View Full Version : Teaching your kids

02-19-2009, 08:49 AM
yes or no.



02-19-2009, 08:53 AM
I will train with my kids, going over what another instructor shows them. In our society, however, I feel it is difficult to play the role of father and instructor. I have 3 younglings, and I would no sooner teach them MA then I would advanced calculus. I let the teachers teach (that's what they get paid for) and I help if they need it. If my child were to come to me and ask to learn something, I would never turn them down, but i will not take the reins to show them advanced material.

02-19-2009, 08:54 AM
good question but i'd have to say let another do it...you certainly want to vet them well but often it is better to have a loved one trained by someone else.

02-19-2009, 09:02 AM
every great MA I know has taken thier children to another teacher for instruction. You should do the same

David Jamieson
02-19-2009, 09:15 AM
I voted to let another do it.

the role of teacher is important for a child to grow.

to mix it in with parent as well removes a dynamic from the learning environment that is necessary.

the child will face barriers when being taught by a parent instead of a separate teacher.

02-19-2009, 09:21 AM
Who voted "It is up to the kids?" Depending on the age of the child, they should not be making decision regarding their lives.

02-19-2009, 10:48 AM
children learn on there own growing up before they go off to find a teacher, until then the parents are who they look up to, who they find security in... i teach my kids the basics... headbutting, elbows, kicks, biting, punching... you really don't need to be a qualified, accepted, or politically correct sifu/teacher/master to teach this stuff. the basics are all universal... my 4 year old has one heck of a headbutt. children are under the care of their parents until they take flight on their own... if they want to go off and join a karate class, i will not stop them. parents are a childs sole teacher when young, parents that are afraid of teaching their children perhaps should not have them. :)

02-19-2009, 11:03 AM
children learn on there own growing up before they go off to find a teacher, until then the parents are who they look up to, who they find security in... i teach my kids the basics... headbutting, elbows, kicks, biting, punching... you really don't need to be a qualified, accepted, or politically correct sifu/teacher/master to teach this stuff. the basics are all universal... my 4 year old has one heck of a headbutt. children are under the care of their parents until they take flight on their own... if they want to go off and join a karate class, i will not stop them. parents are a childs sole teacher when young, parents that are afraid of teaching their children perhaps should not have them. :)

It has nothing to do with afraid of teaching. It has to do with appropriateness of it. There are certain roles a parent should fill in a child's life and certain ones they shouldn't. Teaching a child should be the role of someone else, it is the parents responsiblity to choose the best instructor.

02-19-2009, 11:15 AM
i think its good to teach your children certain aspects of martial arts as they grow into an age where they can begin to train. you find out if they are interested for one, you can see where they have strengths and weaknesses. such as if they have an aptitude for MA activity.

some of the best MA ive met started training with their fathers. Not ALL their training is this way, but often times this is how they began their love for the MA.

It also creates a different bond with your son/daughter, you otherwise would never experience.

02-19-2009, 11:27 AM
There are certain roles a parent should fill in a child's life and certain ones they shouldn't. my role as a father is a provider and a protector, children learn from me, their mom, and the people they are around, but ultimately they learn from their parents... a parent should be able to fill all the roles a child needs in ones life until they move on into the world by themselves.

Teaching a child should be the role of someone else, it is the parents responsiblity to choose the best instructor.why would you not pass on what you have learned to your children? are you implying that you are training with or from the wrong instructor and not the best? do you teach in your school? are you taught at in your school by others? why would you believe yourself not being an approriate teacher for your child?

i believe this society has taught a fallacy to the people by teaching that one must send a child off to school to learn something useful... nothing more than a justification later in life to point and place the blame on someone else, because someone else should've done better... nothing more than a way for parents to get out of accepting full responsibility for their children. period.

David Jamieson
02-19-2009, 11:39 AM

this society isn't the only one that ascribes to teaching being done by a non parent.

of course there are many things a child will learn from their parent or parents or guardians.

