View Full Version : Stupid People

Water Dragon
02-12-2009, 04:28 PM
breed more than smart people. What does this mean for society in general? Was George W. Bush a mistake or an omen? Will this cause an increase or a decrease in the number of Kung Fu Magazine subscriptions?

02-12-2009, 04:30 PM
It means bad things. We should sterilize everyone with an IQ of less than 120...for their own good of course.

sadly, it will mean less magazine subscriptions because obviously only really, really smart people buy and read KFM.

Water Dragon
02-12-2009, 04:40 PM
Unfortunately, the idea of population control is going to become more and more common in the coming decades out of necesity. We're getting close to the point where the Earth cannot sustain the amount of people in it. Scary stuff

I think the question that concerns us most, is will there be a direct or inverse relationship between KFM subscriptions and KFM forum usage?

02-12-2009, 05:16 PM
Check out the movie idiocracy. A humorous look into a possible future of imbeciles populating and ruling the planet.

02-12-2009, 05:17 PM
Unfortunately, the idea of population control is going to become more and more common in the coming decades out of necesity. We're getting close to the point where the Earth cannot sustain the amount of people in it. Scary stuff

I think the question that concerns us most, is will there be a direct or inverse relationship between KFM subscriptions and KFM forum usage?

A couple of years ago I watched a documentary on population growth. In it there were regions profiled that had negative population growth. One city in Italy's population was dropping so dramatically the gov't was payin citizens to procreate.

Nature takes care of itself. When the Black Plague hit it wiped out from 30%-50% of Europe. Some studies say nations Like France and Spain lost up to 80% of its population. If we have too many people, some random disease will get us...

02-12-2009, 05:20 PM
Nature takes care of itself. When the Black Plague hit it wiped out from 30%-50% of Europe. Some studies say nations Like France and Spain lost up to 80% of its population. If we have too many people, some random disease will get us...ironic considering modern man spends more time attempting to keep people alive that are being wiped out naturally by viruses... nature would take it's course much more harmoniously if we'd stop interferring with the natural order of things. imagine the results of all that time and energy put into bettering our lives, rather than saving someone elses. :)

Luk Hop
02-12-2009, 05:26 PM
[QUOTE=Water Dragon;913490]Unfortunately, the idea of population control is going to become more and more common in the coming decades out of necesity. We're getting close to the point where the Earth cannot sustain the amount of people in it. Scary stuff

Leave to global warming to bring us to this point.


02-12-2009, 05:30 PM
ironic considering modern man spends more time attempting to keep people alive that are being wiped out naturally by viruses... nature would take it's course much more harmoniously if we'd stop interferring with the natural order of things. imagine the results of all that time and energy put into bettering our lives, rather than saving someone elses. :)

If it isn't another plague, there are always natural disaters, or man-made ones. Plenty of ways to die...The human body is weak. Until we start creating Darth Vaders, people will always die.

doug maverick
02-12-2009, 05:34 PM
you guys dont know? we're already controlling the population. who are we, we go by many names, Illuminati, quantum, sons of liberty. all u need to know is your fate is sealed. B!TCHES!!!!!!

02-12-2009, 05:37 PM
you guys dont know? we're already controlling the population. who are we, we go by many names, Illuminati, quantum, sons of liberty. all u need to know is your fate is sealed. B!TCHES!!!!!!

Control THIS!!!

02-12-2009, 05:39 PM
i love stupid people. makes my life a lot easier. some stress, yes, but easier none the less.

02-12-2009, 05:44 PM
Leave to global warming to bring us to this point.

Yeah like the Y2K bug got us, then global warming, then 2012 omg! :rolleyes:

02-12-2009, 05:45 PM
you guys dont know? we're already controlling the population. who are we, we go by many names, Illuminati, quantum, sons of liberty. all u need to know is your fate is sealed. B!TCHES!!!!!!talk about the greatest coagulation of stupid people ever... all you need to know is that you will fail. :)

02-12-2009, 05:49 PM
Yeah like the Y2K bug got us, then global warming, then 2012 omg! :rolleyes:

5/5/2000 was supposed to be the end of the world...

