View Full Version : Big Baby here.

04-11-2009, 07:00 AM
Cracked a rib last night sparring and boy does it hurt!! Hurts to laugh, breath, go up stairs, God forbid I sneeze. Can't even drive my car; clutch and shifting hurt. Having stiff suspension hurts when I hit bumps. I have speed bumps galore in my apartment complex. Sleeping hurts.

Gonna miss tournament next weekend.....maybe.....unless I can figure out a form in my repertoire that does not include rolling, jumping/high kicks, or any up and down movements......of wait....we don't have any my northern style. :( I'm stuck with Lien Huan.

Never sparring again........................................until I heal at least. :D

Vicodin oh sweet vicodin, how I love thee. :cool:

I need a woman to take care of me. But alas; ain't got no money, hence I ain't got no honey. :(

04-11-2009, 07:26 AM
wait until you roll over in your sleep.:eek:

04-11-2009, 07:29 AM
wait until you roll over in your sleep.:eek:

Did that a couple of times last night already. Not good

04-11-2009, 08:28 AM
You'd do better with getting a honey, if you stopped believing you need money to have one.

04-11-2009, 09:00 AM
buy some bees then u have honeys

04-11-2009, 09:22 AM
buy some bees then u have honeys

Quote of the year.

04-11-2009, 03:16 PM
I dislocated a rib 16 months ago. Took about 8 weeks before anything felt normal. I have a permanent knot where it dislocated, and when someone hits it, or I roll on it just right, it smarts pretty good.

04-12-2009, 06:00 PM
I may need to rethink my stand on chest protectors. I am not getting any younger. :o

04-13-2009, 06:50 AM
instead of contemplating wearing a chest protector, contemplate practicing proper blocking....one does not need protective gear if one cannot be struck.
I understand your thinking however, I always teach my students to look at the cause of the problem not the fix.

David Jamieson
04-13-2009, 09:58 AM
Having suffered cracked ribs and torn intercostal muscles, I sympathize with you!
Take it easy, take the time to meditate and focus on healing that up.
good luck and get well!

04-13-2009, 10:25 AM
instead of contemplating wearing a chest protector, contemplate practicing proper blocking....one does not need protective gear if one cannot be struck.
I understand your thinking however, I always teach my students to look at the cause of the problem not the fix.

Yeah, definitely need to block. Or at the very least learn to get the flock outta the way.

04-13-2009, 10:34 AM
big baby cause you got a cracked rip? no shame in complaining of the pain man. the **** hurts! going to be painful for a bit.

and the real question is, how did it happen?

David Jamieson
04-13-2009, 10:38 AM

and the real question is, how did it happen?

my money is on:

a) shin kick direct to the ribs

b) a throw

If it was a punch, it was super well placed and forcefully executed...or xcakid hasn't had a glass of milk in his life! lol :)

04-13-2009, 10:44 AM
my money is on:

a) shin kick direct to the ribs

b) a throw

If it was a punch, it was super well placed and forcefully executed...or xcakid hasn't had a glass of milk in his life! lol :)

c.) that thing called blocking, i forgot to do it.

04-13-2009, 01:08 PM
big baby cause you got a cracked rip? no shame in complaining of the pain man. the **** hurts! going to be painful for a bit.

and the real question is, how did it happen?

I was going for a punch, my opponent turned and threw a back kick. Since his leg is longer the my arm (heck his arm is longer than my arm), he connected first. :o

04-13-2009, 01:33 PM
busted my ribs twice in the last 3 years. SUCKS.

be happy its not the dead of winter anymore i guess. that shiat sucks.

there is a phase that REALLY sucks, its the part where you return to regular/semi regular training but EVERYTHING you do still bothers the ribs. Good luck with that.

<insert evil smiley>


David Jamieson
04-13-2009, 03:28 PM
I was going for a punch, my opponent turned and threw a back kick. Since his leg is longer the my arm (heck his arm is longer than my arm), he connected first. :o

well, i got the kick part right, just not the type. :p

no worries though because "this too shall pass" :)

golden arhat
04-14-2009, 05:07 PM
heheheh i'm 18 and my body defies injury:cool:

sucks to be you;)

eat lots of broccoli that **** has **** loads more calcium than milk
at least you wont fall for that trick twice :D

04-14-2009, 08:31 PM
heheheh i'm 18 and my body defies injury:cool:

You'll see...you'll see...just wait

David Jamieson
04-15-2009, 10:33 AM
heheheh i'm 18 and my body defies injury:cool:

sucks to be you;)

eat lots of broccoli that **** has **** loads more calcium than milk
at least you wont fall for that trick twice :D

oh, you are in for a rude rude rude awakening there young hubris filled fella.

someone's gonna smack ya now.

It's a karma thing, so when it happens, just think of what you've written here and you'll understand why. :p

04-15-2009, 10:43 AM
This is why I like I like the idea of full contact sparring without full force.

Accidents happen though so even if it was half force full contact not much you can do.

Hope you heal up ok.