However, most parents do not have the skill or knowledge to impart most of the skills and knowledge a child will require.

basics is basics, but if you want your child to learn something fully, it is better to send them to a teacher. I'm betting you, along with most parents are completely unable to deliver a grade 10 math curriculum. I'm also betting that you are incapable of teaching your children how to box, kickbox, field strip a rifle and all sorts of other useful martial skills.

that much is known vis a vis a whole lot of trial and error.

seriously dude, get over yourself. lol.

02-19-2009, 11:51 AM
i would teach my kid martial arts if he wanted me too. if he wanted to learn from someone else, i would suck it up and look for a good school.

02-19-2009, 11:51 AM

this society isn't the only one that ascribes to teaching being done by a non parent.

of course there are many things a child will learn from their parent or parents or guardians.

However, most parents do not have the skill or knowledge to impart most of the skills and knowledge a child will require.

basics is basics, but if you want your child to learn something fully, it is better to send them to a teacher. I'm betting you, along with most parents are completely unable to deliver a grade 10 math curriculum. I'm also betting that you are incapable of teaching your children how to box, kickbox, field strip a rifle and all sorts of other useful martial skills.

that much is known vis a vis a whole lot of trial and error.

seriously dude, get over yourself. lol.

you don't believe in home schooling i take it.

02-19-2009, 11:54 AM
uki- david... as if we didn't know each others names. :rolleyes:

this society isn't the only one that ascribes to teaching being done by a non parent.i know, it's a world wide plague.

of course there are many things a child will learn from their parent or parents or guardians.

However, most parents do not have the skill or knowledge to impart most of the skills and knowledge a child will require.because they were brought up in a society such as this one that does not promote parental teaching and education... the parents are dumb because it's reflecting their parents throwing them out of the house for 6-7 hours a day for school... parents lack the ability to teach because that is how they were taught.

basics is basics, but if you want your child to learn something fully, it is better to send them to a teacher.a child is never fully educated, this is why they turn into adults and refine what they have learned, no matter what the subject.

I'm betting you, along with most parents are completely unable to deliver a grade 10 math curriculum. why not? i'll tell you, because this society doesn't operate on that frequency... and don't flatter yourself, you know very little about my intelligence level. math is a high debatable example anyway, some folks are truly more gifted towards it, but in your average lifespan, the fundamentuals of calculus and trig are not going to make one lead an uncomfortable life.

I'm also betting that you are incapable of teaching your children how to box, kickbox, field strip a rifle and all sorts of other useful martial skills.of course you believe this, you are much too full of yourself. :p

that much is known vis a vis a whole lot of trial and error.trial and error is learned by everyone.

seriously dude, get over yourself. why? myself is all i got.

lol.there is that image of a tub full of jelly laughing in chair again...

02-19-2009, 11:55 AM
my role as a father is a provider and a protector, children learn from me, their mom, and the people they are around, but ultimately they learn from their parents... a parent should be able to fill all the roles a child needs in ones life until they move on into the world by themselves.
A parent should NOT fill all the roles in a child's life. First romantic love, first kiss, first date? But on a less disturbing level, they shouldn't be the child's best friend or main instructor. A parent does not have the skills necessary to teach a child everything. That is why society has teachers and instructors, and why, IMO, home schooled kids have serious issues.

why would you not pass on what you have learned to your children? are you implying that you are training with or from the wrong instructor and not the best? do you teach in your school? are you taught at in your school by others? why would you believe yourself not being an approriate teacher for your child?

Who would my child be better off learning from? Me or my instructor? If the answer is my instructor. If my child was better off learning from me, I would be teaching my instructor, no?

i believe this society has taught a fallacy to the people by teaching that one must send a child off to school to learn something useful... nothing more than a justification later in life to point and place the blame on someone else, because someone else should've done better... nothing more than a way for parents to get out of accepting full responsibility for their children. period.

I am not saying my child will learn nothing from me, in fact one of my posts states I would be happy to teach my child something if they asked. However, a majority of the teaching of fact should be left to other. Teaching morals and opinions is the parents responsibility. This is why people say racism is taught, it is based on opinion.