Mas Judt
02-12-2009, 05:58 PM
Well, we replaced George Bush with the Obama/Pelosi/Reid troika of idiots. Not exactly confidence building in the human race.

Me, I'm looking forward to all that Zimbabwe-style economics we'll be getting with the 'stimulus' bill. What a crock. Zillion dollar bill anybody?

Seriously, we don't need to worry about disease killing us, we have government.

Water Dragon
02-12-2009, 05:59 PM
let's get back on topic. What does any of this have to do with Kung Fu Magazine subscriptions? :mad:

02-12-2009, 06:04 PM
i've been a big believer of static and/or negative population growth for a while.

if every single person ever born on this planet had lived a full and fruitfull life, blindly procreating as they wished...the planet would have been overun long since.

humans have only been able to count on their children living to at least 5 for about, what, 150 years or so, if that long? that's not nearly a long enough time to evolve beyond the, hell, eons old conditioning of watching your offspring be stillborn or die within days or months...so, it's not surprising that we are like we are...but, that one, old drive that is no doubt genetic at this point will probably be the death of us.

the silliest notion in the world is that every single being born should live as long as everyone else...sorry, second silliest...the silliest is the basic drive to procreate that women have...some men too...but mostly women, and I agree it's long ingrained if not genetic, as I pointed out above...

as a race, humans would probably have a much longer duration had we stayed below the industrial level of technology. lifespans would have been shorter and a high level of infant death, but I bet we would have still been here longer than we will be now.

i read something recently, might have been here but I can't remember...something like:

1 death is a tragedy. 1 million deaths is a statistic.

02-12-2009, 06:04 PM
let's get back on topic. What does any of this have to do with Kung Fu Magazine subscriptions? :mad:

If population goes up, smart or dumb, there are bound tbe increases in the circulation of KFM. A certain percentage of people will be interested in CMA and a certain percentage of them will end up subscribing to KFO & KFM.

If you weren't a dumb person you would know that.

02-12-2009, 06:05 PM
let's get back on topic. What does any of this have to do with Kung Fu Magazine subscriptions? :mad:

sorry, yes...well, less smart people= less subscriptions...sorry, but I skipped all the relavent math...

02-12-2009, 06:08 PM
i've been a big believer of static and/or negative population growth for a while.

if every single person ever born on this planet had lived a full and fruitfull life, blindly procreating as they wished...the planet would have been overun long since.

humans have only been able to count on their children living to at least 5 for about, what, 150 years or so, if that long? that's not nearly a long enough time to evolve beyond the, hell, eons old conditioning of watching your offspring be stillborn or die within days or months...so, it's not surprising that we are like we are...but, that one, old drive that is no doubt genetic at this point will probably be the death of us.

the silliest notion in the world is that every single being born should live as long as everyone else...sorry, second silliest...the silliest is the basic drive to procreate that women have...some men too...but mostly women, and I agree it's long ingrained if not genetic, as I pointed out above...

as a race, humans would probably have a much longer duration had we stayed below the industrial level of technology. lifespans would have been shorter and a high level of infant death, but I bet we would have still been here longer than we will be now.

i read something recently, might have been here but I can't remember...something like:

1 death is a tragedy. 1 million deaths is a statistic.

I think our end will be the result of our technology, not overpopulation. Unless you want to argue that since there are so many people on the planet there are more scientists and one of them will build something that will kill us all. Less scientists would result in less a chance of creating Skynet.

Water Dragon
02-12-2009, 06:08 PM
If you weren't a dumb person you would know that.


fu\@cker :mad:

02-12-2009, 06:16 PM
I think our end will be the result of our technology, not overpopulation. Unless you want to argue that since there are so many people on the planet there are more scientists and one of them will build something that will kill us all. Less scientists would result in less a chance of creating Skynet.

but our increasing level of tech includes medtech (sorry, going full on sci fi geek on ya! ;) )

increased level of medtech means more people able to survive naturally debilitating things that would have killed them. ergo, more population.

more population = more chances of more smart people to come up with more ways to keep more people alive which equals more population.

the problem, as I've said, is that we've not evolved beyond the basic drive to keep putting babies on this earth.

