View Full Version : Ban hardwork

golden arhat
02-08-2009, 12:44 PM
its because i dont agree with him
and because he's a delusional little pr!ick with f@ck all experience and has the nerve to tell everyone what they do is wrong based on no knowledge of them or there arts AT ALL

he doesnt further discussion here at all and merely serves to annoy absolutley everyone, without fail.
i dont care if anyonedisagres with me
i'm calling for him to be banned(again) because its too tempting to look at his posts when i have him on ignore, sorry no self control ahah,

so yeah

02-08-2009, 04:27 PM
some people will tell you I'm the only one who finds him annoying :rolleyes:

02-08-2009, 07:20 PM

02-08-2009, 07:55 PM
i stop going here until he stop spamming this was a good place to learn about other pepos styls in the internets

02-08-2009, 08:29 PM
good lord, i'm starting to think that all these trolls over the years really have been Gene

hardwork is just the latest reincarnation of something that makes the forum tic...one part of it's heartbeat if you will...

the simple fact is that there have been not one but two 'polls' about what to do about him is really sad

what to do about him is simply ignore him...then whoever it is will have to spend a little time thinking up a new way to be annoying...and we'll have a little respite until the next kkm/rolls/ralek/ryu./blooming lotus...who have I forgotten?...shows up

02-08-2009, 08:32 PM
hardwork is just the latest reincarnation of something that makes the forum tic...one part of it's heartbeat if you will...

I strongly disagree, this place actually functions pretty well on a regular basis, even when some of the grumpy regulars harass eachother. Since "hardwork" returned from being banned, every thread is filled with his crap and pretty much all legit discussion has ended

What is sad is that after teh guy was already banned, he comes back to pull the same stuff and no one bothers to re-ban him.....

good lord, i'm starting to think that all these trolls over the years really have been Gene

one wonders doesn't one?

Lama Pai Sifu
02-08-2009, 08:42 PM
Gene, please end this madness!!!

02-08-2009, 08:51 PM
Gene, please end this madness!!!

I haven't seen a post from Sifu Abel in a while...


02-08-2009, 09:37 PM
remember blooming lotus (or something like that) - her catch phrase was somehting like ' dong ma?" .... oh yeah and who can forget Ego Extraordiner or whatever .....

There is no way that Hardwork is a real person. No one can be so naive :D

02-08-2009, 09:48 PM
I haven't seen a post from Sifu Abel in a while...

We've found "hardwork" posting on other forums as far back as a year and a half ago, spouting the same crap, acting the same way, same lies.

I honestly don't think Abel would be bright enough to set up such an elaborate background in order to troll us. If he did, bravo to him really

There is no way that Hardwork is a real person. No one can be so naive :D

Uh, yes, there are TONS of people just like him in real life

02-08-2009, 10:10 PM
Gene, please end this madness!!!he won't do squat , he's let kansuke/unkokusai get by with an alternate avatar. Gene feeds on drama, he has become Neal Fletcher.

I haven't seen a post from Sifu Abel in a while...

hmmmm.......Nope not me, I haven't posted here as to not give "the gene" the satisfaction. I've never had to hide behind a keyboard, unlike you.

I honestly don't think Abel would be bright enough to set up such an elaborate background in order to troll us. If he did, bravo to him really
gee, thanks????

02-08-2009, 11:35 PM
Nope not me, I haven't posted here as to not give "the gene" the satisfaction. I've never had to hide behind a keyboard, unlike you.


...and he appears!

02-08-2009, 11:36 PM
I haven't posted here as to not give "the gene" the satisfaction.

I imagine it was pretty satisfying for him to watch you make an ass of yourself. That's showin' him champ!

02-09-2009, 12:09 AM
its because i dont agree with him
and because he's a delusional little pr!ick with f@ck all experience and has the nerve to tell everyone what they do is wrong based on no knowledge of them or there arts AT ALL

he doesnt further discussion here at all and merely serves to annoy absolutley everyone, without fail.
i dont care if anyonedisagres with me
i'm calling for him to be banned(again) because its too tempting to look at his posts when i have him on ignore, sorry no self control ahah,

so yeah

Yeah, let's ban him. And then let's all travel back in time 70 years to Berlin and burn some books. I'll arrange the charter bus.

02-09-2009, 12:14 AM
I've never suggested banning anyone before, but I think he should be banned.

I feel that way because 90% of his posts are all the friggin same. They are "I have the real KF", or "everyone else is an MMA knucklehead" or "glorified kickboxers", or "I have nothing to prove". It's ridiculous, especially when he does it on multiple threads at the same time, posting the same bs over and over and over and......

Violent Designs
02-09-2009, 12:30 AM
You guys are getting worked so hard (omg pun, hardwork is trying to work you guys hard !). If I was Hardwork I would feel proud.

02-09-2009, 03:29 AM
I just love the thread title. If you didn't know "hardwork" was a person, its such a great statement.

02-09-2009, 05:02 AM
I strongly disagree, this place actually functions pretty well on a regular basis, even when some of the grumpy regulars harass eachother.

true, but it's undeniable that there has been a regular flow of trolls that helps maintain the total traffic count here

Since "hardwork" returned from being banned, every thread is filled with his crap and pretty much all legit discussion has ended

only because people are responding to him...myself included, if we didn't, and I mean really don't respond at all and continue with the discussion where would he be?

What is sad is that after teh guy was already banned, he comes back to pull the same stuff and no one bothers to re-ban him.....

well, we both know instant banning only happens for a couple of reasons

one wonders doesn't one?

well, I don't think he has the time, really.

but, the more times people hit the site the more potential links to advertising, etc. and that increases the mag's ability to sell advertising.

02-09-2009, 07:29 AM
I am on Oso with this one. Simply put him on ignore if you do not care to hear from him. If you beileve him to be a troll then don’t feed him :)

02-09-2009, 07:39 AM
lack of emotional and mental ability to deal with people who annoy you is not a reason to ban them. :)

taai gihk yahn
02-09-2009, 08:09 AM
guys, I've gone round and round w/HW as much as anyone; and I certainly don't care for his style of posting, I take issue with a lot of his propositions and conclusions and if he was re-banned I certainly wouldn't loose any sleep over it in the least; but ultimately, I really don't take it that seriously at all - it's fun to "spar" with him from time to time, but this is an internet forum - it's not reality: what do you expect when people can post pretty much whatever they want? fact is, if you don't like him, put him on ignore; he may be irritating, but if he really gets under your skin that much, you need to re-prioritize;

02-09-2009, 10:19 AM
you guys have done anyother great job by derailing the thread topic so much you make others stop posting here.

teh above is actually from another thread, but it sums up the basic point

I don't in the least take "hardwork" seriously, and let's be honest, he wouldn't open his mouth face to face with anyone, he is the proto-typical troll boy

BUt the fact he is disturbing the forum from functioning is the issue

02-09-2009, 11:13 AM
BUt the fact he is disturbing the forum from functioning is the issue

only because he's getting the attention.