Uki, while I find some of your points interesting, it is obvious that your opinions and mine are in direct conflict. We obviously must settle this with a death match:p

02-19-2009, 11:57 AM
along with most parents are completely unable to deliver a grade 10 math curriculum.

unless of course if the said parent was a math teacher :)

My father is a plumber and has taught me the basics of plumbing, and could easily teach me more if I was interested…because he is an expert in the field (master plumber) as well as has experience in teaching classes on plumbing.

I say if you have the ability to teach your kid…and you have taught said courses before then go for it. It does not mean you have to be the only teacher that teaches your child kung fu.

My instructor has a daughter that goes to our school. Sometimes she will be in his classes and sometimes she will be in other classes. She is treated like any other student.

I agree with uki to a degree. In the end the child is your responsibility…that goes for you teaching your child or someone else.

If you teach your child kung-fu and he ends up sucking…then it is clearly your fault…the same as it is your fault if you send him to a school with ****ty teachers.

and for the record if I ever have kids I would send them to my teachers...but help them with home training as well.

02-19-2009, 11:59 AM
, IMO, home schooled kids have serious issues.

Sad but true. I went to college with a home school kid...had the social skills of a rock.

02-19-2009, 12:00 PM
Sad but true. I went to college with a home school kid...had the social skills of a rock.

That comes from a lack of interacting with others. It is the number 1 problem of home schooled kids, then don't know how to behave when others are present. Right, Uki?:D

02-19-2009, 12:02 PM
its funny, i met home school kids with the social skills of a rock cause they never got out. and then i meet some of the brightest and smartest kids ever with great social skills cause they are part of a home school group and get out.

me, i am against home schooling. my kid would be the town idiot if i home schooled him.

02-19-2009, 12:04 PM
I would never teach my children, not until they were older.
For kids MA is fun and for socializing, like any other sport.
If they wanna take it I will put them in Judo first and then maybe boxing or kids KB/MT.
When they get older if they wanna do what Daddy does, I will teach them.
For now, as long as they are active and learning something athletic, its all good.

02-19-2009, 12:04 PM
Who voted "It is up to the kids?" Depending on the age of the child, they should not be making decision regarding their lives.

OK, I want to know if the people who chose this option have kids or not.

02-19-2009, 12:15 PM
First romantic love, first kiss, first date? dude... you seriously took that completely out of context, wether on purpose remains debatable... i'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt here. :)

That is why society has teachers and instructors, and why, IMO, home schooled kids have serious issues.society has teachers and instructors because that is what society has been created and programmed to do... and the homeschooling bit made my girlfriend growl, as she was homeschooled and is highly intelligent, far surpassing most peopl, has only held one job at the same place for over 10 years, which has been her only job mind you... funny this comes up though because i am always teasing her about being homeschooled. :p

Who would my child be better off learning from? Me or my instructor? If the answer is my instructor. If my child was better off learning from me, I would be teaching my instructor, no?no comment... :rolleyes:

I am not saying my child will learn nothing from me, in fact one of my posts states I would be happy to teach my child something if they asked.i am not talking about the teenagers here, i am talking about the first four years of their life when they will learn the most from you... teach them the basics then... i love it when my children copy my exercises or such.

However, a majority of the teaching of fact should be left to other.yet what is fact? what is absolute?

Teaching morals and opinions is the parents responsibility. i agree, if another kid punches my kid out, they will know that it is perfectly alright to stand back up and knock their head off.

This is why people say racism is taught, it is based on opinion. really? its not a semi-solid fact that african americans are black skinned? i mean i suppose if one were born a white man in africa and then immigrated to america they could also be honestly called an african-american. racism is taught by ignorant people of limited understanding.

Uki, while I find some of your points interesting, it is obvious that your opinions and mine are in direct conflict.please do tell me your chinese astrological sign... you're killing me over here.