Water Dragon
02-12-2009, 06:18 PM
I don't think overpopulation will be the demise of the human species. But ya gotta admit, mass starvation and not enough clean water is not gonna be a fun thing to go through.

From what I've read, the supply of clean water worldwide is already at that point. Food supplies are supposed to cross that line within the next 50 years.

I read somewhere on the internet that the ideal human population should be maintained at 500 million. I have no idea where that number comes from or if it's anywhere near realistic, but I read it on the 'Net so it must be true.

02-12-2009, 06:21 PM
yea, i just went to look for stats on how many deaths worldwide in a day and saw so much truth that now I'm really confused

now, i'm going to go look at sailboats....or nekkid chiks...can't decide which...

Water Dragon
02-12-2009, 06:21 PM
Here's what I was talking about. Now remember, I'm not saying I necesarily agree with it, I just read it.


02-12-2009, 06:27 PM
(1) Dramatically reducing the population of the world.
(2) Promoting environmentalism.
(3) Establishing a world government.
(4) Promoting a new spirituality.

oh, crap, i forgot something important though:

we're human

02-12-2009, 06:29 PM
but our increasing level of tech includes medtech (sorry, going full on sci fi geek on ya! ;) )

increased level of medtech means more people able to survive naturally debilitating things that would have killed them. ergo, more population.

more population = more chances of more smart people to come up with more ways to keep more people alive which equals more population.

the problem, as I've said, is that we've not evolved beyond the basic drive to keep putting babies on this earth.

All the tech in the world cannot help us survive flash floods, tsunami's, tornado's, or man's desire to compete in combat sports.

Water Dragon
02-12-2009, 06:30 PM
The problem is in the ethics. How do you achieve reducing the earth's population by 2 billion people?

02-12-2009, 06:30 PM
I don't think overpopulation will be the demise of the human species. But ya gotta admit, mass starvation and not enough clean water is not gonna be a fun thing to go through.

From what I've read, the supply of clean water worldwide is already at that point. Food supplies are supposed to cross that line within the next 50 years.

I read somewhere on the internet that the ideal human population should be maintained at 500 million. I have no idea where that number comes from or if it's anywhere near realistic, but I read it on the 'Net so it must be true.

In Water World Kevin Costner had a machine that let him drink him drink his own pee. When do we get that?

02-12-2009, 06:32 PM
The problem is in the ethics. How do you achieve reducing the earth's population by 2 billion people?

There was a great episode of Sliders where, in an alternate reality, you could take money out of ATM's for free. Each dollar you took entered you in a lottery. If your number came up, you were killed. That was pretty cool.

Water Dragon
02-12-2009, 06:33 PM
In Water World Kevin Costner had a machine that let him drink him drink his own pee. When do we get that?

Meatloaf did that back in the 1970's. Not everyone is as cool as Meatloaf though.

Here's an article I read today regarding the technology part. They may have found a cure for AIDS


02-12-2009, 06:34 PM
The problem is in the ethics. How do you achieve reducing the earth's population by 2 billion people?

Logan's Run, dude, Logan's Run...

02-12-2009, 06:35 PM
All the tech in the world cannot help us survive flash floods, tsunami's, tornado's, or man's desire to compete in combat sports.

yea, mma will probably be the death of us after all...'specially that redneck hick Dana White...

Water Dragon
02-12-2009, 06:36 PM
Honestly, it would have to be some type of world wide 'controlled breeding' program. Maybe something like China's one child thing. The Catholics are gonna freak.

02-12-2009, 06:36 PM
Meatloaf did that back in the 1970's. Not everyone is as cool as Meatloaf though.

