View Full Version : who here does has done or has experience with drugs?

golden arhat
02-10-2009, 04:14 PM
what drugs do you do/did/etc ?

how would you say the affected your life?
positively? negatively

what were your reasons etc
do any of your friends do drugs, are they different because of it ?

02-10-2009, 04:16 PM
To expect any sort of response from a question like that you are going to have to lay out your complete drug history first.

It might also be nice to why you want to know.

golden arhat
02-10-2009, 04:20 PM
oh its mainly because i wanna know if someone who i know who does drugs on the regular is worth trusting also i find it interesting on different peopels takes on them

i've done drugs in the past, sober for 3 years in march.

02-10-2009, 04:33 PM
are they drinking coffee or shooting up herioine? i mean there are A LOT of different drugs out there? Maybe hes hooked on cola?

Three Harmonies
02-10-2009, 04:36 PM
A person is a person. The drug(s) only enhance what is already there.

David Jamieson
02-10-2009, 05:03 PM
People who drink too much can't be trusted.

people who smoke cigarettes can't be trusted.

People who get prescriptions for pain, can't be trusted.

Crack heads can't be trusted.

heroin addicts can't be trusted.

gamblers can't be trusted.

sex addicts can't be trusted.

People, in general can't be trusted.

ps, all of the above is sarcasm. people should be free to do whatever the hell they like. when they bring harm to someone else, then there's a problem. If someone is your friend, then regardless of circumstance, extend your trust to them until they break it.

You yourself create an environment that quickly goes bad because of judgmentalism on your own part.

If you can't decide whether or not you trust your "friend" why do you call him or her friend?

they aren't your friend obviously. you already don't trust them.


02-10-2009, 05:11 PM
the first thing I do is have the person do some lines. This way I can tell if I can trust him. If he won't, he may be a cop...

By lines, I mean from Shakespeare."But soft! What light on yon window breaks.."
(cops don't know Shakespeare)

David Jamieson
02-10-2009, 05:13 PM
thou must payeth a fine of 50 gold shillings for your affront upon the men of the watch! Forsooth!!

golden arhat
02-10-2009, 05:21 PM
SHE does cocaine.

she's not my friend per se but its still worth while to know if i can trust her for the purposes ofwhatever relationship could (but probably wont) occur in the future

i dont trust women by default (there are exceptions however)

02-10-2009, 05:27 PM
i hear the not trusting women thing. ;)

and honestly, IMO/IME women and coke.....even worse bro. run for the god **** hills.

ive met some mistchievious women in my day, and ill tell you now, the ones who liked the ol glitter dust were the worst.

02-10-2009, 05:31 PM
the main reason i say this is because i would classify cocain as what i call a 'hard drug'

cocain, meth, heroine....drugs like those. i tend not to deal with people that have those habits.

oft times you will notice people who have serious 'hard drug' habbits, tend to develop other bad qualities in connection with their usage.

not all for sure, but many fall under this category.

and for that habit, if she aint rich, shes getting the bling cash SOMEHOW

David Jamieson
02-10-2009, 05:35 PM
then you've already answered your own question.

02-10-2009, 05:35 PM
i dont touch narcotic because my distant relative was sold by his best friend to criminals as slave to peddle drugs in guangdong. they used kidnapped people to sell for them so they dont get in trouble. if i do drug his blood is on my head.
doing drugs is against my moral because i believe doing those things dont fit with kung fu moral wu de

if a kung fu person cant fight good and hes not a good person either, why he do kung fu
if someone cant keep his nose clean and talks about spiritual side of kung fu, hes a phony

Reverend Tap
02-10-2009, 05:55 PM
I know people who do/have done "hard" drugs that I would trust with my life with no hesitation.

I know people who do/have done "soft" and/or perfectly legal drugs that I wouldn't trust to carry a glass of water without major supervision.

It's really down to the individual.

02-10-2009, 06:24 PM
I smoke weed. It's actually quite common in BJJ circles.

I won't touch heroin, coke, or meth though. Nor do I associate with those who do. They'll make a good person go bad fast.