We obviously must settle this with a death match.technically speaking if i won, i could incorporate your family into mine, thus having two girlfriend-wife kinda girls? oh and wouldn't that be scary if your kids and my kids grew up and fell in love with one another... and i would be their teacher... :p

you don't believe in home schooling i take it.he might not be capable of homeschooling. :D

02-19-2009, 12:33 PM
dude... you seriously took that completely out of context, wether on purpose remains debatable... i'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt here. :)
What about the best friend comment?

society has teachers and instructors because that is what society has been created and programmed to do... and the homeschooling bit made my girlfriend growl, as she was homeschooled and is highly intelligent, far surpassing most peopl, has only held one job at the same place for over 10 years, which has been her only job mind you... funny this comes up though because i am always teasing her about being homeschooled. :p
Intelligence is one thing, interpersonal skills and wisdom are another. (No offense to your GF). Also, there are always exceptions to the rules.

i am not talking about the teenagers here, i am talking about the first four years of their life when they will learn the most from you... teach them the basics then... i love it when my children copy my exercises or such. I was speaking over the course of their entire life.

yet what is fact? what is absolute? Certain things are fact, 2+2=4. Math, grammar, phonics, reading etc...
i agree, if another kid punches my kid out, they will know that it is perfectly alright to stand back up and knock their head off.

really? its not a semi-solid fact that african americans are black skinned? i mean i suppose if one were born a white man in africa and then immigrated to america they could also be honestly called an african-american. racism is taught by ignorant people of limited understanding. Color of skin could be fact. The opinion that they are a lower class of people is opinion.

please do tell me your chinese astrological sign... you're killing me over here.
Chinese sign is the ram. Zodiac is Libra

technically speaking if i won, i could incorporate your family into mine, thus having two girlfriend-wife kinda girls? oh and wouldn't that be scary if your kids and my kids grew up and fell in love with one another... and i would be their teacher... :p
First, you wouldn't win. Second, good luck with my Puerto Rican firebrand and her offspring.

he might not be capable of homeschooling. :D
It is the truly wise man that acknowledges his limitations.

Reverend Tap
02-19-2009, 01:02 PM
What, no "other" option?

My only "kid" is my cat, and I've been consistently surprised by just how much he teaches me when I actually pay attention. :p

02-19-2009, 01:07 PM
my kid would be the town idiot if i home schooled him.


he might not be capable of homeschooling. :d


Reverend Tap
02-19-2009, 02:19 PM


What're you pointing at me for? I was public schooled; not my fault I got hit in the head too many times... :p

02-19-2009, 02:27 PM
no I'm not pointing at you.

i said up above i wouldn't be good at homeschooling my kid, then uki said maybe you shouldn't do it after i said it.

i was merely pointing to my quote.

public school for the win!!

Reverend Tap
02-19-2009, 02:29 PM
no I'm not pointing at you.

i said up above i wouldn't be good at homeschooling my kid, then uki said maybe you shouldn't do it after i said it.

i was merely pointing to my quote.

public school for the win!!


Never let it be said that all public school kids are socially adept.

;) :D

02-19-2009, 03:06 PM
What about the best friend comment?a parent should be their childs best friend. :)

Intelligence is one thing, interpersonal skills and wisdom are another.idle mingling is the same as idle gossip...

(No offense to your GF). Also, there are always exceptions to the rules.it would take alot to offend her.

I was speaking over the course of their entire life.another fine demonstration that everything is a matter of perspective.

Certain things are fact, 2+2=4. Math, grammar, phonics, reading etc...of course, just depends on the language. math is basically the same, unless you based the system of numbers on 12 as opposed to ten... 12 in itself reduces to 3, the number of power, strength, and unity; the trinity of scripture, the union of mind, body, and spirt... protons, neutrons, and electrons... three sets of 12's adds up to 36, which reduces to 9; the number nine symbolizes change, it is also the reduced sum of all angles in any geometric shape, aswell as the reduced number for a perfect circle of 360 degrees. there were also nine muses in greek mythology representing inspiration and arts... furthermore, each house of the zodiac is 2,160 years(which reduces to 9), 12 zodiac houses in the celestial sphere of the heavens, 12 x 2,160 = 25,920 years(which reduces to 9), 9 squares itself into 3 equal parts, one third of the whole.

i mean i suppose 10 is an alright number, you know, 1 and 0, the binary language of the universe, yin and yang, something and nothing... but that is for another conversation. :)

i agree, if another kid punches my kid out, they will know that it is perfectly alright to stand back up and knock their head off.glad we see eye to eye somewhere.

