View Full Version : 12-Week Body Transformation

Lama Pai Sifu
03-31-2009, 05:27 AM
Hey all, I just completed 84 days (12 weeks) of straight training to get my body back to where it used to be. Not sure if any of you will be impressed with the results or not....

I hope they don't 'impress' you so much, as 'impress upon you' that anyone in any condition can make a change. And for those of you that are already in great/super shape...I bow my head to you!

I got out of shape over the last 6-8 years...a few lbs. added every year until I had about 60 extra!!! Enough was Enough.

I lost 35 lbs. of fat during the 84 days and added 8 lbs. of lean muscle. Here is a pic.

12-Week Transformation Photo (http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l212/longislandonline/12WeekSide2.jpg)

For those of you who are on facebook, add me and you can see some other pics and read my blog during my transformation.

Peace and best of luck to everyone.

03-31-2009, 05:30 AM
Well done Michael !
I iwll be starting a phase soon myself.
Due to the weather here in the winter, I use the winter to "bulk up" and powerlift and then come the nice spring and summer I increase the cardio and cycle in more of a endurance phase.

Notice you got some sun to, you ******* !!

03-31-2009, 05:34 AM
You're a hero. I've been going at a slow pace in comparison, losing 15 pounds in four months, with 15 to go. Your motivating.

David Jamieson
03-31-2009, 05:39 AM
p90x baby!

way to go man.

I did the p90x last summer and am doing it again come june.

It is a great system. Did you use it or did you follow another routine?

I found all the www.beachbody.com stuff to be superior to pretty much anything else out there, so i would be interested to know what your method was.

Lama Pai Sifu
03-31-2009, 05:42 AM
No..I have my own Routine David. I did see the infomercial though....looks awesome.

I only train for between 20-50 minutes per day, 6 days per week. I eat 6 times a day as well, 6 days per week. Equal portions of carbs and proteins and low fat.

That's pretty much it. :)

03-31-2009, 05:51 AM
No..I have my own Routine David. I did see the infomercial though....looks awesome.

I only train for between 20-50 minutes per day, 6 days per week. I eat 6 times a day as well, 6 days per week. Equal portions of carbs and proteins and low fat.

That's pretty much it. :)

On top of your typical MA training right?

Lama Pai Sifu
03-31-2009, 05:57 AM
Yes, that has nothing to do with any MA training. No bag work, sparring, forms, strength training, stretching, body conditining, etc.

20 minute cardio workouts (3X per week)

30-50 minute weight workouts (3X per week)

I still have to lose 20+ lbs of fat...it should be off in another 8-10 weeks

03-31-2009, 06:01 AM
Yes, that has nothing to do with any MA training. No bag work, sparring, forms, strength training, stretching, body conditining, etc.

20 minute cardio workouts (3X per week)

30-50 minute weight workouts (3X per week)

I still have to lose 20+ lbs of fat...it should be off in another 8-10 weeks

You know, I never asked but I always assumed that MA instruction was your full time job, correct?

Dale Dugas
03-31-2009, 06:08 AM

congrats on the results.

Being in grad school, working, teaching and running around teaching is tough on a regular schedule.

But Im going to see what I can do.

03-31-2009, 06:20 AM
Hey all, I just completed 84 days (12 weeks) of straight training to get my body back to where it used to be.

Does that mean you're not gay anymore? j/k

Lama Pai Sifu
03-31-2009, 06:25 AM
Does that mean you're not gay anymore? j/k

Still a little gay...but I'm trying! In the gym, I only use the Straight Bar....now if I could only do the same on the weekends... snap, snap, snap


03-31-2009, 07:11 AM

David Jamieson
03-31-2009, 07:36 AM
Yes, that has nothing to do with any MA training. No bag work, sparring, forms, strength training, stretching, body conditining, etc.

20 minute cardio workouts (3X per week)

30-50 minute weight workouts (3X per week)

I still have to lose 20+ lbs of fat...it should be off in another 8-10 weeks

well lemme say this.

you will have a lot more success packaging the program and selling it through your schools or through video compared to the success you'll have teaching martial arts.

martial arts, keep for yourself and the dedicated, but trimming up and losing unsightly fat, well geez, there's something 65% of america could use and would buy!