02-10-2009, 07:45 PM
played with a lot of different stuff when i was younger. i smoked crack once, but the circumstances were really really odd.

i had just found out that day that i had cancer at 19 years of age. i had long hair (down to my ass long) since i was about 7 years old and i think the idea of losing it bugged me more than anything. so i did whant any 19 year old would do with such news . . . i got **** faced and went nuts. it was a fun night . .. i remember we went to blockbusters, and i walked out with the entire display of their free aol cds. i just carried the ****ers out and smiled at the cashier. we drove past a big plaza and threw them at people . .. repeatedly. it was to the point that they recognized our car and would chase after us. later that night, for some reason i remembered a woman from my paper route when i was about 13. we had a blizared that year - 5ft snow drifts. i didnt get the sunday papers until about 10am, and i had to drag them in a cart through my route. i weighed about 90lbs if that, and had 60-80 papers. the cart weighed enough that the wheels didn't even turn for the first half of the route . . . i just had to drag it. i kept thinking it was too bad i didnt have a sled. by the time i get towards the end of my route some lady came flying down her steps screaming, "im hot im hot .. .i already called the paper company about my paper." she was ****ed off about not getting her paper until 11:30 or so during a blizard. i tried to tell her they weren't delivered to me until an hour prior, but she wouldnt hear it.

. . . fastforward about 7 years to the night i found out i had cancer. i remembered this woman. so i decided to put sh!t on her front porch. my sh!t. so i sh!t in a platic bag and managed to dump out a nicely formed in tact turd on her front porch. then i squished an aol cd on top of it and rang the bell. we waited for her to open the door before taking off. i insisted that we make a round around the block to see how she reacted. it wasn't a small block . .. it had to take the better part of 2 minutes to make a full circle, but when we made it around she was still standing out there holding the cd and yelling at someone inside. when she saw our car she started pointing and screaming. i still dont know why she kept ahold of the cd, but she did.

after all of this i got into a big fight with suzi. told her i bet she was glad i was going to die . .. things like that. we were dumb kids. shortly after this fight, some cracked out looking woman came stumbling down the street. my buddy told his girlfriend to ask her if she was a lesbian . .. just a random funny thing to say. so she does, and the lady walks up, ignores the question, and starts talking about her abusive boyfriend. then she asks, "does any yall smoke crack?" i said, "i do." i never had before, but i said **** it . . . i got cancer and im about to go through chemo . .. wtf do i care. so i smoked with her out of her broken ass crack pipe. it felt like a whip-it that lasted about a minute instead of 10 seconds. maybe she had bad stuff, but if thats all it is i have no idea how people get hooked on it. i don't exactly regret it considering the circumstances, i'd have never touched the stuff had things not worked out just like they did, and i'll never touch it again . .. but it does make for an interesting story.

02-10-2009, 08:08 PM
There are some things in life that are best avoided and drugs are one of them. Drugs and kung fu don´t mix!

Reverend Tap
02-10-2009, 08:33 PM
I smoke weed. It's actually quite common absolutely everywhere.

Fixed that for ya. ;)

02-10-2009, 10:16 PM
played with a lot of different stuff when i was younger. i smoked crack once, but the circumstances were really really odd.

i had just found out that day that i had cancer at 19 years of age. i had long hair (down to my ass long) since i was about 7 years old and i think the idea of losing it bugged me more than anything. so i did whant any 19 year old would do with such news . . . i got **** faced and went nuts. it was a fun night . .. i remember we went to blockbusters, and i walked out with the entire display of their free aol cds. i just carried the ****ers out and smiled at the cashier. we drove past a big plaza and threw them at people . .. repeatedly. it was to the point that they recognized our car and would chase after us. later that night, for some reason i remembered a woman from my paper route when i was about 13. we had a blizared that year - 5ft snow drifts. i didnt get the sunday papers until about 10am, and i had to drag them in a cart through my route. i weighed about 90lbs if that, and had 60-80 papers. the cart weighed enough that the wheels didn't even turn for the first half of the route . . . i just had to drag it. i kept thinking it was too bad i didnt have a sled. by the time i get towards the end of my route some lady came flying down her steps screaming, "im hot im hot .. .i already called the paper company about my paper." she was ****ed off about not getting her paper until 11:30 or so during a blizard. i tried to tell her they weren't delivered to me until an hour prior, but she wouldnt hear it.