Color of skin could be fact.make that two eyes...

The opinion that they are a lower class of people is opinion.and why again does an opinion matter? opinions are smashed by the truth... as i see it, any man or woman born here has just as much right as anyone else to pursue experience, happiness, understanding, and peace of mind in this journey called life.

Chinese sign is the ram. Zodiac is Librathe goat, always poised to headbutt you... the most exceptionally well balanced animal of all, not to mention your scales of balance in being a libra. quite fancy with the footwork i'd fancy. :D

First, you wouldn't win. there's that goat head again. :D

Second, good luck with my Puerto Rican firebrand and her offspring.glad to see you wished me luck with it all. :)

It is the truly wise man that acknowledges his limitations.yet it is foolish to be trapped by them.

Never let it be said that all public school kids are socially adept.agreed... i turned out just fine.

02-19-2009, 03:10 PM
i turned out just fine.
No comment:eek:

Tainan Mantis
02-19-2009, 03:40 PM
I Just got my first kid student 8 years old.
My wife ordered my son, 9, to join class with him so that I could start a kids class.

I wasn't too sure how that would work, but so far it is actually working out well. I treat him like a student in the class.

That is the official MA class.

Before this I had been teaching him some random wrestling. He asked me and wanted to learn, so we would spend a few nights a week trying to get a tap out through the choke hold.

That informal hom class usually ended in him crying, cuz I usually won 3 out of 3(our limit).

I have been paying attention to th difference in the two types of classes I taught him.

In one, I taught and competed with him and he was only happy if he won 2 0ut of 2 or at least the last match.

But, in the new kid's class he is only trying to develop a skill and be good at it.

On a side note: Teaching in Asia is almost always done by the parent in a subject in which the parent is considered an expert.

If the parent does not think they do a good job they will send their child off to someone else.

02-22-2009, 05:27 AM
On a side note: Teaching in Asia is almost always done by the parent in a subject in which the parent is considered an expert.thats because in asia there is better family bonding... in america you are not allowed to raise your kids anymore without someone telling you you are incapable of it or that you are doing something wrong.

If the parent does not think they do a good job they will send their child off to someone else.apparently americans think they are not good enough because most of them dump their children off at state sponsored daycare programs... aka, school... which leaves the parents with more time to watch the television without being distracted by the kids. :)

Luk Hop
02-22-2009, 07:27 AM
... in america you are not allowed to raise your kids anymore without someone telling you you are incapable of it or that you are doing something wrong.
apparently americans think they are not good enough because most of them dump their children off at state sponsored daycare programs... aka, school... which leaves the parents with more time to watch the television without being distracted by the kids. :)

Sad, but true.

Parents are continually told that they are either not good enough or parenting incorrectly. The ACLU & CPS are always ready. Reminds me of the following quote:

"You can't make socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society, which is coming, where everyone is interdependent." John Dewey

02-22-2009, 09:29 AM
I taught 2 of my daughters Kung Fu. I now am teaching 2 of my grandkids Kung Fu.

They came to me and asked to learn. I never forced it on them, I find it very rewarding, to fill their needs regarding M/A , With all the sex offenders out their in life, child saftey is a hugh issue. There is no pressure on them, I treat them just like the rest of the students in their group. They also realize there is no obligation to learn M/A just becasue I teach it.