Lama Pai Sifu
03-31-2009, 10:20 AM
No doubt David. You don't need to convince people that they NEED this. When you tell them about KF training they are like..."well, that would be good....if I had to defend my village against bandits and ****..." LOL


03-31-2009, 11:18 AM
I eat 6 times a day as well, 6 days per week. Equal portions of carbs and proteins and low fat.

do you fast for one day a week or eat at a different rate on the 7th day?

03-31-2009, 11:28 AM
do you fast for one day a week or eat at a different rate on the 7th day?

That;s when he rests, just like all other omnipotent beings.

Wong Ying Home
03-31-2009, 11:59 AM
Well Done Mike, outstanding results in only 12 weeks, just make sure you keep the tendons nice and supple

03-31-2009, 12:02 PM
Well Done Mike, outstanding results in only 12 weeks, just make sure you keep the tendons nice and supple

First Gay, now nice and supple tendons...yeesh !

Lama Pai Sifu
03-31-2009, 12:17 PM
I eat whatever I want on Sundays. (no, not another gay reference...you sickos)

I rarely train on Sundays...well, sometimes..but maybe once every few weeks only.

6 days on, 1 day off.

Thanks for the kind words everyone!

Yes...even for the 'gay' jokes.

03-31-2009, 01:05 PM
Congrats, I don't know how anyone couldn't be impressed with those results.

taai gihk yahn
03-31-2009, 01:23 PM
Congrats, I don't know how anyone couldn't be impressed with those results.

well, HW108 hasn't posted on this thread yet...;)

anyway, congrats to Mike, my kung-fu si-hing! FWIW, I also participated in the "12-week" program (and have the pics to prove it); although the results aren't as astounding (stuck to the diet, did most of the cardio, didn't do as much of the weights), I am ~20 lbs. down myself, which is very gratifying, having gone somewhat "to pot" over the last 4 years: basically had most of my training time co-opted by the birth of my son, for who I am the primary caregiver (mom's an OB/GYN, so her life's crazed); of course, I wouldn't trade a second of it, but now that he's in school I have more time on my hands, so I'm back to the regimen; anyway, I am still about 15 lbs. shy of where I want to be (155 or so) - it may take another 6, 8 or 12 weeks, but I will get there, that's for certain - then I'll post my pics...

thanks again to my gay...er, my great friend Mike for his inspiration and support!

03-31-2009, 01:25 PM
well, HW108 hasn't posted on this thread yet...

Now you did it...

..basically had most of my training time co-opted by the birth of my son, for who I am the primary caregiver (mom's an OB/GYN, so her life's crazed); of course, I wouldn't trade a second of it...

I feel your pain bro, try it with TWO kids !

03-31-2009, 01:32 PM
Nice Work man!!

Gonna do the Master Cleanse first. Then I might try your method.
Do you have the breakdown on your blog?

Lama Pai Sifu
03-31-2009, 02:18 PM
the basic outline is there...knowing the right food is really key. How i do weight training or cardio is NOT there however.

I think a cleanse is good. I have heard about the master cleanse.

03-31-2009, 10:20 PM
LPS-that sounds exactly like the Body for Life program. It gives amazing results.
What supplements are you taking?

04-01-2009, 06:12 AM
the basic outline is there...knowing the right food is really key. How i do weight training or cardio is NOT there however.

I think a cleanse is good. I have heard about the master cleanse.

Sounds like someone got Wii Fit for X-Mas.;)

Lama Pai Sifu
04-01-2009, 06:26 AM
Sounds like someone got Wii Fit for X-Mas.;)

I wish....apparently I wasn't 'good enough' this year...

Lama Pai Sifu
04-01-2009, 06:28 AM
LPS-that sounds exactly like the Body for Life program. It gives amazing results.
What supplements are you taking?

Aside from a daily multivitamin, not much.

I do take NO-Xplode before my weight workouts. Oxegenates the blood and gives a great pump.

Other than that, nothing but an occassional fat burner.

04-01-2009, 06:53 AM
Nice Work man!!

Gonna do the Master Cleanse first. Then I might try your method.
Do you have the breakdown on your blog?

Master Cleanse?

04-01-2009, 10:19 AM
Master Cleanse?

