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03-01-2009, 08:18 AM
obviously this is martial arts related... this is why police authority should be questioned. people need to rise up and put these idiots in their place. having a badge does not make you above the law nor above any other citizen, especially children... people should not tolerate this growing, blantant abuse of power from those who are to serve and protect us, not abuse and oppress us. since when does kicking your shoe at a police officer and calling him a fat pig warrant this disgusting behaviour? police officer mentality is absolutely intolerable... they should be lined up and shot for offenses such as these in order restore peace and harmony to society... obviously if they can do this to a 15 year old without remorse, they will do it to anyone they so choose.


disgusting... it's time for people to wake up. now.

03-01-2009, 10:04 AM
Individual cases where police officers abuse their authority and break the law should be prosecuted according to the law. Demonizing all police officers is as irrational as considering all young people stupid, filthy, emo punks just because YOU happen to be. It's even worse because unlike YOU, police perform an essential function in society.

03-01-2009, 10:05 AM
police perform an essential function in society.which is what?

03-01-2009, 10:14 AM
which is what?

You really don't know, do you? Sad... :(

Taryn P.
03-01-2009, 12:34 PM
I heard that they were trying reeeeeeeeeeeally hard to keep that video from getting out.

That girl wasn't even fighting, by any stretch of the imagination. That looked like a "pouty" shoe flip. What a horrifying overreaction by that officer, and doubly horrifying that his partner didn't reign him in immediately. And they knew they were under video surveillance. What would they have done if they were in a place where they weren't being filmed?

I took a sociology class back when I was in college, where we discussed the TYPES of people who are drawn to jobs in law enforcement. I can't recall the sources of the studies or anything (this was in the dim and distant past), but the profile that emerged was sobering and kind of scary. Authoritarian, rigid types with qualities that you wouldn't find in a White Knight.

Not to say they're all like that, by a long shot (the one police officer I knew personally was an absolute prince).

03-01-2009, 12:59 PM
I'm trying to imagine if that had been a teacher at her school. Both guys would have been charged with child abuse and probably a long list of other crimes. However since it was police my guess is he'll be charged with a mistermeanor, get a suspended sentence and then fired. Of course, 2-3 years from now you'll find the same guy working as police in a nearby town.

By the way the other guy should have been charged also. I'm of the belief that this guy was probably making sexual passes at her and she told him where to go...this prompted the beating.

03-01-2009, 01:11 PM
I'm of the belief that this guy was probably making sexual passes at her and she told him where to go...this prompted the beating.

What proof do you have of that?

golden arhat
03-01-2009, 01:38 PM
Individual cases where police officers abuse their authority and break the law should be prosecuted according to the law. Demonizing all police officers is as irrational as considering all young people stupid, filthy, emo punks just because YOU happen to be. It's even worse because unlike YOU, police perform an essential function in society.

why are punks or emo's filthy? whats wong with them ? just out of interest? what have they done wrong?

its irrational to call all young people emo's or punks granted

but what makes being an emo or a punk dressing a certain way be filthy and worthy of such disdain

i thought you lived in the home of freedom?

03-01-2009, 01:41 PM
why are punks or emo's filthy? whats wong with them ? just out of interest? what have they done wrong?

its irrational to call all young people emo's or punks granted

but what makes being an emo or a punk dressing a certain way be filthy and worthy of such disdain

i thought you lived in the home of freedom?

Kansuke is saying that if you demonize all cops, it's as bad as calling all emo kids filthy. He's not saying all emo kids are filthy.

03-01-2009, 01:44 PM
i feel bad for that police officer he loses his temper cuz some lil slat runs her mouth off and now his ruined i hope he keeps his job
only in western country can little kids insult officer of the law and give no respect without being beaten half to deth

golden arhat
03-01-2009, 01:48 PM
Kansuke is saying that if you demonize all cops, it's as bad as calling all emo kids filthy. He's not saying all emo kids are filthy.

