on MMA fighting in the full sized octagon ring, as well as numerous people studying traditional kung fu. The classes are still intense with a focus on hardcore combat. I really encourage everyone to come by for a look. The new school has inspired me to really deepen my practice.

Here's the website:


take care

Ao Qin
02-10-2009, 09:05 AM
Congratulations on your new school, and best wishes in promoting these arts!