Basically a 10 day program/fast. You drink a mixture of pure lemon juice,maple syrup and cayenne pepper and eat no foods for the 10 days.

A couple of friends of mine have done it and the results were positive.

Some dropped about 15 to 20 pounds. A good way to detoxify the nasties in your system as well from what I've heard.

I just googled it....seems like there is quite a lot of info about it.

04-01-2009, 10:46 AM
Basically a 10 day program/fast. You drink a mixture of pure lemon juice,maple syrup and cayenne pepper and eat no foods for the 10 days.

A couple of friends of mine have done it and the results were positive.

Some dropped about 15 to 20 pounds. A good way to detoxify the nasties in your system as well from what I've heard.

I just googled it....seems like there is quite a lot of info about it.

Well, there aren't really "nasties" in your system per say and anyone that has had to get any Intestinal track exams knows that it doesn't tkae much to clean those insides.
My Mom and Dad had one done last month as part of their yearly physical, it was a combination down the throat and up the butt exam, LOL !
All they did was take a special "enema" and only clear fluids for 24 hours ( plus the day of exam) and their intestines were as clear as crystal.
So I don't really go much for those cleansing things.
However, that said, in terms of a diet program I have heard goos thinsg about it, I will google it.

04-01-2009, 10:52 AM
I did find this:


Health claims

Stanley Burroughs and other authors say that The Master Cleanse will eliminate toxins (pesticides, hormones, prescription drugs, chemical fertilizers, heavy metals) and congestion that have built up in the body.[2] For people in good health, the body is designed to eliminate normal everyday toxins from itself through the lungs, kidneys, liver, and other eliminator organs.[5] As with other detox diets, there is no peer-reviewed scientific evidence of any positive effect.[4]Supporters of the Master Cleanse have credited it with helping them lose weight, increase energy, and even alleviate some chronic diseases and increase sexual stamina, but there is no empirical peer-reviewed evidence that it achieves anything other than weight loss. Some people who sell the products for the diet are also doctors, and say that they've seen positive health effects such as the disappearance of acne, clearer vision, increased energy, the disappearance of dark circles around eyes.[citation needed]

Nutritionist Jane Clark points to a lack of essential nutrients in this program, citing a deficiency of protein, vitamins, and minerals in the regimen[6] although dietary deficiencies in protein may not lead to the individual showing signs of protein deficiency if it is followed only for a short time. As a result of these deficiencies, including far fewer calories than the recommended amount for health and optimum functioning, individuals on the diet may experience headaches and a variety of other symptoms in the short term.[6] Dr. Joel Fuhrman relates these effects to detoxification, which he says passes after the toxins are eliminated.[7] Many authors assert the benefits of fasting are related to its lack of nutrients, particularly macronutrients.[7][8][9][10] It could be dangerous if followed in the long term.[6]

Clark also believes that the saltwater "flush" may remove both harmful and beneficial bacteria from the body[6]. A no-food diet may cause the gut to stop passing food, resulting in constipation, or may make the consumption of food immediately after the cleanse painful. People with intestinal conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome may experience discomfort while on the cleanse. Some people who have followed the cleanse feel that a 14-day regimen of the program will eliminate that condition altogether; however, this may be a manifestation of the placebo effect, as there is no peer reviewed scientific evidence of this possible outcome.

[edit] Used for weight loss

Many proponents of the cleanse do not recommend it solely for weight loss, instead mentioning its purported detoxifying properties, however Dr. Sunil Patel of Halifax's QEII Health Sciences Centre says the cleanse operates as a placebo and has no other health benefits.[11] When following the Master Cleanse, people will certainly lose weight.[12]

Some people in the entertainment industry have used this fast for rapid weight loss, leading members of the public to follow their example and use what has been described as an extreme fad diet[13] as a crash diet. In 2006, the cleanse received media attention as a result of being embraced by some celebrities. The singer/actress Beyoncé did it for 14 days and lost 22 lb (9 kg) for her role in the 2006 movie Dreamgirls.[11] Other celebrities include rapper Trina who did this liquid diet for 13 days and Howard Stern's cohost Robin Quivers claims to have lost 73 lb using the Master Cleanse. Similarly, Jared Leto says he lost the weight he gained to play 'Mark David Chapman' (he gained 62 lb) all from the master cleanse.[14] A form of cleanse diet was featured in the TV-show "The Office" in the episode, "Weight Loss" in which Kelly Kapoor goes on cleanse diet in an attempt to lose weight.