"Demonizing all police officers is as irrational as considering all young people stupid, filthy, emo punks just because YOU happen to be"

read it again he didnt say its as bad calling all emo punk kids filthy and stupid

he said its as bad as calling all young people "stupid filthy emo punks" which would mean all emo and punk kids (which dont really exist anymore as subcultures but yeah) were filthy.

what a worrying attitude

golden arhat
03-01-2009, 01:51 PM
i feel bad for that police officer he loses his temper cuz some lil slat runs her mouth off and now his ruined i hope he keeps his job
only in western country can little kids insult officer of the law and give no respect without being beaten half to death

yeah western society's got it wrong:rolleyes: thats why we live better than the rest of the world

any culture that thinks beating some 15 year old girl up for shuffling a shoe at them (we dont know what was said)

is a backward culture.

03-01-2009, 01:52 PM
then dont do martial arts of my backward inferior culture

03-01-2009, 02:00 PM
yeah western society's got it wrong:rolleyes: thats why we live better than the rest of the world

any culture that thinks beating some 15 year old girl up for shuffling a shoe at them (we dont know what was said)

is a backward culture.

Who said it was ok? Why would we even be talking about it if it were not a 'shocking' video?

Meanwhile, in other cultures it is widely (culturally) accepted that girls that age and younger are the subject of genital mutilation and honor killings for any number of percieved offenses.

This is not the moment for self-loathing liberal guilt.

03-01-2009, 02:02 PM
What proof do you have of that?

Maybe you should learn to read.

I said that was "my belief". There is no "proof" required. What is here that you don't understand?

03-01-2009, 02:05 PM
i heared from a friend some teenage triad guy was cussing off my friend's uncle whois a police and my uncle finish him
people in this country too soft that wasnt a shock video she just got slammed to the wall what a bunch of poosies

what happened to all the hard ass super hardcore martial artist street talk huh

03-01-2009, 02:05 PM
Meanwhile, in other cultures it is widely (culturally) accepted that girls that age and younger are the subject of genital mutilation and honor killings for any number of percieved offenses.

What does any of that have to do with this case? Should this girl be happy that they didn't decide to slice off her clit instead?

03-01-2009, 02:08 PM
Maybe you should learn to read.

I said that was "my belief". There is no "proof" required. That is there here that you don't understand?

If you have no proof whatsoever, then that is a pretty ****ing irresponsible thing to say. You should be ashamed of yourself. Don't ever try to pass off any more of your liberal self-righteous agenda again, because you have just thrown away any pretense to credibility you ever had. What a ****ing punk.

03-01-2009, 02:10 PM
What does any of that have to do with this case? Should this girl be happy that they didn't decide to slice off her clit instead?

I didn't bring up comparative cultures, your fellow little irrational punk did.

03-01-2009, 02:17 PM
I like the rest of the "punks" here.

The Punk

03-01-2009, 02:52 PM
The best punk band was the Sex Pistols...crappy emo is rubbish in comparison...and no, Green Day is not punk, it's easy listening wanker compost.

Most emo are actually clean from what I've seen: all clean shaven, nice new clothes, specially manicured hair with elitist gel, and those square glasses...plus new shoes. They are all from the suburbs after all, and have a hard life as well.:rolleyes:

golden arhat
03-01-2009, 02:53 PM
then dont do martial arts of my backward inferior culture

i dont practise chinese martial arts

golden arhat
03-01-2009, 02:56 PM
The best punk band was the Sex Pistols...crappy emo is rubbish in comparison...and no, Green Day is not punk, it's easy listening wanker compost.

Most emo are actually clean from what I've seen: all clean shaven, nice new clothes, specially manicured hair with elitist gel, and those square glasses...plus new shoes. They are all from the suburbs after all, and have a hard life as well.:rolleyes:

the best punk band of all time are either anti flag or minor threat (cross over but still)

golden arhat
03-01-2009, 02:57 PM
Who said it was ok?

bawang did.

03-01-2009, 03:06 PM
im not saying its ok im saying i understand, police officers face a lot of pressure
if u dont practice chinese chinese martial arts stop spewing girly bullsh1t for 2 years over 2000 posts
an emo listenging to punk rock must be a hardcore mma streetfighter rigth

you get a hard on tlaking about extreme cage combat hard core talking sh1t about tradidional kung but when talking about real life violence get so sensitive like some kind of homersexual

03-01-2009, 03:56 PM
The best punk band was the Sex Pistols...crappy emo is rubbish in comparison...and no, Green Day is not punk, it's easy listening wanker compost.

Most emo are actually clean from what I've seen: all clean shaven, nice new clothes, specially manicured hair with elitist gel, and those square glasses...plus new shoes. They are all from the suburbs after all, and have a hard life as well.:rolleyes:

Wait a minute! Emo? What the hell is that? Sound like a big assie bird to me!:o

03-01-2009, 04:22 PM
Should this girl be happy that they didn't decide to slice off her clit instead?

And we can see by the way you chose to word that, just how much respect you have for women. You truly are an empty headed little punk.

03-01-2009, 04:37 PM
And we can see by the way you chose to word that, just how much respect you have for women. You truly are an empty headed little punk.

Yeah, us "punks" don't have no respect for anybody!

By the way who is the "we" that you speak of? There is nobody, zero, nada, on this board that would consider you part of "we".

03-01-2009, 04:46 PM
I heard that they were trying reeeeeeeeeeeally hard to keep that video from getting out.thats no shocker... bad for their dwindling credibity in the public relations sector.

i feel bad for that police officer he loses his temper cuz some lil slat runs her mouth off and now his ruined i hope he keeps his job.awwww... big bad tough police officer can't handle some little girls mouth. poor guy... she must have struck a real nerve. he doesn't deserve a job-what he deserves is to be locked in a room with the girls dad. :D

Don't ever try to pass off any more of your liberal self-righteous agenda again.like you could do anything about it anyway. :rolleyes:

03-01-2009, 06:02 PM
Yeah, us "punks" don't have no respect for anybody!

Apparently not.

03-01-2009, 06:07 PM
like you could do anything about it anyway. :rolleyes:

Yup, you can't cure 'stupid.'

03-01-2009, 06:12 PM
Yup, you can't cure 'stupid.'awww, come on buddy... i am sure their is help for you out there somewhere. :p

03-01-2009, 06:17 PM
So, shouldn't you be heading for your local police station to "fight back?"

03-01-2009, 06:20 PM
So, shouldn't you be heading for your local police station to "fight back?"you don't have to throw fists and burn down buildings to fight back... you can simply instigate peoples minds and strike the right chords through the subtle use of words. :)

03-01-2009, 06:28 PM
you don't have to throw fists and burn down buildings to fight back... you can simply instigate peoples minds and strike the right chords through the subtle use of words. :)

Hmmm...that doesn't sound as tough as "put these idiots in their place." :rolleyes:

03-01-2009, 06:31 PM
Hmmm...that doesn't sound as tough as "put these idiots in their place."there's a time and place for everything... goes to show the level of your mentality, equating tough solely on physical prowess is asinine, but then again, i would expect nothing less from you. :D

Taryn P.
03-01-2009, 08:57 PM
Who said it was ok? Why would we even be talking about it if it were not a 'shocking' video?

Meanwhile, in other cultures it is widely (culturally) accepted that girls that age and younger are the subject of genital mutilation and honor killings for any number of percieved offenses.

This is not the moment for self-loathing liberal guilt.

To get off on a bit of a tangent.....Genital mutilation (of both genders) is still done today in many cultures for no percieved "offense" at all. Just the misfortune of having been born that gender in that culture.

03-01-2009, 09:16 PM
there's a time and place for everything...

LOL. Funny how quickly the conviction and the big mouth fades into a little whimper.

03-01-2009, 09:19 PM
LOL. Funny how quickly the conviction and the big mouth fades into a little whimper.funny how you hear anything over the internet posting on this forum. :)

03-01-2009, 09:43 PM
you don't have to throw fists and burn down buildings to fight back... you can simply instigate peoples minds and strike the right chords through the subtle use of words. :)

I see you've done neither.

03-01-2009, 09:53 PM
I see you've done neither.well i have never burnt down a building... no, but i have laid out a few peeps, just not any police officers yet. :D

03-01-2009, 09:56 PM
Yeah! You'll show those *******s! Put them in their place!!!

..er, um, I mean....you could, um, subtly influence...um...thinking...you know, as long as it doesn't offend anyone...

Yeah! That's it!


Lee Chiang Po
03-01-2009, 10:16 PM
Abuse by police officers has pretty much become a thing of the past since the instalation of video camera's. Especially after the Rodney King thing. Actually, society (here in the usa) has taken the right to parent away from us and given the youth of today the rights to defy our authority. You can not force them to do anything as if you try you will only end up being prosicuted for it. Child abuse. And then when the authorities have to start dealing with them they want to lay it all off on the parents again. That is why our prison systems are so huge, and that is why they are filled mostly with our youth. It is not getting any better. I have given it some thought, and I have come to believe it was the draft that was our salvation. Since they have dropped it, our youth drops out of school or graduates, and then hit the streets in search of an easy buck. Usually robbing, pimping, or selling dope. I don't think the punk culture has much to do with it. I know a few kids that do the punk thing, and for the most part I think that they are pretty good kids. I was a thug and hoodlum growing up and long after I was grown, so I can not really condemn anyone except to say that there are some young people today that would be well served to have the hell beat out of them every now and then. Young jackels that don't even respect their parents.

Luk Hop
03-02-2009, 05:33 AM
........there are some young people today that would be well served to have the hell beat out of them every now and then. Young jackels that don't even respect their parents.

Are you a cop? Neocon? Teacher? Terrorist? ____________ (fill in the blank) :D

03-02-2009, 06:20 AM
Anyone who FORGETS there is a CAMERA recording should get what they deserve.
That Cop was an idiot, all he had to do was close that door and let time do his work for him.
He Does Not Deserve To be An Officer Of The Law Because He Is Stupid.

03-02-2009, 06:24 AM
Abuse by police officers has pretty much become a thing of the past since the instalation of video camera's. Especially after the Rodney King thing. Actually, society (here in the usa) has taken the right to parent away from us and given the youth of today the rights to defy our authority. You can not force them to do anything as if you try you will only end up being prosicuted for it. Child abuse. And then when the authorities have to start dealing with them they want to lay it all off on the parents again. That is why our prison systems are so huge, and that is why they are filled mostly with our youth. It is not getting any better. I have given it some thought, and I have come to believe it was the draft that was our salvation. Since they have dropped it, our youth drops out of school or graduates, and then hit the streets in search of an easy buck. Usually robbing, pimping, or selling dope. I don't think the punk culture has much to do with it. I know a few kids that do the punk thing, and for the most part I think that they are pretty good kids. I was a thug and hoodlum growing up and long after I was grown, so I can not really condemn anyone except to say that there are some young people today that would be well served to have the hell beat out of them every now and then. Young jackels that don't even respect their parents.

No one deserves to be beaten. We have laws against that and a due process when the law is broken. When power is abused by people we entrust to uphold it, those people should be punished by the law.....

03-02-2009, 07:02 AM
Bad cops are a stain on on the good, decent and hard working Law enforcement people out there.
Its truly a shame and makes things far worse when people try to cover it up.
Best to admit to the problem and fix it, period.

03-03-2009, 10:03 AM
why are punks or emo's filthy?

Uki has recently admitted in another thread that he only bathes regularly in the summertime. I don't know if he is emo.

Bad cops are a stain on on the good, decent and hard working Law enforcement people out there.
Its truly a shame and makes things far worse when people try to cover it up.
Best to admit to the problem and fix it, period.

Amen to that.

Lee Chiang Po
03-03-2009, 10:30 PM
No one deserves to be beaten. We have laws against that and a due process when the law is broken. When power is abused by people we entrust to uphold it, those people should be punished by the law.....

This is the most common thought on this subject. That is until you yourself become a victim of some of these young jackels. Then the attitude seems to take a quick turn. This is the very reason we have so many young people in prison today, not because they are being mistreated. They get their way and with nothing but a hand slap until they do something that demands retribution. A good butt whipping would probably have prevented all the problems before it got to that point except that people don't believe in punishment any more. One of the largest industries in the US today is building prisons. I have seen 3 go up in the past 7 years that are within an hours drive of me. The vast majority of the guys in them are very young men. You will have to admit that something is wrong with our society at this point and needs to be fixed. When young people have alternatives to good behavior they will subscribe to it. Young people tend to make bad decisions most of the time. Murder is most commonly committed now by very young people that have absolutely no conscience at all.
Of course this does not mean that the police should be hammering on people. But they should allow parents to kick some butt when their kids get out of hand, instead of jailing them for abuse. Reinstating the draft would put a stop to most of it. I suspect that it is too late for this generation though. It is probably too late to anything from now on.

03-03-2009, 11:01 PM
I think a better deployment of police force could make a big difference. If even a fraction of the billions being ****ed away on the new New Deal went to hiring more police in big cities and these forces were heavily concentrated in high-crime areas the need for more new prisons might eventually decline, saving money in the long run and keeping more folks from the inner city from going to jail in the first place.

Reverend Tap
03-03-2009, 11:36 PM
Bringing this back to another thread, ending the drug war (or even simply decriminalizing some of the "softer" drugs) would actually go a long way toward helping alleviate the situation. Releasing nonviolent drug offenders (based on their actions no longer being considered criminal) would practically end the problem of prison overcrowding (and the resulting boom in the building and operation of new prisons) on its own, and would save the existing police force a ton of time, resources, and manpower, allowing them to concentrate on dealing with real crime much more effectively. In general, I think that "never use an authoritarian solution to a problem when a libertarian one can do just as well" is a good rule to live by.

It is also true that there are some areas (not everywhere by any means) that need to tighten up their standards in terms of hiring and training police officers. Most that I've dealt with personally have been decent people, though.

I'm not going to comment on parenting, as I don't think I can make any sort of informed statement on the subject.

03-04-2009, 12:05 AM
Bringing this back to another thread, ending the drug war (or even simply decriminalizing some of the "softer" drugs) would actually go a long way toward helping alleviate the situation. Releasing nonviolent drug offenders (based on their actions no longer being considered criminal) would practically end the problem of prison overcrowding (and the resulting boom in the building and operation of new prisons) on its own, and would save the existing police force a ton of time, resources, and manpower, allowing them to concentrate on dealing with real crime much more effectively. In general, I think that "never use an authoritarian solution to a problem when a libertarian one can do just as well" is a good rule to live by.

It is also true that there are some areas (not everywhere by any means) that need to tighten up their standards in terms of hiring and training police officers. Most that I've dealt with personally have been decent people, though.

I'm not going to comment on parenting, as I don't think I can make any sort of informed statement on the subject.

To be honest though, the prisons are so over crowded today that the vast majority of your non-violent drug offenders are not serving time. There seems to be too many wife beaters, thieves and murderers that need the beds.

From what I've seen on these TV documentaries prison is a funny place. Richard Pryor once made a joke "Thank God for prisons"...he was right. Most of the people you see on these TV specials have totally lost their minds and can never function on the outside...Shawshank Redemption it ain't!:D

Reverend Tap
03-04-2009, 12:58 AM
To be honest though, the prisons are so over crowded today that the vast majority of your non-violent drug offenders are not serving time. There seems to be too many wife beaters, thieves and murderers that need the beds.

From what I've seen on these TV documentaries prison is a funny place. Richard Pryor once made a joke "Thank God for prisons"...he was right. Most of the people you see on these TV specials have totally lost their minds and can never function on the outside...Shawshank Redemption it ain't!:D

Careful you don't overgeneralize.

I've known many people who've been in prison at one point or another. It's not all psychotic murderers and rapists in there.

On the flip side, though, prison is also not exactly the best place for helping the sane folks stay sane.

Luk Hop
03-04-2009, 05:24 AM
.....freeing up space in the prisons would allow room for political dissidents.

David Jamieson
03-04-2009, 06:20 AM
yep, nothing like a clip of the one bad apple, or two to get the hippies and anarchists all aroused out of their otherwise drugged and stupified state of mind.

pfft. so fire the cop and recompense the girl for damages.

end of story.

03-04-2009, 08:02 AM
Bringing this back to another thread, ending the drug war (or even simply decriminalizing some of the "softer" drugs) would actually go a long way toward helping alleviate the situation. Releasing nonviolent drug offenders (based on their actions no longer being considered criminal) would practically end the problem of prison overcrowding (and the resulting boom in the building and operation of new prisons) on its own, and would save the existing police force a ton of time, resources, and manpower, allowing them to concentrate on dealing with real crime much more effectively. In general, I think that "never use an authoritarian solution to a problem when a libertarian one can do just as well" is a good rule to live by.good post... remember though that the prison industry is big money.

.....freeing up space in the prisons would allow room for political dissidents.bingo.