02-22-2009, 09:34 AM
With all the sex offenders out their in life, child saftey is a hugh issue.and the world would have you believe that having a cell phone, calling 911, increased numbers of knucklehead police officers, and amber alerts will protect our children.

good job in teaching your children and grand kids, as child safety and self defense is ultimately part of the parents(family) responsibility in child rearing, not someone elses. :)

02-22-2009, 09:37 AM
In general, MA, regular school, life lessons, if parents are not qualified to teach their children then they should get help.

I knew this one parent who pulled his kids out of public school because of the liberal socialistic system and the gay commie teachers!:D Only problem was this guy needed a calculator to add 25 plus 30 and it took him an hour to get through the funny papers in the sunday paper!:D

02-22-2009, 09:39 AM
In general, MA, regular school, life lessons, if parents are not qualified to teach their children then they should get help. there would be far smarter and capable parents to teach their children if modern society wasn't so dumbed down by needless distractions.

02-22-2009, 09:43 AM
With all the sex offenders out their in life, child saftey is a hugh issue.

Important to realize but not to dwell on. Not every man who talks with your 11 year old daughter in trying to get in her pants. Rearing a child to believe that every male adult they come in contact with has evil intent does more harm than good.

Reasonable precaution is the best.

02-22-2009, 11:02 AM
Important to realize but not to dwell on. Not every man who talks with your 11 year old daughter in trying to get in her pants. Rearing a child to believe that every male adult they come in contact with has evil intent does more harm than good.good points... just remember that the marketting of this fear has a high rate of success with people buying into it.

Reasonable precaution is the best.generally a discerning individual will be able to tune in to those who are up to no good.

Lee Chiang Po
02-22-2009, 11:08 PM
I consider my Wing Chun to be a personal thing. Why would I not want to teach it to my own? I find that most parents fail to teach their own children due to a communication gap, which actually comes down to a lack of respect for the parent. I have never had that problem with my son. He is 43 years old now, and he is very good at WC. He has a son that is now 18 years old. I started him, and his father also taught him, since the age of 10 years. He is also exceptionally good. My grand daughter is only 8, and will not start training until she is 10. But she will be taught. Right now she has been watching and picking up as her older brothers training progressed, and she is a formidible young lady. Training is not done in public and not done with guests watching. It is a personal thing.
I have taught my son Jujitsu as well. He is not as versed as I am, but he can use it quite effectively.

02-23-2009, 07:28 AM
Training is not done in public and not done with guests watching. It is a personal thing.amen brother.

02-25-2009, 11:02 AM
Follow the link for a news vid. This gets a little sticky when you consider the lack of regulation on martial arts schools and how much they do oversee children.

Bill could close martial arts schools (http://www.kvue.com/news/state/stories/022509kvue_Martial_arts-cb.14e2c30.html)
Martial arts instructors are preparing to fight
11:11 AM CST on Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The bills in question are Senate bill 68 and House bill 601. The bills relate to licensing of facilities that provide child care or after school programs. The reason martial arts instructors take offense to the bills is because of how the bills define daycare. They read, "daycare center means a child-care facility that provides care at a location other than the residence of the director, owner, or operator of the child-care facility for seven or more children under 14 years of age for less than 24 hours a day, but at least two hours a day, three or more days a week."

In the other bill, "after-school program means a child-care facility that provides care before and after the customary school day and during school holidays, for at least two hours a day, three days a week to children who attend prekindergarten through grade six."

Many students who take karate classes spend about that much time in the classes. Martial arts master Charles Dudley says, "if we become licensed day care, we can no longer practice martial arts."

KENS 5 contacted the representative who wrote one of the bills. His legislative director told us it was not their intention to expand child care licensing requirements to anyone, particularly martial arts classes. He says they will consult with their attorneys, and if it turns out this bill does that, they will change it.

02-25-2009, 11:07 AM
I've been to some tae kwon do schools that ARE NOTHING MORE than EXPENSIVE DAY CARE facilities. :D

I hate to single out tae kwon do, but they seem to be more prominent in taking 3+ yrs olds and just having them run around kick and punching and playing games.