Here's an article I read today regarding the technology part. They may have found a cure for AIDS


No one is this kewl:cool: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0_GEHXpi78)

02-12-2009, 06:37 PM
yea, mma will probably be the death of us after all...'specially that redneck hick Dana White...

LOL:D First smile I cracked all day.

02-12-2009, 06:38 PM
The problem is in the ethics. How do you achieve reducing the earth's population by 2 billion people?

but seriously, I'm not advocating mass slaughter (except of the idiots of course) but eventually, a negative population growth would do it...maybe not before we all die but like i said, the problem is we are who we are: human. It's too late. We can't be objective enough to do what needs to be done.

02-12-2009, 06:38 PM
Honestly, it would have to be some type of world wide 'controlled breeding' program. Maybe something like China's one child thing. The Catholics are gonna freak.

Any religion not believing in contraception will cause an issue. I think there should be a secret lottery where people are sterilized(sp?) through the water supply.

Water Dragon
02-12-2009, 06:40 PM
Not yet. I bet we think differently after 500,000 of us starve off. That's part of the human condition too. We do learn; if we suffer enough.

02-12-2009, 06:40 PM
but seriously, I'm not advocating mass slaughter (except of the idiots of course) but eventually, a negative population growth would do it...maybe not before we all die but like i said, the problem is we are who we are: human. It's too late. We can't be objective enough to do what needs to be done.

Do you think we could get a law passed where people with an IQ of 80 or lower is eliminated?

Water Dragon
02-12-2009, 06:40 PM
Any religion not believing in contraception will cause an issue. I think there should be a secret lottery where people are sterilized(sp?) through the water supply.

What the h@ll is up with you and lotteries today? You got something riding on Powerball?

02-12-2009, 06:41 PM
Not yet. I bet we think differently after 500,000 of us starve off. That's part of the human condition too. We do learn; if we suffer enough.

The problem is with the egocentric Americans. If the 500,000 starving people are in another nation, that won't help the overpopulation in America. And even when Americans start starving and dying, we will still think "That's them. Not us."

02-12-2009, 06:43 PM
What the h@ll is up with you and lotteries today? You got something riding on Powerball?

I'm in sales. Everything is a numbers game to me. Besides, at least it will be fair. Anything not random, will be seen as discrimanatory against some group. And I like my genocides bigotry free.

02-12-2009, 06:44 PM
Honestly, it would have to be some type of world wide 'controlled breeding' program. Maybe something like China's one child thing. The Catholics are gonna freak.

yea, 2 people only creating 1 person is negative...I agree with it and it's what needs to be done and, oh my, it was a communist country that came up with it so it must be horrible, right?

02-12-2009, 06:45 PM
yea, 2 people only creating 1 person is negative...I agree with it and it's what needs to be done and, oh my, it was a communist country that came up with it so it must be horrible, right?

Even if something like this passed. Would it be too late?:confused:

02-12-2009, 06:45 PM
No one is this kewl:cool: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0_GEHXpi78)

agreed, meatloaf is a badass...even in this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DcrtSz4evA&feature=related)

Water Dragon
02-12-2009, 06:47 PM
That's Rocky Horror, Bro. That's the coolest Meatloaf, or anyone but Chuck Norris, has ever been.

02-12-2009, 06:47 PM
agreed, meatloaf is a badass...even in this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DcrtSz4evA&feature=related)

The only thing he was not god in was Leap of Faith.

02-12-2009, 06:50 PM
LOL First smile I cracked all day.


The problem is with the egocentric Americans. If the 500,000 starving people are in another nation, that won't help the overpopulation in America. And even when Americans start starving and dying, we will still think "That's them. Not us."

agreed, we're *******s.

Any religion not believing in contraception will cause an issue. I think there should be a secret lottery where people are sterilized(sp?) through the water supply.

Logan's Run

And I like my genocides bigotry free.