. . . fastforward about 7 years to the night i found out i had cancer. i remembered this woman. so i decided to put sh!t on her front porch. my sh!t. so i sh!t in a platic bag and managed to dump out a nicely formed in tact turd on her front porch. then i squished an aol cd on top of it and rang the bell. we waited for her to open the door before taking off. i insisted that we make a round around the block to see how she reacted. it wasn't a small block . .. it had to take the better part of 2 minutes to make a full circle, but when we made it around she was still standing out there holding the cd and yelling at someone inside. when she saw our car she started pointing and screaming. i still dont know why she kept ahold of the cd, but she did.

after all of this i got into a big fight with suzi. told her i bet she was glad i was going to die . .. things like that. we were dumb kids. shortly after this fight, some cracked out looking woman came stumbling down the street. my buddy told his girlfriend to ask her if she was a lesbian . .. just a random funny thing to say. so she does, and the lady walks up, ignores the question, and starts talking about her abusive boyfriend. then she asks, "does any yall smoke crack?" i said, "i do." i never had before, but i said **** it . . . i got cancer and im about to go through chemo . .. wtf do i care. so i smoked with her out of her broken ass crack pipe. it felt like a whip-it that lasted about a minute instead of 10 seconds. maybe she had bad stuff, but if thats all it is i have no idea how people get hooked on it. i don't exactly regret it considering the circumstances, i'd have never touched the stuff had things not worked out just like they did, and i'll never touch it again . .. but it does make for an interesting story.

That is possibly the greatest thing I have ever read on the internet!
I can attest to having been involved in a pile of evenings like the one above...minus the cancer and the crack...but fun nonetheless.

02-10-2009, 10:36 PM
you know im happy to say that such evenings aren't behind me completely. well minus the cancer and the crack, but memorable none the less. just this past summer i was playing spades with suzi and another couple. my buddy says, "the losers should run around the block naked." i knew the girls wouldnt do it, but me and my buddy where down 200 points when he said it so i said what the hell. a few hands later the girls were pretty much guaranteed to win in the next hand so i went blind nil. as soon as the cards were dealt i laid down the big joker, went outside, and began undressing. everyone came outside, but my buddy completely pussed out. i have to admit i didnt run all the way around the block though. i got tired and started walking about half way.

02-10-2009, 10:57 PM
I smoke weed. It's actually quite common in BJJ circles.

Smoking weed is like saying "I do coffee" nowadays :p

But yeah, I assume eddie bravo and joe rogan had something to do with that :D

02-11-2009, 06:30 AM
In my experimental phase as a youth, sure I smoked up and such, even tried Opium once when I was heavily into TCMA in Chinatown, Kung fu and drugs have a long history of going hand-in-hand :D, some ot he best were Opium addicts, or at least users.
Not my thing though, never got much, if anything, out of it.
I prefer a nice wine or even a beer will hit the spot.
Don't smoke anything at all.
Good Cognac and a nice single malt also makes my chi strong ;)

One thing I never used or will ever use is "performance enhancers", I don't like "crutches".

02-11-2009, 07:59 AM
In my experimental phase as a youth....

My own "experimental phase" is next to non-existent.

Kung fu and drugs have a long history of going hand-in-hand :D, some ot he best were Opium addicts, or at least users.

So it's been said....

Good Cognac and a nice single malt also makes my chi strong ;)

I don't know about the influence on my chi, but a good single malt can be an enjoyable experience.

One thing I never used or will ever use is "performance enhancers", I don't like "crutches".

I occasionally take a bit of ginseng or other "tonic" herbs.

The most "informative" thing I can say about drugs is that my younger brother (by 3 years) dabbled quite a bit and seemingly "settled" on meth....
I believe he experienced what you might call "burn out".
He died about 10 years ago.

02-11-2009, 08:08 AM
if kung fu master use opium you he is not one of the "best" he are a cheater, dirty dirty cheater
taking opium before a lei tai fight makes you feel no pain, anyone can win doing that

02-11-2009, 10:47 AM
So it's been said....

I've read it in a few places and saw some of it first hand.
Of course with these Canadian winters, I don't blame them !

I don't know about the influence on my chi, but a good single malt can be an enjoyable experience.

here, here !

I occasionally take a bit of ginseng or other "tonic" herbs.

I've been meaning to get into that Ginseng thing as age and the mileage is starting to catch up, any suggestions?

02-11-2009, 11:03 AM
I believe the most destructive drug is alcohol. I've seen it ruin more lives than anything else. Saying that I do drink but it is a rare year that I drink more than 3-4 times. Also if I drink more than 3-4 drinks at one time I end up doing a face plant in the toliet!:eek:

One of the more interesting drugs I have done is Salvia Divinorum. It's a herb that is legal in most all states. Even though it is legal it still gave me one of the most powerful drug experiences I've ever felt....It was almost a spiritual experience. IT's not a recreation drug for sure.

David Jamieson
02-11-2009, 11:06 AM
I've been meaning to get into that Ginseng thing as age and the mileage is starting to catch up, any suggestions?

start with renshenfengwanjiang (ginseng with royal jelly)

don't overdo it though. I use this for about 1 week before winter (1 ampule per day with herbal tea or just hot water) and then once a week throughout winter. usually take it with tea. it's pleasant and has good yang effects. made with red panax.

also recommend white ginseng tea. american or canadian ginseng. It is excellent and refreshing and has yin qualities. Unlike panax or red ginsengs which have heavy yang qualties. these are especially good when working out.

for our cold climate, these two things are very nice to have, especially after 30 years old.

but like anything, too much is no good. If you are ok with feeling your insides and overall gauge of your body, you can adjust to suit.

02-11-2009, 11:10 AM
start with renshenfengwanjiang (ginseng with royal jelly)

don't overdo it though. I use this for about 1 week before winter (1 ampule per day with herbal tea or just hot water) and then once a week throughout winter. usually take it with tea. it's pleasant and has good yang effects. made with red panax.

also recommend white ginseng tea. american or canadian ginseng. It is excellent and refreshing and has yin qualities. Unlike panax or red ginsengs which have heavy yang qualties. these are especially good when working out.

for our cold climate, these two things are very nice to have, especially after 30 years old.

but like anything, too much is no good. If you are ok with feeling your insides and overall gauge of your body, you can adjust to suit.

I need the energy and the "yang" properties !
Seriously, I need the energy and the recovery properties.
I have heard that mixing the red and the canadian ginseng ( Yang and Yin) is good, but that seems to me that it would cancel out each other, no?

David Jamieson
02-11-2009, 11:12 AM
I need the energy and the "yang" properties !
Seriously, I need the energy and the recovery properties.
I have heard that mixing the red and the canadian ginseng ( Yang and Yin) is good, but that seems to me that it would cancel out each other, no?

directly mixing them may have counter productive effects. but using each for the circumstances desired is fine.

at least 4 hours apart so you get efficacy out of each.

02-11-2009, 11:17 AM
directly mixing them may have counter productive effects. but using each for the circumstances desired is fine.

at least 4 hours apart so you get efficacy out of each.

So, for stress - Canadian Ginseng, yes?
Energy and YANG POWER !!! ( LOL ) , Red ginseng ?

David Jamieson
02-11-2009, 11:23 AM
So, for stress - Canadian Ginseng, yes?
Energy and YANG POWER !!! ( LOL ) , Red ginseng ?

yes. for stress i would also say a good cardio vascular workout does wonders.

for power like dynamic tension sets, weight lifting, iron training and that sort of thing, the yang energy is good.

02-11-2009, 11:25 AM
yes. for stress i would also say a good cardio vascular workout does wonders.

for power like dynamic tension sets, weight lifting, iron training and that sort of thing, the yang energy is good.

WOuld I take the red in the morning or afternoon and the Canadian at night?
I hear that Siberian Ginseng (red) is not to be taken at night.

02-11-2009, 11:55 AM
I drink Univera (ageless extra) twice a day. im going to live forever with my advanced cell renewal!

im getting younger! this drink is just what the ancient taoists were trying to do...just developed with modern science.



Reverend Tap
02-11-2009, 12:59 PM
One of the more interesting drugs I have done is Salvia Divinorum. It's a herb that is legal in most all states. Even though it is legal it still gave me one of the most powerful drug experiences I've ever felt....It was almost a spiritual experience. IT's not a recreation drug for sure.

I've talked to a few people who used to be seriously into various hard drugs (coke, meth, LSD, E, PCP, etc etc...I've known a lot of interesting people) who've tried that stuff. Every one of them has said something along the lines of, "Tried salvia once. Never again."

When even hardcore drug users recommend you keep your distance...yikes. :eek:

02-11-2009, 01:04 PM
I drink Univera (ageless extra) twice a day. im going to live forever with my advanced cell renewal!

im getting younger! this drink is just what the ancient taoists were trying to do...just developed with modern science.



You serious?

David Jamieson
02-11-2009, 01:10 PM
WOuld I take the red in the morning or afternoon and the Canadian at night?
I hear that Siberian Ginseng (red) is not to be taken at night.

if you take the red panax at night you will have trouble sleeping, hence the reason not to take it too late in the day. Even the white, not so much, early evening yes, but late no.

important to not use too much as well. many people, (not saying you do this) think that "more" works faster or better.

what is important is that your body gets used to intake and can handle intake and can understand how and where to distribute the intake as opposed to blasting it in and wasting it out.

with ginseng consumption, slow and steady over longer period of time is best.

02-11-2009, 01:12 PM
if you take the red panax at night you will have trouble sleeping, hence the reason not to take it too late in the day. Even the white, not so much, early evening yes, but late no.

important to not use too much as well. many people, (not saying you do this) think that "more" works faster or better.

what is important is that your body gets used to intake and can handle intake and can understand how and where to distribute the intake as opposed to blasting it in and wasting it out.

with ginseng consumption, slow and steady over longer period of time is best.

Any suggestions on brands?
With food or empty stomach?

David Jamieson
02-11-2009, 01:22 PM
Any suggestions on brands?
With food or empty stomach?

well for the red, i only use that which is in with the royal gelly. I don't use the red teas at all as I have an abundance of yang to begin with.

so the ginseng royal gelly in the red box as described above is the easiest to use as it comes in handy single does ampules with each box having a count of 30. easy to measure use that way.

for the white ginseng tea, there are very few brands.
the one in the bright green box with the american flag on it is really quite good. You can find it in any of the apothecaries at Pacific Mall I'm pretty sure and if not, look for the one that says "canadian ginseng" on it. It's usually in a red box (like the billion other red boxes I know i know) lol.

this is extracted, dehydrated and water soluble stuff, one packet for a regular pot of tea is plenty and really pleasant and light tasting.

red always is more bitter if you go the tea route with it.

but everyone to their needs accordingly, if you have yang deficiency you may need more red, or maybe you don't have yang deficiency and instead have abundance of yin. In which case, it's important that you can feel what is happening inside your body with ingestion of things.

do you see a tcm practitioner at all ever? they can pulse you, consult with you, do a tongue check and give you a pretty good idea of abundance or deficiency in yin or yang and help you with a path.

alternately, naturopaths also can do this type of work, but it isn't tcm in delivery and their solutions will differ as far as many ingestibles go.

bottom line, I am no doctor and anything beyond low level recommendations based on my personal experiences is not my forté. :)

02-11-2009, 02:06 PM
ecstasy (weekly)
mushrooms (a few times a month)
LSD (weekly for awhile, then stopped because it wasn't doing much anymore)
pot (daily)
DMT (3 or 4 times)

all of the above for more than a few years. then i got married and had children, so it was time to stop. maybe i'll revisit the realms when my kids are grown and out of school and have their own lives established.

some drugs can be useful to show us what's possible. some are not so useful.

