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View Full Version : Dragons, a mythical beast...

03-24-2009, 06:38 PM
Here Be Dragons!!! (http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/03/24/komodo.dragon/index.html?iref=mpstoryview)

03-24-2009, 07:07 PM
since its spring i'll share my take on the dragons... they are part of nearly every culture and mythology across the globe.

as the planet spins about in its celestial orbit, it goes thru a set of 12 ages which last approximately 2,160 years and each age is like a galactic month... we are currently entering the age of aquarius, which is the first month of spring - rebirth.

now on our planet certain creatures go into hibernation as part of their winter activity cycles and emerge according to the natural clock of the seasons... so in spring, they emerge refreshed from a long winters sleep. now if a galactic month(age) is about 2,160 years, three months(ages) would amount to 6,480 years, plenty of time to lose some facts in the past... another thing to take into account is the differentials of certain cycles, for instance: the cicada goes dormant for 17 years or so, some for 13 years... i believe that dragons are nothing more than a part of the fauna of this planet only that they are still asleep, perhaps soon to wake up, but most definitely in synch with some internal celestial clock in alignment with the periodic cycles of the planetary ages. :)

03-24-2009, 07:28 PM
He was talking about Komodo Dragons, Crazy Man.

03-24-2009, 08:01 PM
He was talking about Komodo Dragons, Crazy Man.i was talking about actual dragons from mythology, military man. :p

taai gihk yahn
03-24-2009, 08:11 PM
the Chinese idea of the dragon derives from the alligator (or crocodile, whichever is in China); in Chinese mythology, dragons swim underwater, or fly through the air (same diff, really, in terms of the sinuous motion); they also "murmor" (one of our qigong practices is to murmor like a dragon) - this was deduced by my teacher based on the "murmor" sound made by gators / crocs;

also, if you look at landscape patterns, you will see "dragons", in terms of the mountain ridge chains which look like dragon spines, dragon claws, dragon heads / mouths and the pearls they "play" with (I have some pics of this from, of all laces, Tuscanny, where we did a rereat ~5 years ago - the place where we had it happened to be on a hill that conformed to a "pearl"); so, in terms of fauna "hibernating", maybe it's more the "flora" and underlying geological aspects - although, the "fauna" would then also be part of the dragon (and Excalibur - it's part of the Dragon too, Merlin!:D)

03-24-2009, 08:16 PM
what a bunch of freaks...i only posted it because i think it's all too rare that man gets killed by other creatures besides himself...we've lost a basic fear of uncontrolled death.

this lack of fear of our environment, and the creatures within it, could be a root cause of our destruction of our biosphere.

taai gihk yahn
03-24-2009, 08:23 PM
what a bunch of freaks...i only posted it because i think it's all too rare that man gets killed by other creatures besides himself...we've lost a basic fear of uncontrolled death.

this lack of fear of our environment, and the creatures within it, could be a root cause of our destruction of our biosphere.

actually, I would suggest that the predicament in which we find ourselves is based on fear of the environment - meaning that technology is basically a way of controlling the environment such that we have less fear of being killed by it (ironic, I know, whatever); now we have gotten to the point where we think we are "in control", and so, yes, we don't "fear" it the same way - but of course, now we have a lot more to be afraid of, having gotten rid of one type of threat (wild beasties eating us, freezing to death in winter) and replaced it with certain other more compelling ones (nuclear war, ecological meltdown)

BTW, had a great port this weekend - Grahams 20 year old...

03-24-2009, 08:27 PM
actually, I would suggest that the predicament in which we find ourselves is based on fear of the environment - meaning that technology is basically a way of controlling the environment such that we have less fear of being killed by it (ironic, I know, whatever); now we have gotten to the point where we think we are "in control", and so, yes, we don't "fear" it the same way - but of course, now we have a lot more to be afraid of, having gotten rid of one type of threat (wild beasties eating us, freezing to death in winter) and replaced it with certain other more compelling ones (nuclear war, ecological meltdown)

BTW, had a great port this weekend - Grahams 20 year old...

i think we are saying the same thing...the fear lead to trying to dominate it as soon as technologically possible. i don't think that's ironic, only too obvious in retrospect. every organism seeks to dominate/control it's environment however it can.

port wine or beer?

taai gihk yahn
03-24-2009, 08:41 PM
i think we are saying the same thing...the fear lead to trying to dominate it as soon as technologically possible. i don't think that's ironic, only too obvious in retrospect. every organism seeks to dominate/control it's environment however it can.
tru dat, double tru!

port wine or beer?
wine, sorry; actually compared it to the 10 year, very interesting to see / smell / taste the difference (well, the difference now is that the 20 bottle went into the fridge for future consumption; the 10 was mixed the next evening w/butter and garlic and added to grilled shrimp, LOL)

03-24-2009, 08:52 PM
A had a friend who owned a komodo dragon. It was startled once and bit his hand. He stayed calm and let his pet settle down. It let go after it realized nothing was wrong. and my friend wasn't upset at all.

People don't realize... once you leave your civilization, you are now part of the food chain.

taai gihk yahn
03-24-2009, 08:57 PM
A had a friend who owned a komodo dragon. It was startled once and bit his hand. He stayed calm and let his pet settle down. It let go after it realized nothing was wrong. and my friend wasn't upset at all.

People don't realize... once you leave your civilization, you are now part of the food chain.

Lama Pai Sifu (on this forum), used to have a monitor; he has a nifty story about what flicking it's tail did to his friend's leg...

03-26-2009, 01:26 PM
People don't realize... once you leave your civilization, you are now part of the food chain.now the 25,000 dollar question is... WHAT will eat our civilization?

03-26-2009, 01:28 PM
now the 25,000 dollar question is... WHAT will eat our civilization?



03-26-2009, 01:51 PM
A Warning. (http://weblogs.amny.com/news/sports/gameface/blog/godzilla_bw.jpg)

03-26-2009, 10:00 PM
He was talking about Komodo Dragons, Crazy Man.
They used to have those things here at the Cincinnati Zoo.

Reverend Tap
03-26-2009, 10:47 PM
A Warning. (http://weblogs.amny.com/news/sports/gameface/blog/godzilla_bw.jpg)

Feh, we've got bigger things (http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z275/Bloodaxe726/cthulhu-6.jpg) to worry about...

03-28-2009, 06:13 PM
now the 25,000 dollar question is... WHAT will eat our civilization?

Maybe there will be a Knucklehead revolution where they will all rise and whip us to death with their MMA fighting shorts..LOL,LOL.

Seriously speaking, if we don't watch it we will be destroyed by the same people who are telling us to contribute $$$$$ to save the environment. While the extension of the same people bomb whole societies into oblivion with their environmentally unfriendly bombs!

03-28-2009, 06:17 PM
Feh, we've got bigger things (http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z275/Bloodaxe726/cthulhu-6.jpg) to worry about...

That looks like SimonM's forum picture...lol

03-28-2009, 07:11 PM
You need new material, TYGM.

03-30-2009, 07:47 PM
You need new material, TYGM.

You are my new material....LOL!

03-30-2009, 11:36 PM
Are you honestly unaware of how painfully lame your every attempt at humor is, TYGM? :confused:

03-31-2009, 09:14 AM
Are you honestly unaware of how painfully lame your every attempt at humor is, TYGM? :confused:

You may be right as your posts seem to make me laugh more than my posts make you laugh...LOL

By the way, this thread is about Dragons and not little slimey, oily wrestling internet lizards, so shoo, shoo, out you go!