Even if something like this passed. Would it be too late?

i think so...'hell in a handbasket'

02-12-2009, 06:52 PM
That's Rocky Horror, Bro. That's the coolest Meatloaf, or anyone but Chuck Norris, has ever been.

yea, I know what it is...did two years as part of a group...

and, if it hadn't been for the Hamilton Beach, Eddie would have so kicked Chuck's ass!!!

02-12-2009, 06:54 PM
What age is cut-off?

02-12-2009, 06:55 PM
what age is cut-off?



02-12-2009, 06:56 PM


My wife would be dead and I would have 2.5 years to go. That's harsh...

02-12-2009, 07:04 PM
well, it's just an idea from a 70's TV show...

but, what would be a viable cut off? old enough to see your one child to adult hood? old enough to make sure that your one child gets to have their one child?

how bout 12? most of us lost our innocence by then anyways... (not talking about sexual innocence...just the innocence about the world that you have as a child)

personally, when I'm no longer able to to the physical things I want to do...pass me the morphine and a stiff bourbon.

02-12-2009, 07:08 PM
Check out the movie idiocracy. A humorous look into a possible future of imbeciles populating and ruling the planet.

It's a hilarious movie, yet a tad scary at the same time.

1 death is a tragedy. 1 million deaths is a statistic.

That's a quote from Stalin.

02-12-2009, 07:12 PM
Well, we replaced George Bush with the Obama/Pelosi/Reid troika of idiots. Not exactly confidence building in the human race.

Me, I'm looking forward to all that Zimbabwe-style economics we'll be getting with the 'stimulus' bill. What a crock. Zillion dollar bill anybody?

Seriously, we don't need to worry about disease killing us, we have government.

Oh, I know. I'm quite nervous about the future. That bill is an abomination, it will create so little jobs. It's just a huge pork bill that we will be paying off forever. I'm waiting to hear all these "Bush's war is bankrupting us" chime in now. :rolleyes:

Obama ran on a stimulus bill and said it would mainly be alot of infrastructure improvements that he said are long overdue. Less than 4% of the spending is aimed at that.

Obama really may end up making Carter look like an economic genius. And the liberals will have no one to blame; it's a Democrat President, and both Houses of Congress are Democrat controlled.

02-12-2009, 07:13 PM
Someone pointed out that the amount of money in the stimulus bill is large enough to pay off 90% off all mortgages in the US.

02-12-2009, 07:14 PM
personally, when I'm no longer able to to the physical things I want to do...pass me the morphine and a stiff bourbon.

I tell my wife this all the time. And she thinks I am kidding.

Water Dragon
02-12-2009, 07:25 PM
Oh, I know. I'm quite nervous about the future. That bill is an abomination, it will create so little jobs. It's just a huge pork bill that we will be paying off forever. I'm waiting to hear all these "Bush's war is bankrupting us" chime in now. :rolleyes:

Obama ran on a stimulus bill and said it would mainly be alot of infrastructure improvements that he said are long overdue. Less than 4% of the spending is aimed at that.

Obama really may end up making Carter look like an economic genius. And the liberals will have no one to blame; it's a Democrat President, and both Houses of Congress are Democrat controlled.

Can we please keep politics off of this thread? There are a buttload of threads on this place talking about politics already, take it over there. This thread is about Kung Fu Magazine subscriptions.

02-12-2009, 08:10 PM
Can we please keep politics off of this thread? There are a buttload of threads on this place talking about politics already, take it over there. This thread is about Kung Fu Magazine subscriptions.

Do you HAVE a KFM subscription:confused:

Water Dragon
02-12-2009, 08:14 PM
Do you HAVE a KFM subscription:confused:

No, but if I keep bringing it up, Gene wont delete this thread.

02-13-2009, 12:33 AM
In case you guys are overly concerned about eliminating those 2 billion excess people, don't look now (unless you want to), but world population is (as of almost a year ago):

Population: 6,706,993,152 (July 2008 est.)

Of course, this means that the 2 billion figure will have to be bumped up a bit.... oh, say about 4.207 billion more bodies worth ("give or take")

Reverend Tap
02-13-2009, 01:08 AM
I'd have to look it up again, but many of the sources I've read indicate that the fundamental issue currently at hand is not one of population size, but of resource distribution, inexorably linked to economics.