02-25-2009, 11:39 AM
I've been to some tae kwon do schools that ARE NOTHING MORE than EXPENSIVE DAY CARE facilities. :D

I hate to single out tae kwon do, but they seem to be more prominent in taking 3+ yrs olds and just having them run around kick and punching and playing games.

What do you expect kids to do?

02-25-2009, 12:26 PM
My 9 year old girl currently trains with me. Most classes I let another instructor work with her. Some nights hers is just the group I end up working with. She does like having me at home when it comes to practicing.

My 16 year old boy trained with me for a while. School consumed all his free time and he had to stop. He plans on starting again after college.

Both my daughter and son asked if they could train with me.

My 15 year old daughter has no interest in regular training, but has learned enough basics from me to defend herself. She also comes to me for new work out routines and nutrition advice.

My 11 year old son wants to train badly. Once he learns that you can't play rough all the time, and we get the report card in better shape we'll talk about it.

02-25-2009, 12:31 PM
My 9 year old girl currently trains with me. Most classes I let another instructor work with her. Some nights hers is just the group I end up working with. She does like having me at home when it comes to practicing.

My 16 year old boy trained with me for a while. School consumed all his free time and he had to stop. He plans on starting again after college.

Both my daughter and son asked if they could train with me.

My 15 year old daughter has no interest in regular training, but has learned enough basics from me to defend herself. She also comes to me for new work out routines and nutrition advice.

My 11 year old son wants to train badly. Once he learns that you can't play rough all the time, and we get the report card in better shape we'll talk about it.

Condoms, BM. Condoms. :D

02-25-2009, 12:36 PM
Condoms, BM. Condoms.the more people use condoms, the less students there will be to teach.

David Jamieson
02-25-2009, 12:40 PM
the more people use condoms, the less students there will be to teach.

YOu know, there was an extensive study done in the 70's that showed a definite link between condom use and crime reduction. In fact, it wasn't only about condoms, it was about planned parenthood and inclusive to that was abortion.

By watching our population, allowing for birth control and abortion, we actually have reduced crime.

hmmmmn. Now there's some food for thought all you free thinking hippies. :p

02-25-2009, 12:43 PM
YOu know, there was an extensive study done in the 70's that showed a definite link between condom use and crime reduction. In fact, it wasn't only about condoms, it was about planned parenthood and inclusive to that was abortion.

By watching our population, allowing for birth control and abortion, we actually have reduced crime.

hmmmmn. Now there's some food for thought all you free thinking hippies. :p

I think the study you are talking about showed that 18 years after Rowe vs Wade, there was a dramatic and unexplained reduction in violent crime nationally.

Taryn P.
02-25-2009, 12:47 PM
the more people use condoms, the less students there will be to teach.

.... and the fewer criminals to defend against!

02-25-2009, 12:48 PM
By watching our population, allowing for birth control and abortion, we actually have reduced crime.the best thing to do is to let nature take its course... no more feeding the starving children, no more saving the countries from genocidal dictators, no more rescuing idiots who build their houses on the beachfronts and flood prone areas, no more vaccinations... the list can go on and on... attempting to save the populations instead of letting them go as intended would cure alot of the worlds problems and drags on natural resources.

hmmmmn. Now there's some food for thought all you free thinking hippies. :ptoo bad i am not a hippy. :)

02-25-2009, 01:10 PM
yeah starving children have got to go! booooooo hisssssss more food for me! nomnomnomnonmonm

02-25-2009, 01:14 PM
What do you expect kids to do?

Well for one the curriculum of just running around and playing games is not really martial arts. They can do that an actual day care.

Also I am a firm believer that kids under 6 will better be served by taking tumbling or gymnastics lessons before going into martial arts.

In my current kwoon they learn the same curriculum as the adults. Yes, we do at time let them run around playing games but after they have done what is needed in the curriculum for their respective belt levels. Even then we have contest like "who can hold the longest mah bu" or play at wrestling or even point spar.

02-25-2009, 01:18 PM
Well for one the curriculum of just running around and playing games is not really martial arts.

Kids of that age don't learn MA they learn physical skills and activites that are fun.

Also I am a firm believer that kids under 6 will better be served by taking tumbling or gymnastics lessons before going into martial arts.

They can have both.

In my current kwoon they learn the same curriculum as the adults. Yes, we do at time let them run around playing games but after they have done what is needed in the curriculum for their respective belt levels. Even then we have contest like "who can hold the longest mah bu" or play at wrestling or even point spar.

That's great and at the man TKD schools I have seen kids tdo that too and they play and have fun.
They are kids after all.

02-25-2009, 01:18 PM
Condoms, BM. Condoms. :D

LMAO. I've only been Dad for six years. They were part of the deal when I met their Mom. I figure if all of the cool people quit having/raising kids, all that will be left is a world full of ****s and we're dangerously close to that now. :D

02-25-2009, 01:23 PM
Kids of that age don't learn MA they learn physical skills and activites that are fun.

They can have both.

That's great and at the man TKD schools I have seen kids tdo that too and they play and have fun.
They are kids after all.

Ehh....different strokes for different folks I guess.

02-25-2009, 01:32 PM
Ehh....different strokes for different folks I guess.

Kids love to run and jump and kick, more than doing a horse stance, that;s for sure.
Its athletic, teaches balance and coordination.
And its fun.




02-25-2009, 01:50 PM
my kids love to headbutt... and it hurts. :D

02-25-2009, 01:57 PM
my kids love to headbutt... and it hurts. :D

I used to have a friend, he loved to head butt, I mean he head butted everyone, his fighting was all about head butting, loved Rugby too, obviously.
One day he got too ****y with his head butting and we bet 100 bucks ( silly kids) that I could KO him before he borke my hand with a head butt.
Well, we both lost !
He went to the Hospital with concussion and his Mom didn't let me date his sister anymore.

02-25-2009, 01:59 PM
He went to the Hospital with concussion and his Mom didn't let me date his sister anymore.

hahaha that's an awesome story.

02-25-2009, 02:00 PM
hahaha that's an awesome story.

Ah dude, his sister was hot too.
Ah, if I had known then, what I knew now...

I'd be doing 15 to life !
LOL !!

02-25-2009, 02:07 PM
i had a lesson in headbutting aswell... we had a party at my house in florida years ago and there was this older donkeybutt there who started running his mouth about how he has this heck of a head smashing ability, so as drunk as i was i walked up to him and smashed my forehead into his face and he shakes his head, grabs me by the ears and plants his forehead right into my nose, knocked me on my arse... blood started gushing out, my nose was broke and is still abit off to this day. :D

02-25-2009, 02:25 PM
i had a lesson in headbutting aswell... we had a party at my house in florida years ago and there was this older donkeybutt there who started running his mouth about how he has this heck of a head smashing ability, so as drunk as i was i walked up to him and smashed my forehead into his face and he shakes his head, grabs me by the ears and plants his forehead right into my nose, knocked me on my arse... blood started gushing out, my nose was broke and is still abit off to this day. :D

i had a friend like that in my teens, he was a head butting freak.

one time at a party he was drunk, and so was this other guy, they started talking about headbutting. my buddy challenged him to a head butting contest.

with a steel rafter.

i never said my friend was super bright. but anyway, the rules were; you headbutt the rafter and then the other guy does. first to KO themself or give up loses. if any of the bystanders think your headbutt was weak, you had to do it again.

pretty crazy shiat.

Taryn P.
02-25-2009, 02:28 PM
Around here we call that "Darwinism in action"

02-25-2009, 02:32 PM
Around here we call that "Darwinism in action"

lol, and it was darn intertaining too. my friend won.

not suprising though from the things ive seen him do.

he was a serious brawler, big huge scottish guy, claims decendant from the same family line as william wallace. his last name is wallace and hes a huge mofo, so could be.

i remember one time at a concert when he fought 3 guys while he was drunk. and didnt even know it was a real fight till halfway through when he realized they were actually trying to hurt him with their punches.

good times of our youth.