Medical authorities say that those who try the Master Cleanse to lose weight will gain it back in time.[13] Beyoncé denounced using the cleanse as a weight-loss program, stating, "I wouldn't recommend it if someone wasn't doing a movie ... there are other ways to lose weight."[11] The Master Cleanse is not recommended by most mainstream doctors,[15] who don't recommend detox diets, considering them unnecessary and potentially dangerous.[5]

04-01-2009, 10:56 AM
i use Sonne's 7 (http://www.kliescolon.com/Sform7.htm) every now and then.

04-01-2009, 11:05 AM
i use Sonne's 7 (http://www.kliescolon.com/Sform7.htm) every now and then.

When a volcano erupts, there is often a fine steam or mist released...

I stopped reading after this cause I was laughing so much !!

04-01-2009, 11:22 AM
Sanjuro- I read the same things.... no doubt there are some debunkers and for good reasons too.
I have seen people do it and revert back to bad habits, putting the weight back quicker than the ten days it took to shed.

A buddy of mine did it and has stuck to a pretty good regiment and has managed to keep the weight off and stay healthy. But like a lot of things, the method will vary with different peoples metabolisms and genetics.

When I do it I will post some results.

04-01-2009, 11:27 AM
Sanjuro- I read the same things.... no doubt there are some debunkers and for good reasons too.
I have seen people do it and revert back to bad habits, putting the weight back quicker than the ten days it took to shed.

A buddy of mine did it and has stuck to a pretty good regiment and has managed to keep the weight off and stay healthy. But like a lot of things, the method will vary with different peoples metabolisms and genetics.

When I do it I will post some results.

Cool, please do.

04-01-2009, 02:08 PM
I stopped reading after this cause I was laughing so much !!

I wonder how much research they had to do to figure that out about volcanos

Lama Pai Sifu
04-01-2009, 06:04 PM
Just eat a lot of green veggies...plenty of fiber. Or take a fiber supplement.

I wouldn't like the idea of not eating protein for days...I'm not interested in my body cannibalizing my muscle....

04-01-2009, 11:20 PM
Cool **** Mike:cool: It'd be nice to see a form demo with your new found pump (no ****) :D

04-02-2009, 05:19 AM
Just eat a lot of green veggies...plenty of fiber. Or take a fiber supplement.

I wouldn't like the idea of not eating protein for days...I'm not interested in my body cannibalizing my muscle....

One of my many issues with "cleansings".

Lama Pai Sifu
04-02-2009, 06:41 AM
Cool **** Mike:cool: It'd be nice to see a form demo with your new found pump (no ****) :D

Thanks Diego...I'll probably start filming some stuff again in a month or two. I am looking forward to filming some forms. Doing them with 40 or so less pounds can make a real difference. I'm already feeling ten times faster..

David Jamieson
04-02-2009, 07:29 AM
cleansing programs, are..... a scam.

they are one more thing that panders to fat people who don't want to do the work and think they can just eat or drink something that will lose all the weight for them and they can go on to live with their destructive lifestyles and crappy diets.

wanna clean your intestines out?

water, lemon juice and high fibre intake. Fiber scrubs, lemon has the astringent to break down and sticky stuff and the water keeps everything flushed.

alternately, you can get a packet of "clean prep" (the substance they use for colonoscopies) and that will completely clean your entire intestinal system virtually immediately. 24 hours and that thing is pink!

eat whole foods, exercise regularly, get your sleep, keep your water intake up.

the rest is a wish and a dream and a crock. master cleanse included.

do the work if you want the results, it's the ONLY way outside of stapling your gut shut and lyposuctioning all the dead fat out of you. :p


04-03-2009, 01:32 AM
cleansing programs, are..... a scam.

they are one more thing that panders to fat people who don't want to do the work and think they can just eat or drink something that will lose all the weight for them and they can go on to live with their destructive lifestyles and crappy diets.

wanna clean your intestines out?

water, lemon juice and high fibre intake. Fiber scrubs, lemon has the astringent to break down and sticky stuff and the water keeps everything flushed.

alternately, you can get a packet of "clean prep" (the substance they use for colonoscopies) and that will completely clean your entire intestinal system virtually immediately. 24 hours and that thing is pink!

eat whole foods, exercise regularly, get your sleep, keep your water intake up.

the rest is a wish and a dream and a crock. master cleanse included.

do the work if you want the results, it's the ONLY way outside of stapling your gut shut and lyposuctioning all the dead fat out of you. :p

What do you think about faith-healing and the fafct that our bodies have a clock that makes us urine without our say so but thank god for free will to not **** your pants unless scared, flustered, or intoxicated and mix all that with placebo effects?. :)

David Jamieson
04-06-2009, 01:19 PM
What do you think about faith-healing and the fafct that our bodies have a clock that makes us urine without our say so but thank god for free will to not **** your pants unless scared, flustered, or intoxicated and mix all that with placebo effects?. :)

faith healing?

physician, heal thine self.

voluntary and involuntary muscle control is a necessity. If a bag is full to the brim, it's gotta be emptied! lol

There are a lot of body functions that are autonomic. they have to be. If we had to actually give thought to every function of the body, we would be in a perpetual state of issuing and stopping commands to breath, blood to flow, the heart to pump, and so on.

the master cleanse system will be debunked soon enough.
It's a matter of someone spending the money on teh before and after blood tests.

not to mention, each of us will always have what is known as body burden.
body burden is all the toxins taht we swim through daily building up slowly in our bodies.

these days it is a little worse because we create a lot of synthetics that are now introduced into our environment , our air, our water and we cannot escape it whether you do a 45.95 usd cleanse or not.

genetics is a huge factor.

mind is a huge factor.

the human condition is the greatest factor.

always look to the aggregate data and never look to the extreme ends of the spectrum to determine where you are. If you are an extreme, you would know it soon enough.

p.s by the time you hit 100 years old, you'll probably be sick of this world and ready to leave it anyway. well, maybe not the world, but definitely the human behaviours within it. lol

04-06-2009, 01:26 PM
I'm already feeling ten times faster.. That's what your wife said!

04-06-2009, 01:27 PM
I remember when my Dad had his first Colonoscopy and had to take that stuff to clean out the intestines.
I took him there and was chatting with the technician and one of the doctors at the hospital and I mentioned all that detox stuff and enemas and that colonic cleansing and they laughed and said they hear that so much.
He then showed my some flim of what the intestines look like during the colonscopy and even I could see they were clean as a whistle.
He mentioned that most people neve rget the kind of fiber that they need to clean up the stomach real good and even if they did they wouldn't have a social life !
But more fiber and more water, anyone can use.
He didn't recommend takeing the stuff they take before a colonoscopy to clean out your insides, unless one was starting a lifestyle change and wanted a "clean start", pardon the pun.

04-06-2009, 01:30 PM
I remember when my Dad had his first Colonoscopy and had to take that stuff to clean out the intestines.
I took him there and was chatting with the technician and one of the doctors at the hospital and I mentioned all that detox stuff and enemas and that colonic cleansing and they laughed and said they hear that so much.
He then showed my some flim of what the intestines look like during the colonscopy and even I could see they were clean as a whistle.
He mentioned that most people neve rget the kind of fiber that they need to clean up the stomach real good and even if they did they wouldn't have a social life !
But more fiber and more water, anyone can use.
He didn't recommend takeing the stuff they take before a colonoscopy to clean out your insides, unless one was starting a lifestyle change and wanted a "clean start", pardon the pun.

I've had a colonoscopy, and I woke up during the procedure and watched about 15 seconds of video of my intestines as the camera was working around. Then, they saw me awake and gassed me again.

Mine looked nice and clean, from what I saw.

04-06-2009, 01:35 PM
I've had a colonoscopy, and I woke up during the procedure and watched about 15 seconds of video of my intestines as the camera was working around. Then, they saw me awake and gassed me again.

Mine looked nice and clean, from what I saw.

It doesn't take much, heck I recall a nasty stomach bug I got and it cleaned me up good in 24 hours !
LOL !!!

04-06-2009, 01:39 PM
You know when John Wayne died he had 25 pounds of sh!t in his colon.

That's why they called him the Duke.:D