Take Jamaica as an example. To simplify a bit, an island of a few glamorous resorts, and a whole lotta grinding poverty, starvation, the whole shebang. Until fairly recently, the primary industry of the island was farming. As of now, there's still enough land to farm, and indeed quite a lot of farming is still going on. Problem is, due to "free trade" agreements the country entered into during the oil crisis, the local farmers often can't sell their products as cheaply as subsidized imported goods are sold, and the result is a lot of food being just thrown away, while people on that same island are starving to death. I've watched videos showing dairy ranchers emptying several hundreds of gallons of milk into sewer drains because they couldn't sell it in time (import dehydrated milk being much cheaper), while talking about this being commonplace. I have read about similar occurrences all over the world, for varying reasons. Solving such issues would solve much of what is generally assumed to be a problem of simple overpopulation.

Now, that said, it is certainly no reason not to look to the future and think about more long-term solutions; the point at which the planet actually doesn't have sufficient resources to support us comes well after the point at which the gathering of those resources causes full ecosystem collapse, and we wouldn't live past that as a species.

Much of Europe, the US (talking births here, not overall population), and other "first-world" nations are already experiencing negative population growth. There are many reasons put forward for this, including an increase in sterility linked to certain environmental pollutants, improving access to and education about contraceptives, and, increasingly, lifestyles that simply don't require (or indeed encourage) unchecked reproduction. It is of course not universal (I've heard of three families in the past week who have 17+ children, all three of course being Catholic), but overall that is the trend. China is too, last I heard, so, draconian though it may be, their policy at least seems to be working. I do tend to think that cultural factors like this will often "step in" to take the place of natural population checks.

Bringing it all back to the main topic, these cultural factors can be used by KFM as well; if a general lowering of the intelligence of the population leads to a decline in readership, emphasizing the "wicked sweet" cover masters and weapons and the hawt kung fu girls will probably get more of that set buying the mag "for the pretty pictures." ;)

Mas Judt
02-13-2009, 07:01 AM
Frankly this one is above my pay grade.

How do you manage the explosive growth of the population and the unequal distribution of resources without becoming a monster yourself?

I don't have any good ideas on this.

02-13-2009, 07:10 AM
Locate 1 couple from each genetically diferentiated subset of the human race....aw, screw the attempt at PC'ism...get a black couple, a white couple, asian...hispanic...so on...or, even better, generate a list of equal numbers of men and women from all the groups and then draw straws to determine breeding couples.

Educate and train them in the basics of farming, animal husbandry, fishing, sanitation/waste disposal (human and animal).

Kill everyone else.

I think it could work. :)

02-13-2009, 07:14 AM
oh, and of course, train them in the arts of kung fu, magazine publication, printing and distribution....maybe we'd have to let Gene and his wife be one of the couples...

02-13-2009, 04:08 PM
Educate and train them in the basics of farming, animal husbandry, fishing, sanitation/waste disposal (human and animal).

I was the husband of a sheep for a week. HOw would that help????:confused:

02-13-2009, 04:10 PM
i dunno...tell us the story and we'll try to figure it out for you:D

Water Dragon
02-13-2009, 04:15 PM
I was the husband of a sheep for a week. HOw would that help????:confused:

Wrong Forum. The OG is that way -->

02-13-2009, 09:40 PM
i dunno...tell us the story and we'll try to figure it out for you:D

There was a lot of "baaaaaaaaing" I just wish she would have shaved...gives the term "muff diving" a whole new meaning.

02-13-2009, 10:05 PM
There was a lot of "baaaaaaaaing" I just wish she would have shaved...gives the term "muff diving" a whole new meaning.nothing like flossing all your teeth at once. :D

02-16-2009, 04:50 PM
Smart or stupid, please subscribe. (http://www.martialartsmart.net/19341.html)

Now back to our regular posting...:rolleyes: