View Full Version : Practicing Tai Chi In St.louis

02-27-2009, 06:38 PM
Does anyone practice Tai Chi, Xing Yi Quan or Baguazhang in St.louis?

Do you guys like to spar and train with others sometime?

Let me know?

02-27-2009, 08:22 PM
Check Justin Meehan and a few well known area adepts!
Buena gente! Good people!

02-28-2009, 02:04 AM
Yea, My Sihing actually did some push hands with him. Justin is my Sihing lawyer as matter of fact. I dont how often they train together. But I was woundering if there any people who mere figthers like me. Not masters. I am not master or sifu...Just a fighter. So I was looking for so people to train and spar with.