Pork Chop
04-15-2009, 11:35 AM
After catching a flying knee to the ribs this weekend from the guy who dropped me in January with another knee to the ribs, i was gonna say "suck it up".
Unfortunately, while it didn't drop me this time & I soldiered through for another round and a half for our exhibition bout; I find myself in much the same boat now that the adrenaline's worn off.
Twisted both my ankles in that bout as well (outdoors, on uneven ground) and have some nasty bruises.
Taking the rest of the week off to heal up & get my motivation back.
Getting old stinks.

I'm torn though.
On one hand, I'm left with this distinct impression (from the other fighters at my gym) that I need to be sparring hard every workout in order to get better (my game was definitely off this weekend).
On the other hand, this week is reminding me why I only bang hard once in a while - if you're too banged up, you can't train, if you can't train you're not going to be as good come fight time.

04-15-2009, 11:53 AM
After catching a flying knee to the ribs this weekend from the guy who dropped me in January with another knee to the ribs, i was gonna say "suck it up".
Unfortunately, while it didn't drop me this time & I soldiered through for another round and a half for our exhibition bout; I find myself in much the same boat now that the adrenaline's worn off.
Twisted both my ankles in that bout as well (outdoors, on uneven ground) and have some nasty bruises.
Taking the rest of the week off to heal up & get my motivation back.
Getting old stinks.

I'm torn though.
On one hand, I'm left with this distinct impression (from the other fighters at my gym) that I need to be sparring hard every workout in order to get better (my game was definitely off this weekend).
On the other hand, this week is reminding me why I only bang hard once in a while - if you're too banged up, you can't train, if you can't train you're not going to be as good come fight time.

My sifu once said that to be good at fighting you must practice fighting -

of course when you fight you get hurt.

I don't train to be a fighter as some may - I like the health benifits ma offers and wish to practice into a rip old age.

injuries can prevent you from diong things when you get older and also healing time takes away from training time.

I hope that I could defend myself in a real world situation but I doubt I could hold up to a compitition for very long.

so I guess it depends on what your goals are.

04-15-2009, 12:22 PM
I don't train to be a fighter as some may - I like the health benifits ma offers and wish to practice into a rip old age.

Ya know, that is actually my view these days. Matter of fact in tournaments I am slowly but surely transitioning into a forms dancer.

However, there is still that voice in the back of my head that wants me to get out there and mix it up. Such as the case last Friday.

A few of the instructors and some intermediate student put on some pads and was mixing it up. I sat in the sidelines watching. However, after 5mins. I found myself putting on gloves, shin pads and headgear yelling "I got next" 30min later I was on my way to urgent care. :(

2 day later I am posting this thread.

And now, no tournament for me on Sat. and I already paid. :(

Pork Chop
04-16-2009, 07:37 AM
*snags a spot on the couch next to Al and asks him to pass the vicadin*
Woke up not able to breathe around 5am this morning.
Just got back from the ER.
It's official, mine's cracked too.

04-16-2009, 07:51 AM
****! You guys is busted up right good!
Gives me all the more faith in my love for body shots.
I love me some spinning back kicks.

04-16-2009, 07:56 AM
People get a skewed view of fighting by watching movies where people are taking an insane amount of body and head shots and are hopping right back up with vim and vigor. Fact is, you could end up permanently injured after your first match and never be able to train again. Is it worth it? Supervision helps, of course, but sometimes these things happen very fast.

Pork Chop
04-16-2009, 08:28 AM
I'll get back to light workouts next week (mostly cardio and shadowboxing).
Will slowly ramp up the intensity after that; should be close to normal intensity by the 1 month point.
I doubt that this will put July out of reach for me, but I'm pretty sure I could've hit a higher athletic peak by July if this hadn't happened.
That being said, I think it's a bad idea to put my body in anymore significant risk before July - doubt I'll be 100% by May 16 & the June event is out of the question.
Priority's gotta be on building up my technique, speed, explosiveness, strength, endurance, timing (via drills), and balance.

I'm gonna have to stand by my earlier statements:
Day-to-day sparring should be controlled and always with a purpose in mind.
Hard sparring is a once-in-a-while thing.
Yeah, fighting hurts - but if you're injured you can't train.

July's definitely my last hurrah.

04-16-2009, 09:27 AM
I doubt that this will put July out of reach for me, but I'm pretty sure I could've hit a higher athletic peak by July if this hadn't happened.
That being said, I think it's a bad idea to put my body in anymore significant risk before July - doubt I'll be 100% by May 16 & the June event is out of the question.
Priority's gotta be on building up my technique, speed, explosiveness, strength, endurance, timing (via drills), and balance.

I'm gonna have to stand by my earlier statements:
Day-to-day sparring should be controlled and always with a purpose in mind.
Hard sparring is a once-in-a-while thing.
Yeah, fighting hurts - but if you're injured you can't train.

July's definitely my last hurrah.

Yeah me too.

I will definitely be at Kung Fu legends. No sanda for me though :o Just forms and continious sparring. I will still do the open tournaments in May and June though.

I was telling a student who is doing Sanda. No more hard sparring in June. Lot of conditioning and drills but we have to minimize the likelyhood of injuries if he want to compete.