02-11-2009, 02:30 PM
ecstasy (weekly)
mushrooms (a few times a month)
LSD (weekly for awhile, then stopped because it wasn't doing much anymore)
pot (daily)
DMT (3 or 4 times)

all of the above for more than a few years. then i got married and had children, so it was time to stop. maybe i'll revisit the realms when my kids are grown and out of school and have their own lives established.

some drugs can be useful to show us what's possible. some are not so useful.

you will become the CEO of an organization in the next twenty years and this^^^ post will come back to haunt you :D

02-11-2009, 03:46 PM
You serious?


:eek: :p

there is a freaking huge ammount of things in it. gensing, ginko, fruits, vitamins, herbs....lots of stuff.

there is a definate and noticable difference when I use this stuff regularly. granted i could find all these things, do the science and mix them myself for a great super drink, but i prefer to pay these guys to do it for me.

02-11-2009, 04:05 PM
you will become the CEO of an organization in the next twenty years and this^^^ post will come back to haunt you :D

i hope so!

02-12-2009, 12:36 AM
I've been meaning to get into that Ginseng thing as age and the mileage is starting to catch up, any suggestions?

The ampoules that David mentioned are OK... I used them for a few years.

I "graduated" to seeing an herb doctor at a Chinatown shop and taking his recommendation as to just which of the available roots I should choose from the open baskets for sale.
Get them home, slice them up a bit and soak them in a reasonably decent vodka for "a while"..... sip at your leisure when prepared to "just sit" for at least an hour after finishing.

Jack Straw
02-12-2009, 05:36 AM
"you can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug"
I had a friend since childhood. We grew up together, did ALMOST everything together. Best friends for almost 10 years, then he discovered cocaine and meth. He started stealing from his friends and everyone else so that he could make enough money to get his next fix. Drugs in general are just plain bad. Not everyone who uses them are bad, but they will make a trustworthy person stab you in the back. Often times they will lead to an early death, or make someone so unhealthy they would want to be that way.

02-12-2009, 06:18 AM

:eek: :p

there is a freaking huge ammount of things in it. gensing, ginko, fruits, vitamins, herbs....lots of stuff.

there is a definate and noticable difference when I use this stuff regularly. granted i could find all these things, do the science and mix them myself for a great super drink, but i prefer to pay these guys to do it for me.

Very interesting.

The ampoules that David mentioned are OK... I used them for a few years.

I "graduated" to seeing an herb doctor at a Chinatown shop and taking his recommendation as to just which of the available roots I should choose from the open baskets for sale.
Get them home, slice them up a bit and soak them in a reasonably decent vodka for "a while"..... sip at your leisure when prepared to "just sit" for at least an hour after finishing.

I'd have to travel a bit to get to decent apothecary I can trust, I will look into the ampoules and take a look at crap that Lucas suggested.

02-12-2009, 09:10 AM
I'd have to travel a bit to get to decent apothecary I can trust, I will look into the ampoules and take a look at crap that Lucas suggested.

Yeah, they're not always just where you'd like them to be.

Over the years, I only found 2 in LA Chinatown that I "clicked" with..... and I think the last of them has passed away.
Hmmmm..... mebbe I gotta go take another look around....... although I certainly don't need to buy any more Jow since I stocked up on the best they could mix up while I was going to each one.

02-12-2009, 02:11 PM
"you can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug"
I had a friend since childhood. We grew up together, did ALMOST everything together. Best friends for almost 10 years, then he discovered cocaine and meth. He started stealing from his friends and everyone else so that he could make enough money to get his next fix. Drugs in general are just plain bad. Not everyone who uses them are bad, but they will make a trustworthy person stab you in the back. Often times they will lead to an early death, or make someone so unhealthy they would want to be that way.

that's the silver bullet 22 revolver of the junkie world...you can't trust a juckie cuz they don't trust them self or they'd be doing origami instead of sexual favors...something like that

02-12-2009, 03:57 PM
Except for caffeine, I am 100% clean.

02-12-2009, 08:43 PM
judging by your friendly caption id say that you need more drugs.